omg evil.

I'll cast a spell and my bee stings will transfer onto you, I'll give you the medicine which you will desperately need and take back the cookie. :D

(Bee spree continues)

I will take you to Burlington Canada highway……And guess what??? I don’t have to do anything…….and I will steal the cookie.

( this time I am not gonna give you the medicine, because last time I gave you, and you still called me evil, so this time m really gonna be an evil…….hahaha…( that was an evil laugh like cruella n all company)

Ah but turns out those bees were gentle and didn't bother me but I managed to borrow a tarantula that I will place on your shoulder and while you're busy dealing with that, I'll steal the cookie.

( btw, i had already checked that u do not have allergy to the bee stings)
Hey dear friend ! gentle or nt gentle, every bee has got this sting and it has certain function to perform.  :p

(Regarding tarantula, i knew how to tackle that creature (courtesy - VxV467 pls ref page no. 5 if u do not happen to recall) no harm done by your tarantula.

We have this girls pajama party at my place, n THOSE girl-talks take you to these meandering roads in the dream-land....deep enough,  for me to steal the cookie.

Lol, was wondering if it’s the same one to that of ours….


Lol, was wondering if it’s the same one to that of ours….

no, don't worry. Our cookie is the best which is why we are so innovative in finding ways to steal. And nice of you to check for bee allergies. :P

I'll hypnotize you and steal the cookie. Simple yet effective. :D

Somehow I got an inkling, that u gonna do something like this, so I had replaced my cookie with a fake plastic ones ( the way they replace an original Easter egg with a fake one in ocean movie or replace chips with soda bottle caps in 21)…hence, when I was undergoing this hypnosis, my cookie is safe at my place.

See... when I hypnotised you, I made you think you hid the cookie in a safe place but actually I had planted a fake memory that made you think it's safe. What you hid was the plastic cookie. I possess the real deal.

Aha! Dream in dream…..u inception freak…lol

Well, I will give u to that.

I have invited u for dinner, u know our galz gang as usual……u joined with some side dishes…..again Usain Bolt came to my rescue, when I went to your place n steal.

haha, I'm starting to think I can write fiction. Nice connection to inception. :D

When you get back I ask you to smell a dish I brought and tell me what you think. You take a whiff of it and want to gag. It catches you off-guard and I steal the cookie while you go out to get some air. 

Lol we in same boat it seems…*k at cooking….

I asked for your help to change the water for fish pond….u know how cumbersome it is….take out fish, change wash the gravels n all, one has to do it with real real concentration…..which u r queen of…..n then I steal.      :-x

I read the Tarot for you and then I steal the cookie.

I'll put ice inside your shirt and steal the cookie. 

welcome back... You so thrilled and stunt & i steal the cookie