The Odd Family: Zombie On Sale
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 4.5

Quite fun despite some pacing issue and unlikeable characters

This movie is about the encounter of a zombie and a quite odd family living in a small village in the countryside. Each member of the family as well as the zombie has his/her own quirks making the encounter and subsequent adventures quite fun to follow. In terms of tonality, the film is really more parodic / comedic than horrific with a smalltown vibe as well.

The casting was pretty good but I never fully felt connected to any of the characters. I was not rooting for their survival at all which is quite an issue given the zombie thematic. Most of the characters are quite unpleasant and I cannot help to feel that some of the narrative arcs and development would have been much more engaging if I liked them. I do not think that it is the actors fault but rather the writing...MVP of the movie is clearly the character of Nam Joo, the pregnant wife, played by Uhm Ji Won, she made fantastic !!!

The production was pretty good, you really feel the village atmosphere and the action scenes were nice. I wish it would have been much more gore and raw...But they went into another direction, more caricatural and comical, and were at least consistent following their filmmaking choice. The soundtrack was quite nice and set properly the ambiance.

I would recommend this to people looking for a "found-family" movie with a zombie twist. It is a rather original take on the zombie genre and is quite fun to follow despite some issue in its pacing. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of emotions and connections I felt toward the characters, I would have love to be more engaged... It is kind of a mix between 2 movies "A Werewolf Boy" and "Extreme Job", so if you enjoyed one of those, you might want to try this one as well!

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Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.5
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A Short Movie to Watch

I came across this movie when one of my friend mentions this. This movie actually just a short, romcom and easy movie, when you can finish them in one watch. This movie is refreshing, without any conflict and major plot changes, therefore so easy to watch.

The movie just told about how Risa agreed to be her ex's wedding planner, an unforgettable ex one, and in order to completing this event, she had to ask a favor from her another ex—Tim. There not much setting in this whole movie, just about how Risa planned an Indian theme wedding only. There are several plot holes, like why she chose to be in India that long, and the way she changed her mind into loving Tim is a bit abrupt.

But overall the movie is so easy to watch, we didn't have to think too much, or felt angry with third parties or so.

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So Many Years
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.0

Simply beautiful

This movie is not that complicated. It's a simple first-love movie, that started way back in high school. but star-crossed lovers were separated due to what we call "fate". However, life had other plans. They reunite amidst a very chaotic adulthood, yet love doesn't die that easily.

It's simple. It's picturesque and the leads have a beautiful chemistry. you can feel their love for each other.
The story is not that heart-wrenching and the flow is smooth.

Definitely a must-watch for romance lovers.
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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
This Chinese bromance, highly rated on MDL and balancing on the border between a short and a feature film, did not leave me cold and I especially appreciated the two main actors (19 and 23 years old), but also the music, processing and set. A very good experience and I include this short among feature films. It's a real shame that in China, gay themes in filmmaking are now under wraps thanks to one single, infallible red party. When I imagine the variety from Taiwan and how much 1.4 billion China could bring us, because there are thousands of unawakened creators smoldering there, who would certainly deal with LGBT issues otherwise, I feel sad ...

Tato čínská bromance vysoce hodnocená na MDL a balancující na hranici krátkého a celovečerního filmu mě nenechala chladným a ocenil jsem především oba hlavní herce (19 a 23 let), ale též hudbu, zpracování a výpravu. Velmi dobrý zážitek a já si tento kraťas zařazuji k sobě mezi filmy celovečerní. Je opravdu velká škoda, že v Číně je nyní tematika gay ve filmové tvorbě pod poklicí zásluhou jedné jediné, neomylné rudé strany. Když si představím pestrost z Taiwanu a kolik by nám toho mohla přinést 1,4 miliardová Čína, protože tam doutnají tisíce neprobuzených tvůrců, kteří by se LGBT tematikou jinak určitě zabývali, je mi smutno ...

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A Lua Errante
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Momadic Moon

“Nomadic Moon,” with its formidable 150-minute duration, might initially seem like a lengthy commitment. Yet, the film effortlessly envelops you in its world, making the time pass unnoticed. This is a testament to Lee Sang-il’s exceptional directorial prowess. His talent for crafting a story that’s deeply engaging without relying on flamboyance is remarkable.

The performances of Suzu Hirose and Toma Matsuzaka stand out, clearly a result of Lee’s deep commitment to the film. From my perspective, these roles could be considered the pinnacle of their acting careers thus far.

While “Nomadic Moon” has a delicacy that may not resonate with all audiences, its subtle interplay of themes like the moon and water leaves a lasting impact, prompting thoughtful discussions—an enriching experience especially for adult viewers.

Additionally, the performances by Ryusei Yokohama and Mikako Tabe are noteworthy and add depth to this beautifully crafted film.

It's fascinating to explore how societal norms and perceptions of mental health evolve, influencing our interpretation of characters and narratives in media.

The term "Lolita complex," known in Japanese as "rorikon," originates from Vladimir Nabokov's novel "Lolita." It describes an adult's sexual attraction to young girls, typically those who are prepubescent or in early adolescence. In Japan, this term is prevalent in both clinical and popular cultural contexts, though its interpretations can vary widely.

In this film, a young man shelters an abused girl, which places him in a delicate social position. Society swiftly categorizes him under the stigmatized label of 'Lolita complex,' regardless of his true intentions. This scenario mirrors a larger societal trend of quick judgments and ostracization based on superficial assessments or misinterpretations, without fully considering the complexity of the circumstances.

The movie challenges its viewers to reassess their biases and the simplicity with which they might label someone with a 'Lolita complex.' It weaves a narrative that obscures the line between societal labels and personal actions, prompting the audience to reconsider their viewpoints. The film's deliberate ambiguity suggests that judgment is in the eyes of the beholder, reflecting their personal prejudices or sympathies.

This method of storytelling, where the audience's interpretation becomes a mirror of their personal thoughts and societal conditioning, is compelling. It not only narrates a story but also engages the viewers in profound introspection about societal norms, mental health stigmas, and the often unfair practice of marginalizing individuals based on misinterpreted actions or misconceptions.

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Kinematics Theory
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The film disappointed me quite a bit, I expected something more, even if it is Chinese, which explains a lot. I completely disagree with the claim that he is a typical representative of Asian BL production (which has been repeated here for about the umpteenth time), because Asia is not typical of censorship interventions and cutting out scenes, this only applies to China, where the red gang of the infallible party decided for 1.4 billion .of its inhabitants. Another atypical feature of Asian BL production in this film is the almost zero absence of an overt gay component. One should look for it with a magnifying glass and only guess, and if that is the case, it is practically zeroed out by the next scene. Not even the likeability of the two main actors could make it more than just average for me.

Film mě vcelku zklamal, čekal jsem poněkud něco víc, i když je čínský, což leccos vysvětluje. S tvrzením, že je to typický zástupce asijské BL produkce (což se zde opakuje už asi podvacáté) naprosto nesouhlasím, neboť Asie není typická cenzorskými zásahy a vystřihováním scén, to platí jen pro Čínu, kde rudá banda neomylné strany rozhodla za 1,4 mld. svých obyvatel. Další netypickou vlastností asijské BL produkce v tomto filmu je téměř nulová absence zjevné gay složky. Člověk aby ji hledal lupou a jen tušil, a když už, tak je další scénou prakticky vynulována. Ani sympatičnost obou hlavních představitelů to proto u mě nemohla dotáhnout v hodnocení dál než jen průměr.

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The Right Man - Because I Love You
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The advertisement for blued is not the main thing the story is about, not even the mentioned topic of school, which is completely insignificant, marginal. The main theme is the relationship between a son and a mother, and that was the main thing that appealed to me about this short.

Reklama na blued není tím stěžejním, čeho se příběh týká, ba ani uvedené téma škola, které je zcela mizivé, okrajové. Hlavním tématem je vztah mezi synem a matkou, a to bylo na tomto kraťasu to nejdůležitější, co mě oslovilo.
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Love Stage!!
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The story is based on the manga, so the girls' landscape hairstyles on the young men and the strange Japanese-manga style, where the actors sometimes look like jerks, affected machines programmed for complete playback, were to be expected. I prayed that the film would not be much of a comedy, but rather a drama, because the bigger the Asian, here Japanese mango comedy, the bigger the farce for the European viewer. Unfortunately, she was. The prankster is sometimes even cute, how she was brought to the top. Sena and Ichijo, the two main characters with whom I eventually got along, at least got a little serious at the end, but otherwise an average Japanese film for me (I evaluate from the point of view of Japanese films based on manga)

Příběh vychází z mangy, takže se zase daly čekat ty dívčí pejzové účesy u mladých mužů a zvláštní japonsko-mangový styl, kdy herci někdy vypadají jako panáci, afektované stroje naprogramované na naprosté přehrávání. Modlil jsem se, aby film nebyl moc komedie, ale spíše drama, protože čím větší asijská, tady japonská mangokomedie, tím pro evropského diváka vetšinou ještě větší fraška. Bohužel, byla. Fraškovist někdy až roztomilá, jak byla dovedena až na vrchol. Sena a Ichijo, dvě hlavní postavy, s kterými jsem se nakonec sžil, alespoň na konci trošku zvážněly, ale jinak pro mě průměrný japonský snímek (hodnotím úhlem pohledu na japonské filmy, kde předlohou je manga)

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The Perfect Man's Man
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The fact that the boys played it this way was the spice of the entire film. Young Koreans with long East Asian faces, slightly acting awkward, naively cute, they gave it the right Korean edge, the music is solid, and the budding feeling between two young men in puberty is always an added bonus.

To, že to takto kluci zahráli, bylo právě tím kořením celého snímku. Mladí Korejci s dlouhými východoasijskými pejzy, mírně herecky neohrabaní, naivně roztomilí, tomu dali ten správný korejský říz, hudba solidní a začínající cit mezi dvěma dopívajícími mladými muži je pro vždy bonus navíc.

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Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa no Yoru
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Another film based on the manga belongs to that group of Japanese films where you have to search hard for the gay component and imagine it. It's really surprising that the Japanese are able to balance from one mango extreme (eg the great film The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese, where a gay blackmails a straight man with sex) to this film (or Love Stage), where the viewer has to sweat at least a little bromance alone. That's why I'm deducting points for the story, the greater romanticism "among the pieces of dismembered bodies" was missing there. But the movie is not bad if we judge everything according to the manga. If it weren't for the manga, my point of view would seriously lean toward a worse rating. The acting is very solid and the processing is spot on. And finally, a trifle. I've never seen a man's fingers longer than Osada Masaki's, which may impress some ...

Další film podle mangy patří do té množiny japonských snímků, kde gay složku musíte usilovně hledat a domýšlet si ji. Je opravdu s podivem, že Japonsci jsou schopni balancovat do jednoho mangovského extrému (např. skvělý snímek The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese, kde gay vydírá heteráka sexem) až po tento film (nebo Love Stage), kde si divák musí alespoň malou bromanci vypotit sám. Proto ubírám body za příběh, ta větší romantičnost "mezi kusy rozčtvrcených těl" mi tam chyběla. Film to ale není špatný, když vše posuzujeme dle mangy. Kdyby to nebyla manga, tak by se můj úhel pohledu povážlivě naklonil k horšímu hodnocení. Herectví velmi solidní a zpracování jakbysmet. A ještě na závěr drobnost. Delší mužské prsty, než má Osada Masaki a které mohou některým imponovat, jsem ještě neviděl ...

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Last Hug
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

short indie slice of life

Overall: this is a 20 minute short film. Watched on Pomthani YouTube Channel.

What I Like
- realistically flawed characters
- good consent
- she tried to correct the misunderstanding right away
- production value for what I assume is an indie production

Room For Improvement
- a bit choppy and the flashback/flash to the present didn't help
- the ending was a flashback, would have liked something in the present
- that was bizarre timing during the camping
- her character change seemed very fast
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Knights of the Zodiac
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
This was not good! I really wanted to like this. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this at the theater earlier this year. I have not seen the anime or read the manga so I didn't know the story before hand but this plot was a mess and incoherent. It also felt incomplete, which may have been b/c they planned for sequels!

The CGI is terrible too. Lately, I feel like new CGI is worse than old CGI. IMO old CGI was more seamless now it just looks cartoonish. This is very visible in the fight between Saiya and Nero. Mackenyu is really the only reason I watched and he can't save this stupid plot or make it interesting enough to stick around for a sequel!


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Original Sin
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de estar
Nov 20, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 1.5
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 1.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
must say left feeling flat - the acting was good, but the plot wasn't my cup of tea (& not talking about the same sex attraction issue) i don't come from a devote back ground, so seeing someone this addicted to religion is foreign to me.
& yet get that as Yoo Han was all alone / an orphaned, he turned to god for comfort, as he turned to the church & the community it gave him, to be a substituent for the family he didn't have.

Joo Won to me was the embodiment of the serpent in the garden of Eden, u never got who he was or what his ulterior motive was - u just got that there indeed was one (not to mention he was shady as f*ck IMHO). he was quick to pick-up on how he effected Yoo Han. he kept getting close to him without actually crossing any boundaries, cause he suspected Yoo Han would run for the hills the sec he did.
but he kept finding ways to be in his vicinity (tempting him), kissing that girl - maybe she was another soul he needed to corrupt - one that took a bite of the apple. same as Yoo Han eventually did. also the reason he disappeared afterwards without a word - his job was done

also the reason i thought of this was cause of the girl in the prayer meet & her weird / scary dream of a serpent swallowing Yoo Han whole - considering what happened it indeed did....

the reason am left "flat" after watching, is cause this was depressing to me, Yoo Han's brainwashed attitude with religion - his lack of life & being open & vulnerable to bad people leaves me feeling depressed. so well acted but a one off

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Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 19, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
This is a cute, super cliche rom-com but quite enjoyable.

Bright is so sweet and adorable here and I really liked the FL Bella Campen. Haven't seen her in anything and she was funny and had great chemistry with Bright. I liked the whole cast too. There were some really funny moments, especially with Thongchai Thongkanthom. Loved the Indian outfits and bright, beautiful colors. I liked how they explained some of the Indian wedding traditions like mehendi and the sangeet party.

Worth watching at least once.

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Xiao Lin
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 19, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
What did the college student end up choosing? I dare to say that the path, which is a dead end and at the same time, is most in line with the proclamation of the Chinese infallible party. It's a pity, but such a "solution" exists, even if it usually only brings misfortune and suffering. But otherwise, the movie was very nice, engaging, I watched in one breath...

Co si nakonec vybral student vysoké školy? Troufám si tvrdit, že tu cestu, která je slepou uličkou a zároveň je ale nejvíce v souladu s hlásáním čínské neomylné strany. Škoda, ale takovéto "řešení" existuje, i když většinou přinese jen neštěstí a trápení. Ale jinak to byl film velmi hezký, poutavý, sledoval jsem jedním dechem ...

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