Life is But a Dream
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 7.5

A modern take on traditional Korean storytelling

I hadn’t heard of “ Madanggeuk” - a kind of modern version of political folk theatre in Korea - but I have heard of Pansori folk music before and this film is a charming mix of folk tales, the mandanggeuk with its focus on injustice and righting wrongs as well as a supernatural bent. I love Kim Ok Bin and her martial arts skills were a treat to watch. This isn’t a rip off of wuxia - it’s a full on look at Korean storytelling with modern music. It has nothing to do with Chinese traditions. Quite frankly, that other reviewer is talking nonsense. So cool that the director was able to create this dream world using such easily found technology.

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6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 1.5
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plot of the movie to avoid confusion

Dr.cheon is the eldest grandson of cheon family of shammas.He is incredibly talented in making talesman compared to his younger brother, but is not interested in becoming the heir. Dr.cheon's grandfather is a gifted shamman and chose his youngest grandson as the next family shamman, There is an evil guy who practices black magic ,He grew his power making use of human sacrifices. He is head of a cult and those people kidnap and kill civilians, retrieve their finger and makes an instrument which the villain use to control people temporarily to achieve what he wants to do. The villain strategically eliminates all possible threats which include shammas with good conscience and their gifted heirs, gifted individuals who posses ability to see the supernatural born outside the shamman lineage. They are the only people capable of putting up a fight. Dr.cheon is not aware of these facts for about 3/4th time of the movie. What he knows is that, his younger brother went missing and his grandfather found a evil talisman in his younger brothers pillow. Following this his grandfather and assistants performed a ritual in hope of finding the lost child and he witnessed that the villain they are after is incredibly strong. Later his grandfather located a cave inside a forest and found his lost grandson still alive there tied up. the villain possessed the body of the child and sneak attacked the grandfather. Grandfather untied his grandson and used a special talisman and his sword to lockup the evil guy but it was only half successful, his sword broke and the villain tore the talisman into two pieces . The villain killed the grandfather and grandson and used his cult followers to dispose their body faraway in a reed field, Dr.cheon and his grandfather's friend found their corpse in the reed field. They know they are against something very strong but have no idea where to find their enemy or the fact that there are civilian cult members aiding the villain. Dr.cheon under the pretence of exorcism travel from place to place to find any traces or clues, but he never encountered a real spirit, most of the cases were psychiatric cases and to bring peace to them he does fake exorcism and earns his living. He is always searching for news about supernatural encounters hoping he might find some clues. His efforts didn't go in vain, he encountered a genuine case which led him to eventually kill and imprison the soul of the villain inside the talisman which his grandfather made and this time it was a complete success. He also saved his client who happen to have the divine eyes to see spirits and ends up hiring her.

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de SieL68
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

To be honest, I'm not even sure what I've just watched

I saw this in passing on Netflix's Top 5 movie for a couple of days and it intrigued me specially seeing Ma DongSeok and Kim HyunSoo (from her role as the young FL on My Love From The Star) plus it's just an hour watch so it's pretty short and I watched it. I didn't know that 1-hour would take me 2 days to finish this movie.

I literally fell asleep in the middle of it so I finished it the following day and I was just completely lost. I don't know where the plot is going or what even happened after I finish. There might be people who really loves this movie but I know this is not my cup of tea. A good take-away with this is that now, I wanted to watch other Kim HyunSoo and Ma DongSeok's movies/dramas.

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Lei & Mar
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Simple yet beautiful

I adored this. A short and sweet sapphic film which wasn't high budget but still captured my heart. Do judge for yourself though, everyone likes different things! However, this is a 10/10 in my heart for the feelings I got from it. I'll admit, I'm a bit biased, but I've tried to judge this in a more objective way.

It's pretty simple, revolving around a few characters and events, but it's effective in making me love the characters. While it's relatively predictable, it was comfortable to watch and even brought me to tears by the end.

Presumably the actors were mostly amateur, but they still did a great job all round. I don't tend to notice acting unless it's really bad or off though so you might find it different. Lei's actress Ward especially impressed me with an emotional scene near the end!

I enjoyed the music but it wouldn't have hurt if there was a bit less of it.

I tend to rewatch things for comfort, and while I rarely go past my set few comfort dramas, I definitely would consider this to rewatch as a short and sweet sapphic story coming in at just under 40 minutes! :D

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Tropical Malady
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
A difficult film to perceive and accept what the creators, especially the director, wanted to say. Using cinematic-mystical images in the second half, he travels a lot to other dimensions, but no matter how hard I tried, this time, unlike other similar projects, the film did not touch me so much, although the film also collected some awards at various thematic film festivals. Overall, I rate 60% (it is interesting that at ČSFD I agree with the local pre-evaluator - three stars, with 60%, here at GT he already rates the same film much worse, below average).

Obtížný film na vnímání a přijetí toho, co tím chtěli tvůrci, především režisér říci. Pomocí filmově-mystických obrazů ve druhé půli zajíždí hodně do jiných dimenzí, ale ač jsem se snažil, tentokrát se mě, na rozdíl od jiných podobných projektů, snímek nedotkl tolik, ač sbíral film i nějaká ocenění na různých tématických filmových festivalech. Celkově hodnotím 60% (je zajímavé, že na ČSFD se s 60% shoduji se zdejším předhodnotitelem-tři hvězdy, zde na GT už hodnotí stejný film daleko hůře, podprůměrně).

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The Right Man - Because I Love You
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Zii3
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Touching, Mother & Son Navigating Coming Out.

I was surprised at how emotional it made me when it's only 16 min long (got a little choked up)! The focus is really on the relationship between the son and mother and the story is relatable from both character's perspective. The story overall is sweet.

On the Blued YouTube channel (in the USA).
The review by Giuca is also good and summarizes the details well.

My rating is reduced due to the scene that starts with the schoolmate forcing himself on the lead boy, which is brief and not at all graphic but trivialized with a light-hearted attitude. The lead boy has invited an anonymous boy from online to try things out with but changes his mind when he sees it's the school bully. The bully turns out to be very sweet to the boy but the way they start is problematic and didn't need to be written that way.

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The Weight
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
A terrible film about "HUMAN IMPERFECTIONS OF NATURE". Terrible, depressing, naturalistic, yet slowly flowing, like a vast delta of a great river emptying into the ocean. I am not surprised at what the translator Matt Bianco writes in the comments, to whom I would like to thank not only for the subtitles, but also for taking on such a difficult film in the first place. You can read the content in the Movie Details and I also recommend looking at the top twenty Plot Keywords on IMDb.
The gay component is small, but this time it doesn't matter at all. There will certainly be those who will not understand the film and will condemn only the "skin" - the actions of physically and mentally damaged beings, with a different sexual orientation or preferences. It is only under this skin that the true tragedy of the creatures who "STILL LIVE" is hidden in the lowest level of human society, and which was so perfectly portrayed by the Korean filmmakers with the help of actors and other film tools (in South Korea, meat is wrapped in newspaper to absorb those toxic substances from the printing ink? It felt like we were in North Korea...). I deduct a point for the processing because the hump of "Jung" was a little different every time.
I'll borrow one sentence from Ketri from ČSFD, which seems to me to be absolutely descriptive and perfect for the film: "An incredibly beautiful film that will leave you with guaranteed depression for a very long time."

Hrůzný film o "LIDSKÝCH NEDOKONALOSTECH PŘÍRODY". Strašný, depresivní, naturalistický, a přitom pomalu tekoucí, jako do oceánu ústící rozlehlá delta velké řeky. Nedivím se, co píše v komentu překladatel Matt Bianco, kterému dodatečně děkuji nejen za titulky, ale i za to, že se vůbec na pochopení tak těžkého filmu ujal. Obsah si přečtete v Podrobnostech k filmu a doporučuji se též podívat na dvacítku Plot Keywords na IMDb.
Gay složky je málo, ale tentokrát to vůbec nevadí. Určitě se najdou tací, co snímek nepochopí a budou odsuzovat jen tu "slupku" - jednání bytostí poškozených tělesně, duševně, s jinou sexuální orientací či preferencemi. Teprve pod touto slupkou se skrývá ta pravá tragédie tvorů, kteří "TAKÉ JEŠTĚ ŽIJÍ", a to v nejspodnějším patře lidské společnosti a kterou tak dokonale vykreslili korejští tvůrci pomocí herců a dalších filmových nástrojů (v Jižní Koreji se balí maso do novin, aby nasálo ty toxické látky z tiskařské barvy? Zdálo se mi, jako bychom byli v Severní Koreji ...). Za zpracování ubírám ještě bodík za to, že hrb "Junga" byl pokaždé trošku jiný.
Vypůjčím si jednu větu od Ketri z ČSFD, která se mi zdá ke snímku naprosto vystihující a dokonalá: "Neuvěřitelně krásný film, z kterého budete mít zaručenou depresi na hodně dlouhou dobu."

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Junto Com Os Deuses: Os Dois Mundos
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 6.5

Unexpectedly Entertaining

When giving series/movie a first watch, I don't really dive into who the actors/actresses are. So seeing Cha Tae Hyun as a main was a nice surprise. He has the perfect expressions for comedy-dramas, my favorite blend of genres.

The movie doesn't have the most complex or intricate plot but it has enough of an unpredictable essence that will keep you on your toes. Why was it unexpectedly entertaining? Because I do have a slight bias toward movies that lean too far into animated work as they tend to be poorly implemented and have even poorer dialogues. If you can stomach a few less than average actions scenes, this one was actually done pretty well. And although Cha Tae Hyun's story is a pretty basic tearjerker, it is one of those that will still jerk those tears. So if you looking for an easy watch with likeable characters that will also have you laughing out loud, definitely recommend. I'm looking forward to watching the sequel.

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All About My Father
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
After the totally depressing film Muge, which I rated very highly here yesterday, another "weird" film is on the agenda, this time a short film from Korea. I am surprised that such films are made and that it comes from a landscape that one would not expect...
The main character of the father in all three short stories is played by the Korean actor Lee Sang Woo (he was 39 years old at the time of filming in 2010, the film was presented at two festivals in the same year, it was not distributed until five years later)

1) My Father's Desire - is about a couple of young high school students who are thinking about a future together, eventually the father starts having sex with his son's friend and the son takes nasty revenge for it...
2) My Father's Truth - a young man claims that he was raped by a friend, he is upset about it, he finally comes out with the truth, he was raped by his friend's father ...
3) My Father's Secret - about a father who discovers semi-nude pictures of men and a gay magazine in his young son and physically punishes him quite indiscriminately, at the same time the father has an encoded love for men.

I considered the ratings for all the short stories together.

Po totálně-depresivním filmu Muge, který jsem zde včera hodnotil velmi vysoko, je na pořadu dne další "divný", tentokráte povídkový snímek z Koreji. Jsem zaskočen, že se takovéto filmy točí a že pochází z krajiny, ze které by to člověk nečekal ...
Hlavní postavu otce ve všech třech povídkách hraje korejský herec Lee Sang Woo (v době natáčení v r. 2010 měl 39 let, film byl v tom samém roce prezentován na dvou festivalech, distribuován byl až o pět let později)

1) My Father’s Desire - je o páru mladých středoškoláků, kteří uvažují o společné budoucnosti, nakonec začne otec sexovat s přítelem svého syna a syn se za to ošklivě pomstí ...
2) My Father’s Truth - mladík tvrdí, že ho znásilnil kamarád, má z toho depky, nakonec jde s pravdou ven, znásilnil jej kamarádův otec ...
3) My Father’s Secret - o otci, který zjistí u malého syna polonahé obrázky mužů a gay časopis a dost nevybíravě jej fyzicky trestá, přitom je v otci zakódovaná láska k mužům.

Hodnocení jsem zvážil za všechny povídky dohromady.

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Suk Suk
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
A Hong Kong "festival" dealing with the not entirely common theme of two warm grandfathers certainly did not impress me for 10. Overall, the story was the weakest link for me, when the conclusion perhaps fit thirty, fifty years ago. The theme of older gentlemen keeping their mouths shut all their lives and only hungrily peeking at others in smelly public toilets and hollands will seem odd to me in the third millennium. I have the impression that this former British colony is increasingly "dissolving" into China after more than twenty years of Chinese rule" and I am not surprised that Britain is ready to take in up to one million Hong Kongers who are preparing to collapse before the rigid Chinese laws. And the topic " "gay retirement home" for gays who hid from the world all their lives under a woman's skirt didn't seem very interesting to me either. I just wouldn't want to live among gays in my old age, as it is not possible even in ordinary life, where they are all part of the majority society. At least the straight guys shut up and it's quiet, but among the gays, and I found out here, there are also vengeful envious people spitting venom, malice, resentment and treating each other's problems. The acting was professional, but the characters didn't need to be actors they also squeezed out the soul. The sound and processing are above average. I thank Ming for his other cz subtitles.

Hongkongský "festival" zabývající se ne zcela běžným tématem dvou teplých dědečků na mě za 10 určitě nezapůsobil. Celkově právě příběh byl pro mě tím nejslabším článkem, kdy ten závěr se snad hodil do doby před třiceti, padesáti lety. Téma starších pánů držet celý život hubu a krok a pouze hladově pokukovat po jiných na smrdutých veřejných záchodcích a holandách mi přijde do třetího tisícíletí lichá. Mám dojem, že se tato bývalá britská kolonie po více jak dvaceti letech čínské nadvlády stále více "rozpouští" do Číny" a nedivím se, že Británie je připravena pojmout až jeden milion Hongkongčanů, kteří se připravují zdrhnout před tuhými čínskými zákony. A téma "gay domova důchodců" pro gaye, kteří se celý život schovávali před světem pod ženskou sukni, mi nepřišel také právě moc in. Jen mezi gayi bych na stáří žít nechtěl tak, jako to nejde ani v běžném životě, kde jsou všichni součástí většinové společnosti. Heteráci si alespoň dají přes hubu a je klid, ale mezi gayi, a to jsem poznal tady, jsou i mstiví závistivci plivající kolem sebe jed, zlobu, zášť a léčící si své mindráky. Herectví bylo profi, ale postavy nepotřebovaly, aby ze sebe herci vymáčkli i duši. Zvuk a zpracování nad průměrem. Mingovi děkuji za jeho další cz titulky.

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Ai Long Nhai: The Endless Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

10 điểm không có nhưng bây ơiiiii

Phim mà 2 dv chính ta nói nó ngon canh ngọt nước gì đâu á. Cốt truyện dễ hiểu, cảnh soft vừa phải không quá nhiều nên không ngộp lắm đâu (mà cảnh H thì trời ơi nó đà kha gì khi đầu khâu). Bé Ping thì trong phim nó cưng muốn xĩuuu, con chú Meen thì nhan sắc khỏi bàn con mịa nó luôn. Vừa cày phim vừa chill trà sữa nó như là thiên đường á bây ơi bây. Mà phim khúc gần cuối có drama coi cũng đã, nhớ là không có tua một cái nào nha bây ơi. Chơi chung nguyên đám bạn mà được cái tổ độ hết nguyên bầy luôn. Mà cũng mới biết là trong phim có một cặp là LGBT+ đã kết hôn với nhau rồi nữa nên thấy vừa tự hào vừa hạnh phúc voãi chưởng. Nói thì nói dị đóa chứ không có spoil nhìu, muốn gì thì mở coi cho đã cái nư nha bây. Nói chung là rất dịu khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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Lisyun Qng Geografia
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
The film, which was nominated for best short film at two film festivals in the Philippines and won the Palme d'Or for best director, is somewhat forgotten, but still has a very nice, strong message and is solidly acted. A film that makes the viewer wonder what love, friendship and "something" in between is. Nice.

Film, který v roce byl na dvou filmových festivalech na filipínách nominován na nejlepší krátký film a palmu vítězství získal za nejlepší režii, je tak trochu pozapomenutý, ale přesto má vělmi pěkné, výrazné sdělení a zahrán solidně. Film, u kterého divák může přemýšlet, co je to láska, přátelství a "něco" mezi tím. Pěkné.

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de Roo28
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10
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An increidbly heartwrenching watch.. Free Palestine

Watching this as there is an ongoing genocide in Gaza gave the movie an even wider depth. The movie based on a real-life event was hard to bear knowing that injustices such as those presented are unfolding everywhere around the world with no real accountability.

The law protects the rich from the poor. From global human rights being denied to people of color to labor rights being denied to workers at the bottom of the chain. All this happens while those in power don't soil their hands and give orders so that the weak, brainwashed and braindead, are punishing the weaker.

Movies are beautiful as such, they challenge you to think. At times they are entertaining but most often they are bare-boned with the purpose of evoking a human response and reaction of anyone who cares about humanity.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Please, if you read this, take the time to fight injustices you can change. Speak loud enough so the weak aren't silenced so that the news has no choice but to show your side too. Free Palestine.

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Believer 2
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de andjel
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0


the movie is more of the first one, but it hits stronger since the cycle of crime, double crossings and death continues and has a deeper meaning knowing the context. this movie on its own offers a look to the past movie and past events so watching the first movie is not necessary. The characters were very brutal and charismatic, they are both monsters and humans.
but i wonder about the title "Believer". yes we have one gangster who is a believer and knows his bible so that he can quote it in certain situations but that is more of an example what it means to sin against the second commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
ultimately, is there belief and God in this movie? and what is death or justice if there is no God? I would have wanted more hints at that from the movie but i did get a lot to think about. so if you want to look into the soul of some criminals, this movie is for you.

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Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Sakura
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A treat for the eyes. Not for the soul - A nice attempt to blend Indian and Thai culture

Hoooooo boy! Where do I start?

From the moment I saw the trailer I knew what to expect. I knew what kind of film it is going to be and even though I wanted to be wrong, I am not. It's a rom-com and as cringe as I thought it would be. But I am not disappointed. In fact, the minus points of this film is also the plus points.

So, Risa (Bella Ranee) finds out that she is the wedding planner of her ex boyfriend (Arun/Mahir Pandhi). Ouch! And then as if it is not hurtful enough, the emergency photographer she had to hire is actually another ex (Tim/Bright). Wowzers!

When asked how stereotypical melodramatic rom-com you want it to be ? They really said HELL YES!

From the Indian soap opera like sequences, to overly dramatic horse riding to overacting sidekicks to garbage dialogues, try-hard-to-make-people-laugh slapstick comedic moments it had everything!!!

But still I enjoyed everything. Why? It was fun to watch a nice amalgamation of the two cultures. Bright in Sherwani. I have a little crush on Anahita Bhooshan ngl. The Bollywood style dance number. And the depiction of Indian wedding ritual, well more like typical North Indian (mostly Punjabi style, although Sangeet is now almost a part of all kind of Indian weddings) upper class traditional wedding. This is Karan Johar style but minus the extreme emotional parts.

I was this close to tear my hair in the scene where Arun is riding (get your minds out of the gutter, he is literally lying akimbo on the car trying to stop it - talk about Bollywood...) the bonnet of the car but I was also snorting with laughter.

The dream sequence where Risa is getting married to Arun and Monica is slapping her repeatedly is my flashback to overtly melodramatic soap operas. As much as I was cringing hard, I was also having fun as the film is sarcastically making fun of it. I was both laughing and crying.

Honestly, there is not much story here. The only thing you see is the grandeur. Don't come here expecting much acting and plotline. And no expectations. It's a one time watch film. But I would applaud the makers of it for even bringing it to existence.
I hope we get more good stories that reflects more of the two countries and the cultures.

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