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Fev 15, 2019

8/10 Awesome.

Very impressive epic battle. All I can say is: "Ninth Disciple!!!!!!!!" I'm very curious if Master had an idea of what was going to happen. Clearly there's an extra secret somewhere as he gave the spell to Si Yin. Or maybe it's just so someone else would no. Just in case. The "wait for me" was a clear plot declaration there. One I'm eager to discover. What does the soul scattering mean? Or that the golden lily darkened? Clearly some form of reincarnation must be happening? This was very impressive. If you've been able to piece things together it's a marvel. Otherwise you might still be lost, but can still appreciate it. The battle scenes were pretty darn amazing. The individual fights as well. Though I feel like some big battle holes are there. Like why wouldn't they shoot Si Yin with arrows too? Hmmmm. Or many other points where characters should have been targeted or even killed. Either way this was pretty awesome for such a huge battle right at the beginning.

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Fev 15, 2019

6/10 Promising.

Nothing is more satisfying then when the fool (usual the male idiot ^_-) suddenly realizes his mistakes. When Li Jing looks over at Xuan Nu realizing how much she's played him it was priceless. Though a bit later I think he's still to prideful to fully realize how much he was used. Not to mention how much he lost. Master was right: "Li Jing had bright eyes, but he was a fool." Me paraphrasing there. Si Yin truly grieved and it was touching. I know it sounds odd, but I do love any story in which the female lead experiences true relationships. Such as the first man not being "the one". Either she breaks up with him, betrayal, or something happens. Though who knows if later on they'll patch things up. (I doubt it. I want Si Yin to be the woman lead of my heart. She don't take back no fool!!) That note I think we need more information on this Golden Lily, stat! More characters are mentioning it and the importance it is that Master (AKA God of War, I just like calling him master like Si Yin) is taking car of it. Especially after the Golden Lily took on spirit form again. Talking to Si Yin and it's clear that flower boy/man likeys Si Yin!! We got quite a bit of information on that killer bell. Which I think I now know what's coming. What a spoiler if you can figure out plots well! Okay, with the first Prince of the Ghost realms evil smile I thought Xuan Nu was getting some serious karma payback. I think she is, but she's clearly still playing her her games. I'm wondering if the Ghost Lord did that to make it realer, or Xuan Nu is just so brainwashed by her disappointment in her position within the Celestials she's blind? Clearly there's more games going on. Xuan Nu is a woman who believes she's scorned and she's avenging out on everyone. Poor first disciple. He genuinely cared. If Xuan Nu was smart she probably could have landed him. Or another guy. Anywho, for a moment when she was apologizing to Si Yin I really bought it! This epsiode is definitely proving that things are getting real. The battle cry is out and Si Yin will be joining the war. Ghost Realm is ready to take over. Though I'm super worried about Master.

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Fev 15, 2019

5/10 - So disappointed in Li Jing.

Well Li Jing was easily led astray and swayed. I had such high hopes. After he follows Si Yin to the mountain. Then even ninth disciple vouches for him. I really thought this love story was going to go somewhere good. It's disappointing how easily Li Jing was tricked. I suppose he just wanted a woman who easily said yes and had no other people in her heart. He was so ready to disband his wives (how does one do that?). Maybe it was a sign that he doesn't stick to anyone? It broke my heart that Si Yin discovered that after that letter. Not to mention how much she's helping Xuan Nu out. Even coming up with that clever plan to make her mother leave so she wouldn't have to marry the bear. Xuan Nu really turned fast. That flashback to Bai Qian and her talk of jealousy and the face changing. Makes me wonder if Xuan Nu knows Si Yin is indeed Bai Qian. Why else would she go for Li Jing so swiftly. I can't imagine being with a Ghost Prince is better than a black bear? Or who knows about which status is better. Though it seems Ghosts are really down on the totem. This is really ramping up the story. So it's clear Si Yin doesn't see Master that way. Though I keep getting vibes from master he might. An interesting setup no doubt. Though I'm not sure if the writers can save Li Jing for me. I hate easily swayed men. Especially after they make the moves and confessions. So easily led astray.

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Fev 15, 2019

4/10 Things are getting better now that I have a sense of the world and order.

First up! What is with those wine goblets in the Ghost Realm? Hmmmm. What is that leg? I think maybe a bird of prey. Though I'd be tickled if it was a chicken leg!!!!!! This whole episode everyone has forgotten about the "only" woman allowed on Kunlun Mountain. Si Yin's cousin. Even Si Yin brother showed up and now one talked about the poor sister hiding from a terrifying forced marriage? Yikes. That said the plot is clicking into place. I see away for Li Jing to take up the place of Ghost Lord and eventually get his lady as I believe Si Yin will have to become Bai Qian for an arranged marriage. Another thing I'm seeing with Chinese dramas. Feels like a gender bender is always thrust in. The big thing is for a sister to fall in love with the "dude", but one of her brother's knows it's a woman and he's in love. We've got confirmation, heart felt confessions, and proposal here! Wow. I'll give it to Li Jing. He wastes no time and you got a love a man who knows his heart. (Side though: How many wives does he have? Those women aren't concubines/hookups?) At this point the story is getting better as I'm putting all the people, world, and hierarchy together. Though I think if you don't read or watch a lot of epic fantasy you're still gonna have one heck of a time figuring it out at this point. There's still some really out there things. Like the golden lily manifesting a ghost body. Clearly that's gonna be something important. That we have no information on except for it getting a body. I'm left to believe that Si Yin hasn't been taking studies for 20,000 years properly as she failed her godly ascension. Which is annoying to me. Also, makes me wonder why Master is treating her this way. I feel like it should be fatherly love. But I'm getting seriously romantic vibes. Serious. Romantic. Vibes. Again awesome fight scenes here. There's some already tied up romances and clearly there's going to be more as the cast expands. Overall the setup is finally starting to move forward better.

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Fev 15, 2019

3/10 Really poor quality. What a mess!

All right I think maybe I've got some solid information. There are Celestials, Demons, and Ghosts. Though I'm not sure but I think each group has gods, spirits, and something else. Spirits can ascend to Godhood. Really this is a mess. Prelude or some form of decent information giving please!!Si Yin's sister shows up. Who is also fooled by Si Yin being a man and buys that Si Yin is her cousin. Hmmmmmmm. This cousin/sister is trying to escape from a Bear Spirit who wishes to marry her. Then the God of War takes a month away. He wants his Ninth Disciple to watch out for Si Yin as she will soon be ascending to godhood. See messy. Then of course Si Yin being the mischievous fox she is talks the Ninth Disciple out to a little adventure. Where they are then captured by the King of Ghosts, but attacked by his enemies of rebel group. Now Si Yin and Ninth Disciple are prisoners. All while Si Yin gets, of course, the Ghost Princess to crush on her. Ninth Disciple is harassed by the King of Ghosts. So on.Oh, and the Gold Louts was a gift from Heavenly Father. It will turn into a human form if properly taken care of. Really this should get a 2/10. Thing is I was enjoying myself. I just hope things can be made clearer sooner.Random things that made me enjoy this episode:
1. Apparently Heavenly Father got his all mighty rule by the last God of Heaven and Earth, ruler of the world who ceded his position. The old ruler supreme ruler is Nong Hua Dijun. Who just setup an arranged/alliance marriage for the current Heavenly Father and our one and only Si Yin. Or Si Yin's female self Bai Qian. Becasue the Ghost Lord has "The Bell of the East Emperor than can destroy heaven and Earth". Due to an alliance of peace which I think was stupid. With a name like that destruction is inevitable with someone like the Ghost Lord.
2. So after that lengthy one above it's the clear setup of Bai Qian/Si Yin clearing meeting Li Jing (Ghost Lord's Second Prince). So far I believe Li Jing thinks Si Yin is indeed a dude.
3. So it's Li Jing's sister who has a crush on Si Yin. I'm curious exactly what he's planning to help his sister's crush escape? See this is a lot to follow. Even for my notes for this episode I have notes just for me to help keep things straight. Just in case.

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Fev 14, 2019

4/10 Not very good. Most peole are gonna be hard pressed to piece this world and actions together.

So I dumped Demon Girl for Eternal Love. Demon Girl was awful. However, it had one thing going for it that I think Eternal Love could really use. Clearly needs. The beginning introduction that introduces readers to the world and lore behind it. AKA the most important part of any Epic/High Fantasy creations (*cough*BOOKS*cough*) the glorious PRELUDE!!!?Because boy is Eternal Love got a lot going. (Which if I might say Ice Fantasy did a wonderful job at introducing characters, world, and lore right off the bat.) So far I understand that there is the Heavenly Father. Whom I assume is the supreme leader. Our leading lady, Bai Qian, is a White Fox Spirit . . . which is under the status of a God. So Bai Qian was being mentored by a phoenix spirit, but was then signed up to be the disciple to God of War. The God of War is apparently high up on the hierarchy as he is Heavenly Father's first wife's son. Apparently for 20,000 years she chills as a man,being called Si Yin, because only men are allowed on the mountain where the God of War is. There's a mortal realm and other creatures. Apparently Ghosts are the enemy. Not bad piecing things together? Right! I wonder if this is Chinese lore that is basic, so they don't feel the need to expand upon it. Though clearly dramas are seen every where so it just seems lazy not to try and clue people in.Si Yin is kidnapped and things are heavily implied that God of War has the hots for "him." Also, he new from the beginning that Si Yin is woman. We get an exciting battle from the kidnapping and other interactions. There's a mysterious lotus introduced weirdly at the end. Which their better be a continuation on or that was just . . . and odd add.Overall I think people who are not use to reading epic fantasy may not be able to follow this well or start to piece things together. I'm starting to see why my drama friend suggested I give it 6 episodes, or a bit more, before making a decision on this show. It's dense.

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Fev 13, 2019

1/10 Truly atrocious. *face palm*

Well, I'm out. The shocking events of a certain character suddenly setting their person on fire seems quite poetic. As I watch the character burn I realized that this was, in my mind, what was happening to the entire show of Demon Girl. It was a sign from the show itself. This junk needs to be burned. Or at least I need to drop it. I held on to hope and my 3 year anticipation of this show. Also, apparently demons mate for life. So You Tong is the third wheel who will never love another lady besides Qing Cheng. Qing Cheng will never be able to love You Tong since she's in love with Ming Xia. Many shows imply this with a love triangle. This one made it's magical setup into it. I hate it.Xue Wu is an amazing character. Trapped in a bad show. Trapped in the same villainess role all strong women characters tend to fall into. She's amazing. The way she let down all those men pining for her at the start she WOULD get over Ming Xia and move on. Sure she has questionable morals. Clearly. With helping Ming Xia's mom shoplift and what she needs to do to keep her hospital going. (Though I think the hospital thing was smart.) I hate seeing amazing women like her trapped in such support roles. At this point I can no longer curb my annoyance with Qing Cheng ignoring her mother-in-law's abuse. This goes beyond ignorance and nativity. If she's so smart she should react. Even if she's being kind. Who knows maybe her in law's abuse will finally off someone she loves. Either way Qing Cheng should be reacting. To the crazy things happening at the very least. Like magical wings and red eyes. I've hit my limits. I wanted to stick around until things got demon good. But this is clearly a very poor love triangle mess. I have a sneaky suspicion that the real stuff I'm waiting for doesn't build up until near the end. I don't want to wait for that. Questions about demon wintering and where Qing Cheng's mother came back as a baby to don't even niggle me enough for this type of atrocious love story. I'm out.

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Fev 13, 2019

1/10 Truly atrocious.

I feel like my ratings for this episode and the one before (4) should be switched. Almost. I think the drop to 1 is just shear disappointment. That and the absolute ridiculousness of Ming Xia's mother picking on Qing Cheng. I'm sorry, but there should be REACTIONS!!! Not only should Qing Cheng react to realizing that You Tong has wings, much like her, but she should react to the fact that Ming Xia's mother's actions almost got her father killed. Heck, that in turn almost led to her death! There's one thing I hate even more than a crazily written drama. One that doesn't acknowledge how the characters should be feeling about these crazily written things! The whole mother-in-law torture is too much. The fact that it's still going on is horrible. I love coo-coo stuff. I mean this is an over the top show. The way You Tong was captured was . . . insane. (Much like the bird tracking by scent. Yeah, I'm never letting that go.) I did enjoy one thing about this episode. You Tong realization that he doesn't know love. Yet, when he seeks the answer of what love is. He realizes he is in love and that he already knows it. It was sweet. Demon Girl is truly declining fast. I'm holding on for one more episode.

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Fev 13, 2019

2 This is painful. 2 out of 10

So the bird of prey tracking by smell wasn't just a clue in to the lack of research done, but apparently foreshadowing to the hot mess the writer is bringing. No. It's a mess. If their hadn't been some super cute love triangle stuff going on I would have rated this a 1! Qing Cheng is drugged, kidnapped, and almost raped. Neither she nor Ming Xia actually acknowledge or react to this. Ming Xia of course finds Qing Cheng in a hot mess of coincidences, AKA lazy writing. Finds out all the crap his mother put Qing Cheng through. I mean her father almost died! Not only does his mom say it was clearly all part of the bet and, "Surprise my clever son won!" She gets away with it and starts torturing Qing Cheng. *sighs* This also quickly digressed into another annoying love triangle. Ming Xia saves Qing Cheng from rape! You Tong finds out the truth of her fate after the weird beauty pageant line. I mean it. The girls of course torture Qing Cheng and You Tong encourages her that her true beauty will win. She wins only to be drugged kidnapped and almost raped. Of course by being saved by Ming Xia, You Tong then believes that she is dead. See it's a hot mess! It's such a hot mess I think I circle/repeated myself in there. Hot mess. Oh, and the beauty pageant contestants kidnap Qing Cheng's sister!!!!!!!!!! Which is never brought up or talked about again. I think the whole ordeal with Qing Cheng losing her job, her dads job loss and mining injury and EVERYTHING only happened in a couple days. Maybe 3 to 4 . . . I mean. The way these characters are talking things have not gone by that fast. Which is weird as I felt the show was clearly covering time. TIME!!!! It's a mess. Why am I not giving this a 1. Just for the death twists alone and total abuse (and ignoring) of rape? There were a few moments of hope. I really want to give this series a try. Normally I pass judgement on whether to keep going with a drama. I feel compelled to keep going as I have been so eager to watch Demon Girl.

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Fev 13, 2019

3 Really poor quality (AKA 3 out of 10)

There's certain silly things you can over look in dramas (or tv) in general. You roll with it. HOWEVER, there are stupid things that you just can't overlook. Birds of prey do not have a sense of smell. So there for can not track by scent. Holy cow the stupidity of this "plot devise". The evil doctor/scientist uses his pet hawk to track You Tong by smell. Birds in general do not have a sense of smell. Period. Birds of prey right down to chicken use their amazing eye sight. This lack of the writer, or anyone on the show's team, to not double check the sheer stupidity of this fact gives me doubts about where Demon Girl is going to go. The fun little informative bit at the beginning talks about the core power of a demon. That demons are indeed super strong and may have super duper powers that if used to full strength could kill them. They could hammer mountains down! Kill themselves true. From what You Tong does it seems like the more "oomph" you use it damages you. I am assuming demons have super healing abilities if they're not killed just right. No where in there did is there talk of this being such an alternative China that the birds hunt by smell. (Yeah, I'm gonna pick at that.) Besides that the doctor is super over the top acting as he hunts You Tong down. I will give props to the met queue for You Tong and Qing Cheng. It's a really sweet setup. Qing Cheng is just the person to bring light and love into his life. Or at least kindess and caring. It's addorable and I give mad props to the writer for making me have hope. Also, for the whole tiger thing! Way to create a decent cover up for demon killings. (Butler power!!!) There are still plenty of questions building up. Like what happened to Qing Cheng's mom after the water part. Which is confirmed. Where do these babies go/appear. I guess I assumed it would appear were she turned to water. Or is there a "source" where they reincarnate back! Or what? The suspense is killing me. On that note I end with food for thought. Ming Xia can't figure out what happened to Quing Cheng? Know his mom. So on? Sloppy.

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Fev 13, 2019

Wow, that was some heavy pandering. Creepy pandering. 4 of 10

So the adorable romance continues as Ming Xia patches things up between Qing Cheng and her father. While simultaneously promising to take care of her and I'm pretty sure that not only did he setup them being an official couple. But that felt a lot like making sure her dad new a proposal is coming. Then cut to some serious fan pandering. Yes, the sexy shirtless picture is what brought me here (with the lovely lady too), but that whole peekaboo shower scene was creepy. I do appreciate the sexy body. Of course. No amount of sparkly glitter music could not make that feel creepy though. I mean. We're creepy in with a look through the mirror than on poor You Tong. We get tight shots on him rubbing his body and abs. There's no way that was just to make sure we saw the GOLD NAILS!!! How could we miss it. Plus, that cat is way out of the bag from promos and trailers. That was creepy. Sexy, but creepy. That said the romance is super developed and I'm already rooting for Ming Xia and Qing Cheng. They're cute together. Of course the struggle has to come in. In the form of Ming Xia's mom who did over predicable rich things taking a bet with her son to prove Qing Cheng is just after his money way too far. A lot happens here. You Tong is introduced . . . not well. All we get to see is sexy shower creep time and sexy creepy murder. So it's all not looking well for the eye candy that probably brought many viewers in. That said I did enjoy seeing Qing Cheng continue taking care of her family and being strong. Though I thought it odd when her wings semi appeared and saved people's lives that she didn't react. I mean a lot is going down, but I'd think she'd freak out just a tad. Then go back to being brave. Maybe she'll break down? Though no one else freaking over being saved from certain death was odd . . . especially her sister not bringing anything up. I'm sure both girls are demons. But do half breeds only turn into demons at a certain later age in life? The expose to keep viewers up to speed doesn't tell us that. So mystery ensues. The ending burst my bubble about who might have saved Qing Cheng's mom after she turned into a puddle and then a baby. I got faces mixed up apparently. I'm curious how this twist will work out. As that clunky introduction to Jiang Xue Wu is clearly connected to the doctor who knows about demons. This should have got a lower rating. But the intrigue gets points. Though I feel like the writer might just kill Jiang Xue Wu, whom I should love. I mean shes a modern woman of my heart! But she's kind of a jerk. There's time to warm up to her though.

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Fev 12, 2019

Huh, I wasn't really sure what to expect. 5 of 10

This drama has been teasing me since before it's release. Now that I finally, FINALLY, get to watch it I'm not sure quite what I think. Huge points to the director and writer giving us the basic of demons. They're like us. Except they bleed pink, have golden nails that can suddenly grow along with their ears, and let's not forget the red eyes that appear with the gorgeous black wings! So basics. A demon can die and even get sick like a mere human. However, when they die they turn into a puddle that then turns into a baby. A baby that grows up with no memory of the life they just lived. That leads into a demon woman who sacrifices herself to save her human husband and their children. A husband that I wonder doesn't or does truly know what his wife is? See just enough to give us the basics, and just enough to tease us as black wings and a golden light come to tease Nie Qing Cheng. (That's right girl feel my frustrations!)Nie Qing Cheng is a lovely dancer and young lady who grows up happily. She knows just enough about reality that her single father needs help with money and that a woman finding work is unrealistic. The kind of job she has is a bar dancer. Despite the shady job Nie Qing Cheng chances an adorable meet queue. If you don't mind the gun being pointed at the back of her head. This was super silly. The CGI isn't bad, but I do realize my tolerance for TV CGI is different from others. What I truly like is the sisterly love between Nie Qing Cheng and Nie Qing Xin. It doesn't hurt that Qing Cheng and the man she's pining for, Ming Xia, have such adorable chemistry. Their romance is cute and I'm on board. I have theories that the sisters are half demons and their lives will soon be turned up side down. Maybe the love traingle will be a male demon helping her out. The struggle of Ming Xia's choices as the human in love with a half demon. Not to mention the mob boss probably having Qing Cheng's mother and the love struggle that will happen for her dad. It's a love mess! Yeah! While I might have been slightly disappointed due to my anticipation, the setup is solid and compelling! The show looks lovely and I think for it's episode length it could deliver a very compelling tale.

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3/10 Wait. What?

So the end is the setup for the next series and the behind the scenes stuff. So heads up. What gives me pause is the official ending of this story. That we are given this cute happy ending, and then a cuter twist to it. That totally was working for me. Yes, it's shallow that Suea's real ideitinity came out. Though I really like the idea of two people trying to find love outside of their social casts and all.  But then it was all a dream. Wasn't it? The MDL page has Suea's other name there, but that transition to me felt like a dream sequence.

Like Joo is happy, but is still wishing for extra things. Why isn't she happy! So. I am assuming it wasn't a dream. Because her friend was there to start up the next series. That was really crappy. At least for me.

Anywho, at least this cute and fluffy drama get's it's cute and happy ending. Cheers.

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4/5 Barely.

Hmmmmmm. So upon finishing this drama I feel like I've been betrayed. Despite all of Joo's big words she still, in the end, is hung up over Suea 's lack of money.  Now don't misunderstand me. I like that it's all up front and Joo can have thoughts about this. After all it's a real world issue. What I'm hung up over it's not that she's questioning how crappy Suea is treating her. There's being brutally honest, and then there's just being a complete @$$. I say this with concern for women everywhere.

Also, Joo is trying to "test the waters" with a guy she clearly doesn't like. To reconfirm what she already knew. She's been in love, and a relationship to some degree, with Suea. *sighs*

The things I like about this episode make up for some of the more trying issues. Especially the fun with other characters. Who I feel should have gotten even more time. Especially Bee finding a man!!! Go BEE! Go!

That said Suea's comments on what Suea was wearing pissed me off.  Though it's balanced by the cruelness of Rio and the harsh reality that good looking girls face with men. Heck, all girls. No matter what you wear.

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4/5 Actually . . . he looked pretty good in that PJ.

Or at least he looked better than I ever could in PJs like that! That  whole "sleep over" scene was very adorable. Now I'm wondering if Suea is  childishly flirting with Joo because he knows she's still shy about the  idea. Like it's better to obviously, but annoyingly, pursue her? I feel  like one of the reasons she is not taking him seriously is because his  flirting is kind of unserious? I know he's been blunt and actually  serious at a few moments. However, when guys peruse me like little boys I  never take them seriously either.

It also bothers me that Joo  is so hung up on thinking she is ugly. Even when she's just healing  blemish/scares from the acne. (May that girl never see my face.) Guys  are starting to show more attention. While I think Suea's need to keep  her ugly and not liking her being "pretty" is ridiculous there is some  truth. Joo does want to be pretty and she is kind of losing herself just  a bit to it. Right now the two sides of her are merging. The lovely  person she's become on the inside while "ugly" and the unlikable person  she was when she was pretty on the outside.  The two can merge, but like  Suea it's scary to see what parts will be left.

Besides Suea's  really annoying "flirting" I find his jealousy beyond annoying. This  type of behavior is pushing Joo away. Because it's simply not  attractive. Especially when it leads to such bullying. He can't see that  he's pushing her away. He trust her, but not other people. That is one  of the most annoying romantic lines ever. It's a cover up when you don't  want to admit that you can't really trust the person you want to be  with. The reality is people are gonna hit on your girl, or guy, it's  that person you're trusting in to know that they love you and not  someone who is trying to still them. I hate the concept of it being okay  to "trust the one you love, but not trust everyone else" because you  know who takes the brunt of that distrust and negative emotions? The  very person you say you trust.

I don't really like how things  are going. Though if I think about it the ugly sides of both Suea and  Joo are coming out. That's healthy to get out there. I'm curious how  things will go from here.

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