Amor em Águas Turvas
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Movie-length commercial for MSC Cruises

This movie was literally the middle of the road for me. To me, it had more wrong than right, but I'll just give it a 5 and move on.
I really struggled with this movie, as it didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. Was it a comedy? A mystery? A farce? Except for the main characters, everyone else's hair, makeup and clothing were WAY over the top. A lot of the characters just seemed like caricatures of real people - that makes it hard for me to feel like I'm getting to know them and to feel empathy for them. Most of the characters were a little creepy, including the children. Was that so that we couldn't figure out who the "bad guy" was?

I think the biggest question I had while I was watching it, how did the FL get on board the ship without a ticket, how was she able to remain on board once the ship left (the ML knew she didn't have a ticket), where did she get her wardrobe since she didn't have luggage? And I could be mistaken, but when we first meet her, I don't think she even had a purse on her.

All-in-all, for me this movie was too "campy" and difficult to take seriously.

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22 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
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Even though what happened is unfathomable, despite all the tragedy, the deeper focus is on hope

A true story. Not the only one of this kind, unfortunately. This one took place in South Korea in 2008 and was filmed in the KMovie "Hope" in 2013. (In the original: "Wish" - the meaning of "Sowon", the name of the eight-year-old protagonist.)

This film production, which was shown in neighboring Asian cinemas, too, achieved great success largely through word of mouth. The story is shocking and touching, while the film adaptation laid its focus less on exploiting the crime itself, than on sensitively dealing with how it affected the little girl, her family, friends of family and classmates. It's less about the incredibly unscrupulous, brutal act than about the family's struggle to continue to come to terms with the unfathomable and the consequences on a wide variety of levels - psychological, physical, social, financial, legal, media-related and everyday practical.

“Hope” received quite some film awards. Despite all the heartbreaking tragedy, the KMovie deliberately intents to touch people in a positive sense. The KMovie wants to open up an, nevertheless, optimistic perspective towards a life 'after'. This, obviously, is tough and challenging. Surely it takes time and even more patience. Heart-rending in this context, for example, is the wonderfully authentic portrayal of the massively threatened father-daughter relationship. Unexpectedly, though, some light comes into the darkness. Sol Kyung-gu - in the role of a desperate father, whose daughter is in danger of slipping away from him due to her terrible experiences – apparently did not take off his distinctive costume throughout the entire shoot in order to maintain high contact with the emotions and their intensity the whole time. And Lee Re, in her debut on the big screen as an eight-year-old daughter, also touches the heart, as does Uhm Ji-won, who initially apparently didn't have the courage to take on her role of the mother. She is also deeply touching with her convincing acting that gets right under your skin.

Even though, what happened is and remains unfathomable, despite all the tragedy, the KMovie explicitly focuses on hope. This way, throughout those 122 stirring minutes it is not all grim all the time.


SIDE NOTE: --- The Cho Doo-soon case ---
The story refers to a rape case from 2008, when a drunken 57-year-old man brutally raped an eight-year-old girl in a public toilet in Ansan. Being as brutal as he was, the girl suffered permanent damage. However, the man (who before had already been convicted of rape, among other things) got away with only 12 years in prison. He consequently kept up his mantra, that being so drunk that day he couldn´t remember anything. This had already helped him in previous cases. Here too, he was given mitigating circumstances due to his age, the influence of alcohol and his mental state.

The rape in Asan was extremely gruesome. (The details were not in so much details explicit in the KMovie and I also do not want to waste any letter for them here, either.) Suffering from her internal and external injuries, the girl was hospitalized for eight months. She took an artificial anus back home. Medical treatment was followed by psychiatric treatment. A year later she was at least stabilized enough to go back to school. But even several years later in 2020, she apparently can handle harmless cartoons on TV only, avoids any news and tough topics, i.e. she is still extremely fragile and unstable when it comes to the issues involving any violence at all.

The investigation and trial in this case from 2008 didn´t get covered in glory. On the contrary. The public outcry was great and extended, among other things, to a petition to the Blue House for retrial. The case also led to a number of legislative proposals being submitted by the Democrats, which would, for example, suggest to imprison repeat offenders of sexual offenses against minors in special facilities for life, or e.g. concern the legal handling of sexual offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. But in the end they didn't go through, nor did various petitions.

Instead, the electronic ankle bracelet was the method of choice when Cho Doo-soon was released in 2020. The cost of continuous monitoring of Cho Do-soon's electronic ankle bracelet during the first 4 months after release only, was estimated by the Ministry of Justice at over 200 million won (over 140,000 euros). In addition, apparently 71 security cameras were set up specifically to protect Ansan's residents from Cho, who still has his wife and his home there…

By the way, the infamous Cho Doo-soon case was also topic in the K-dramas "Taxi Driver 2", "Voice 4" and "Vigilante".

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

What's life is like for a rescue diver

When I first saw the title I was a bit put off by the translation of Umizaru or 'Sea monkey' at that time I really didn't read the synopsis and I just started the movie little did I know it would be the best movie that I would have watch it really gave a certain vibe and as a military enthusiast I really loved what they did with the story though not every rescue diver would be like that but it gave a sense of camaraderie, bonds, and time you spent with the group of people you train with like "This sucks I should just quit, but the other people behind me and in front of me and my buddy are also in this suck I should not quit" it really gave that kind of sense along side that it really gave an impact for the romance even if the movie is not all romance it hits those area really good and the music timing is just amazing I would listen to that song over and over again along side the ost it Umizaru really made an imapact to me and how I should proceed in life really something to learn if your willing to watch to the whole thing again you really understand it a lot more and it deepens certain area where if you had questions you would find the answer.

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Present Perfect Part 2
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I wish all the wives who have men as husbands, who like men and it breaks down or the couple finally wants to work it out, were as accommodating and understanding as Namwhan. After four years, Oat got fatter and he didn't seem so mysterious and attractive to me anymore, an unexercised body could be seen under the layer of crusts, Toey is still a skeleton and only gained weight in his face and this time I trusted him more. I felt like their physical relationship was more mature than in the first episode and the Thai island setting (I assume it was Lantau when they were talking about the mosque) was a blast. Also refreshing were the characters of Jena and the real Japanese Kenta. Kham, one of the main stars of the new series Call It What You Want, flashed in a small role. M.anon's subtitles have improved by leaps and bounds and you could say they are already very solid. I appreciate the story, even though it ended almost like a fairy tale here, because it deals with a very sensitive topic, and no matter how those involved approach it, it will always hurt someone...I definitely recommend watching the first part of the year before watching this movie 2017 Present Perfect.

Kéž by všechny manželky, které mají za manžely muže, co mají rádi muže a provalí se to a nebo to chce dvojice konečně řešit, byly tak vstřícné a chápavé, jako Namwhan. Po čtyřech letech Oat ztaťkovatěl a už mi nepřipadal tak tajemný a přitažlivý, pod nánosem kérek bylo vidět necvičené tělo, Toey je pořád kostřička a přibral jen v obličeji a tentokráte jsem více věřil jemu. Připadalo mi, že jejich fyzický vztah byl vyzrálejší, než v prvním díle a kulisa thajského ostrova (předpokládám, že to byl Lantau, když mluvili o mešitě) byla bezva. Rovněž osvěžením byly postavy Jeny a skutečného Japonce Kenta. V drobné roli se tam mihl Kham, jedna z hlavních hvězd nového seriálu Call It What You Want. Titulky od M.anon se mílovými kroky zlepšily a dalo by říci, že už jsou velmi solidní. Příběhu, i když zde skončil téměř pohádkově, si vážím, protože se věnuje tématu velmi citlivému a ať už k němu dotyční zúčastnění přistoupí jakkoliv, vždy to bude někoho bolet ...Rozhodně doporučuji před zhlédnutím tohoto filmu se nejdříve podívat na první díl z roku 2017 Present Perfect.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Similar to the film Lodi, the same director here also deals with the question of gay and straight men and their mutual erotica. While in Lodi the straight man Brent had no idea that he was being hypnotized and abused by a fanatical gay man, here in this film straight men are confronted with the finished product "fully aware". I rate it the way I rate it, and I definitely don't intend to hurt a film that was made for this purpose and the creators knew they wouldn't get a high rating.

Podobně jako ve snímku Lodi stejný režisér i zde řeší otázku gay a hetero mužů a jejich vzájemného erotična. Zatímco v Lodi heterák Brent netušil, že je uspáván a zneužíván fanatickým gayem, zde v tomto filmu jsou hetero muži postaveni před hotovou věc za "plného vědomí". Hodnotím tak jak hodnotím a ubližovat filmu, který byl vyroben za tímto účelem a tvůrci věděli, že vysokého ratingu nedosáhnou, rozhodně více nehodlám.

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Playboy and the Gang of Cherry
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
It is not an easy film for the viewer, nor does it reach great heights of appreciation, many will give up because of complete confusion, insanity, bullshit, stupidity, and I had this tendency too. But not only under the influence of the fact that the film won several awards at various festivals, I watched it and .... I usually end up with a weak film and I don't remember it anymore and I don't even want to remember it. However, this is not the case with this picture and I was thinking more and more about what it was supposed to convey.
The acting side of this coarser erotic film was solid in my opinion, and it must have been a lot of work. Gun plays a completely different character than we know him. Mac was not afraid to show himself in uncomfortable situations and erotic positions. Cherry gave an excellent performance full of hatred, lust, violence and malice and as a character she had several lives as a cat. There are other characters in the film, I was interested in LadyBoy, who at first in his female role I didn't recognize as a man (or rather a skinny young man). The director himself also played there. The chained boy was the saddest character in the film. Questions like whether this is even possible in human society remained in my mind, but apparently it is...

Pro diváka to není snadný film, ani nesahá do velkých výšin ohodnocení, mnozí to vzdají pro naprostou zmatenost, šílenost, kravinu, debilitu a i já jsem měl tuto tendenci. Ale nejen pod vlivem toho, že film získal několik ocenění na různých festivalech jsem se dodíval a .... většinou u slabého filmu končím a více si na něj už nevzpomenu a ani nechci vzpomenout. S tímto snímkem tomu tak ale není a stále víc jsem přemýšlel, co tím mělo být sděleno.
Herecká stránka u tohoto hrubšího erotického filmu ale byla dle mě solidní a muselo to být i hodně práce. Gun hraje naprosto jinou postavu, než jak jej známe. Mac neměl strach se ukázat v nepříjemných situacích a erotických pozicích. Cherry podala výborný výkon plný nenávisti, chtíče, násilí a zloby a jako postava měla několik životů jako kočka. Ve filmu jsou i další postavy, zaujal mě LadyBoy, u kterého jsem nejdříve v jeho ženské roli nepoznal, že je to muž (no spíše hubeňoučký mladík). Zahrál si tam i samotný režisér. Zřetězený chlapec byl nesmutnější postavou filmu. V mém nitru zůstaly otázky typu, zda je toto vůbec možné v lidské společnosti, ale zřejmě ano ...

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Beautiful Mystery
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
You need to prepare for this film first, read something, why it was made, at what time. If a European approaches it just like that, the film can come across as a total dud. But I think the opposite is true. The film was based on the subject of Yukio Mishima's private army (we have an excellent documentary about Mishima here - Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters). The story mainly follows Shinohara, a Japanese youth recruited into Mitani's militia. You will find out what awaits him and how it will turn out in this picture with a subtle touch of parody, when Shinoharu gradually submits to an exhausting regime of homosexual orgies, which are meant to cover up the least. I smiled, for example, at the second erotic scene, when one of the two apparently grew a phallus between the sternum and navel. The message of the film is obvious, but I don't really agree with Mishima's stance, but it didn't affect my rating in any way. It's one of the little pieces of East Asian gay history that we shouldn't miss.

Na tento film je potřeba se nejdříve připravit, něco si přečíst, proč byl vyroben, v jaké době. Pokud k němu přistoupí Evropan jen tak, může se film jevit jako totální blbina. Ale dle mě opak je pravdou. Film vznikl na základě námětu o soukromé armádě Yukio Mishima (o Mishimovi zde máme výborný filmový hraný dokument - Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters). Příběh sleduje především Shinoharu, japonského mladíka rekrutovaného do Mitaniho milice. Co všechno ho čeká a jak to dopane se dozvíte v tomto snímku s jemným nádechem parodie, kdy se Shinoharu postupně podvolí vyčerpávajícímu režimu homosexuálních orgií, které mají i ledasco zakrýt. Usmál jsem se např. u druhé erotické scény, kdy jednomu z těch dvou zřejmě narostl falus mezi hrudní kostí a pupkem. Poselství snímku je zřejmé, ale já vnitřně moc s postoji Mishima nesouhlasím, ale nijak to neovlivnilo mé hodnocení. Je to jeden z malých střípků gay historie východní Asie, o který bychom neměli přijít.

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Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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Worth every minute

Yes, i did give this movie a 10 out of 10 rating. Im still trying to understand the low rating it has.
I understand it might not be for everyone since its barely a movie and more of a memoir of a couple who didnt get their happy ending. I cant even comprehend how that was acting since it felt like i was watching 2 real life lovers making memories together. I saw someone said they laughed and cried together with them and its true. Its so raw that when they re happy, u are too and when they cry, u cry. It conveyed real life problems, feelings and basically everything that people might experience.
If someone who wants to watch the movie but doesnt know if its worth it is reading this, watch it but be prepared.
Its just a beautiful movie.

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de koo
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 4.5


It’s exactly what it is. Erotica combined with a tragedy.

Honestly I don’t know what I was expecting when I started this, I went into this movie blind but I knew it was in the erotica category. I was just curious because of the actress since I saw her in The glory the first time and liked her ever since. She did such a good job once again even in this movie.

I could definitely tell there was chemistry between the actors and the longing was something even I felt through the screen.

As for the uh, ‘erotic’ scenes, I mean I don’t know I kept laughing at it ? I don’t know maybe i’m just a little too immature for it still but the plot and sneaking around bit was what kept me watching.

I feel bad for the wife, she truly never blamed the mistress or her husband. She’s definitely my favourite character in the movie. On a side note the ending was actually heart breaking, I kinda called it though, I knew one of them was going to die.

But regardless a pretty entertaining watch.

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Amor em Águas Turvas
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.5

Interesting film. Not sure it worked.

After skewering the tropes and conventions of mysteries in last summer's series, Hatsukoi no Akuma, it's clear that Sakamoto understands the genre and could have written a satisfying, bog standard mystery set on a cruise ship. But, instead, he seems to have chosen not to, and it makes me wonder why.

Our intrepid, ersatz detectives are Ubukata and Banjuku who have a meet-cute as the cruise ship is leaving the dock in Hokaido for a 45 day cruise to the Aegean and back. Banjuku is trying to track down the woman she suspects of cheating with her boyfriend and who happens to be Ubukata's girlfriend, and somehow ends up on board with no ticket and no luggage but manages to have a week's worth of fashionable wardrobe to wear throughout the film. There are TONS of little details in the film like that which make no sense at all. None of them are insurmountable, but the filmmakers do not even seem to care. And so do not come to this film expecting to find a tightly woven thriller where every detail was intentional and counts towards the "solution" to the mystery.

But does it work as a romcom instead? Eh... There is SOME chemistry between the two leads, and Ubukata has some character growth, but Banjuku is just sort of an MPDG tugging that growth along, and we really do not get much a backstory and motivation for her other than her suspecting her boyfriend of cheating.

And so it's not much of a mystery and not much of romcom? Is there anything here to salvage the film? Well, you know: it's Sakamoto, and he generally does have things to say. (See, for instance, my coverage of his oeuvre through 2021 here on MDL:

In this film, he touches a bit on classism and the divide between the haves and the have-nots who serve them, and, as usual, he questions the reductivism of eat-the-rich, and, while he does condemn all rudeness and abuse, he weaves a bit of complexity into that dichotomy by focusing on the resulting relationships and how they can bridge the gap between social classes.

He also considers at length the importance of people's intentions over their actions. Does it matter if someone intended to cheat, but did not in fact do so? Does it matter if someone intended to murder, but did not in fact do so? I do think Sakamoto intends to say yes and always. But I'm not sure that thesis is enough to bring this film up to his usual standard.

If you're looking for what Sakamoto has to say about mysteries go seek out Hatsukoi no Akuma: it's fun, and the acting is off the charts in that last episode. If you're looking for his views on romance, I'd probably go with Saikou no Rikon even though it's explicitly set after the bloom has come off the rose.

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The Age of Blood
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de betun
Nov 16, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.5
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Rather random martial arts film

It is quite rare for me to dislike a movie this much but the Age of blood did it, compelling me to write a review after years. It was so unwatchable that I considered abandoning it entirely even though i have sat through some really terrible movies. To distinguish myself from typical naysayers I shall also provide my reasoning.
Firstly, the lack of character development is quite remarkable. Throughout the movie, not even a single character learns anything. The protagonist has no sense of self preservation and there is no clarity as to what happened to him and why he is so loyal. The principal events are not explained and it is not even clear whether the protagonist is even fighting for the 'good' cause or whether anyone is good. The utter bloodshed seems completely unnecessary when most people do not seem to want to get involved. There are several ancillary characters and there was plenty of potential for stringing together a story and some emotional appeal. The asinine writing ensures that even people dying leaves no impact whatsoever as the protagonist all but ensures such consequences due to his lack of intelligence. The little girl exists for no reason whatsoever and there is also a pretty heroine introduced almost at the end but who gets to do almost nothing.
The martial arts did not impress me because the shots are not clean. The camerawork is some of the worst I have ever seen and competes only with other denizens of the netherhells who do similar shaky cam cinematography. I would advise these sufferers of Parkinson's disease to find other occupations where they could be less destructive. The wins of the protagonist are utterly unbelievable and he seems to be a Mary sue with no explanations for his prowess whatsoever. There is hardly anything clever in the fighting. It's mostly brutal slog. When he gets a baton instead of a sword for a weapon the impact on enemies is similar. They take a hit and stay down and the inferiority of the weapon is irrelevant. I am ok with one strong guy beating everyone but it ought to be done with some level of credulity but that's entirely missing here.
There is much done to make the antagonists look cool and they do. However, their motivations are unclear and while they fight well and always seem to be winning, they somehow do not manage to kill the protagonist even showing him mercy on several occasions. Our hero on the other hand has no subtlety and appears to be closest to a bloodhound in all characteristics including intelligence and communication skill.
The story did not exist. This is despite the fact that they gave themselves a clean chit to write whatever by having the king say conveniently that the incident be not recorded in history. Why then not write a coherent story? There are so many questions this movie leaves untold. Why was there a rebellion? Did the king really commit fratricide? What was the rank and training of the protagonist? Why was the uncle working in the same prison? Perhaps, the writers were given the total length of the movie screen time to write the whole story. Perhaps, the writers might fail composition class in grade 9. Perhaps, this movie is secretly a masterpiece to highlight the worst of modern movie making. Getting the best actors, best equipment, beautiful long range camera shots and yet the worst writing and martial arts cinematography. The modern movie audience is expected to have room temperature IQ and so a historical context and attractive faces are considered good enough. Anyway, I must excuse myself for some scotch now.

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Nov 16, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

only for you

"You have to live, my dear. I lost my sight, but I can still see you. Close my ears, but I can still hear you. And without the feet, I can still follow you. Without the sound, I can still call you. Break my hand, but I can still hold you. Hold you with my heart as if I were to hold you in my hand, let my heart stop. But My mind will keep beating, and if you ignite this spark in my mind, then you will flow through my body like water"
This is how Shinji Ozumoto describes his love for Hibiki Eda. The plot of the story is wonderful to the point that you have the idea of ​​loving someone in this way. The film describes the love of a deaf girl for a manga writer who becomes blind and how she helps him hold on to hope and live his life and not give up and be able to find happiness in the simplest things in his life... Performance. The actors were wonderful. I felt sad and happy. I lived the roles with them, and their feelings reached me

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Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

indian dish taste with smile

There were all Indian spices and ingredients which were cooked in Indian style. It felt more like an Indian movie than a Thai one.

Some things that bothered me were that firstly when two people of different languages were talking then the use of English was fine but when two people of the same language were talking then the use of English did not seem right to me especially when you are making a movie where two cultures and language is being shown. Secondly, it seemed as if the artists had hold themselves. Their acting and expressions were not coming out naturally. especially the two moments i like to mention 1st Risa and tim's dance and 2nd Monica's running in the climax.

Overall it is a good romcom. Believe me, this movie will make you smile.

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Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Thailand-indian vibes are surprisingly dazzling!!!!!!

This is the most lovable and funny movie I would have immagined it could happening in thailand!!!!!! the acting and cinematography so well done and performed full of vivid colors, I should say it is SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and I am in love with the mixture of thailand and indian acting, it will be unforgettable for me "against the first review mentioned being forgettable"!!!!

This movie is so different from all the traditional thailand lakorns as there is a rare and few carrying this funny and comedic side, thailand lakorns are all known about dramatically speaking with so much tragedy and violence but this movie will make another new conception of the funny thailand shows!!!!!!

It was a great idea to portray the break up and reunion of all exes in this light and funny way that most of thailand shows are missing in their actings, this show should be more appreciated and rated more highly, I wish it will be more renowned in future as it is just today released.

Risa carried all the show and she performed well in this movie with her amazing dance with all the people thailand and indian around her was so fascinating and her english talking was not bad and her feelings when thrown in her exs hands was greatly acted as it was the core of the subject of movie, she will not confess her weakness just hiring Tim her other second ex to have the pride as she is not in need of Arun "first ex of Risa" but deeply she needed Tim without knowing this fact.

Tim could have been better, he was little dull and boring but as paired with Risa was a great combination of acting and was her healing from her numerous break ups, he was so good in sword duel and saving Arun's father as said "jack of all trades" and "hero" so well said by Risa, he didn't have the audacity to confess to her but just making fun of her was too not bad to add more for this comedic show, he too carried all the show with risa in the dancing scene, I loved them being together to the end and how they pretended they came back together to save her being weak in front of Arun and how Risa threw Tim in water as pissed her of!!!!

Arun on the other side was so greatly choosen as the indian guy boyfriend of Risa and I liked when he backed up to not commit a mistake against Monica when approaching Risa in a wrong moment, Monica his bride to be as the other was too cute and well choosen as him, he is careless guy who left Risa and surprised to meet her again as his wedding organiser and treat her as an old friend but all the indian actors here was so suitable and well combined with the thailand one.

Risa's gang friends Jan and Offy was too funny and loving when portraying the story of Risa's break ups in their rap song amazingly done.

I would recommend SO STRONGLY this amazing movie, the way Risa moved from Arun after the mostly laughable truck scene, when Monica caught Arun will fall in mistake with Risa when reminiscing their old memories, they convert the dramatic moment to a funny one this is when I FALL IN LOVE THE MOST WITH THIS UNPRECENTED MOVIE, it was too when enjoying the dancing and happy colorfully moments of traditional indian wedding!!!! Everyone is lovable and really so worthy to watch it for a great time to choose this magnificent movie.

JUST GIVE IT A TRY and you will not regret it at all, I wish it will get more high marks and pleasure from all watchers, it was a great option to watch after being in a drama slump, you will be transferred to another happy world, forgetting your surrounding the moment you will click play!!!!!

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Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
18 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

Fun and Forgettable watch!!!

First things first... I'm an Indian and I should mention this because this review will be from that POV....Now , if you are someone who doesn't want to watch a movie without giving much thought to it then this is that perfect afternoon watch for you. Now coming to the,
1. Story Plot : As given it is not something with that much depth and along the movie none of the characters have any major development and you can almost ignore the side characters because they are present there for some reason which you can very well avoid. You can avoid them just like the writers avoided a lot of serious stuffs in a comedic manner which by the way is not something you need to brush off. It was something that Thai industry does ignoring some major societal issues.

2. Setting : Apart from the actors and the prime location nothing is Thai but is it Indian ?! NO They took the Indian wedding theme and did research a lot I guess because you will feel that you are viewing an Indian Wedding (a blah one ofcourse). Also then somehow you will also get a touch of K-dramas because of its all cute scenes and expressions.

3. Acting: Bright is someone who knows what he is required to do and does the job accordingly , there is very little that he adds on his own but as he has his own charm , it does the job and I like him on screen coming to Bella , she was literally forced to speak English (I know she is Thai but half British) and if she can't speak English that we'll writers could have done something to it rather than just going with the flow of that very bad accent. Now Mahir and Anahita are a known name in Indian Television and they were pretty much on the same page as the story and everything given that they are Indian and they know what's next.

4. Music : Here! I loved that scene and also Anahita talked so much about it that at one point I was waiting for this scene. It was well executed with a pretty good dance to go along and also Bright danced to an Indian song ... I'm happy!

5. Climax : The chase scene was hilarious. No doubt that made me feel like okay this is an Indian comedy movie and it gave a nostalgia of 90s comedy movies . It was a fun watch.

This was movie with a cliche plot but fun to watch. It's just that there's a very little meat to the bone . It's a good watch in a lazy afternoon where you can have a good laugh even thinking about your ex!

This is my personal view on this Indo-Thai take, please note that I'm Indian and I looked at this entire thing from that POV. If you are someone who is new to this entire setting them it will obviously blow your mind it's cute. Happy Watching!

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