The Game of Juan's Life
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
The movie seemed really average to me. His greatest contribution to me is what the director himself shared, namely that many poor Filipinos have a sword over them in the form of the slogan YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. The poor shacks of the Manila slums, easily blown away by even a small typhoon, made me think again about the conditions of this country. The worse feeling about the film is that, even though the main character is a sympathizer, and apparently that's how it goes in the Philippines, the shots from the illegal bar sometimes confused me, when many of the "actors" looked more like family photos. Then, when one naked guy started twisting his hips around his waist in front of the guests, I thought I was going to turn into a straight guy. So the overall tone for me is more of an indication of the poverty of a certain part of society and that there is no way out of it for everyone...

Film se mi jevil jako opravdu hodně průměrný. Jeho největší přínos pro mě je ten, co sdělil i samotný režisér, a totiž, že mnozí chudí Filipínci mají nad sebou meč v podobě hesla NEOVLÁDÁŠ SVŮJ ŽIVOT. Chudé chatrče manilských slumů, které lehce odfoukne i malý tajfunek, mě znovu přiměly se zamyslet nad poměry této země. Ten horší pocit ze snímku je ten, i když je hlavní hrdina sympoš a zřejmě to tak na Filipínách chodí, že záběry z ilegálního baru mě někdy mátly, kdy mnozí "herci" spíše fyzicky vypadali jako fotříkové od rodin. Když pak jeden naháč se začal před hosty se svými špeky kolem pasu kroutit, myslel jsem, že se ze mě stane heterák. Celkové vyznění u mě tedy spíše poukaz na chudobu určité části společnosti a že pro všechny z ní není cesta ven ...

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He's Out There Somewhere
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Although this is a Chinese film, so no promotion of physical contact between men, on the other hand, half of the film is shot in Taiwan with beautiful shots of nature and cities, and there are also other gay and lesbian couples in the film. What I appreciate most about the film is the processing. What to add. You could definitely get more out of the subject, it was so lukewarm, as if under the cover of the Chinese censor comrades.

Jedná se sice o čínský film, takže žádná propagace fyzického kontaktu mezi muži, na druhé straně je ale polovina filmu natočena na Taiwanu s krásnými záběry přírody a měst a k tomu ve fimu vystupují i další homosexuální a lesbické páry. Nejvýše si na filmu cením zpracování. Co dodat. Určite by se dalo z námětu vytěžit více, bylo to takové vlažné, jakoby pod poklicí čínských cenzorských soudruhů.

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Broken Youth
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
An average Chinese mid-length film, which, although the story goes back 12-13 years compared to when it was made, didn't touch me that much internally, because this topic has been there many times before, and the treatment of homosexuality and electric shocks probably belong in the distant future dark history. Nevertheless, I appreciate the story, but otherwise, everything else seemed a bit weak to me, according to current Chinese "standards", and I probably won't look for the film again in the future.

Průměrný čínský středněmetrážní film, který, i když se vztahuje příběhem 12-13 let zpět oproti tomu, kdy byl natočen, se mě vnitřně až tak moc nedotkl, neboť toto téma je tu už mnohokrát a léčení homosexuality a elektrické šoky patří snad už do vzdálenější temné historie. Přesto si příběhu vážím, ale jinak na mě vše ostatní působilo mírně kostrbatě, podle současných čánských "norem" a snímek asi v budoucnu nebudu moc vyhledávat znovu.

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Sei no Gekiyaku
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
An excellent film based on a Japanese manga, combining the themes of suicide (in the end there was no death in the story until the end), saving a life, a domineering and perverted doctor, rape, sexual torture and abuse, guilt, longing and a second chance at life . Despite the fact that the picture looks like an ordinary and mindless erotic product, the opposite is true and I have never seen such a depth and message about how precious and vulnerable life is in a similar erotic style. I already wrote here once that Japanese people don't seem .... It is necessary to rise above what is in the film first, to watch until the very LAST shot, so that the viewer understands the essence of the story, which actually in its depth is not about eroticism at all . It was a nice piece of grease.
Tastefully executed intense erotic scenes. Although they were very convincing, it was filmed and edited so brilliantly, precisely, down to the smallest detail that not a single hair or piece of pubic hair could be seen, and the actors contributed to this convincing impression to the highest extent. The doctor was a symposia for me despite the controversy of his role (actor Kitadai Takashi). A lot of people will think it's rubbish and won't be able to watch it (actually, the beginning is not easy for any viewer), but I point out again that the main point is not eroticism and both characters are broken inside in the end...

Výborný film podle japonské mangy, ve kterém se snoubí témata sebevraždy (nakonec v příběhu k žádné až do konce-smrti nedošlo), záchrany života, dominantního a perverzního doktora, znásilnění, sexuálního mučení a zneužívání, pocitu viny, touhy a druhé šance na život. Přesto, že snímek vypadá jako obyčejný a bezduchý erotický produkt, opak je pravdou a takovou hloubku a poselství o tom, jak vzácný a zranitelný je život, jsem v podobném erotickém stylu ještě neviděl. Už jsem tady kdysi psal, že Japonci se nezdají .... Je potřeba se nejdříve povznést nad to, co ve filmu je, dodívat se až úplně DO POSLEDNÍHO záběru, aby divák pochopil podstatu příběhu, která vlastně ve své hloubce vůbec o erotice není. Byl to pěkný mazec.
Vkusně provedené intenzivní erotické scény. Ač byly velmi přesvědčivé, natočeno a nastříháno to bylo tak skvěle, precizně, do nejmenšího detailu, že nebylo vidět jediný chloupek ani kousek ohanbí a herci k tomuto přesvědčivému dojmu přispěli svou nejvyšší měrou. Doktor byl pro mě přes kontroverzi své role sympoš (herec Kitadai Takashi). Spousta lidí si bude myslet, že jde o brak a nezvládne se dodívat (vlastně začátek není pro žádného diváka snadný), ale upozorňuji znovu, že hlavní podstatou není erotika a obě v nitru zlomené postavy nakonec ....

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Formula 17
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Years later, I'm adding a review too and I agree with Extasy that the main two actors were worth a bite. By the fact that the film was such a success in its time, it certainly contributed its grain of sand to the fact that Taiwan worked its way from the "dark" era to the peak of tolerance of our community in Asia. I, too, share an overview of this piece with most of the reviewers here, and I will definitely return to this film one day ...

Po letech přidávám recenzi i já a souhlasím s Extasy, že hlavní dva představitelé byli k nakousnutí. Tím, že film měl takový úspěch ve své době, určitě přispěl svým zrnkem písku k tomu, že se Taiwan z doby "temna" propracoval až na špičku tolerance naší komunity v Asii. I já sdílím nadhled nad tímto dílkem s většinou hodnotitelů zde a určitě se k tomuto filmu jednou vrátím ...

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Fuga da Meia-Noite
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Worth the watch (Trigger Warnings bellow)

"A serial killer ruthlessly hunts down a deaf woman through the streets of South Korea after she witnesses his brutal crime."

◇The cast I watched this movie mostly for them and they all did a fantastic job!!!
◇The plot
◇The running ?‍♀️ everyone and I mean the whole cast had to do so much running! It looked fantastic ??
◇Slight Spoilers
How the ML manipulated others with his good looks and acting ?
◇The ENDING that was a nice little twist there.

◇How the police ? really didn't do much ?‍? that's how it goes with plots like this I guess.
◇The pacing was a little slow in the middle.

Overall a good one time watch for me.
I recommend if it sounds interesting.
Also feel free to see the trigger warnings bellow.

◇Death (not super detailed)
◇Serial killer
◇Strong language
◇Weapons (guns, knives, ? axes)

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

A good one time watch

Please be in the right mindset for this one. It's a heavy one for sure.

◇The cast
◇The writing
◇The acting
◇The ending

◇No cons

⚠️Trigger Warnings ⚠️
◇Abuse (emotional, physical, mental and verbal)
◇Strong Language
◇Self Harm
◇Child abuse
◇Misstreatment of a character with disabilities.

I'm sure I missed a few but that's all that comes to mind.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Downfall: A Poignant Exploration of Art, Alienation, and Redemption

Naoto Takenaka’s “Downfall” (2023) is a compelling narrative that delves deep into the turbulent life of Kaoru Fukazawa, a manga artist grappling with the end of his long-running series and the subsequent emotional and creative void. The film’s portrayal of Fukazawa’s journey from fame to obscurity and back is not just a story about the struggles of a creative mind, but also a reflection on the complexities of human relationships and self-perception.

The opening scenes set the tone, depicting Fukazawa’s college days and a relationship with a quirky girlfriend, characterized by her cat-like eyes and rare smiles. This relationship, though short-lived, casts a long shadow over Fukazawa’s life, symbolizing his obsessive devotion to his art at the expense of personal connections.

The crux of the film lies in Fukazawa’s relationship with his wife, Nozomi, a dedicated manga editor. Their marriage, devoid of children and strained by their respective careers, reflects the dilemmas faced by many modern couples juggling professional aspirations and personal lives. Fukazawa’s sense of abandonment and frustration culminate in a harrowing scene where he confronts Nozomi with a mix of accusation and desperation, exposing the raw nerve of their failing marriage.

A significant portion of the film is dedicated to Fukazawa’s interactions with various women, particularly those in the escort world. These encounters, especially with a woman who possesses a maternal gentleness, and another, a free-spirited university student with cat-like eyes, represent his search for emotional solace and inspiration. These relationships, however superficial, are portrayed with a sensitivity that underscores Fukazawa’s deep-seated loneliness and quest for redemption.

The film reaches its emotional climax during a book-signing event where Fukazawa is confronted by a long-time female fan. Her words, praising the kindness and sincerity she perceives in his work, trigger a profound reaction in Fukazawa, who still considers himself a “monster,” as labeled by his college girlfriend. This poignant moment, marked by Fukazawa’s outburst, “You know nothing,” is a powerful testament to the internal conflict between self-perception and external validation.

“Downfall” stands out for its nuanced character development and the exploration of themes like artistic integrity, emotional isolation, and the search for meaning in a transient world. Takenaka’s direction is both subtle and impactful, weaving a narrative that is as much about the art of manga as it is about the art of living. The performances are uniformly excellent, with Takumi Saito delivering a compelling portrayal of Fukazawa, capturing the character’s vulnerability and complexity.

In conclusion, “Downfall” is a beautifully crafted film that resonates with anyone who has ever grappled with the dichotomies of success and failure, connection and isolation, perception and reality. It is a poignant reminder of the complexities of the human condition, making it a must-watch for not only fans of Japanese cinema but for all who appreciate deeply human stories.

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Secret Spectacles
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
A really nice movie mini-dessert in a South Korean way, where the idea with the glasses dominated for me and was very well supported by the music. The acting is mediocre, and I took five points off perfection for the processing, especially for the horrible final kiss.

Opravdu příjemný filmový minizákusek pěkně po jihokorejsku, kde pro mě dominoval nápad s brýlemi a hodně dobře podpořený hudbou. Herectví průměrné a u zpracování jsem ubral pět bodů z dokonalosti, především za tu příšernou závěrečnou pusinku.
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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
I like the director Adiamond Lee, because she always manages to breathe something extra into her projects, sometimes even a bit of controversy (Obsessed or Dark Blue and Moonlight). This was also the case with this film, which is definitely not a short film in terms of story and could almost be used as a series. And here we see that no world server is perfect, only people write it, users add to it. According to MDL, it looks like the actor Max Liu is a newcomer, but I know him from the director's extensive project Jump Boy, as well as the second protagonist Jed Chung. Everything about this movie was above average, great music and I would love to go back to it sometime. I recommend.

Režisérku Adiamond Lee mám rád, protože do svých projektů vždy dokáže vdýchnout něco navíc, někdy i trošku kontroverze (Obsessed nebo Dark Blue and Moonlight). Tak tomu bylo i u tohoto filmu, který příběhem rozhodně není filmem krátkým a vydal by téměř na seriál. A tady vidíme, že žádný světový server není dokonalý, vždy jej píší jen lidé, doplňují uživatelé. Dle MDL to vypadá, jakoby herec Max Liu byl nováček, ale já jej znám z režisérčina rozsáhlého projektu Jump Boy, rovněž tak druhého protagonistu Jed Chung-a. Vše na tomto filmu bylo nadprůměrné, výborná hudba a rád se k němu někdy vrátím. Doporučuji.

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Conto de Fadas do Outono
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Great actors, bad writing, worse editing!

Who edited this thing?? It was so chopped up you could barely follow what was happening. Overall, it was a very bizarre show as presented. Maybe it once made sense before it got edited to death.

How about a clear ending? I think she dreamed the wedding then died. In the dream she married the "brother" since they had matching white clothes, and the 2nd ML handed her over to him.
Hopefully the ML will choose to pick up his acting career again, he was quite good. All the actors did very well with what they were given to work with.
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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Even after so many years, it's a perfectly pleasant movie that will bring a smile to many viewers not only on their faces, but also in their souls, and with this review I'm correcting the evaluation here. You don't need to fully understand Asian humor, you just have to watch the whitewash, with an open mind, and even if there is little gay component (but it is there, see Saotome in love), overall this film, which many still rank among the top sports comedies today, can be a great pleasure. I saw the film in 2015 and now again and I have to say that some comments, even if they are not always original, the style of processing, the acting, lead me to still vote for such a high rating.

I po tolika letech naprosto příjemná pohodovka, která vykouzlí úsměv mnohým divákům nejen na tváři, ale i v duši a touto recenzí napravuji zdejší hodnocení. Není potřeba úplně chápat asijský humor, stačí sledovat piánko, s nadhledem a i když tam je gay složky málo (ale je tam, viz zamilovaný Saotome), celkově může tento film, který mnozí zařazují mezi špičku sportovních komedií dodnes, být bezva potěšením. Viděl jsem film v roce v r. 2015 a nyní znovu a musím říci, že některé hlášky, i když nejsou vždy originální, styl zpracování, herectví, mě vedou stále volit tak vysoké hodnocení.

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Fragile Souls
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
The story is so simple and yet so essential. And it's actually not that simple if you read what it's about on MDL. It has almost no dialogue.
In a few minutes, the film told us what the creators had in mind. I evaluate by looking at short films under ten minutes. Very successful.

Příběh je tak jednoduchý a přitom tak zásadní. A vlastně ani tak jednoduchý není, pokud si přečtete na MDL, o čem je. Je téměř bez dialogů.
V pár minutách nám snímek sdělil, co měli tvůrci na srdci. Hodnotím pohledem na krátké filmy do deseti minut. Velmi zdařilé.

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Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Phu x Tawan
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The relationship between Phu and Tawan seemed to me to be the best cinematically portrayed of the entire trilogy. Pleasant guys, a short canapé that catches your eye. I rate both the short and "Uncut".
The relationship between Phu and Tawan seemed to me to be the best cinematically portrayed of the entire trilogy. Pleasant guys, a short canapé that catches your eye. I rate both the short and "Uncut".

Vztah mezi Phu a Tawanem se mi zdál nejlépe filmově vykreslený z celé trilogie. Příjemní kluci, krátká jednohubka, která zaujme. Hodnotím kraťas i "Uncut".

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Amor na Cozinha
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Has potential...

It's good but kind of bland. It's for sure missing some plot and is rushed, but the romance is there. It for sure has potential. If they were to make this into a series I'm sure there would be more plot and could go more into depth with the characters. Some people hate it, but I don't understand where the hate comes from. It's just missing some plot. Don't expect this to be the most amazing movie you've ever seen, but it's not horrible either. I'd recommend this if you don't have anything to watch. It's a good filler movie.
Some people are put off by the ML being mean to the FL in the beginning, but I think they're a little dramatic. It's not thattt bad. I swear there was only like one scene where the ML was mean to her. And that scene is one of the only dramatic things that happen in this movie. The rest of his interactions with her is defintiely not what I call "bullying." If a guy likes a girl, what does he do? Oh ya.. tease her... I don't know, watch and find out for yourself. The ML is not as bad as some people make him out to be.

Overall, if you don't mind a movie with little plot and you want a cute short little romance to pass the time by with little drama, plus a happy ending, this is for you.

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