
  • Última vez online: 3 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Aniversário: March 31
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013

That moment when you see the second pineapple candle.

That moment when you see the second pineapple candle, oh did it break my heart. This episode was intense. Though I do feel some of the pacing got throne off, and a few parts lagged.

It does convey the depth of hope and despair Hae Soo is going through. She may not be able to say "I love you" yet, but her action speak louder than words.

I also really love So Nyeo in this episode. (Oh, and did you see her cute pig tails part?) She not only is looking out for Soo Kwang, but tries to cheer him up.

Jae Bum is seeing some of Jae Yeol's actions and the truth behind them. I hope that he can find out the real truth and forgive Jae Yeol. Understanding has to be close behind.

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Fev 18, 2017

Don't believe anyone is dead, until you see them fish eyed.

Don't believe anyone is dead, until you see them fish eyed. Though I suppose that could also refer to drama kisses! Ha-ha! No really, Missing 9 keeps toying with me. Even when someone gets smooshed you can not believe they're dead. Oh, no.

This episode was pretty brilliant. The only reason I'm not giving it a 10 is because it was so obvious how So Hee was going to die and who the next survivor would be. I really wanted the writer to pull one over on me.

This episode was brilliant in showing us how normal and warm everyone could be, and then the reality of being trapped on a deserted island. It's all good, until your life is on the line. Especially when So Hee was braiding Ho Hang's hair, and then his betrayal to her.

I like the balance Missing 9 has struck. From Gi Joon and Ji Ah's romantic hijinks (ha-ha! Ho Hang gave the thumb up I wanted to!) To seeing into the past of Dreamers and how they were before debuting. Survival brings out the monster in all of us, and the good.

Yeah! I'm so glad that Bong Hee has her memory back. That does mean we're going to spend more time on the island and find out what really happened. I enjoy the storyline change up and the pacing is perfect for the reveals and the present. Can't wait to see how the new survivor and Bong Hee will mesh up.

(So I really want Bong Hee and Jun Oh to become an item. Can you imagine if they actually had decent kisses and skinship? Though with this drama I feel like they'll just be close friends. Jun Oh definitely feels and seems like a big brother to Bong Hee most of the time.)

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Fev 14, 2017

Swing set kisses are my favorite! In dramaland and real life. ^_-

How cool was Qing Yang?? Oh, man too cool. Now if only this whole "secret" surgery thing wasn't a thing. Yes they're cute. No I can't stay mad at the plot because they're so cute. That end scene with them holding hands was adorable! (Though get that bunny a real habitat! I don't even think that think could support a water feeder big enough to keep that rabbit hydrated for one day!)

This was also a cute episode for Zi Feng and Ya Nuo. The blow dryer scene shall forever live on in my heart. Not to mention the swing set scene. (I have very fond memories of swing set kisses. >_< )

This episode was definitely the great episode of BROMANCE officially. Zi Feng and Zhe Rui are so awesome together. Their chemistry is awesome and the movie theatre scene was cute. Then they pulled out that whole barbeque thing! Oh, my gosh. Ze Feng and Zhe Rui! So glad they can be wonderful friends now.

Both Zi Feng and Ahe Rui proved themselves over and over. Man Ze Feng is the perfect gentleman bad boy. I am so pleased to have a levelheaded and romantic male lead.

At first this episode started off slow and through out had a few boggy bits. However, the character development was perfection. Bromance is getting ready to start rapping up its plot threads. Thank you. I wonder how long we have to wait for Ya Nuo to be a girl? We're making serious progress on the mysterious boating accident. Let's make Ya Nuo a girl! I fear they're going to do it in the final episode. ;_;

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Fev 13, 2017

Amazing kiss/make out scene: a 10! Sadly very slow and tropey.

Amazing kiss/make out scene: a 10! Sadly very slow and tropey. That make out scene was LIFE itself. Total perfection! Thank you, thank you! However, that can't mask how slow the episodes have gotten, especially this one.

Very dramatic and drawn out. Now it's tossing in a blindness trope. Ugh. Not only that but for Zhe Rui to demand that type of "you owe me now" from Zi Feng! I hope he's just testing him. Because if not Zhe Rui has just lost my pity and I am cured of my second lead sympathy.

Not only that, but it's bothering me about Na Na and Qing Yang not being straight forward with each other. They have to know the other one knows? Maybe they're just coping.

While it was a super drag there still were other great scenes besides the make out. Such as Zi Feng and Zhe Rui fighting over Ya Nuo via poor Chupi. Poor dog! Though the pee scene was predictable it was hilarious. Ha-ha! The dog peed on me, now I get Ya Nuo's attention! Zi Feng and Zhe Rui's one upping was sad, but of course I couldn't help laughing.

I can't believe how slow and over dramatic the pacing has become. Especially since after this episode there's only 3 left. We still need to solve the mystery of the boating accident and most importantly Ya Nuo coming out as a girl!!!!!!! Not including other minor plot side stories. (I need more Zi Han and Guang Chao falling in love! They're so cute tougher.) Unfortunately Bromance has fallen victim to the check list of tropes it needs to be considered a drama. *sighs*

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Full of romance and insecurities.

Full of romance and insecurities. That's the charm of It's Okay, That's Love. It's not afraid to show is the charming side of love, along with the scary parts. The self doubts and the fear of not yet knowing who you're in the relationship with.

It may be the start of a new romance, ex-married people who are now friends, or the end of a would be love. That's the true charm. Managing to make me laugh while feeling this weight on my chest. Much like life.

Overall this was a solid episode. It's still missing that final connection for me. I know it's just waiting to click.

The mystery of the murder is out, but now we're left with Dong Min to figure out the last pieces. To finally help the individuals and family heal. It's horrible that the justice system couldn't see Jae Bum as someone defending himself, but his little brother. It's always hard stomaching how the law can help others and forsake some.

What I loved was Dong Min's take on being a psychiatrist. He isn't there for justice or judgement, but to help the patient.

Ha-ha! We all want a sexy friendship. ^_-

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Fev 13, 2017

Think from both sides.

The message of this drama finally clicked with me. If we're so busy protecting ourselves, and condemning others, with preconceived viewed and ideas we will never be able to see the full story. Too look at infidelity and see the reality of it. It's not just a betrayal, why did that person go to their lover. Why did they cheat? The reality is that cheating is one of my big no nos. However, I saw before Hae Soo why her mother would need a lover. It was obvious to me. However, Hae Soo was so caught up in feeling betrayed for herself--yes, more than her father.

Experience in life can help us gain more perspective very true. I loved the moment when Hae Soo admitted it. I also think keeping ones cool and forcing yourself to look at it from other angles helps. It's all about life experience. I love the idea that even Yeong Jin can self reflect and everyone can become a better person. In the case of these two awesome ladies it helps them become better psychiatrists.

This was a great episode and we're getting closer to the reveal of Jae Yeol's hallucinations coming out. I think maybe he really did stab his father, but the horror of doing it left him with no memory. After being stabbed by his bother his psyche is finally forcing him to see it.

Oh, and we finally find out how far Hae Soo and Jae Yeol went!! OMG! That was fast than I thought it would actually happen. >_< Not to mention I love Soo Kwang being all cool and just wanting to look out for his love as he moves on! The side stories were fun. For some reason there was just a missing piece for this episode for me that the other ones have had. However, things are truly building up nicely.

I love the way Hae Soo cooled off and decided to tackle the issues with Jae Yeol. However, when did he ever say that was going to move out before? To her. We knew! I don't think she ever did.

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Fev 11, 2017

Feng Teng pursue her for real!

Feng Teng pursue her for real! Poor Shan Shan. I'm happy Zheng Qi gave Feng Teng a pep talk and basically told him to persue her for real if he likes her so she doesn't end up getting hurt. Though Zheng Qi has given Shan Shan false hope for a relationship with him. Ah, dramaland mess.

So I will be continuing his drama. It's not really bringing or developing anything new, but it makes me smile a lot. This is a feel good drama.

With this episode ending the way it does I'm hoping it's a signal that Big Boss will be ready to win Shan Shan's heart.
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Fev 10, 2017

Very crafty Jae Yeol!

Jae Yeol is very smart man. To take touching off the table was insanely smart. To not allow her to touch him and then totally not touch her. Bravos. Psychological warfare!

Looks like we're starting to get an idea of what Kang Woo means to Jae Yeol as well. It will be very interesting to have the full truth out on what happened to Jae Yeol's step-dad's murder. I also liked that Jae Yeol's mom is aware of how she once acted, that a hard life can make any nice person crazy. They were all taking there anger and rage out on one another. Very complex, just like life.

This vacation was nice, while I do see some of the "product" placement. This highlighted that Hae Soo is a bit of a control freak and likes to get worked up over the small stuff. She also has trust issues. So as I mentioned up to I like how Jae Yeol addressed them.

I really like the way the rest of the cast's stories are going. The complexity of it is so refreshing.

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Fev 10, 2017

This show definitely has pacing and chemistry.

This show definitely has pacing and chemistry. So she still didn't see him straight in front of her, but oh well. Hae Soo and Jae Yeol have truly amazing chemistry. The build up of their relationship is something I really have to hand it to the writer. Romantic build up! We fall in love with the characters as they fall in love with each other. Well done. Just how it should be.

Jae Bum has some kind of screw lose. Even though he has gestures of kindness he still does horrible things. He believes he has a right to hurt others. I'm very curious as to how Dong Min will "cure him". Not to mention why no one is fully terrified of him officially getting out again.

That said I love how Jae Yeol tells Hae Soo the truth. He doesn't sugar coat anything and doesn't keep secrets. I LOVE IT. Though I have to ask hasn't Hae Soo run into Jae Yeol's "friend", AKA Kang Woo. I thought the Kang Woo told her she was pretty or something. I'm so sure.

So is she aware he hallucinates? She doesn't care and simply understands. Man I wish I could remember!

Poor Soo Kwang, I really want him to have a romance. Though I find it creepy if he has a romance with So Nyeo. If they're still in high school or lower (AKA uniformed) it's a no no.

There's a lot of complicated stuff going on here and I appreciate how ambitious the writing is. Most of the woman are hellions aren't they? They're a force to be reckoned with. Yeong Jin, So Nyeo, Ji Hye Soo's mother and sister, and of course the great Hae Soo. I love it all these "fiery" woman! Apparently Jae Yeol loves it too.

Oh, look out Hae Soo, Jae Yeol isn't going to protect you from him. ^_-

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Okay, really good epiosde. Not a great ending.

Okay, there is no way she wouldn't have noticed him. You star straight across from yourself while waiting. You just do. No matter what your eyes come front unless you're staring at your toes!! I hate this kind of thing. Where they're looking to the side and miss what's right in front of them. It's worse then when they're being followed/stalked by someone super close.

Other than that I love this episode. I like that a lot of truths come out. That sometimes it's not your disorder it's your temper! (Hae Soo!)

It's really great seeing this cast of characters caring for each other and interacting. I'm a little disappointed that that's how Hae Soo's mom finds out that her daughters know she is having an affair, but it's a start.

Jae Yeol is so cute! He's feelings are so genuine and like the director it really is great watching his face emote.

That said I think things will becoming to a head soon for him. At least it won't be dragged out.

Overall a great episode. At least with all the characters connected the plot is coming along fairly seamlessly. Hae Soo and Jae Yeol really have great chemistry.

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Very moving, and great kissing!

Ah, now that the characters are really getting developed I can sink into this drama. I love that the good and bad of love, and life, are addressed in this episode. The reality is people all have they're minor glitches/disorders most of the time many. Sometimes they're shockingly big, others things so small that we'd never consider them a disorder.

This episode finally let us dive into Jae Yeol. His past and what he saw. I'm very curious how his halicination will play into it. Especially how his brothers story will. Which one is telling the truth? Hmmm. I'm sure it's Jae Yeol, but watch with an open mind.

This episode was truly lovely and I believe this drama can really go somewhere amazing. I love how much these two butt heads, but he knows that he wants her. It bothers me that she is still so against him. Actions speak louder than words, or misconceptions one has already made. Jae Yeol has proved him time and again. Hae Soo is head strong and quick to anger, but I hope she can cool her judgmental jets a bit.

Great episode and I'm finally starting to truly fall into this drama.

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Did not see that end coming.

Wow, I did not see that ending coming. So I wonder if that is the younger him and he's . . . trying to help himself through those hallucinations. Even though he's totally convinced that he's seeing a real person. It could be another kid he failed to help, but I think it's the younger him. The story his older brother is telling and the kid's match too much.

I really like the idea of this show tackling the issue of domestic violence.

That said I'm really getting more into the story as the characters develop more. So Nyeo seems interesting. Though there it goes again trying to connect everyone!

The director definitely loves his actors. Especially Jo In Sung. The emotions being allowed to display close up on the screen really pack a punch. Especially for the ending.

Overall I'm very curious where this drama is going. Jae Yeol is a DJ and an author. There's always the speculation that authors are great at reading and understanding people because they study people to write their books. Jae Yeol must have aspired to be a therapist or be naturally good with people. Hae Soo has a lot to work on to get over her issues, but also to be a better psychiatrist.

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Finally starting to click.

My main reason for not clicking with this show is the overall scattering of the plot. But really because I didn't quite click with Hae Soo yet. As this episode unfolded I realized I do have a lot in common with her. I can be quick to anger, but once I cool off and see it from another perspective I can normally admit I'm wrong. I don't like to hold onto things though, I like to move on. What I really agree with Hae Soo is sex. It might be hard for her to move on, but I'm someone who doesn't believe into just hoping into bed. I mean 300 days? That's not even a year! Society today starts pressuring whether the "3 date" rule isn't soon enough to sleep together. The pressure to just have sex in a relationship can be overwhelming alone, with Hae Soo psychological issues about it I can get where she's coming from.

Overall as the character grow more and we're getting used to them I really love them. They're so quirky and fun! The frank discussion about sex also helps. While Jae Yeol maybe just making the moves the key to Hae Soo feeling comfortable with physical intimacy might be just to keep it casual.

That said I'm still annoyed how everyone is connected so tightly. Even Hae Soo's sister works at the café that Jae Yeol owns! This isn't necessary really.

Overall this episode expanded more. What I don't like is that Jae Yeol is basically doing Hae Soo's job for her. He's diagnosing and intune with her clients more than she is. Why do the male leads always have to be better--and basically guide--the female lead through her job? Why can't the female lead be competent. Hae Soo is so busy being angry at her patients that she can't help them. Even the older psychiatrist tells Jae Yeol he might as well be a colleague.

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Don't kill the messenger.

Ugh, I hate it when people kill the messenger. You're boyfriend was cheating on you with your friend, don't kill the messenger. Let your anger out on those people who hurt you if you have to have outbursts. While it was obvious the wine toss was going to happen, I still rejoiced when he did it. She deserves it.

This is still a bit of a mess. We're establishing that both leads of some things in their past that are now making them cray cray! However, don't we all. The characters are really interesting and I like it. Though there is no way that the psychiatrist that she is living with would be able to treat her. No. Legally they can't. At least in the states you couldn't, I'm pretty sure it would be unprofessional in Korea too.

So the characters! Oh my gosh! All that dancing and those guys twerking. Love it. Especially when Soo Kwang gives us the download on how everyone is connected. On a theory Min Yeong (yeah, I'm so happy to see Moon Ji In I fell in love with her in doctors) would be great for Soo Kwang. Though I get she's betrayed her friend. (Also, it's hilarious she suddenly gets upset that he's not upfront? I mean he was cheating. What did she think he'd do for her? The guy wanted to eat all the cake.)

Hae Soo presents an interesting head case. Clearly she has mother issues and the fact that her mother was a cheater/wonder with the men means she has issues. Maybe it's not that she has a sex phobia. Instead it's that sex, in her mind, means that you'll just leave. It's not love and that it kills relationships. Something along those lines.

I'm still expecting more out of this show. There are a lot of hilarious and awesome moments. The pacing is crazy! It just hasn't developed it's characters. Right now Hae Soo is kind of unlikable. There's a lot of interesting parts and I'm waiting for them to fully take affect. Also I see that everyone and everything is going to be connected. *sighs* Still it's addicting.

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A little messy, but highly addicting.

So my original review got messed up and deleted when I realized that MDL botched up my rating. I blame it all on MDL! So I'm not going to bother writing my huge long first episode review. (Maybe)

This first episode was all over the place. There's a lot here building up the episode. It's very messy, but I can see it becoming highly addicting. The lead actors are amazing, and I feel like the director is especially in love with the male leads face. All those close ups and letting him pose and smirk for the camera. Though they let the female lead do it too, not to the extent of the male.

I really like the cast here! I see lots of actors that I've fallen in love with their acting in other dramas, so I love how cray-cray they are.

Also, this show is about psychiatrist and mental health. I really like that already they have a transgender in the story, and I hope it might be a consistent plot. Though that doesn't mean that the writer isn't using mental health/psychiatrists as a hijinks and gimmicks for the show. Quirky characteristics are a given for dramas. Let's be honest though, everyone has that special thing(S) that make them coo coo.

We're all weird.

I have high expectations for this. Honestly so many fans have raved about it. It's fun! However, it's all over and I found it a bit sloppy. His mad driving skills and how everyone is linked. Okay. We'll see how it goes there's room to grow.

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