A Light Year
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
A Chinese film on the border between a medium-length film and a feature-length film has typical features of what is now ordered in China. It all seemed so dietetic to me, the creators are in a pinch. Although the "something" was barely felt there, the overall tone was tepid for the fact that we are already in the third millennium, and the processing was, in my opinion, the weakest link of the film. Moreover, it's a shame, many subtitles just flashed by and I couldn't even finish reading them. Untapped potential.

Čínský film na hranici středněmetrážního a celovečerního filmu má typické znaky toho, co je nyní v Číně nařízeno. Na mě to vše působilo tak dietně, tvůrci jsou v kleštích. Sice tam to "něco" málo bylo cítit, ale celkové vyznění bylo vlažné na to, že jsme již ve třetím tisícíletí a zpracování bylo dle mě nejslabším článkem filmu. Navíc škoda, mnohé titulky jen problikávaly a nestačil jsem je ani dočíst. Nevyužitý potenciál.

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White Night
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
The director's style is fully evident in this picture, which, when you dive into it, is not at all flat, as it might seem at first glance. Human destinies, human natures, a momentary true glimpse on the path of two lives. Whoever is able to perceive this will find it in the film. The acting was very good, the most appealing to me was Lee Yi Kyung as Tae Joon, and I must admit that he looked very hot as well. Gyu Won-a's character was too cold, marked by the past, but that was just the way it was. I recommend it only to those who have experience and a feeling for Korean parts

Styl režiséra je naplno patrný i u tohoto snímku, který, když se do něj ponoříte, není vůbec plochý, jak by se mohlo na první pohled zdát. Lidské osudy, lidské povahy, chvilkový pravdivý záblesk na cestě dvou životů. Kdo je schopen toto vnímat, ve filmu si to najde. Herectví bylo velmi dobré, nejvíce mě oslovil Lee Yi Kyung jako Tae Joon, a příznám, že navíc vypadal hodně sexy. Postava Gyu Won-a byla až moc chladná, poznamenaná minulostí, ale to tak prostě bylo. Doporučuji jen těm, co mají zkušenosti a cit pro korejská dílka.

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Fujimi Orchestra
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Another Japanese film that arouses rather condemnation from a large part of the audience who do not understand its meaning, why it was made and for whom. Sex, hard sex, forced sex, rape. These are all the elements of yaoi manga as Japanese girls and women have gradually forced them over many decades, or better said, this is how the rules that Japanese women like have been determined. It is not worth wondering why in the film the rape is not even followed by condemnation of others. The only thing that bothered me a bit was that Yuuki (Takasaki Shota, the still cute actor after nine years), the concertmaster, couldn't actually play the violin, even by mistake.

Další japonský snímek, který vzbuzuje spíše odsouzení u velké části diváků, kteří nechápou jeho smysl, proč byl vyroben a pro koho. Sex, tvrdý sex, vynucovaný sex, znásilnění. To jsou všechno prvky yaoi mangy tak, jak si je v průběhu mnoha desetiletí postupně japonské dívky a ženy vynutily, nebo lépe řečeno, takto byla určena pravidla, která se Japonkám líbí. Nemá cenu se divit, proč ve filmu po znásilnění ani nenásleduje odsouzení druhých. Jediné, co mi trošku vadilo bylo to, že Yuuki (i po devíti letech stále roztomilý herec Takasaki Shota), koncertní mistr, neuměl ve skutečnosti hrát na housle ani omylem.

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Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
So a little "different" movie compared to tons of others. Light, gentle and touching, sad ... Describing human destinies, the weight of life, desire. The music is pleasant, often in perfect harmony with the film images, I was also interested in the processing, as well as the moving story of the cousin - the character was played by Austin (Po Hung) Lin, who as one of the two main actors is not listed in the Details. The film, although not completely new, can still appeal to many viewers.

Tak trošku "jiný" film oproti tunám ostatních. Lehký, jemný i dojemný, smutný ... Popisující lidské osudy, tíhu žití, touhu. Hudba příjemná, mnohdy dokonale ladící s filmovými obrazy, zpracování mě rovněž zaujalo, rovněž tak pohnutý příběh bratrance - postavu hrál Austin (Po Hung) Lin, který jako jeden ze dvou hlavních herců není v Podrobnostech uveden. Snímek, i když není zcela nový, stále může mnohé diváky oslovit.

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Meu Romance da Quarentena
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Filipinos are excellent in the field of "lockdown". Really, very tasteful in every way. Music, good choice of actors (in the beginning I was a little worried about Tom, but they were in vain), processing. I recommend it to those who have already seen this type of Pinoy production and liked it.

Filipínci jsou na obor "lockdown" výborní. Opravdu, po všech stránkách velmi vkusné. Hudba, dobrý výběr herců (ze začátku jsem měl trošku obavy z Toma, ale byly plané), zpracování. Doporučuji těm, co už tento typ pinoy produkce viděli a líbil se jim.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The story was simple and I won't fault him for why it was this way and not that way. The short appealed to me as an actor, the music was also solid and I didn't mind anything there. Just one meeting, true, from life ... Better average.
The story was simple and I won't fault him for why it was this way and not that way. The short appealed to me as an actor, the music was also solid and I didn't mind anything there. Just one meeting, true, from life ... Better average.

Příběh byl jednoduchý a nebudu mu vyčítat, proč to bylo tak a ne onak. Herecky mě kraťas oslovil, rovněž tak hudba byla solidní a nic mi tam nevadilo. Prostě jedno setkání, pravdivé, ze života ... Lepší průměr.

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Etiqueta à Mesa
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Another eye-catching Korean short film deals with breakup and new relationship as it is in life itself. Very solidly played, sound and processing at a level. Among other things, I appreciate the fact that the film does not deal with the issue of homosexuality as a controversy, "something" bad, but as a normal part of human life. I'm not at all surprised why ŠK+Susannah came to like Korean production.

Další poutavý korejský kraťas se věnuje rozchodu a novému vztahu tak, jako je tomu i v životě samotném. Velmi solidně zahráno, zvuk i zpracování na úrovni. Na snímku si mimo jiného cením i to, že otázku homosexuality neřeší jako kontroverzi, "něco" špatného, ale jako běžnou součást lidského žití. Vůbec se nedivím, proč ŠK+Susannah přišly na chuť korejské produkci.

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And We Collide
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
A very strange short, I was very interested, then it cooled down a bit, so that the ending graduated again. I trusted the villager with everything, even the sweat, in addition to the symposium, it was played perfectly, you can think about the film from many angles and I will certainly not forget it, an experience ... The film is part of a mix of short films called The Male Gaze: A Better Tomorrow ( 2023)

Hodně zvláštní kraťas, zaujal mě velice, pak trošku ochladnutí, aby závěr zase vygradoval. Vesničanovi jsem věřil vše, i ten pot, navíc sympoš, zahráno bezva, nad snímkem se dá přemýšlet z mnoha úhlů a jistě na něj hned nezapomenu, zážitek ... Film je součástí mixi krátkých filmů s názvem The Male Gaze: A Better Tomorrow (2023)

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Corajosa Cidadã
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

2 hours of painful bullying & justifying revenge violence

Still not sure what to think of this one. But personally i think that the current score of 8.2 is overrated. Guess i think that its mostly because of the popular actors.

The mandatory good looking male role, but doesn't do much to give the female role her spotlight. A typical heart-breaking sad background story to the female lead to give reason to her unlawful behavior. Personally i felt that Park Hyuk Kwon, playing her father was miscast, because it gave a sense of humor to the overall story that seemed forced, stiff and not appropriate to the overall mood. To balance the sadness out it wasn't funny at all, just absurd and ridiculous.

Generally it was pretty long with almost 2 hours for a bullying story with revenge character. But i liked that they took their time to build the story. It was actually hard to watch the physical, emotional and psychological bullying scenes. Pretty realistic and painful to watch. Even if the role of the devil student, played by Lee Jun Young was a bit overexaggerated it fits the character and overall plot. He was definitely giving his all to be evil.

The fight scenes were nice choreographed, but not realistic at all. Typical fast cutted from multi-angle views. Didn't enjoy it much as an action fan. But kudos to the stuntwomen and man, the scenes where they wore the mask were great and really amazing. Long shots in one go. Unfortunately they're not listed at all in the cast list like usual. So my appreciation here, because it was one of the things that made this movie watch-worthy.

What definitely stood out was Park Jung Woo acting, playing the bullied kid. Such a talent that really got across the emotions. I actually hope to see him in more versatile roles and not just playing Guest and Support roles.

Still not sure if i liked the message that this movie tried to send. Yes, it was simple not to look away and endure everything, but actually it's a movie where the showdown is that a teacher beats up his student. And everybody is happy about that and cheers for revenge violence.

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de _erina
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.5

I came for Yuta and leave with a new of eyes open for Japanese cinematic movies & Japanese boybands.

I admit, i only watch this because of Yuta. I don't know the plot, i don't know the rest of the prequel, you can say i know nothing. But holy guacamoly all those not knowing what will happen makes me truly and very surprised.

I write this as if i haven't watched the rest of the franchise. Okay so I was SHOCKED by how good the Actors doing their role. the emotion, projectoriy of the story an DEFINITELY the ACTIONS are magnificent!

However, i do not understand at first why does this schools are trashy and no teacher in the school and they're are still coming to school just to fight. that's the only thing i don't immediately like (i understand it after i watched the previous movies to this franchise).

all the actor work very hard for this and i don't know that there are SO MANY boy grup in this movies so it's make me curious for them. and turns out they make great songs too!

i enjoyed this movie very much!

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Tomorrow x Together: Our Lost Summer
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de andjel
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

meet the members

I am writing this review while watching Tomorrow x Together Live Concert at Lollapalooza 2023, which is very energetic and exciting watch.
as for the documentary, it did make me go and explore more about the band but i would say that it didn't have enough music. the director gave to every member a few minutes to say a few things which was good to meet the members and have a glimpse of what is on their mind. all in all this is a backstage footage of the band preparing for concerts and trying their best to overcome the challenges that can come like sickness, missing the moves, tiredness, pressure, etc... so i would say that this isnt as exciting as watching the concerts, for the real fans (MOAs) this is a great way to see what happens behind the stage and how the members are slowly growing as performers.

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Nov 23, 2023
Completados 8
No geral 6.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 5.5

One of the most decent Dr Qin adaptation

There are many adaptations of Dr Qin in Chinese dramaland for the past 6-7 years. The first Dr Qin I watched is the 2016 version, and it could be considered as the best Dr Qin series. It has good cases, good actors, and also good underlining of the romantic relationship that's so not romantic.

This one is a movie, and a very fast-paced one too. In the first minute of the movie, we're told that there's a case of a missing person reported by their own wife. The movie told only 1 case, but it's properly structured as a crime-solving process, even though it's quite predictable. It's easier to identify the culprit(s) and the story itself is still good. Because it's very fast-paced as well, there's no wasted moment.

Plot: 6.5/10
It's predictable but still very fun. There's no wasted space, everything is tightly packed together. Though there are parts that don't make sense, for example when Dr Qin met with the "big boss" of the case for that episode. Other than that, everything was good.

Acting: 6.5/10
There's no one who performed beyond expectation but this means that the no one also have bad performance. Everyone has the same level of performance, which makes it easier to watch the drama.

Overall: 6/10
It's not a bad drama but also not very outstanding one. It's just something that you watched and you might forget the next day. But when you watched it, it's actually quite good.

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Believer 2
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 1
No geral 2.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


Now I feel bad that i watched the first movie at 1.25 speed... because i got hyped when i saw on netflix new releases, i saw Han Hyo Joo in the poster.

Okay first thing, so they've replaced 3 actors, like the actor of Rak, Jin Ha Rim, and If I'm not mistaken Jin Ha Rim's Girl which was played by Han Hyo Joo. Them Replacing Rak's actor was really off putting to me because it's not the same vibes at all. The actor in this is great, he's good, but he's acting the Cold, can't be mind read character, in the first movie the reason Rak is soo good is because you got the backstory-ish of his family dying and pet getting caught as well, and the actor in the first movie portrayed the emotions really well, because you got this soulless character, with the only goal of finding the person who did it to his family and his pet, but the Rak that he's portraying here has still the same motif and that's to find Mr.Lee, but again the vibes is just not there.

Then jin ha rim also got replaced as seen in the back stories, but i don't care about that anymore since he's dead already and the girl that's played by Han Hyo Joo. Now Han Hyo Joo, my 2nd fav actress, as always she's great, she portrays the character really well. She's matched the energy of the previous actress who played the character but with an extra tinge of Han Hyo Joo.

Now, the story got me really confused. So the first few minutes or so of the movie are cliff notes of what happened in the first movie and then we pick where the movie left off, after all the seon chang and ha rim shit. Already, I'm confused because of the different rak and now, it's revealed that rak is not actually Mr. lee, so okay... and as usual won ho is still on about this case and the other characters have now band in together to get down to this mystery of who actually this Mr. Lee is, like.... just moments ago you were all on each other's throat. And speaking of throat it was revealed that Keunkal and Ha Rim were actually step siblings and i was like "weird... but okay..." and then how they revealed Mr. Lee was the most unsurprising and effortless sequence i've ever seen. Like we got a call and then boom a camera shot of Mr. Lee, no music, no tension or sound effect whatsoever, it's just there. They could've just left the first movie alone, i don't think it needed to have a sequel, like you just unveiled the curtains behind the first movie which you didn't need to. After watching this movie, i was just left confused, like what?! And the later parts of the Film were fast paced, they didn't even bother showing a few scenes of how these characters found each other.

So yeah, i think i'm just gonna forget that this existed. I'm just here for Han Hyo Joo, though i was kinda disappointed as to why this film even landed on her portfolio, but hey, as a fan I'm glad i have something to watch from her. The First film was good i would recommend it and if you wanna watch this one go ahead if you want more, but for me, i wouldn't bother, just the first one is enough.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

No honor among thieves or kidnappers

Hostage: Missing Celebrity attempted to be an edgy kidnapping story using Hwang Jung Min to play himself as the victim. With uneven casting and an otherwise formulaic story it over relied on its star to create an intriguing film.

Hwang Jung Min played himself in the film which was a rather odd meta-angle. While his actual movies were mentioned, the character was clearly fictional. Hwang is shown as being humble, good to his employee, and shops just like the little people do at a convenience store. Upon leaving the store he finds three hooligans sitting on his expensive car and that is where his troubles begin. When he awakens tied to a chair, Hwang realizes that the kidnappers have not covered their faces which means they likely plan to kill him and another kidnap victim after they receive the ransoms. He puts his movie experience playing characters in precarious situations into action. Before long, the kidnappers come to understand that snatching someone famous puts more pressure on the police to find the missing movie star quickly and the countdown is sped up.

Hwang gave a superb performance as a wealthy actor who lived a comfortable life suddenly being thrust into a dire situation. He portrayed a wide range of emotions as the kidnappers delighted in physically and emotionally tormenting him. He also showed the character’s frustration and resiliency when he tried to escape and when those efforts failed, used the age-old ploy of turning the kidnappers against each other. Ban So Yeon played a young woman whose life was in the balance due to her kidnapped boss being brutally murdered and dismembered after failing to come up with their ransom. She gave Hwang an ally and someone to protect as well. The actress didn’t have much to do but look scared and stick close to Hwang. When using a familiar story formula, a captivating villain is a must. Unfortunately, Kim Jae Beom as the lead villain gave a rather lackluster performance as the murderous psychopath capable of almost anything. Ryu Kyung Soo and Lee Ho Jung weren’t afraid to chew on the scenery in their roles as villainous lovers. The police officers as well as the other villains were largely forgettable.

Though the running time was only 90 minutes it seemed longer as the story became redundant especially near the end. Most of the time those faults were often overcome by Hwang’s onscreen charisma and the rapid pace of the action. The film would have been greatly strengthened had Hwang been given an equally engaging actor to spar with. If the kidnappers had been driven to their cruelty by pertinent and timely social issues it would have added depth to the story, too. They were for the most part thinly drawn psychopaths who worked together in targeting expensive car owners. Hostage: Missing Celebrity for the most part was an entertaining if flawed movie that relied too heavily on its star to conceal the missing thriller aspect of this thriller.


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Meu Pistache
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The story where the younger one secretly loves the older one from the school and "talks" to him through the drama club interested me, but not in the way that it might interest some other viewers. I perceived the short as more acted, I was somewhat discouraged by the fact that the main character is really "old" for a schoolboy, however, everything is slightly above average and balanced in the evaluation.

Příběh, kdy mladší tajně miluje staršího ze školy a prostřednictvím dramatického kroužku k němu "promlouvá" mě zaujal, ale ne tak, jak možná některé jiné diváky zaujme. Vnímal jsem kraťas jako více hraný, jaksi mě v duchu odrazovalo to, že hlavní hrdina je už skutečně na školáka "starý", nicméně vše mírně nadprůměrné a v hodnocení vyrovnané.

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