Comecei exclusivamente por causa do Park Hyung Sik, amo esse ator! Mas o drama é mediano, teve duas cenas específicas que eu ri muito, foram realmente bem engraçadas (a Nam Ha Neul escondida no banheiro e a parte dos bff médicos brigando).Em relação, a doença retratada por parte da Ha Neul, depressão, não me pareceu muito realístico, achei que trataram de maneira meio banal, mesmo tendo dado muita ênfase. Por parte do Jeong Woo, do trauma, me pareceu melhor retratado, mas ainda assim achei superficial. Como assisti Daily Dose of Sunshine, fica difícil aceitar menos que isso haha!
Eu vibrava por cada migalha que recebi do casal secundário, amei demais eles!
Por Hyung Sik e Park Shin Hye serem amigos de anos, foi muito bom ver eles juntos interpretando um casal!
Chen na OST foi tudo!!!
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Fofinho, mas fica chatinho depois
No começo, eu achei o dorama incrível, tinha gostado muito, era divertido e foi legal acompanhar a história de superação dos personagens. Porém, ao longo dos episódios foi ficando muito monótono e cansativo de assitir, inclusive o personagem principal masculino não evoluiu muito como pessoa, (apesar de ter evoluído em sua profissão) achei ele muito infantil e meio bobo.Um ponto forte do dorama é o casal secundário, que vai desenvolvendo um interesse amoroso, é legal de assistir essa parte em específico.
No geral, não é um dorama maravilhoso, mas dá pra assistir e dar boas risadas.
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um amor para recordar
Ah que drama maravilho!É sempre incrível mergulhar no mundo dos kdramas e . se deixar envolver por tramas emocionantes e personagens cativantes. Os atores Park Hyung Sik e Parque Shin Hye trazem novas histórias e experiências, capaz de nos transportar para universos fascinantes e nos fazer refletir sobre a complexidade da vida. O drama, com toda a sua intensidade e emoção, nos convida a sentir empatia, a explorar diferentes perspectivas e a nos conectar com as profundezas da alma humana. Que privilégio é poder apreciar mais esse titulo.
Ele humaniza os médicos, retirando-os da bolha retratada em muitos dramas, onde parece que não enfrentam dificuldades ao lado deles. Ele traz o frescor da juventude de dois estudantes esforçados e inteligentes que eram ex-rivais no ensino médio. Nam Ha-neul e Yeo Jeong-woo se reencontram na fase adulta, após seguirem carreiras como médicos, um alcançando sucesso e o outro enfrentando frustrações em suas trajetórias na medicina. Uma história cheia de altos e baixos no percurso da vida. Revelou suas opções por um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado, com objetivos realistas, distante do glamour inatingível de celebridades médicas fantásticas.
A atuação do elenco foi tão suave e tão intensa que, nas cenas emocionantes, as lágrimas fluem de forma incondicional.
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No drama esses dois estudantes brilhantes alcançaram a profissão dos sonhos, mas por circunstâncias adversas na idade adulta chegam ao fundo do poço. O fundo do poço na história não é apenas a perda de uma posição profissional de sucesso há muito almejada ou sua reputação jogada na lama por uma acusação falsa. É a tristeza profunda e o luto pela perda de um ideal há muito idealizado pelas personagens. Nam Ha Neul anulava todas as outras partes da sua vida e vivia apenas para o trabalho, enquanto o Yeo Jeong Woo com sua personalidade divertida e otimista sempre buscou na amizade das pessoas ao seu redor o afeto que não recebia dos pais e quando mais precisava desses amigos eles somem. Essas situações os levam à depressão.
No final é bonito ver Ha Neul aprendendo a equilibrar os vários aspectos de sua vida e falando o que realmente pensa e não deixando as pessoas passarem por cima dela. E Yeo Jeong Woo, escolhendo uma clínica mais modesta e sabendo que também tem amigos verdadeiros que pode contar também nos momentos de crise.
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Quem é Grey's Anatomy perto disso?
LIIIIIIIIIIIINDO!!!!!!!! Amei, amei e amei muito assistir cada pedacinho desse drama 💗 Adorei a história de ambos os personagens e de como tudo foi resolvido. Me impressiona que um drama de 16 episódios conseguiu contar diversas histórias super amarradinhas numa quantidade ok de eps. Pensei que a história do Jeongwoo fosse a principal, mas quando chegou na metade e já tinha sido resolvida pensei " o que mais poder vir?" e a resposta foi TUDO! A história da Haneul é a mais legal pra mim, passei por um momento de "falha" na validação acadêmica e assistir a história dela passando por algo do mesmo nicho me fez sentir muito conectada com ela e até confortada. Gostei muito do casal secundário também! Todos muito queridos! Gosto quando o vilão não é 100% vilão, acho que trás mais veracidade pra história. Em resumo, foi perfeito. Me peguei várias vezes dando risadinhas e gritinhos olhando a inimizade deles virando paixão. É isso que anemies to lovers precisa ser e Doctor Slump fez da melhor forma possível.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Success Doesn't Always Bring Happiness
The final episode, the final edit--What a healthy Kdrama, and what a nice ending. "What is better? Does it mean they'll become happy?" "They'll accept their misfortunes. I can become miserable again, but that's okay. Should misfortunes come I have the strength to endure them." All in all this was a drama about accepting that life isn't perfect, people are not perfect, we can do everything right and still our lives can fall apart, and also that work environments can sometimes be the detriment of even the most accomplished people. Life isn't about putting forth the most perfect image. It's about finding your happiness, your center, your balance, and then finding the strength to endure what comes your way. I like in the end that Jeong Woo chose substance over flashiness in starting his own practice again. I like that Ha Neul could confidently handle the denial of job responsibilities, and that she found the strength to speak what she was feeling in a professional way. Both the ML and FL took us on a journey of debunking erroneous beliefs about success and happiness, and in the end showed us what was truly important....our relationships with family, friends, and each other.Well done to Baek Sun Woo, the screenwriter for this engaging and important drama!! Equally well done to the cast and production crew!! This is a keeper, and a drama I will revisit again.
After 10 episodes--I came back to update the review as I am over halfway through this series. Amongst the usual stereotypical rom com Kdrama plot lines, there lies the reality of healing from trauma. This Kdrama shows how very hard it is to come back to normal when your life has been turned upside down, and also how hard it is to overcome panic, anxiety, sadness, and depression. In one episode Ha Neul begins to panic with the happiness she feels in this new relationship. She doesn't trust that these happy feelings will not just end up with tragedy and heartbreak as that has been her experience. She also faces how little she trusts people around her, including Jeong Woo. This is a very relatable series. I've been part of a cut-throat profession and been stabbed in the back by colleagues whom I trusted, and been faced with the decision to keep opening my life to people, or just wall myself off. Failed relationships also leave their mark. This drama shows how two people who at first are overcome with their traumatic experiences, work through the realization that because of these experiences are different people now, and have to find a new way to keeping engaging with life, their professions, their family, and each other. I like that this drama is showing that recovery from mental illness is not instant, you don't just get over it. Instead, it's a process, a day-by-day way of learning how to live again. Some of drama is typical, some of it is boring, but with the bigger message, I'm finding this is really a good story.
After 2 episodes--This is taking a look at the very real impact ambition has on mental health. The two main characters are the star pupils of their high school. What comes with being the top student is not only the pressure of one's own expectations and ambition, but having to live up to the expectations of everyone around you. Being the top at anything also seems to carry with it the idea that that top person is perfect in all things. Not only is this not true, but the reality is that carrying the pressure to constantly be perfect, and at the top in all things, often leads to burn out and depression. If by chance one does make it to the top, it takes next to nothing for you to fall and fail, even if it isn't your fault. The story begins with the two leads established in their careers and are both experiencing a low point. We get to see in both the mental toll competition, ambition, and drive does to them, and also how very fickle the world around them is when faced with these low points in their professional lives . Luckily they have each other. The race to the top is brutal, but so is the fall from the top where you find out who your true friends really are. That's where our two main leads are in the first two episodes.
It has the makings of a really good story. So far it's been excellent. I hope it continues. The soundtrack also seems to be really good.
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A good drama gone terribly wrong
This drama is something i had pretty good expectations for but unfortunately it failed to deliver. I don't know how i can possibly rate the show when the second lead couple was much more interesting than the main couple.When i started this show i thought it was so cute, Academic rivals are definitely something you are likely to experience in school and the idea of meeting your academic rival after many years , as well as the fact that they were both facing struggles of different kinds were also quite amusing to me. I personally really resonated with the fl because a lot of parents tell you to work hard and "everything will work out" but that is not always the case. The ml (although not as relatable) also received very less attention and the only time his parents paid any attention to him was when he got into trouble. Now ill go in depth about the pros and the cons.
1) the drama started out strong but i don't know exactly when but i started getting bored of the romance between the leads, I feel like it would have made much more sense if they both just remained friends because the romance was so unnecessary
2) the mystery behind the issue with the ml's medical mishap was way too complicated, i would have preferred if they just kept one suspect from the beginning and limited the mystery to max 8 episodes
3) the comedy was at most times - just cringe, I dont know if it was the acting, the writing or the directing but the comedy was extremely cringe at certain moments
4) I like park hung sik's acting but for this show it was a bit much, I feel like if the actor looks fake while doing a scene it prevents viewers from immersing themself into the show
5) The misunderstandings were drawn out, i feel like the characters did not age a day (mentally) after high school, i feel like they honestly retain the same level of maturity which shows no character development over time
1) First and foremost my high rating for the acting goes mostly for the second leads, their acting was so much more realistic and their situations were also much more relatable, The idea of being single parents to kids of the opposite gender (single mom with son and single dad with daughter) while having hectic jobs as medical professionals and having to navigate life with teenagers was also executed well. After a certain point i was watching the show for them.
2) I feel like the mental health aspect was demonstrated pretty well, the idea of parents always pushing you to be successful and how success does not equal happiness was a strong message.
3) Park shin hye definitely improved her kissing skills, she looked like she was being assaulted in majority of the dramas but she definitely fixed it this time round
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Another unnecessary mystery
Out of all the dramas recently that randomly inserted a mystery/thriller subplot (Cheer Up, Crash Course in Romance), I think this one disappointed me the most. I loved the premise of reunited rivals, and the theme of mental health is one that always tugs at the heartstrings without fail.Instead, I feel like this drama used the mystery as a plot device instead of learning how to develop its characters by themselves, and the mystery itself turned out to be underwhelming anyways. Instead of both our main characters having to deal with life just going wrong sometimes, there was a villain to blame. Everything became a very cliche drama plot, particularly that one already-very-memed trope that I can’t believe they did in 2024.
In terms of the slice-of-life and humor aspect…it worked until it didn’t. I’m actually not a huge fan of this type of “goofy” humor anyways, but at the start it actually worked in the drama’s favor by not treating depression like a life-ending, horrible thing. Over time however, it started feeling like the drama gave up on serious moments in order to have humor.
As the drama progressed, however, it became pretty clear that they didn’t know how to move the plot forwards in organic ways. It became super repetitive with the characters drinking every episode (and yes social media has already called out the fact that they’re not supposed to be drinking while on medication!), and side characters constantly leaking information by accident. Both just feel like really lazy ways to get the characters to talk.
Now — the romance. This is what I was looking forward to the most, but it wasn’t really written in an interesting way. There’s a sort of tension that rivals-to-lovers promises, but with Haneul and Jeongwoo it all felt too easy. Aside from a few reminiscing scenes, the fact that they were rivals ended up having little impact on the plot or their romance.
Even with so much focus on the mystery, it still felt pretty underwhelming. The motivations are weak, there’s no tension in it, it ends really early, leaving you wondering what the rest of the drama is even going to be about.
In terms of the mental health theme, I also just think it ended up not being very deep. There were some well-written moments where it talked about burnout, the stigma of antidepressants, parental expectations, or toxic workplace culture, but the drama never took it one step further and gave it the seriousness it deserved. There were moments where toxic positivity was treated as a funny moment instead of describing its dangers, for example, or how the FL’s brother was a bum and it was mostly played for laughs when it really just felt frustrating since the family theme could have been fleshed out more.
Overall, I know our leads our top-notch actors, though this drama doesn’t really show it. The comfort vibes are like, three-quarters of the way there — it could’ve been helped out by much, much better writing.
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Its just a realy cute romcom.
Its soooooo good. I am obssesed. 100% obssesed with it and I love to see both of them in a kdrama as main roles its so unexpected but I am here for it. I font like medical, doctor kdramas and was thinking I wont watch this one buuuut I gave one episode a try and I am sooooo happy I did juz this kdrama is going to be a masterpice I can feel it. Its mostly going to be a romance, comedy and a bit of melodrama but just a bit. Anyway I think you reading this should defionetly watch it like its also only 16 episodes. 😏Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Dr Cringe
It could have been a 9 or a 10 from me with a great cast that combines playfulness with bickering and lots of found family and love. The characters are over all interesting and there is just enough suspense and drama to keep it interesting.But then came the never ending cringe, to be honest it was there from the start with this story telling voice that I could ignore but got on my nerves more and more as the episodes flew by.... The playfulness, rivalry and fun slowly started to turn in to some kind of Bong Soons sweet moments done wrong, over the top and childish that I again tried to ignore but as the episodes piled up I just felt annoyed . Still I could deal with all this until the over done annoying healing tropes showed up + a bunch of my pet peeves leaving me with the over all feeling of meeh. . There was just no saving the 9 or 10 I had hoped it would be and while I tryed to hold on to the memory of the good I had to let go and accept that this show would end up a 7 or 7,5...
Tragic- Yes ! But I have come to accept this outcome and am now ready to start over with another drama
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It had its moments
This dramas started out great with two seasoned kdrama actors, acting was never going to be a problem. Premise was good, medicine is one of the most stressful careers, doctors suffer a lot there was a lot of potential in the story to explore real issues. But the drama fell on its own sword when the driver of the mental imbalance came from half baked external sources. FL story was more compelling, but the ML story involving the criminal case was so unfortunately bad that it derailed the plot. No matter what the genre is when you have professional elements involving law, business, medicine or others care should be taken in maintaining some level of authenticity otherwise it ruins the viewing experience when we start poking holes at the plausibility of certain events, in doctor slump neither medicine or law was well researched. The bigger problem was there was never enough story to sustain 16 episodes, at best it could have been a decent 12 episodes drama. Mental health was more of a plot device than a subject of honest examination. Bottom line idea was interesting but the execution did not deliver, in the end it was all foregettable.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Somewhere between decent and lukewarm
The Good:⌲ Park Shin Hye's smiles (especially compared to her younger self)
⌲ There is some decent comedy here and there.
⌲ There are no triangles.
⌲ The drama mostly delivers in the complication-free fluff genre. (and I'm all for these)
⌲ Yoon Park in a kind role (I've only seen him in really annoying villainous, or grey roles before)
The Average:
⌲ The breakup (As far as noble reason breakups go this one is not bad. )
⌲ The chemistry between the leads was whelming.
⌲ The villain (messy pointless plots, but at least a relatively tame villain character)
⌲ The medical stuff is very poorly researched. (luckily there is not that much focus on this)
⌲ Hong Ran
The Bad:
⌲ Park Hyung Sik has matured too much to pull off the aegyo and a childish adult character in general. (not that we need aegyo in our lives lol)
⌲ The team should have used child actors in the high school flashbacks, every scene looked jarring like this..
⌲ The final episode was very boring, filled with some ridiculous product placements & very few swoony scenes (car, hug the couch, buy the bag)
⌲ What was the point of ML's parents being in the drama???
⌲ The drama is somewhat poorly written without much planning involved.
⌲ Adding to the previous point Nam Ha Neul is basically a completely different person later on, where did her spunk go?
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