Jun 19, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
I watched this movie in school when we were talking about buddhism. I think it captures the general idea of the religion pretty good and makes it easier to understand.

The acting was good, the actors seemed really into their roles and I found nothing off.

The music was nice and fit the movie, I actually remember it which is rare.

Overall I found the movie pretty boring, but that may be because it was in school. It drags a little but has interesting and even funny scenes, too. At least my classmates were laughing at times..

It definitely has sad scenes, though. Some things are hard to understand, but I felt with the characters, pitied them somewhat and some things were a little disturbing, too.

If you want to understand buddhism better, this is a movie for you. Otherwise it's not something I'd recommend to watch "just for fun". :)

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Good Morning President
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de raiona
Jun 19, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
First, I have to say, the story summery provided here isn't well-written...it gave me a wrong impression before starting to watch this movie!

I don't know why this movie is underrated here but to me it was a good movie with a simple story told in a easy & beautiful way...I spent a good 2 hr and 11 minutes watching lives of presidents told in a simply funny way...of course, with an elegance!!

And, i must say, that chef character was really something...his ways-of-thinking and giving advices...he was awesome...haha!

This movie earns a good 7.5 from me! that extra 0.5 definitely goes to Mr. Chef...haha!!!

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A Espada Sem Sombra
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 19, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
This movie, in my opinion, deserves a 10 all across the board because it was the well done. The acting and the martial arts in this film were amazing. The story was great as well, it appeals to both the action and romance watchers :) I haven't watched many historical movies yet, but this movie motivates me to! I can't wait to go find others like it! I thought this movie was phenomenal! I hope this helps :)
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You Are My Sunshine
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
It was extremely heartwarming and touching.

Even though the music wasn't outstanding I didn't mind at all. Because the plot got me entirely. At first you may think it's boring, but as time goes by, the development of the movie will catch you.

This movie, with this surprising development reminds of "3-iron" another Korean movie. It also got no outstanding music, but THAT'S the charm of this movie, it doesn't got too much dialogues between the lead actors but THAT got its reason, and that will be revealed at the end.
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Disney High School Musical: China
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
When the American High School Musical moie came out I was completely sold. I loved everything about it and I still watch it when I need to cheer up. That's why I was so happy when I found the Chinese adaption of the movie. It didn't reach my expectations though...

The story was okay but as for the scenes where the actors sang... everything was just so random and out of place. For example the female main was in her aquarium in one sequence while singing a sad love song, makes sence? All the songs where like this, placed in without reason except for the two last ones which I actually really liked.

The actors are pretty good, and I love the male main, he voice is amazing. The girl sings well too, but I miss a little bit of power in her voice. Maybe I'm not one to talk, but they are professionals.

This movie isn't good for anything except lifting your mood when you're feeling down. It doesn't change you as a person or teach anything important. The message it wants to give you can learn from watching any other Disney movie.

The best part of the entire movie: The last song. Watch it!

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71: Dentro do Fogo
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Asp
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I must admit I had been skeptical at first, because watching something that is bound to be sad and heart-wrenching is not my forte. However, I was captivated throughout whole two hours that this movie lasted. It had everything that pulls you right into this type of cinematic experience; starting from a bunch of young boys, not men, but boys, who are pushed into a cruel war that is suddenly on their shoulders, without anyone to help them. From slaughterhouse to a silent pat on the shoulder when one is to man-up and get back on his feet. Main roles have done their jobs well enough, and portrayed their roles to the beat. Alas, give it a chance, I'm sure you'll find it very enjoyable.

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Ela está a serviço
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Rourou
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
1) The reason I watched this:

I was attracted by the synopsis and the lead actors so I decided to give it a try without any sort of expectations.

2) Storyline/Plot:

This film's story wasn't special but it was interesting to watch, the general concept was something that would make you attracted.

Positive points:

*This is the type of story that fits the majority of viewers because it has an appealing concept.

*Main Genres:

--->Action: it was present in many moments and many turns; this element made the film enjoyable (I wouldn't imagine myself watching the movie if there wasn't this element) plus the action scenes were nicely made and very believable.

--->Humor: this film was hilarious but not too funny so don't get your hopes too high. Funny scenes were present every once in a while which made the storyline lighter.

Negative points:

--->Romance: it wasn't heavily present, actually we don't get to see a lot of romance in this film, it was superficial and not very interesting (except a little at the end). However, it doesn't ruin the general story but I can't possibly call this "A romantic film".

Story: 8.5/10

3) Acting/Cast:

*Gong Yoo:
This actor's films/dramas are always interesting to watch. Here, it wasn't any different; his role was a "cool" role that kept things enjoyable. His action scenes were nice too: great kicking skills.
Speaking about the character, I would say that Kang No-young's personality was sometimes mysterious and indifferent yet it can become warm and caring at some other points.

*Kim Sun Ah:
In my Dictionary, she has always been a good actress who knows how to deliver emotions. Here, I saw decent acting skills and some nice action moves.
The character was the strong girl type, it was really funny sometimes and super serious at other times. Chun Jae-in's school girl mode was greatly done, I liked everything she have done as a high school girl especially the way she reacted with her surroundings.

*Other Cast: The acting wasn't bad plus the choice of characters was nicely done that's why I have no complains about the supporting roles.


--->Friendship : I liked that concept here even though it wasn't that deep but it was good enough to make you interested.
--->Chun Jae-in's relationships with her uncle and the police departement members was hilarious sometimes and enjoyable most of the time.
--->Romance: Due to lack of romance in the storyline, there weren't much chemistry to talk about.

Cast: 8.5/10
Acting: 9/10

4) The ending:

The romance was fixed in the end but this was your usual rom-com ending; the sort of ending that anyone would love to see on screen.

The ending: 8/10

5) My impression (How did it affect me):

The feelings I had while watching this:
*Some anticipating moments since I wanted to know what will happen next.
*Some excitement moments during action scenes.
*Entertainement moments were included too.
*I don't think there were any boring moments during the film; only some slow moments but they didn't last for long.

*Is this film memorable: yes, I think it can be considered as a memorable film although it isn't special.

My impresion: 8/10

6) Overall:

*If you like action films with a slight of romance then you may want to watch this.
*If you like strong female leads and cool male leads then this is for you.
*If you're into undercover films then you would like this.

Overall: 8.5/10.

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Legend of Ginko
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de KBison
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10
I'm not so good at writing reviews, because english isn´t my mother language, but I have to introduce this movie to you guys. maybe you wanna try it, too ;)

I really enjoyed this movie. it´s not a typical korean historical movie.
it´s more a adventure fantasy one.
with good action scenes, and a love triangle. two mens love the same women. both want to save her, because the another clan need her for dark plans.

in the end it was really exciting again. so it was never really bored.

i have this one of DVD. so I've seen this movie a thousand times, so i give a 10 to rewatch value :)

-really a good movie !

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Spring Bears Love
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
I liked this movie and it was enjoyable. Although you want to slap the main character several times cause she's stupid.

An average girl can't find a man while there's a cute guy who goes after her desperately yet she rebuffs him cause she think some stranger writing in art books is writing for her.

@@@@@@@@@@@DONT READ PAST THIS(unless you wanna know what happens)@

The Vincent guy isn't writing for hyun chae, he's writing for the deaf woman in the hospital with hyun chae's daddy. The lady who gives her the mittens. Chae and dong ga end up together at the end and the Vincent guy and deaf lady look at each other in an art gallery. Errbody happy.

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Um Amor Tão Divino
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 18, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
This is was a great movie, I'm surprised that it hasn't been reviewed yet! At first the synopsis threw me off a little because of the whole religion issue but I finally came around to watching it and I'm glad I did. By the end of the movie you are laughing and so into the movie that you are rooting for the characters! All around it was a great movie. Hope this helps :)
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Architecture 101
15 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 17, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
I wasn't really expecting anything going into Architecture 101 just because i didnt think a movie about building a house would seem that interesting. However, there was more to it...

First, the plot was a calm one with the building of a house and reconnection of the main characters being the focal point of the present story line. The past storyline gives us important info on how the main characters met(as friends) and what were the events that led to their separation (still friends at that point). I really did like the story until the ending. The ending just didn't work for me but i guess you could say it was a realistic one.

Second, I thought this was well casted. UTW & HGI played thier older versions well and they had really good chemistry. As for the younger versions of thier characters Suzy & Lee Je Hoon were adorable and matched well. I know Jo Jung Sook had a very small role but once again he manages to make his character stand out.

Overall the actors are what makes the movie memorable but the ending kind of ruins my overall enjoyment for it.

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Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 17, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
I don't know where to begin... so I'll start with a little heads up for you all.

This is a war movie and it involves violent scenes as well as emotional scenes, labile people (like myself) should not watch this!

The story of these two brothers is incredibly touching as well as it feels realistic to watch. I have only watched one movie with Won Bin (Jin Seok in this movie) before watching this and I was stunned by his performance on the screen and I can say that my admiration for him has grown to the skies. Along with Jang Dong Gun (plays his brother Jin Tae) he makes this movie insanely good.
The story, environments and the acting is all outstanding and every emotion is conveyed with precision and feeling behind it. As if all of this wasn't enough the music fits the movie perfectly and it's well timed with the scenes and creates the right mood.

I won't lie, I cried rivers. Especially at the end, but let me tell you, this entire movie is one single tragedy. But what can you expect from a war? This is the reason I had to deduct one point from the "Rewatch value", it takes to much off your heart and soul to watch this, my head aches from all the crying. I would watch it again, but I'll have to wait a while until I'm ready for it again.

Watch and enjoy!

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Primeira Neve do Amor
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 17, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 10
I just couldn't stop re watching this film.The Innocent looks of the girl.The way boy looks after her leaving him when she separates from him for the first time in the temple just got me hocked right there.The way they misunderstand each other.the things they do for each other.and the last phrase in the movie when she said" i was waiting as much as you've been waiting ".
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100 Dias Com o Sr. Arrogante
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 17, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
This movie has a typical story line of arrogant rich guy falling for quirky poor girl. It is unoriginal, but it is still cute. Kim Jae Won and Ha Ji Won play their characters well. I liked the ending.

Some parts in this movie are totally gross and could have been left out entirely and I probably would have rated this movie higher.
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A Vingança de Sophie
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 17, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I admit that I watched this because of So Ji Sub. However, I came to find this movie is delightful. Sophie's antics are funny and adorable. The story isn't anything new, but it has a twist that I didn’t' see coming. Zhang Ziyi did a great job portraying Sophie's quirky character. So Ji Sub actually plays Jeff and he really isn’t in the movie as much as I thought he would be. However, I wasn’t disappointed because Ho Peter playing Gorden more than made up for it. Gorden is a sweet, funny character that I completely fell for. I love the artsy feel that this movie has. I will probably watch it again because I truly enjoyed it.

SPOILERISH >>> So Ji Sub doesn’t die in this movie.

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