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  • Localização: chilling under the foliage
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  • Aniversário: August 07
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  • Data de Admissão: junho 3, 2011

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chilling under the foliage


chilling under the foliage


I have been watching Asian TV shows and movies for quite a long time now, (since seeing Matsuda Shota acting in Liar Game made me go all )

because some of my most favorite stories came from Japan back then. I recall seeing a Chinese movie on TV where a fighting scene stuck to my mind; two warriors versing each other in the rain, the movement so slick and measured it looked like they were having an enjoyable dance. So it's not at all surprising that many years after I am still here actively looking for that kind of content to watch as I find the very lack of variety and repetitive (we need another reboot guys, more lasers in this one please!) content in western cinema unappealing for awhile now.

When it comes to genres, I tend to go for:

- romance, whether it's historical or modern and as of late, usually it's Chinese dramas;
- horrors/mysteries/thrillers, primarily Korean or Japanese with stories about detectives, serial killers, the justice system, revenge, battle royale and the like, and also
- Thai horror-comedies, because they are hilarious and they deserve to be a category of their own.

I went from watching mainly Japanese to Korean to Chinese shows over a span of a decade and I do find that valuable content can be found across the board if you know what you are looking for. Occasionally I do watch Thai, Taiwanese and Turkish shows and especially the last category because I have them easily available on TV but they don't seem to be a category on MDL for some reason. This is somewhat disappointing as they have some good shows with unforgiving endings for the evil-doers which is extremely satisfying to watch.  (I definitely didn't come across Çağlar Ertuğrul in one of them and then proceeded to watch more shows solely because of him, yok! )

I usually stray away from melodramatics, tragedies (unless the story is so good that I went and consumed all other media formats it had because it was an experience and half despite being gutted by censorship)


tearjerkers, family-oriented shows as well as slice-of-life stories, unless I get a decent recommendation for them. My rating system has been the same for years and I stand firmly by it, as I think that criticizing content that we consume is very important and ratings are often inflated/deflated and therefore misleading for the viewer.

I drop dramas very rarely because I think that every show should be given a decent chance, and at the same time I dislike leaving things unfinished, so if I have stopped watching something it's usually tedious and difficult to watch and should be disposed of in the 9th circle of hell.

My reviews are few and far between; it depends on if a show made me angry or was a delight to watch, so there is rarely a middle ground when it comes to writing them. If I have finished watching something after three months leaving a rating lower than five stars, a comment recommending against watching the show, and most importantly, wrote a review longer than three paragraphs, you bet I'm going to be ripping into it pretty harshly because it has a lot of elements that deserve to be criticized and warned against. (You see that cat? That's me every time scriptwriters think it's acceptable to have a poor doormat FL and a rich douchebag ML in the 21st century. This cat should be summoned each time they get the idea, as no one should ever be forced to sit through The Heirs ).

I don't interact with the community on MDL much at all, as I mainly use the website to keep track of my watchlist and find recommendations, but if you do have a question about something I have seen or if you need a recommendation on something to watch, my inbox is always open or you can add me. My rating system is right below, happy watching!


0-4 Avoid
5-7 Mediocre
8-9 Good
10 - I have it on DVD/ext-HDD


191d 16h 43m
5,795 episódios, 297 programas
7d 23h 6m
104 filmes

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