I have become helpless. Not feeling like stealing the cookie,

But if this my stealing is making one, “pleased”, I would do that for this fella.

U recall, molten metal here?? At 101, how come cookie will remain intact?

Still I wud give u that. (For welcoming me)

U hurriedly left for work, leaving the keys in the keyhole, I will intrude n steal 

I'll pretend to sneeze and spray water on you, you'll be disgusted and I'll steal the cookie. :P

What is it with you and water??? Water balloon...spray water..n all.

( btw, m used to, to more disgusted things than this snotty stuff off yours...this is nothing....believe me)

Anyways, u took cookie from me.

I would take nasal swab , ( u do recall, right?? How helplessly u sitting in the chair, waiting to get over  that tingling painful sensation), i wud steal.

haha then I would end up sneezing for real and steal the cookie. muahaha.


Keep on doing that, n I,

Wud continue with, "God bless u"

U go to hospital. 

U know, how they make you change in one of those hospital gowns.  ( and where did u keep the cookie btw, m sure its in pocket of your shirt, which is hanging there on the hook in the changing room. I wud bribe one of the nurse, to steal the cookie)

( oh no!....m sure now aenoeez gonna steal the cookie, which I have left in my shirt pkt) 

lol! I'll borrow some chloroform from the hospital and put you into slumber gently and steal.

Lol, generally we do see  in movies, where kidnappers use it .

But as you are not trained to use it, you took a bit more quantity, long while after also I did not regain consciousness, u got panicked,  and u know , what happens to you, when stuff like this happens…..

You threw off cookie, and were after me…..slowly….I took the cookie…..cookie r not, u were just happy to see me talking again.

before you took the cookie, I dive down and took it... Hohoho...

I shot you a shot of dramamine and I steal the cookie

Komentator, I was on the verge of death….and you wud steal from me??

(I think everything is fair in love, war and stealing the cookie…)

But one thing is there, that cookie also had absorbed enormous amount of chloroform.  Hohoho….

I would give you the news, that your boyfriend has sent bouquet of roses,  u go to the reception desk, leaving cookie in your working cubicle ofcouse unattended….I wud steal.

That cookie already been in so many hands... What chloroform can add just nothing compare to everything happen to that cookie... Hahaha....

Before you put it in your pocket, i shot you with needle inject with chloroform, when you drop it i gonna snatch it... 

I dress up like a robber with a toy gun and tell you to put your hands up, you look at the cookie so I say, "gimme that" and while you're taking out your wallet, I run away stealing the cookie.

But one thing is there, that cookie also had absorbed enormous amount of chloroform.  Hohoho….

haha no, the chloroform was on a gauze and then over your mouth, nothing touched the cookie.

 Komentator isenk:
That cookie already been in so many hands...

LOL! Let's assume we all have washed our hands with soap first before we take the cookie. XD

We in movie hall, eating popcorns from the same tub…our fingers touch ( u know cliche scene all movies dramas), u get distracted, n I steal.


I yell out "BEE!" and move away from you. You are frantically yelling and jumping. I say, "it's attracted to the cookie, give it here so it'll move away from you!"

You fall for it and then I take the cookie and run away laughing.

Laughing and leaving me all alone in movie hall???? You would do that to this poor soul?? :((

We are at the farms ( my grandpa's), they are raising bees at the pear orchards.....u were interested to see the queen bee....we go there wearing all the gears....which I very sneakily cut the net of yours....bees enters through the net and started doing their job religiously....you ran off throwing the cookie ( the way I did at the movie hall), i would take the cookie. 

(Btw, i had kept ready the medicines for your bee stings. U c , m nt that cruel)