
  • Última vez online: 3 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Aniversário: March 31
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013

Okay, how awesome is the closing credits?

Okay, how awesome is the closing credits? Love the way they set it up with Asuka messing with everyone paused. Very cute. I'm guessing this will be a theme with the drama.

Anywho this is a fun premise. I've heard of the manga before, but just didn't really care for the idea. However, I like the execution here. It helps that Asuka is truly likable. While being a stay at home mom is far from my dreams, I think her passion for her dream is wonderful. I doubt she's blind to the bad side of it, but she knows from her own family experience that it can be wonderful.

Ryu is an interesting character and the setup with his affair from the past is tantalizing. Clearly the cougar (I think she's older) married woman still likes him. Ryu and her have that in common, they want what they shouldn't/can't have.

Oh, and accidental kiss. Which happens to lead into a weird accidentally kissing people all the time thing. Ah, I'm back to my anime and magna days. Kiss hijinks.

Overall this is a decent setup, and while we're at face value with the characters what has been setup is fun. I really enjoy the cast and the music for the OST is pretty fun.

What's more is I like a strong lead. Asuka works hard and she knows her mind. That's what I want. Just because Ruy tries to put the moves on her doesn't mean she has to mindlessly swoon.

Yeah! Really fun and I look forward to seeing this drama develop.

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Mar 3, 2017

Oh, my drama. This episode just opened up a whole new can of mind worms!

"I at least knew that it wasn't really Okay. I knew, but . . . I couldn't stop."

Oh, my drama. This episode just opened up a whole new can of mind worms! This is a huge game changer! Huge!! Not to mention that maybe Hanabi is going mental, there's no way that's just her conscious speaking up. I tell you it's more sinister.

"I filled my void with Ecchan. And I am somewhere much more cold. All alone"

This is a huge game changer as Hanabi uses Ecchan (AKA Ebato). At least she never lies about loving her, Ecchan just doesn't want to here it. Though I myself am totally enchanted by Echhan. Stalking and all. Here little cheek moles are so cute! Plus, I just think she's cute. I know that's nothing to base anything off of, but this show is messed up so I side with Ecchan at this point.

The biggest game changer is Akane admitting so much to Hanabi. Then the BIGGEST REVEAL! Mugi knows that Akane is a man-eater. Totally aware. I wonder if Akane knows and that's why she hasn't preyed on Mugi. Or simply that Mugi hasn't been desired by another woman so she doesn't want to prey on him yet?

See! SEE! My mind is totally consumed by this drama. To be honest I wish the episodes were longer just so I could explore this mind *bleep*! That's probably it's biggest downfall right now is that I feel like there is so much more room to explore there minds. To be honest I do not expect this drama to end on a happy note, and to be quite honest I'd be disappointed if it did. (Unless the writing totally pulls out a HEA that works. I doubt it though.) That said I think things are getting even steamier. Ecchan's scenes with Hanabi totally had me fanning myself. Yet somehow the simple makeout session on the roof where Mugi and Hanabi confront each other about sleeping with other people was *fans self*. Because it was all so messed up.

Not sorry this is consuming my mind. With the previews for the next one bring it on. >_< (I know everyone is so shocked by this drama . . . I've read worse so I want more. He-he.) Though I wonder why Hanabi isn't a little worried about Brother being preyed upon?

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Fev 27, 2017

Behind Your Smile is right on the cusp of greatness for me. >_<

Apparently Yi Ting wronged the farm too. What did he do? I love that Xin Yu is willing to investigate and find the truth. Not to mention that she realizes that she was spoiled and wouldn't have been able to sympathize if she wasn't in her current situation.

Points for Yin Ting admitting her mom being a good mother, but a bad person. Detract points for creepy sleep watcher. That's wrong. So wrong. Why is the stalker crap so "hot" in dramas? Eek.

Also, telling her she's running away from the situation. Clearly it's dangerous for her and if getting yourself out is smart do it. He created the mess for her to muck around in anyway. Bad situation get out. Besides she was trying to protect Xia Yui. Not to mention that by being in Qian Ni's presence meant she was being abused. If it was a boyfriend she'd leave, so why can't she get away from Qian Ni? Hmmmmmm?

Oh, and the whole robot thing does not make me pity him or feel bad. He is a demon. A very yummy demon.

Poor Xiao Yue. She truly cares about Xin Yu. It breaks my heart to watch them bond as Xiao Yue feels more guilt.

Behind Your Smile is right on the cusp of greatness for me. >_<

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Fev 27, 2017

Holy dramas. Yi Ting is out for scary revenge.

Holy cow the OSTs! Life! I'll stop. Promise.

So I'm bascially going to have to disregaurd everything I thought I knew about his drama when it was just going to air. Because no one knew anything.

So far this is a story of vengence for Yi Ting! Xin Yu's mother, Lin Man, did something to his father? Or he somehow blames her for it. So he ruined Lin Man's business, and is going after her. However, it looks like he's really going after Xin Yu. Nothing is a concidance and everything--and one--have been planed by him. Scary as heck!

Oh, that opening OST is making all kinds of since right now. This boy is a stalker out for revenge and doesn't care who is innocent or not. Everyone must pay.

Though I don't think he planned for her to teach him to waltz. Fool. You will eventually be putty in her hands.

Because Xin Yu is so awesome! I love her strength. Not to mention that she is intelligent! Thank you. Though the clumsy thing is a bit over the top. I noticed her strap around the wine canister. I noticed it over the man candy lurking in the background!

I am bummed that Yi Ting's evil plans are probably involved her roommate. You can tell the girl likes Xin Yu and is starting to feel bad. I thought it was planned when they first met because Yi Ting had time to setup their encounter. Womance, is this goodbye?

Anywho, I am loving the tone and feel of this drama. The previews are promising even more wicked tricks from Yi Ting. Gosh that evil laugh he gave Qian Ni when Xin Yu was hauled off? Creepy. All that piled on top of the fact that he is so gonna fall for Xin Yu. There better be some punishment for him, or some serious redeeming quality. His evil smirk will not be able to redeem him!

(Okay, I'm totally into this.)

My biggest complaint is that Xin Yu isn't seeing the scary red flags of doom. Yi Ting is clearly antagonizing Qian Ni. Lying about Xin Yu stealing the ring. Buying her a skirt and giving it to her in front of Qian Ni. So on. She's grown a lot. However, I don't think naïve equals ignoring the warning signs. Especially after the fingerprint thing. Or his rushed question about another contact for her mother.

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Fev 27, 2017

This OST is killing it! Lee Sean is in it! Not to mention girls gotta stick together

This OST is killing it! Especially the opening one and the lovely video that went with it. I also like the instrumental theme music that's inspired by that opening OST. Actually the whole first episode has awesome OSTs.

"I can rely on myself!"

So far I like the messages here. Her mom had to take on the family business and support her daughter. They clearly had a great relationship. Xin Yu clearly has faith that her mother didn't do all that. It really makes you wonder what is going on. Quite honestly I hope Xin Yu is right! Her mother is innocent. Which makes me all the more invested.

I had no idea that Lee Sean was in here! Oh my! I fear he's already become the perfect second lead. My poor boy! Great setup for Yi Ting and Qian Ren crossing paths, though we have no idea if they actually have a history. He was so sweet to Xin Yu. Though it was all very much a setup for second lead syndrome/pity. ^_-

Ah! I love the whole thing where Xin Yu decided she had enough and helped out the parking ticket girl! I was so relieved when she turned around and help her too. Girls gotta stick together. It felt like they could have a great friendship and maybe even a womance? >_< Though some might find it cruel that she offered her a place to live and then turned around and told her she had to pay rent. She's helping her on the right path, because without any contacts it has to happen.

Oh, and the finger stamp thing has been confirmed. It doesn't count. As it shouldn't. (You know when the finger print is forced on a contract/check.) I wonder if this is a new change in the law or if it's been a while? Because I always thought a fingerprint was crazy. Too easily forced obviously!

So Yi Ting is the perfect cold broody male lead. With just enough warmth to thaw him out for a bit between being a jerk. Ha-ha. I really wonder what he plans with slipping that engagement ring in Xin Yu's pocket? Oooooooooo, after he tore down her mom he plans to exploit the daughter. But he doesn't know her and pities her/regrets his action.

To be quite honest from the first synopsis and some of the comments I put this drama off. Even though I really wanted to watch it. This first episode is very promising. Xin Yu is a very cute lead, but I like that she has some backbone. I'm curious to get to know her more and this plot. It's a very promising first episode.

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Fev 25, 2017

Holy cow! We just got a look into Akane's mind. That's a scary place.

"There is nothing much more greater in this world . . .

. . . than being desired by people."

Holy cow! We just got a look into Akane's mind. That's a scary place. Not to mention all the creepy smiles. Poor Hanabi is her perfect prey. It's not just the hunt of making men desire her, but taking the man away from the person who desires them. Worst seeing the total destruction it causes to that person.

This is why I believe in confessing/starting things up right away, or moving on. I mean the likelihood that this type of scenario will happen. Probably 0. It's the self torture I can't stand!!!! Emotional turmoil like that gets old fast. Plus, I lose self respect for myself if I just can't woman up and take the hit. Whether it leads to success or not.

While some of the story has lost it's shock value I love the terribly dark and twisted themes here. Hanabi needs help. I totally believe this is not healthy and she needs to learn to move on. I wonder if the writer will explore some of these characters self destructive personalities more? Because there is plenty to play off here. Not to mention this drama is so out there it could pull some crazy twists.

Speaking of crazy. From the previews it looks like things are gonna get cray-cray soon! Or, well, more crazier than they already are! I'm so excited!!! >_< Dang I know I'm weird. It makes me wonder if poor "Brother" is the only innocent bystander here. Oh, and points to Sanae Ebato for saying she hates Mugi and only likes girls. She's got guts.

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Fev 25, 2017

Still killing it with his crazy story.

It's official I can barely remember the manga! Which is a good thing as this episode pulled a twist. I was kind of hoping it would go that way, just so it would be more daring. It did.

Right now I'm torn between the shock value of their contract and the steamy chemistry the characters have when they make out, and needing more-more-more from the story. I'd like to have more of them interacting outside of pining and talking about their pinging for those people. However, I get they're not at that stage. They're feeling the physical stuff and reaffirming that they like other unattainable people.

Again some really great shots and I love the constant theme and frame work of them.

It will be interesting to see if and how other characters enter and effect they're story. (Because I can apparently barely remember anything from the manga.)

The actors are doing great work and I love how much they're faces give away.

On a side note "Brother" and Akane's romance is so cute. Little do they know the havoc their adorable romance is causing . . . .

Oh, and props to Hana. Last time someone asked me to stick out my tongue in a serious sexual fashion I bust out laughing. How is that sexy? "Stick out your tongue!" (Though oddly enough that actor delivering that line made me all like "Girl don't think just do." Ha-ha.)

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Fev 25, 2017

Holy politics! *bleep* That is corruption.

Holy politics! It's insane that even though the King of Goryeo saw that guy's sons shooting at Toron (is that what they're calling the Prince of Yuan) he still can't take action! They even mutilated an innocent man without a committee or hardcore proof. *bleep* That is corruption.

This episode was one heck of a rush . . . while some how still managing to be slower. It's building up the situation. There's many close calls for Seung Nyang's gender to come out, and definitely one confirmed find out.

Goryeo is in danger as the succession for the next Emperor is playing out. (Man do the commercials make me soooooo afraid.) This episode definitely does a lot more to expand the characters. Not to mention that there is a lot of people who want vengeance against Yuan.

Ah, and the Prince of Yuan (AKA Emperor to be) is slowly growing up. Here part of the hard truth from Seung Nyang will help him on his way to becoming a better (and hopefully less whiny) Emperor.

Things are getting realer, and I'm very curious if Seung Nyang will soon take a step towards greater revenge.

Random things that made me laugh: The whole chest wrap reveal and Prince Yuan is so innocent he just asks why and if she's okay! Ha-ha. The whole thing with straining so hard that he didn't just fart . . . oh gross!

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Fev 24, 2017

It's a bit tiring that Tae Ho keeps coming out on top.

It's a bit tiring that Tae Ho keeps coming out on top. The thing is with any story the good guys need to win some too. It just becomes exhausting to have the bad guys keep winning, not to mention makes the characters look incompetent.

If there was a question of testimony and you didn't want anything to happen to your witness the investigator guy would never leave him alone. He's wait for him to finish vomiting and then deal with the car.

I'm really annoyed about how obvious this plot is! Not to mention Ho Hang!! If Bong Hee had the guts to the tell the truth he needs to stand up and support it as well. After all once he's been useful doesn't he think he'll be killed? I mean once he goes on film saying what they want he's more useful dead. Dead men can't recant their stories.

They really are making Tae Ho so despicable that I NEED to see him go down hard. I'm guessing that most of the key cast is going to make it out. More &quot;hopes&quot; for witnesses to collaborate Bong Hee's side of the story.

I do like that Tae Yeong is teaming up with Bong Hee. I wonder how long he'll trust in her? Maybe seeing Tae Ho drunkenly talk down about his sister was all he needed?

I won't lie, I'm a bit disappointed in this episode. It was all very A to B let the villains win, and dragged things out too much. I will say I'm very proud of Jun Oh and hope he can get some justice. To think he had a serial killer in Dreamer sabotaging him and then to be stuck on a deserted island with one.

Jun Oh is right. He doesn't know these people or what they're capable of. (See I wasn't the only one who wanted to toss him off a cliff!)

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Fev 24, 2017

Very clever. At this point we've all just…

Very clever. At this point we've all just assumed that Bong Hee and the story being told is the truth. Well, I still firmly believe that she is telling the truth, but it's nice to know they're trying to fool us.

Anywho! That dramatic reveal music for the survivor was perfect, even though the preview (and obvious plot line) was going to reveal Tae Ho. Man can actor Choi Tae Joon really deliver! He is wickedly convincing as Tae Ho. Though I can't believe anyone would not just immediately suspect him. Or that they'd leave him so able to sneak away to kill people. OR that Tae Ho himself would think that killing the "reporter" would not be obvious. Especially trashing the place to do so! WTF! No really. Stupid writing all the way around. At least we didn't have to suffer forever for the rest of the survivors to face the truth of So Hee's death. Thank you.

I will commend the writer on creating a dark story, but still keeping the humor. The whole thing with Jun Oh freaking over the bones, and then calmly handing them to Bong Hee while freaking out in between! Ha-ha. The funny moments are great at taking the tense situation very lighthearted. Even that camouflage scene! So funny! >_<

Which makes the reality that more cast members, that I now love, might die more intense.

The mystery of Tae Ho is also expanding. As he's aware and some how involved in the CEO crashing. Plus, he's clearly the real murderer that Jun Oh is being blamed for. Tae Ho has done some bad crap, and is of course involved with the dirty CEO. It's quite a slap in the face how willing everyone was to toss Bong Hee under the bus for So Hee's murder. Yet Tae Ho wine and dines the lead investigator lady and she's willing to let him say whatever he wants. (Though part of me was a bit nervous that he was going to point his finger at Bong Hee, but he went with the next obvious choice.) I hate it when it comes done who will believe HER over this rich and famous person? Yuck.

Though what is with this plot hole of everyone knowing Tae Ho is a killer, but they leave themselves open to his attacks. The journalist really thought Tae Ho would not be brash/stupid enough to do it. However, putting that type of pressure out there he should of at least had his guard up! I can't believe everyone knows he killed at least Yeol and yet they're so willing to put themselves situations to be killed. Even with the journalist saying Tae Ho is evil. Yes this guy killed someone, but let's let him stay with us so he can pick us off one by one. Bet they all wish they ganged up on him and tossed him off a cliff. (We're all thinking it. Don't judge.)

Random things. Why do the bad guys always have neck stretching/cracking ticks? Evil must make for stressful neck muscles. I was so proud of the CEO! (Hwang Jae Kook.) Finally someone stands up and says, "Look what this bastard did. Now face my fist." CEO isn't a bad guy.

Overall this ender was such a shocker. I am so curious how Bong Hee will react. Personally I want her to run up and say he's lying. Pretty sure she'll freeze and just make scared eyes. Either way I would not be working with that woman and they're investigation anymore. Besides that. How do they know for sure that anymore survivors aren't going to pop up? Wouldn't it be better to wait more . . . what are they doing seems more dangerous than revealing the truth. Because it all hangs on the balance of someone they believe is a murderer and that no on else will survive.

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Fev 23, 2017

Role reversal suckers!

Role reversal suckers! The amazing thing is to see Ji Chang Wook as a crybaby! Honestly when he was in Healer he &amp;quot;acted&amp;quot; that way so people didn't know he was Healer. So I guess Empress Ki helped him originally tap into that. I really like that Seung Nyang is protecting him. He-he. Rolling her eyes at his childish antics. There are dramas that let the girl be tough and not need to be rescued all the time!

The plot is still goin like crazy. Never letting up. Wang Yoo (AKA King Chung Hye of Goryeo) really out thinks is enemies. It's so great to have competent leads. Oh, and I loved his armor when he went riding out! So fancy, it was the bomb.

Though I hated how long it took for Seung Nyang to realize who the horse poop soldier was. I mean the Prince is missing and soldier told you he was the Prince. Um. Yeah. That was stupid.

Not to mention that you can definitely see Seung Nyang's female features! No not her lovely face, her boobs. She has defined form! It's not my jealousy over my flat chest speaking, it's just normally the wardrobe department tries to use clothes that masks it. (I'm thinking Bromance, that really helped to make the &amp;quot;man&amp;quot; look right.)

This episode does much better to get us warmed up to the characters. I feel like Wang Yoo and Ta Hwan (King and Prince) have great time here. Especially when Wang Yoo hugs Seung Nyang and his excitement at their reunion. I still feel a bit distant to Seung Nyang. We need some more development. With this many episodes I'm sure it will come though. At some point . . . overall really great and I am loving the ride!

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Fev 22, 2017

Never ending political intrigue and Ji Chang Wook!!

Never ending political intrigue and Ji Chang Wook!! Some how it totally skipped my mind that Ji Chang Wook was in this until I started the drama. I was wondering how big a role is "Main Role" status would actually be. >_< I love that in the first episode the future him was so kingly! Now he's a scared exiled prince trying to stay alive. I am so excited to see how everyone grows up in the is drama.

There is no room for boredom in Empress Ki! None. The pace is crazy as it swiftly establishes the players and all the politics. Thankfully I'm use to grand intrigue plots, but I still feel like I should be taking notes.

Seung Nyang now has met her father and advanced up in life. Though her father has no idea. I wonder when he'll find out. Not to mention when Seung Nyang will have to come out as a woman.

The fight scenes are so well done and I like that for the most part everyone's looks are unique. With a cast and moving pieces this big that's important!

Ji Chang Wook is so cute this episode . . . I think I'm going to have super second lead syndrome. Or who knows! This is so complicated, I love it. Not to mention Seung Nyang. Though the pace is so fast I don't feel like I truly no her yet. In fact, this is one of the few times I'll complain about fast pacing. Simply for the fact that right now it's not leaving room for character development. It's just little pieces here and there.

Anywho! The tension is killing me. On to the next episode.

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A solid ending.

A solid ending for this series. Wraps everything up and leaves us with no open answers. Though we know life goes on.

Is it odd that I picked up on the tennis shows being real, but the socks were fake? For some reason I am still so caught up on that! Ha-ha! I know. That's not the point of that scene.

Oh! I loved Soo Kwang and So Nyeo together here! Especially the scene where Dong Min asks, "Who is she?" To wish Soo Kwang replies, "She's my girlfriend!" The icing was that cute noodle scene. Really I wanted more-more-more from them for this drama.

I've always hated the whole go away for your own good. But I like that he said that was you're dream before me. While never spoken they new they'd wait for each other.

Again a solid wrap up for the drama and its characters.

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Wait for me.

Wait for me. And "I am strong I must deal with it on my own". These are the types of final episodes I hate. I feel mean for saying it but I was rather bored with this episode. The pacing is off and there's too many boring story styles to not bog down this episode.

Which is a shame as this is a huge development for Jae Yeol and Hae Soo. But it's not that big for other characters. They get small bits to appease the curious viewer. Why does that bother me? Because they're rushing Jae Yeol's healing and dragging out certain boring parts. There needs to be a better display of time. You can't choose to just make his recovering so fast--it's unrealistic.

I was moved many times and I appreciate that. At the end Jae Yeol discovered he needed to get better by listening to Hae Soo. But I think he's going to be "manly" again and listen to her mother.

Overall I really appreciate what the writer is doing . . . I'm sorry, but I am super bored.

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Revaltions and realtiy.

Revelations and reality. This was a potent episode, though I won't lie. Went it dragged it dragged, and I know it's important stuff. Even while I was breaking apart I couldn't help, but be bored. Sorry, I'm a fecal viewer.

That said I'm so happy that Hae Soo confided in Jae Yeol. The revelation helps to explain her personality so much more.

So Hae Soo is keeping her promise about telling everyone they broke up, but still secretly meet. It's a poignant thing.

To be honest I'm not sure how this will end. I feel like the drama itself it will feel good, but have a harsh reality to it.
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