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  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Aniversário: March 31
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013

4/10 Kiss teasing. Curse them.

Well I was giving Joo props for not immediately giving into Suea  because  she believes he's a big flirt and isn't truly serious. Hey, she has a  point his a well known flirt/man slut. Even his friends say he "nails  every girl he sees/wants". Yikes! Of course they say that like it's a  plus and that she's ugly what right does she have to be picky. Yeah, I  won't rant on that.

The reality is that Joo really likes him and  doesn't want to take the risk because she is still hung up on how she  looks. She knows he's sincere from his actions. She's just using any  excuse to not be with him. Even as she circles the truth that the final  answer is she finds herself ugly. Thus, unworthy. Even though Suea  states she is beautiful where it counts. (It's a little acne guys. Never stopped me from getting a date!)

Joo's naivety is finally brought to light that she's ignoring him and  pretending not to know. Thank you. That's just silly. Especially apparently after three months of flirting.

Fun episode but this teasing is annoying. From Joo denying Suea  to  all  these  almost  kisses.

Actually  the biggest moment is when I think Suea broke the 4th wall. He looked  at the camera during the lights/star gazing seen with this satisfied  face to the viewers! What! Maybe it was just bad direction. But I tell  you the 4th wall was broken.

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4/10 Tease ending!!! Tease ending!!

*fans self* First off, that professor! Second off, can Thia teacher openly pursue a student? Is that not a bad thing in Thailand? Either way the director/writers created a great complication competition for Suea. Boy has to work for it. Well, maybe. Either way that was all fun.

Ha-ha! I kind of find it refreshing that "auntie" and even Suea's best freind are call him a flirt/slut. That body seduction showoff thing that Suea is working on Soo is hilarious. Even more is that I loved Suea being tease with Bee to make Soo jealous. Though naive Soo is silly. I tire of the naive typical lead. She had a boyfriend prior and I"m sure considering his moral status he wouldn't have had an issue pressuring Soo. Just Saying. Also, every girl tends to have some basic common since about some things. *sighs*  Soo wasn't naive about Bee and Suea's flirting! She even pulled one over on Suea! Ha-ha!

Soo is turning into a great character despite the need to try and cast her as naive. She works hard to help her friends out and I was so proud of what she did!

There are a lot of great moments in this episode. I think my fave is Suea and his friends heart to heart. Touching and moving, and ending in absolute silliness. Just like BFFs should be.

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4/10 Lovely build up to romance!

So this episode is a mover an shaker. AKA, the plot moved swiftly. The  truth comes out! Which is balanced out nicely as Suea and Joo's  friendship is allowed to start budding into the beginnings of real  feeling. Suea seems a bit creepy in a few parts. Leering at Joo to read a  naughty book to learn about sex and then getting her to go on a trip.  Though Suea isn't subtle. He's brutal and honest with this feeling!  Which I love. Joo is just starting to realize that she might truly like  him.

This episode is full of the cuteness!!! Bee's story was  obvious, but a sad. It highlights how much Joo has changed and how  important the true friends in her life are to her now. Not only do we  get to see how amazing Joo is, but it's clear Suea sees it to. Like I  said just amazing romance building.

It's interesting to see  the view of arranged marriage and Suea's realization that Ning might  always use excuses. If you want to be with someone nothing can hold you  back. Though I liked that he could also see where he went wrong.

Overall this drama is definitely going in the right direction and I love the cuteness and simplicity of it.

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3 of 10 Joo is such a sweet girl.

There is something I can't deny that I truly like about this drama: That Joo and Suea are true friends.

While  it's true Joo can't help but notice how handsome and dreamy Suea is  their friendship is there and comes first. It annoys me to know one when  the female lead is pining for a male lead she doesn't really know. The  fact that Suea already has a girlfriend also helps. Joo just wants to  help them out and she is friends with Suea and is girl. So hats off to  the writers.

I feel like when the time comes this "brainless" drama, will actually have one of the better love stories. Yeah!

Bee was so hilarious in this episode. Though I have to draw the line at panty sniffing . . . that's just wrong.

The  drama is definitely putting a heavy line between poor and rich here.  From Bee and Suea's finances. To the ease of the rich. There is a class  divide in every country like this. I like the idea that by Joo  pretending to be middle income and living normal she's changed. As her  "aunt" says it's not just her face, it's her heart. She's kinder and  more thoughtful. I like the idea of positive changes this way for the  lead. She wasn't horrible, but privileged before. Big events haven't  made  a dramatic change. Just everyday life and her friendships.  Love this  kind of positivity.  

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3 of 10

There's a harsh reality that people don't get when you're dirt poor. Every penny truly counts. Even if you get out of that poverty. You never waste food and you never pass by a penny lying on the ground. I enjoy that Suea  feels like a genuine poor guy. Lot's of times in dramas the characters are supposed to be super poor. The waste the exude hurts! Not to mention everything they have is not how a poor person would live.  So thanks for that.

Also Suea stands up for Joo in  a great way. He makes the bullies apologize and Joo face herself. Why do other's words matter more? I thought he handled it well. Like Bee said, "He's handsome and brutal."

There are two questions I have. Do ghosts in Thai normally have pimples? Or is it like a joke that if you had pimples you die right away from shame and haunt people? Also, are they that accepting of gay men? The last drama seemed to show an open mind, but still a taboo state. Curious.

I like this episode more as it builds up the characters and story. So not just a Ugly Duckling tale, but a rich girl poor boy cliche. One I actaully enjoy when the male lead has no idea that the girl is rich.  Overall I got some great smiles out of this and it's an improvement.

Though the sound quality on this thing is painful! The volume spikes are horrid.

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Indeed cute and brainless. maybe too brainless?

My words for wanting to start this drama was that "I need something cute and brainless". Maybe it's a little too brainless? Despite it's cute nature and bubbliness it clearly has some darker things. Such as some serious woman shaming. From calling the mamma duck "a fat mommy duck", because we need to shame the poor duck. To Piggy as a nickname of love, though that could be just a common thing and more enduring than insult. To everyone's reaction of what a woman's beauty needs to be. Let's be honest. The premise is that this gorgeous girl just isn't gorgeous enough. Despite people knowing that she had an allergic reaction they still treat her like a plague carrier. Even her own mother doesn't want to touch or look at her encase she can catch it. This is crazy.

Huh. In the States people get pretty bad acne. I suffer from cystic acne. It ain't pretty, but I don't get judged for it. Because well the hard truth is acne is pretty common. Heck, I saw someone in that "shaming" crowd who had acne. Of course it was  a boy, but still.

That said there are some fun points. Like leading lady bending the story of the Ugly Duckling to her needs. It's not a beauty and "accepting one's self" kind of tell. It's a lesson in making sure you don't sit on the wrong eggs! Ha-ha!!! Loved it. I might tend to judge a lead harsh sometimes, but I like her head. Even knowing that the people leaving rude comments are the "keyboard mafia". I suppose if society was that horrible about a good looking person, having any kind of blemish might be scary. Especially if you're a "famous celebrity". Which apparently Joo  (aka Junior) is.

Instead of staying local, I think going abroad might be kinder. At least she's still gonna carry on with her life! I just hope the over reaction, and self hate, phase ends fast. So far it's fun, and to be honest I know I can't take this too serious.  Right now I don't have much to say about the other cast. The shallow boyfriend is played well. The male lead is shiny and dreamy! I like the male Bee freind so far.

***WARNING*** If you're annoyed by bad sound quality this is the worst I've ever listened to for a drama. I know Bromance had some issues, but this drama makes the sound seem like A+ work. Because it's bad. Background noise isn't even the worst of it. The actors dialogue gets loud and then drops. At one point what the female lead said was lost, thank you subtitles for the save.

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Mai 8, 2017

Solid ending. However, I wanted twisted messed up.

Solid ending. However, I wanted twisted messed up. Who'd have thought a happy ending would come out of this messed up drama? I didn't. Mugi got what he wanted, but maybe was the one who didn't end up with a HE. Still I like that Hana got to have a different love, friendship.

Akane . . . did she really change? That seemed like a very weird and rushed closing.

Overall I'd say it was an okay drama. However, I really wanted some crazy mind crash for the ending. It all cleaned up so well I feel very betrayed. What a shame.
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Mai 7, 2017

Interesting turn of events, but no emotional connect.

Interesting turn of events, but no emotional connect. Well I don't even have much to say. I find myself falling into boredom again with this episode.
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Mai 6, 2017

A good ending for Hana and Ebato.

A good ending for Hana and Ebato. I like that maybe there's a chance they could become friends.

"That night . . . Mugi didn't come."

Ooops. I think Mugi is realizing that Akane is totally messed up and that he's pretty freaking crazy for loving her. That boy falls further into the mire.

At least Hana didn't go off the deep end. In fact, I think her revelation was pretty spot on. So there is that. Yeah.

I'm very curious how things will end up. Though the guy that likes Ebato is her cousin? I don't think that's considered "normal" in Japan right? Guess the writer had to add an extra forbidden twist.

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Mai 6, 2017

Crazy complex.

Crazy complex. Wow, so now Ebato has some guy you likes her. That feels really tacked on. However, everything else felt spot on.

I like how messed up Mugi and Hana are that they know they like each other. However, Mugi confesses and can't get over his love despite his decision. Yet Hana can't confess but really deep down wants to move on with Mugi.

Big Brother handled it just like I thought he would, perfect. Akane also handled it just like I thought she would. Which leads me to being super disappointed in Mugi!

"I gave it with all my love. I will no longer run away."

Makes me wonder what is going to happen with Hanna. She could totally go off the deep end. Vengeance and mental breaks and all.

Despite this episode finally moving things along and I still found it slow and disconnected. Maybe it's the show losing it's shine as I feel it trying to wrap up.

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The glamour shots are strong with this one.

The glamour shots are strong with this one. I totally forgot that Bong Soon slow motions her guys and has magical happy rays coming off them when she's crushing. The whole thing about her being shy hand holding at the library seemed odd after the whole going around town holding hands. Hmmmmm. I do like how Min Hyeok likes her and keeps confessing. Even liking her idea of the girl rescuing the lonely prince. Props. Even if it is heavy handed I enjoy the open message of female empowerment.

The Romeo and Juliet thing was so odd at first, but it really has turned into such a great story telling tool. This episodes Romeo and Juliet scene was hilarious! The hair biting!! "Are families really are enemies!"

Isn't how it always is with a drama. The girl has know men and then she suddenly has tons. Ha-ha. Poor Gook Du wasn't lying about timing.

Another series joke came to full fruition here. The poop whine. Loved the disclaimer! Ha-ha. Not to mention that Baek Tak found enlightenment through poop. Now the joke continues as the punk kids have the poop wine. What will happen next?

That said this episode felt pretty dull. The glamour shots were just too much. While I find the doppelganger gay guy funny, it got old fast as well. Poor guy, I still got plenty chuckles over Bong Soon terrorizing him.

In the end I feel like this was a decline in plot. It was obvious and quite predictable. At least the couple is together and I hope to see things develop. This was a lot of cute things about them finally coming together. I want more!

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Wrapped it up all nice and good.

Wrapped it up all nice and good. I loved who ended up married and with a kid. Woman power, she got what she wanted.

What I liked most was seeing Asuka's parents contiunue together with the children all grown up.

Overall though this was an okay series with an okay ending. It didn't have the fun steam from the start of the series, but at least it gave me a Happy Ending.
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Abr 17, 2017

An obvious episode, but the cuteness makes up for it.

An obvious episode, but the cuteness makes up for it. First from the mean teacher suddenly being warm and saying he knew So Rim would make it. To how they came up with the band name. Most importantly that So Rim and Han Kyeol made up so easily. Leading to such cute romantic moments. (Though the crotch kick was hilarious and sad.)

Oh, and I love how the good teacher and students were rejoicing!

Actress Park Ji Young has a knack for playing wickedly mean female leads. She makes a great villain as the CEO (she doesn't even have a name yet!). As usual. She needs to control everything . . . yet her father is very right. I'm curious how Jin Hyuk will best her and bring his artists to victory.

Oh, and Yoo Na isn't just a reflection on the cruelty of aging female celebrities. Nope apparently an echo of other power woman trying to take each other out. CEO is deliberately taking down to her and purposefully killing her career. Why?

The most real part of this episode were Chan Yeong's comments about being on stage with his band and audience, but only being ever alone. His story of never being truly accepted by the other members of Crude Play is cruel. Though he should realize that they feel threatened by him because he has solid talent.

I also believe this brings to light the reality of session musicians. The real talent who aren't given the chance or attention to be the real talent. This has always been something I've never liked about the music industry. Especially since everything can just be auto tuned and corrected. (I love Katy Perry, but the woman can't sing.)

The promise of three years seems wrong to me as Chan Yeong simply wants to get back at Han Kyeol. Nothing annoys me more than guys out to have pissing contest with the other guy, compromising the female lead. So Rim has to be questioning some of Chan Yeong's actions right? Or is she that sympathetic and fans struck?

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Abr 17, 2017

Huh, I found this episode really boring.

Huh, I found this episode really boring. Though I am relieved it is all out in the open! Yeah! It could be I had an issue with no one talking to the other person they like. Han Kyeol can easily tell everyone what he should say to So Rim. So Rim states that Han Kyeol had his reasons. Yet then doesn't let he explain, and then gets ticked off about the inspiration for the song. That seemed way out there.

Overall both leads have become unlikable.

My favorite part of this episode is So Rim's crazy laughter as she graffiti the poster of K. Ha-ha.

Overall it's setting things up nicely and I like the Han Kyeol admits that things were real and that he has changed a lot. Now he's pursuing her. Oh, and second lead keeps becoming more of a jerk.

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Abr 16, 2017

All the guys are jerks.

Yeah, all the guys in this drama are jerks. The only one who is decent is Gyoo Seon. May he get a girl who is nice. Gyoo Seon mean streak really hits. I do feel for him with the whole "stand in for a prodigy thing." Yet all of his actions here seem to be solely based on trying to one up and bring down Han Kyeol. Yes, he fell for So Rim's voice. HOWEVER, he became disturbingly obsessed with her and the idea after he found out about how So Rim is connected to Han Kyeol.

I'm actually happy that the lying will be revealed soon. That's a relief. Especially as Han Kyeol mean personality only comes out more when he's trying to cover up his lies. I like that So Rim was so ready to forgive him, sometimes it can be tiring when characters think the worst of others. Though I feel that Han Kyeol's personality isn't going to handle it right.

I love the Crude Play members! Especially when they're surrounding So Rim when they know they truth! Ha-ah. They're so curious about here. (Looks like her stage fright is still there, hope it gets resolved. I never like that kind of plot device in music themed stories.)

The cough was also a bit suspicious and I hope they don't give So Rim some kind of illness on top as well.

I love the message of mom means music for So Rim. It's interesting discovering what music means to each character. Cold calculations and money, hard work, or simply love.

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