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  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Aniversário: March 31
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013
Mar 11, 2017

A bit more Goo Tak episode.

This was Goo Tak's episode, though it wasn't hard to guess want happened from the flashbacks of the first episode. I thought it would dive further in, but it stuck to the basics.

This episode again shows how all the Bad Guy's operate. Though sadly it looks like Mi Yeong will get to play sidekick to all the male leads.

This was a solid episode. Human trafficking is a very hot topic issue, especially organs now. Though the media likes to hush it up and not dwell too long on it. This is one lucky girl considering how big the whole setup is.

Overall a solid episode though it didn't really delve to much further into the characters.

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Mar 11, 2017

Ooooo. Ahhhhh.

So it has it's flaws, still so awesome. This type of drama is my jam! First off was Woong Cheol using a bible for a pillow? Ha-ha! It's the little touches.

This episode was clearly Tae Soo's. Brining up part of his past and clearly the woman that changed his future. The one that saved his life and led him to seeking "redemption". (Or at least turning himself in.) He's at least giving her money--at least he thinks he is or is doing and she's not accepting. This episode did bring up some interesting thoughts on Jung Moon. So he blacks out and has no memories, so no guilt. Though do true psychopaths feel love and guilt?

It was also very cool seeing how each Bad Guy went about solving the case. Woong Cheol working the neighborhood turning other bad guys into his minions would have got the villain first if Goo Tak hadn't messed things up. Though Jung Moon was close behind. It was fitting that Tae Soo was the one in the end because of the story and his connections. Though I find Goo Tak's method stupid and the one that put lives in jeopardy the most. I'm very curious what everyone's ties are. Jung Moon looked like he helped Woong Cheol up and he was the first to share information. Goo Tak is actually more of a bad guy.

On that note the killer's blade was really clever for his serial compulsion needs. Very creepy, but cool. I know I've seen a couple shows with something similar, but still very unique. There's also a shoe in for the birth of another killer, or at least someone trying to cover up a murder. Clearly this will get the boys out again. Because despite all the talk this was the only case the team was assembled for. I'm sure the tie in will pull them back in the game.

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Mar 11, 2017

Totally right this is like the Korean Suicide Squad!

Osaka is right. Totally right this is like the Korean Suicide Squad! Which still happens to be my favorite comic. (Don't mention the movie to me.) It's pretty promising and fast paced! Just what the drama doctors ordered.

"If you beat a good person, it is violence. But if you beat a bad guy, then it's justice."

First off, let's be honest. This is some serouis man candy. All the flavors for everyone! I love it. Jung Moon by the psychopath serial killer is interesting, though I guessed he'd be the smart guy. Tae Soo is of course the sexy assassin. Woong Cheol the brute force. I actually loved the vibes between Tae Soo and Woong Cheol, and have high hopes for some bromance.

Though I was hoping for the female (cough*token female*cough) to be another "bad guy" I think Mi Yeong has her own bite as she is a female police officer. Woman in the work force have it hard, cops especially so. Though I'm a bit worried that I see her put as supporting in the cast instead of main.

The music is both horribly tacky and so on point! It kind of fits the vibe of this show so I won't gripe to much. The church music when the bad guys first came in was silly, but then I loved it during the fight scenes.

The main key to being on the Suicide Squad is that you're a murderer, which all of these Bad Guys fit the bill to. I'm surprised they went that far. Though I wonder if they're going to make a twist and have Jung Moon not be? I also like the added mystery that in 2012 all of these people, including Detective Goo Tak, have a secret past?

Now let's go find this serial killer that's killing innocent woman! Because the birth of this unit is because that police officer was killed by him.

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Mar 10, 2017

Slower more obvious plot lines.

Slower more obvious plot lines. The abortion thing was clear as day. I wonder if Seung Nyang figured it out and pull a fast one over the bad guys.

The idea that the Emperor is more worried that a girl is better than him at being a man was annoying. How about being worried that she is the real Seung Nyang because he betrayed him? I guess I'm supposed to assume he didn't know general Ki was her father and what truly happened to Seung Nyang. Still. I'm already tired of his obsession. Not to mention his anger about it. He needs to pause for a second and realize that he betrayed Seung Nyang AND probably more since she ended up there.

Even though many of the women are despicable and I love it! They are just as power hungry as the men, yet they have to play by different rules. In the end I like that the woman and men can be the same. It's as lethal and vicious!!!!

That said this episode was a bit slower. I want the Emperor to actually plan on becoming stronger and smarter than his enemies. The story of both the royal politics and the war that the King of Goryeo are fighting a bit to obvious for my tastes. Still really awesome.

The one thing I truly like is the friendship that Seung Nyang and Lady Park are forming. This will be something I look forward to developing. (Oh, and I'm knocking off more points for not only the Emperor's pining, but for Seung Nyang's pining. Sheesh.)

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Mar 10, 2017

So boring.

So. Boring. It hurts how much the show built up and how much credit I gave it. Now it's just . . . turned into this boring and typical story.

I can't tell you how much I want it to be over.

The characters no longer feels developed, they feel like the stereotypes they started out. Overall Bong Hee is now being dragged in and I'm waiting for the video of her pushing Tae Ho.

I just want this to be over with. I just can't believe that all this amazing potential is wasted. Wasted.
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Mar 10, 2017

School festival!

School festival! The standard episode for pretty much any High School themed Japanese story. Not much happens, but a lot does.

The ghost/spirit story seemed to be obligatory, but I do like the way it tied in. The idea that you should enjoy and have fun because the memory will be what you hold onto in your old age. That the people you meet now will walk out of your life. Never to meet some again. It's nice to think you can help strangers and make happy memories.

Who wants to bet that the creepy smile girl who trashed the haunted ghost story is Akira's "girlfriend" it just feels like it.

Okay what is with Shuji? It feels like he's constantly on drugs, especially that laugh. It is like that crazy anime character who always laughs loud and flails their arms in the air.

The message that Nobuko wrote was beautiful. I also think it was necessary for her to continue on becoming produced. Now she needs to keep working on her smile.

It was very interesting seeing Akira work so hard and how in demand he was. It was also very interesting to see Akira through his little brother's eyes. Not to mention that Akira then tells his little brother to not be like him, but his little brother sees the good and bad in him. It's warming.

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Mar 7, 2017

This is a show of strong women! Oh, and finally the Emperor is figuring it out!

Finally the Emperor is figuring it out! Yes, it's not a coincidence that she looks just like him! Even with the proof of her responding to the name. Though I guess she could have just been started. It's a relief that he's finally going to find out that she is Seung Nyang. (Oh, and I guess she goes by Nyang, but then it was Ki somewhere in there before.) Still I can't believe he didn't know right away. -_-

Ha-ha! Battle of the Empresses! It's fierce and scary. Those to woman have more balls then most of the men! Not only are the Empresses and Seung Nyang)fierce, but now Batolu is a confirmed as a woman! Yes! I thought so. So cool. I am beyond happy that this drama has so many amazing woman.

Not only that but the balance of battle and court intrigue struck the perfect balance. Just enough of each to not becoming over powering. I love the intrigue and strategy of the King of Goryeo. Sadly he won't be taking credit it seems.

I will confess that the wedding scene of Seung Nyang becoming Empress clearly ruins who won't die and make it to the day. So in that aspect some of the suspense is taken away. Yet I am at the edge of my seat. The journey of these characters is what makes it worth it.

The inner dialogue is still a wonderful touch as we get to see into the minds of the characters. Truly the best thing for developing them. There's a lot of ground covered here. The most important thing is how Seung Nyang is going to handle being recruited by the Empress. She has an opportunity here to be a double spy and take out her real enemies.

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Mar 6, 2017

My heart is black with despair.

"My heart is black with despair."

So many struggling characters! Ah, my heart. Especially the romance. I know everyone is so ticked that the Emperor isn't making the love cut. Let's be real, it's not about the actor in the end it is about the characters. With the development I'm firmly on King of Goryeo's side. There's still room for more, as in the Emperor to grow. That said I love that the King of Goryeo figured out the people weren't enough to keep fighting an living, it was Seung Nyang, (Now Ki Seung at the palace.)

How freaking dense is the Emperor? I mean he saw Seung Nyang with a wrap around his torso, and now someone who looks completely like him? Duh? Goodness. It especially annoys me since the Emperor was supposed to be clever.

Oh, and I've been wondering this whole time what Seung Nyang thought would happen once she killed the Emperor? She even realizes that he isn't truly the one to blame. She's after vengeance from the wrong people. Ugh. Even after realizing the consequences she's wallowing a bit. I get it though, I'd wallow as well. Plus, it's not easy going from the freedom of a man to the prison of a woman of the time.

The new Empress is interesting. Well evil. I have to applaud the actress, she has range. I've been watching her in Missing 9.

The war scenes ended up dragging a bit, but I love the build up of them. I think they could use a bit closer cutting though. I bet the Kind of Goryeo already regrets not killing Yom.

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Mar 6, 2017

Please let her be a court warrior, not a damsel!!

So now that Seung Nyang is a girl I get to slowly watch her become a damsel? I know it's different now, but I still expect her to save herself and actually look like she's plotting. Show that head servant who's boss, one quelling and it would be over. Or if she thinks that's a bad course of action do it a more sneaky way.

Looks like she may not be in that position long though.

This series is moving so swiftly. So I applaud that. Also that Seung Nyang was found out so soon. It's more realistic that way. Though the King of Goryeo and Seung Nyang have to realize that parting was so much more then loyalty. Right?

The bad guys are really winning everywhere here. The good guys/other people need to have some small victories. The only one with real game is Empress Dowager, you go girl!

That note I'm very excited to see the King of Goryeo, Tal Tal, and the general team up. They could make some great allies.

Oh, and I'm still peeved at the Emperor. I get it the fans love Ji Chang Wook, doesn't mean his character is great.

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Mar 5, 2017

Wow, like classic anime.

Wow, this feels like a classic anime. Maybe that's just because I tend to like these kind of stories for my anime. Who knows? That said I like how Nobuko struggles with getting the courage to really accept getting "produced". I also like that it's this gradual thing and she's a work in progress.

What would really make this awesome is if neither boy or Nobuko fell in love. If they just became friends.

I love the feeling of this drama and how it makes me smile. Especially as Akira decided to make the paint thing so popular! He's cool enough to do it and makes it a trend. I loved the mafia suit that one student painted on. >_< I also love that it shows the struggles of adulthood. That you can't just be yourself and you need to enjoy youth why you've got it.

Just like this has a classic anime feel I'm wondering if all the foreshadowing will lead to something sad. Such as Nobuko giving up and killing herself. Just something along those lines.

Either way I really like this drama so far and feel like it could really take off.

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Mar 5, 2017

An interesting start to a warped cinderella/transformation tale.

This episode reminded me of why I like anime. However, it might not be anime. Instead it just might be the way Japanese stories are. Or, I don't know. It made me feel very nostalgic.

This is the start of a very non-typical way to tell a very universal and typical story. The loneliness of adolescent. Clicks. Bullying. Life. Youth.

Akira is the cool guy who works at being cool and liked by everyone. He pretends to have it all together and tries to believe that he thinks life is a game. At times he seems sage and wise. Others sadly lost.

Nobuko (AKA "Nobuta") is the odd girl out who is immediately targeted by bullies. Why her frank talk about suicide seemed like a rough place to start. The reveal that as a child she called her step-dad "dad" and he turned her down resonated. That one single action caused her to shut down and give up. It's amazing and it goes to show that no matter the age you can cause damage.

Shuji is an odd rich kid. Personally I feel like he's a pot head. He's got to be on something. (Though I've suddenly become very aware about my own arming flapping down flights of stairs. What can I say it makes it feel like I'm flying!)

I like the theme of creating your own world. Or to me it seems like your own happiness or place that you belong. The bookstore being a safe haven is something I can relate to. (I miss you Border and Waldens!)

There's a lot going on in this episode and I won't address everything. I will say I really like Sada Yoko the vice principal. She's fun/insane. The monkey hand thing was creepy and hilarious! World peace fools!

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Mar 3, 2017

I lied, it got worse.

Wow. What the heck is with this over the top and stupid humor? If this episode was trying to take it's over the top and drug out plot funny with over the top humor. So that wonderful balance of dark themes and humor that I talked about just got taken out to the shed. Boom! Shot all up.

Not to mention that I find Jun Oh super annoying. He's even worse than when he was first introduced. Not to mention that Bong Hee suddenly got stupid Bong Hee. What happened to the savvy survival girl? The one who thought about things?

I can't believe how the tone of the show and the writing took a dive. All the wonderful character building dead. I was so bored by this episode that I actually skipped/fast-forward. I tried to sit through it. The urge to dump this is strong. However, I need to know how it will end. Plus, considering how much I liked it in the beginning I need apparently suffer through the horrible "last part of the drama just killed it" episodes. Because I don't love myself enough.

I never would have guessed this show would have gone this way. I gave it too much credit and was enamored by it. Heck, I was so busy overthinking how cool the plot would be, and all the amazing twists, that I never predicted it would deteriorate like this. Not only is the plot predictable, but it's now just boring. I honestly don't expect much out of this ending.

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Mar 3, 2017

One of the most stupist and painful episodes I've had to watch.

One of the most stupist and painful episodes I've had to watch. Why you might ask? Because the writing . . . was atrocious. So Prosecutor Yoon already knows that other survivors will be at risk. So yeah for getting there super fast before anyone else. Yet when someone calls him with proof of So Hee's murder he goes running.

Huge stupid issues that any freaking moron would realize:

1) How is there proof, the witnesses are proof. ( I mean the murder happened on a deserted island. Isn't the whole rush for survivors is because they're testimonies are the proof???)

2) Why would you ever leave the witnesses (your only proof!!!!!) unguarded. Especially after what already happened to two of them?

3) How could you not see it as a trap?

4) Just why!!!!???

Not only was this episode based on the idea that ALL the good guys are dumb, but then no one had a smart idea. Bad guys are entering the hospital and looking for Ji Ah and Gi Joon. They are on the first floor. These bad guys are locking things up. Firstly I don't think regulations will let hospitals put grates over the windows unless it's a psych ward. Thirdly they are on the ground floor. By fire code (yes it's the same for hospitals in China and since this was a ritzy one I'm sure it had to follow code) the window should open for fire escape reasons. Their might be a screen. If that HUGE window somehow didn't open why not immediately break the glass and get out? As Bong Hee did a bit later to escape after all the stupid stuff happened.

I'm so disgusted I can't even bask in the afterglow of Ji Ah and Bong Hee kicking serious butt.

Because Gi Joon and Ji Ah caved and sided with Tae Ho. Personally I would have said I'd go along and then at the conference say Jun Oh didn't do it. Or statements were coerced and that stupid woman was well aware of it. Because how could you EVER be safe with Tae Ho and CEO Jang? The instant they can you're dead. It's just the way they work. Besides that Tae Ho is a serial killer. He killed people when he didn't have too! I mean WTF!?

So girl power awesome. Gi Joon and Ji Ah's banter in the hospital adorable. The ending pretty cool. I was sooooooooooooo upset, and then boom the hilarious twist. Though I'm guessing he doesn't know what happened. I'm betting that the only smart person is Reporter Kim Ki Wan. Who probably sent the proof to the one prosecutor he knew that would probably be interest in it.

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Oh, I loved that the lyrics of the song were timed perfectly to say kiss when they kissed!

Well I'm definitely not going to be suffering from second lead syndrome. I hate it when they're all conniving trying to get the girl by chasing off the other guy. Akito should focus on actually romancing and getting to know Asuka first! Why does this not seem like the obvious idea? Hmmmmm.

This episode was a great step in Ryu realizing that he needs to give up his past love Sakuragi Yuko. It showed that she might be conniving and I'm glad the misunderstanding was quickly discussed. Also that Asuka had a back bone and that she was upset with Ryu. I hate it when the female leads just hold it all in and make themselves suffer over it.

For me this was a bit of a slower episode, but a great stepping stone for their relationship. Though it shows me in my mind to not live life with romantic goals! It makes you start fretting over a future that hasn't happened. I'm a big believer in living for the moment. Yes, you need to have goals in life.

Though Akito's actions maybe dirty, I like that Ryu is getting a warning. Asuka is awesome and not all the men out there are idiots about her. ^_-

(Oh, I loved that the lyrics of the song were timed perfectly to say kiss when they kissed! It always tickles me when the sound team does that!)

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I have to be serious here Asuka thought Akito's criteria for just wanting to marry her was odd?

Hmmmmmmm. I have to be serious here Asuka thought Akito's criteria for just wanting to marry her was odd? That's what she had been doing to find a guy to date. What should of stuck in her craw is that he's not sure if he likes her and isn't interested in romancing her so far.

What I like is that Asuka knows her end goal, she's still willing to risk her heart to change Ryu's mind.

Oh, and speaking of Ryu, actor Yamamura Ryuta is so cute in this role! I love watching him. >_<

Overall this is a fun episode and my appreciation for the OST has hit new heights. "What is love?" He-he.

Great stepping stone episode and I'm wondering just how far did they go? Hmmm? *queue raised eyebrow*

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