Brass Knuckle Boys
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Crazy, noisy, garbled music… Pure PUNK ROCK middle age. It was a funny movie nonetheless. Aoi Miyazaki's acting was over the top and it was my first time to see her like that. I have always imagined her as a melodramatic person even in other movies.

The movie moved back and forth from the bands past, namely the Bras Knuckle Kids. It showed how the band members evolved to the kind of person they are today. Watching this film made me think what punk really is about. Like in Sex Pistols' era along with their bassist Sid Vicious who are known as the Punk rock gods during the 80's, I feel that their music are cleaner and more turbulent than what we have of punk today. Today's punk is more on what most people call emo side. Songs made out of love and heartbreak instead of about controversies, internal affairs and other issues of real life.

Back to the movie… it also had its broken plots and what nots in between when Kana's character goes out of hand but the ending surely got me smiling then staring blankly after. Music wise… as I have already mentioned above it was terribly noisy. Horrible if they include the shouting, I am not a fan of too much violence. So for a supposedly music endowed comedy movie with lots of sub plots, this almost made me stop watching. Still, it was an OKAY film at the end.

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Love in Space
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Rourou
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
1) The reason I watched this:

This film has been in one of my collections for over a year and I really have no idea why it was there. Anyway, I just decided to watch it having no idea what's its theme or main actors. At first, I thought it was a Korean film but when it started I realized that it was a Chinese film. I had second thoughts but I watched it anyway.

2) Storyline/Plot:

It's a multiple stories film; the sort of production that usually sound appealing to me because you would feel diversity and lack of blank moments.

Positive points:

*Three sisters, three love stories and three different places.
*The way all the three stories were combined together was pretty well done.
*Watching the three stories at the same time was fun since you would watching one while anticipating what will happen in the other one, that was sort of cool.
*Even though the three female leads belongs to the same family but there were great differences which was one of the positive points that counts for the storyline.

Negative points:

*It may feel rushed sometimes.
*One of the stories didn't feel as deep as the other ones: there was a little disorder there.
*I still don't agree with the title "love in space" because only one story happened in space while the rest was located on earth: it felt a little unfair.
*This is not a unique storyline so don't expect a lot of depth, just enjoy another typical rom-com.

Story: 6.5/10

3) Acting/Cast:

*Generally speaking the cast was pretty good considering the fact that I am only familiar with two actors here.
The chemistry was enjoyable and captivating.
The second sister was annoying as a character but the general acting was actually cool.

Cast: 7/10
Acting: 8/10

4) The ending:

Two stories were combined at the end; that was kind of cool .
The ending was nice, not intense, a little light.
It was a typical rom-com ending that anyone would love to see on screen.

The ending: 8/10

5) My impression (How did affect me):

*Considering the fact that I am not a fan of Chinese romantic comedies, this was pretty cool.
*It's not one of the best romantic comedies that I've seen but it was a decent way to pass time with since it was exempt from boring moments.

My impression: 7/10

6) Overall:

*If you're rom-com lover then you would like this.
*Don't expect much from the film's title.

Overall 7.5/10.

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O Vigarista Negro: O Filme
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
Kurosagi is a film about deception. The movie didn't appeal to me as much as I thought it would. I think this is the result of watching too much Leverage. Another American series that I got myself hooked up with. For me that series had more substance than this film. There were so many empty plots on how he was able to trick a trickster. The only reason why I gave this a try is to see if Yamapi would stand to the name that people has given him. He is so far one of the youngest sought out actor in Japan, so I wanted to give this movie a try.

So far, it gave me a huge disappointment. Not even Yamapi nor Horikita Maki could make me raise this this to 10.

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5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
The movie was a manga adaptation from Asano Inio's art and it has so many significant parallels that I felt like I was reading the manga all over again while watching the movie with the plus of music. (Which was pretty fantastic by the way) Though some situations were not brought up in the film, i.e. one of the guys was really in love with the main protagonist but that wasn't really dwelled on, the thought of the manga was still incorporated and didn't make much difference.

I think I enjoyed Solanin because of the fact that I was able to read the manga in the first place and was able to appreciate it more due to the involvement of music. Seeing Aoi Miyazaki sing her heart out on the stage was quite amazing to watch. This was the first time I've ever seen her sing like that and a rock genre nonetheless. I just hope that wasn't a voice over or else I might tear my hair out because I find her singing really cool.

The pacing of the story was alright, it wasn't slow nor too fast, but you had to understand the dialogue to appreciate it for what it is. There is so much meaning to the title Solanin and the movie would explain it well. There were funny moments on simple actions and tear jerking moments in unexpected scenes.

One last thing I have to really comment on, they were able to produce Meiko's t-shirt from the manga for the Live Action movie. That one, I really liked because it meant that they were really going through with details. Do check out the manga drawing in parallel with the Movie cover and you'll understand what I mean.

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Eu te Dou o Meu Primeiro Amor
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
As much as I love Inoue Mao and as much as I find Okada Masaki to be a cutie and a sweetheart… the film was… I guess I have to get over it.

I hated the ending. I can't believe that's how crappy they made the ending to be. This is a manga adaptation!!! The least they could do was follow the manga. I'm mad for the mangaka who didn't fight for her rights. The ending just ruined it for me.

They started the film with a couple of really cute kids whose acting was superb. I love that part were the young boy kissed the young girl so she would stop crying. (Those kids are so freaking adorable!) Then it shifts to the older version the kids, who actually grew up. Here comes in Junior high student Mayu (Mao) and Takuma (Masaki) up to the point they went to high school.

I would have to say, the cinematography was really beautiful and the sound track is pure joy to listen to though the movie was a bit draggy in some parts. The main cast were really good at their role and the story line is so great. Even the manga was quirky, funny and heavy all at the same time. Mao portrayed Mayu as a love-struck teenager who wouldn't let go of a promise made to her. Masaki was great at portraying a guy who is also in love but is afraid to love because he knew he was going to die eventually, *sigh* harsh reality for these two teenage kids.

As the story went on, I was getting too much engrossed because of everything. Even cried in some scenes… but the ending. Oh well. It is a beautifully made movie. But it shows you how much time you are wasting by being an idiot.

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Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
Reminds me of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist + the photography session. I LOVED THAT part where they included the snapshots in some of the scenes. It was an added charm to the film. The soundtrack they have chosen for the movie was also very much lively and matched the movie so well. Also, as grudgingly as I am to say this… Horikita Maki is indeed one of the best young actresses in Japan. She may not be one of my favorite actresses, but she definitely hits the jack pot whether its in the films or drama series. Maybe it's also the choice of films and dramas that made her a sought out actress? She also doesn't seem to be afraid of having different hairstyles or images and that's pretty good for someone like her.

Now on to the film.

The movie is about Susuke Naomi who incurred an amnesia through an unfortunate incident. She fell down the stairs to save a camera but in the process hit her head on the ground and lost memory of four years in her life. When she woke up, she didn't know that she was in high school, has a jerk for a boy friend named Ace and that she was in a year book with her best friend Mirai. Most of all, she was helped during her accident by a guy named Yui whom she never really talked to. He's like that dark ominous figure in the school who was one year older than her.

A lot of things happened to her, like finding out the real her, doing things she had never done before and maturing all through it in the process.

The film was really beautiful especially when you see it in the eyes of Naomi. The cinematography was gorgeous and the production was well done. The story line was not that perfect, but the scenes executed by the actors were really good that you wouldn't mind the other boring parts of it and have I mentioned the cinematography? Again… it made up for everything even if the actors didn't.

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Love Letter
24 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
It’s one of those very bittersweet films that you’d cry with and yet say… “Damn, that was such a beautiful film.” I said that and will say it again.

Love Letter was a beautiful film in a wonderful setting and great plot lines. Though it was confusing at first, it still gives you a slight thinking that it has a reason for being like that. Then once you get to understand what in the world is happening, you’ll get to unfold what it was all about and why.

The film was very simple, not too dramatic or mind boggling. It didn’t even have any CG effects in it but it will show you extremely good actors, great story in the back ground and a really nice soundtrack to come along with everything. It also has this softness that has melancholy written all over the story but the sweetness seeps in with everything until it’s late to realize that you’re caught up with the story and would want more.

This left me weeping at the end but made me feel good at the same time. It surely made me want to recommend it everyone.

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De Mim para Você
17 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
I have been a Haruma fan after watching Bloody Monday. He always left me with the impression of a very refreshing guy and that goes the same way here in this movie.

Kimi ni Todoke is one of the sought out japanase manga these days. Even my cousin (who is an adult in his own right and definitely a straight guy) enjoyed this movie. He professed on watching the anime, while I opted on reading it since the manga production is much faster than that of the anime version.

As for the movie, like almost every Japanese film I’ve seen, it had a slow pacing at first until things build up to the point where you couldn’t stop watching anymore and just get totally hooked up. The story is very simple, boy likes girl, girl likes boy… we all know how teenage romance could get going.

What makes this movie different?

I would have to say that it’s Sawako’s character. In teenage romance stories, there are the usual girls who are the brassy type: loud, war freak or popular. There are those opposite characters as well: very quiet, aloof because she’s shy or because she has lots of family problems or was being abused in all kind of things or she’s plainly an anti-social person.

In Sawako’s case, (the protagonist in this movie) has a peculiar character. She has no family problem since she’s very much loved by her parents, she has no image disturbances only that she’s being usually mistaken as a curse giver thus the SADAKO nickname came about and she’s not poor either so financially she is stable. So basically she had no flaws when it comes to her personality background. So what’s so interesting about her? The protagonist is a misunderstood person. She gets ignored but not bullied, she tries to blend in and be friends with everyone but instead is feared upon. Sawako is actually a nice person but she just don’t know how to show it properly.

That’s where this bubbly Kazeha guy comes in. He alters Sawako’s tiny universe and thus the high school romance begin.

I would say the manga is more detailed when it comes to projecting how these main two characters feel. What they are thinking are made in tiny thought bubbles that cannot be used in the movie because that would just be weird.

Cinematography was very simple because the setting was always in the school grounds and yet the angles and perspectives gives out a bigger impact on the viewer. As for the soundtrack, it was synced in properly with all the scenes and the choice of music if very appropriate for a soft themed movie.

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O Motel à Beira-Mar
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
A slow paced film that almost bored the hell out of me in the 65% duration of the show but the ending part was quite a revealer and made me change my mind about the whole idea of the movie.

What I liked about this was how everything coincided with each other on the ending part. Initially I watched the film because of Ikuta Toma being one of the characters but slowly, I realized that there are other veteran actors casted in this film which was quite surprising because I thought it was a really low budgeted film. Then again… that’s what they wanted the movie to seem like.

Over all, the movie was funny in some ways, confusing due to the fact that it made me guess some of the character’s real intentions. The sound track and the setting did make sense after finishing the 103 minutes run.

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Beijo do Paraíso
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Another movie excerpted from a manga.

Paradise Kiss is the creation of Ai Ayazawa, one of my favorite mangaka who happens to be the same author of Nana. (I just HAD to include that here.)

This movie made me nod my head and say, "Okay, that was good... now next please." It wasn't something special compared to reading the manga. It was so different I ended up getting disappointed and almost pissed off, but I ended up with a complacent feeling thanks to Mukai Osamu who acted as George just because he was so darn hot and also for Keiko Kitagawa as Yukari just because she was such a pretty model.

As for character comparisons, Miwako was supposed to be small! But they used a taller actress for her which was sad because she was a key character too. There is also Arashi who is Miwako's boyfriend. He didn't make much impact here compared in the manga where he was such a laid back guy not the stiff one he portrayed in the movie, then Hiroyuki also ruined it for me. He was supposed to be the-clean-cut-looking-guy, with brunette hair and a killer smile, but they made him sport a blondish hair which made him look like gangster no matter how they made him sport decent looking clothes.

After all this character rant, Isabella finally comes in to the rescue! They have chosen Shunji Igarashi to act as Isabelle. I can't believe they could make him into such a beautiful transvestite. This was mostly the high light of my movie watching along with Yukari/Caroline's cat walk and George's created dress.

Over all it was a fine movie, but not one I would be recommending dearly.

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7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
A slow endearing Romantic Drama type of movie. Pretty much tells us how bad and good chances happen.

Music wise, there's not much to boast about since the music is more prominent before and after the movie but to make up to it, both lead characters sings through the duration of the film that I could say it's good enough as a sound track. The movie's motif on music is more on the sound of everyday surroundings because it is a vital element for the whole film.

The plot line is slow and yet everything is in it. Since I'm a sucker for good endings, this hits the spot. Okada Junichi is one hell of an actor if he wanted to be one. He's cute, sassy and has that great smile. While Kumiko Aso is a dead ringer look alike for Arakagai Yui! (That is, if you place the Camera farther away to keep her profile to not focus enough on her face. lolz) Then again that's not the sole reason why I like her. Her acting is pretty good and her voice, its so cute when she sings and hums to herself.

Over all the movie has lots to offer. What I liked most about the film was how they started the story from a simple coincidence to an awesome ending.

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Você é Meu Pet
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
I love Jang Geun Suk but I just wasn't into his character in this one. I love it when he plays hot and spicy much more then his cute and silly. He was a little to silly in some of the scenes for my taste but it was to be expected as it is a silly comedy. It also seemed to be focused on JGS dancing and singing. Though I wasn't overly impressed with the dancing, I very much love his voice. There were moments that were very cute though and my favorite part was the scenes at the end showing them together as a couple which was super cute. As a movie it obviously couldn't build on the story the way a series does but it progressed ok. I'm not sorry I watched it but I doubt I'll watch it again.

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Old Boy
28 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
This is a hard movie for me to rate, and review, because I have such mixed feeling about it. Old Boy is an expertly told thriller, full of suspense, that I simultaneously loved and hated.

What I absolutely loved was the beginning. I would even dare to call it the best beginning of a revenge story that I've ever seen. From the opening moments to the time he is finally free, I was on the edge of my seat. Oh Dae-Su's transformation is also amazing to watch, and I was completely impressed with Choi Min Sik's performance.

From there we get to the heart of the revenge story. Oh Dae-Su's search for the man who ruined his life is full of intrigue. Yoo Ji Tae brilliantly plays the antagonist Lee Woo Jin, with a really creepy sophistication. There's also an epic hallway battle scene, that shows some amazing direction, and is pretty iconic. I was falling completely in love with this movie, and then there's Mi do...

It's hard for me to express how much I hated this character. At first she seemed interesting, but then it was clear that her character would be weak, and shallow. I watched a rescreening of this film recently, and overheard two women complaining in the bathroom about how offended they were by her character, and how this ruined the movie for them. I was also offended. Then there's a minor character, Lee Soo Ah, who I found to be equally shallow, and offensive. I cannot blame the actresses, these characters were simply written poorly. The female characters are my first major problem with this film.

The other issue I had was with the ending. The story behind Oh Dae-Su's kidnapping, and how this revenge story is resolved, is meant to be shocking, but I thought it was just ridiculous. Some people may love the over the top story, with it's controversial subject matter, but I thought it was too unbelievable to take seriously. This was a major let down after loving the beginning so much. The end just kept on adding shocking twist, on top of shocking twist, and then ended in a bloody confrontation that was also shocking. When it was all over I felt like I had watched two different movies. I definitely preferred the beginning movie over the end movie.

I can agree that this is a well made film, and very original, but I can't exactly say that I liked it. I would still recommend it because of the parts that were exceptionally well done. The great moments are what stayed with me once it was over, and made me almost forget why I didn't really like it.

It's also worth seeing if you're simply in the mood to watch something twisted.

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Meu Amor É Um Estrangeiro
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
As for the movie itself, I'd say it was sub-par on both Mao and Sherr's acting skills. I swear I am a big Inoue Mao fan, that's why I watched this but there are just some movies that actors can't carry for their name. Mao could have done better... that's how I felt while watching her here. If you compare her acting skills to Sherr, she's way-way ahead of his league. ~_~

Mao as Saori was a good thing, I couldn't say she nailed the role but she was really good in it. Being that clueless Japanese woman, it was quirky and funny. While Sherr, I seriously loved it when the guy smiles and his Japanese accent was not as slang as I thought it would be, listening to him speak the Japanese language felt nice. Sherr makes me want to have a Caucasian man for myself too!

The movie wasn't perfect, but over all it was a good watch and surely not a waste of time. The sound track on the last part was pure Joy. I always loved it when Aiko does sound tracks.

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8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 9, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The movie depicts a time were demons and humans co-exist and only the selected few humans can detect the demons which normal people perceive as ordinary bugs. That's where Ginko (Joe Odagiri) comes in. The story was excerpted from a manga, so for those who are familiar with the manga version they might be slightly disappointed since it was compressed into a 160+ minutes of live action movie. I only have a vague introduction of the manga, so the film-manga comparison didn't bother me much. Story wise, some would think that the pacing was a bit slow but for my two cents, I felt there was something more to those scenes than just the dialogue or the characters. Another plus factor is the visual effects. The colors were all in different hues, not much bright colors but in pastels and it was really beautiful to look at.

What made me watch it in the first place was Joe Odagiri as Ginko and Yu Aoi as Tanyu. Both actors are big names in the Japan entertainment industries and their acting was not subpar at all. They played their roles amazingly.

Music was in sync with the scenes but it was not that special. Although I would have to take note of the background music during a scene with Tanyu and her magical skills using long metal chopsticks. That scene was really brought out by the music, I think without the sound track that specific scene wouldn't have been as powerful as it seemed.

I re-watched segments of the film just for the sake of ogling on Joe Odagiri and his white hair. Not sure if you're interested in that, but if you are, then share the boat with me. It's worth re-watching.

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