Esoterika: Maynila
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I didn't know how to grasp this strange film for a long time. There are many acting roles in it, while the main character of the whole film is the very likeable Ronnie Liang (played by Maria/Galoga), who is gradually surrounded by a number of, often strange people, including women with penises or gays, a diverse mix of Manila residents. Apparently, you need to see the film twice to make sense of everything, but above all, the film appeals for society to better perceive individuals with different variants of sexual orientation. And everything is presented deliberately and with an eye for detail as a Pall Mall of the bizarre, vampirism, often silly characters and strange humor.

Tento zvláštní film jsem dlouho nevěděl, jak jej uchopit. Je v něm prostoupeno hodně hereckých rolí, přičemž hlavní postavou celého filmu je velmi sympatický Ronnie Liang (hraje Maria/Galoga), který je postupně obklopen řadou, mnohdy divných lidiček včetně žen s penisem či gayů, pestrou směsicí obyvatel Manily. Zřejmě je potřeba vidět film dvakrát, aby vše dávalo smysl, ale především snímek apeluje na to, aby společnost lépe vnímala jedince s různými variantami sexuální orientace. A vše je podáno schválně a s nadhledem jako pall mall bizáru, vampírismu, mnohdy přihlouplých postav a zvláštního humoru.

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Uma Flor Congelada
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
This Korean bold and intense sageuk was an extremely profound yet nerve-wracking experience for me. I wasn't even breathing in some parts of the movie. The king of Goryeo, more or less very cruel, because that's how it had to be in history to stay in power, from the Koryo dynasty (after which Korea got its name) is homosexual, has a princess from the neighboring kingdom of Yu-an (Yuan) as his wife, and has fallen in love to Hong, the young commander of the Kunryongwe Royal Guard. The Guard is blindly devoted to the King for life and death, and so even Hong completely submits and submits sexually to his King. But the heir to the throne, the descendant, the heir, is still not on the way, because the queen is without conjugal sex, which her husband and wife are not capable of. That's why the King orders his faithful lover and friend (even if he doesn't want to) to impregnate the Queen at night. This is where the whole story actually begins.
I think the film will not be for everyone, after all the style of East Asia is quite different. The film is about love in various forms (true, extremely obsessed, devoted, about friendship) and is very raw, cruel, erotic (but deliberately for the sake of expressing lust, not aimlessly, the whole work is a hundred times deeper than just sex). Excellent design, traditional Korean music, beautiful, which helped to understand individual scenes and characters' feelings, processing. The actors had to undergo demanding training in fencing, fighting, riding horses or playing the traditional Korean musical instrument geomungo. The story and the hardships of the main characters ate deep not only into my soul, but to the core of my bones. I thought I couldn't come across anything that strong for me here at GT. And lo and behold, a film that was unforgettable for me, sad and, in the end, scary, and on other world servers with a high rating, it hit me so hard. I'll get back to him soon ... (well it already happened, I lasted one day)

Tento korejský odvážný a intenzivní sageuk, byl pro mě nesmírně hlubokým, ale také nervy drásajícím zážitkem. V některých částech filmu jsem ani nedýchal. Král Goryeo, víceméně velmi krutý, protože tak to v historii muselo být, aby se udržel u moci, z dynastie Koryo (po ní získala Korea své pojmenování) je homosexuál, za manželku má princeznu ze sousední říše Jü-an (Yuan) a zamiloval se do Honga, mladého velitele královské stráže Kunryongwe. Stráž je králi na život a na smrt slepě oddána, a tak i Hong se sexuálně naprosto podrobuje a podvoluje svému Králi. Jenže následník trůnu, potomek, dědic, stále není na cestě, neboť královna je bez manželského sexu, kterého její choť se ženou není schopen. Proto Král nařizuje svému věrnému milenci a příteli (i když ten nechce), aby chodil královnu v noci oplodňovat. Tím celé klubko příběhu vlastně začíná.
Film si myslím, že nebude pro každého, přeci jenom styl východní Asie je dost odlišný. Snímek je o lásce různých podob (pravé, extrémně posedlé, oddané, o přátelství) a je velmi syrový, krutý, erotický (ale schválně kvůli vyjádření chtíče, ne bezcílně, celé dílo je stonásobně hlubší, než jen sex). Vynikající výprava, hudba tradiční korejská, krásná, která pomohla pochopit jednotlivé scény a pocity postav, zpracování. Herci museli podstoupit náročný výcvik šermu, bojů, jízdy na koních či hraní na tradiční korejský hudební nástroj geomungo. Příběh a útrapy hlavních hrdinů se mi zažraly hluboko nejen do duše, ale až do morku kostí. Myslel jsem, že tady na GT už nemohu narazit pro mě na něco tak silného. A ejhle, film pro mě nezapomenutelný, smutný a v závěru až děsivý a na ostatních světových serverech s vysokým ohodnocením mě tak zasáhl. Brzy se k němu vrátím ... (no už se stalo, vydržel jsem to jeden den)

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First Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 6.5
Everything happened exactly as it is written in detail in the official text of the distributor. This is a specific Japanese film, which was made mainly according to one of the boxes of Japanese ideas, and should be judged accordingly, and the affect, mechanicalness, stubbornness was really there (in acting, walking, running, my classmate Kota came to me in some situations even slightly demented). I cannot give a higher rating within this specific production, because if I ignore all the mentioned "flaws" from the point of view of a European, the film did not affect me that much. On the other hand, I have to highlight the effort to portray (the desire) for gay marriage, the first love of an adult and its CO, and the fact that no models or men from gyms played in the film, but completely ordinary Japanese people.

Všechno proběhlo přesně tak, jak je podrobně napsáno v oficiálním textu distributora. Jedná se o specifický japonský film, který byl vyroben především podle jedné ze škatulek japonských představ a dle toho by se měl v hodnocení i brát a opravdu tam ten afekt, strojovost, topornost byla znát (v hraní, chůzi, běhu, spolužák Kota mi přišel v některých situacích až mírně dementní). Nemohu dát vyšší ohodnocení v rámci této specifické produkce, protože když pomíjím všechny zmíněné "nedostatky" z pohledu Evropana, tak mě až tak moc film nezasáhl. Na druhé straně ale musím vyzdvihnout snahu o vykreslení (touhu) po manželství gayů, první lásku dospělce a jeho CO a to, že ve filmu nehráli žádní modelové či muži z posiloven, ale zcela obyčejní Japonci.

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Itsuka no kimi e
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
A surprisingly good point that gave the story an unexpected new direction, funny, slightly sad and beautiful and played very convincingly. I could feel the emotions there, they even gradually accumulated. The film was not staged or replayed, and the girl Anikim does not try to upset the two in the second half. Satisfaction and overall above average. I would also like to give additional thanks to churli, who translated the film into Czech years ago exclusively for GT.

Překvapivě dobrá pointa, která dodala příběhu nečekaný nový směr, vtipný, mírně smutný i krásný a který byl zahrán velmi přesvědčivě. Emoce jsem tam cítil, dokonce se postupně hromadily. Snímek nebyl ucajdaný ani přehrávaný a dívka Anikim se nesnaží v druhé půli ty dva rozeštvat. Spokojenost a celkově vyšší nadprůměr. Chtěl bych také dodatečně poděkovat churli-mu, který film před lety přeložil exkluzivně pro GT do češtiny.

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Meu Pior Vizinho
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

Help Others

In this movie, two people are living in a different building but it's attached to each other. But the walls are made of plywood materials which they can hear what the others are doing. One of them wants to become a good singer and compose music while the other wants to take back the copyright things of the character She was made but it's not as simple as that because both of them are so noisy and disturbing to each other. So they manage to create a rule in order to get a turn. That's how their journey begins.
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Coming Out
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Myslel jsem, že to bude takový solidní šedavý průměr a tak tomu zezačátkui bylo. Nakonec se z toho vyklubal příběh poutavý (někdo napíše klišé, stokrát ohrané téma) a já začal postavě Yo věřit a celé mě to do příběhu vtáhlo. Z uzavřeného a bázlivého kluka se najednou stal mladý muž uvědomělý, který si začíná sám sobe vážit. Příjemný zážitek podpořený velmi sympatickou postavou spolužáka Nobora. Myslím že těm, kteří mohou sledovat japonské filmy, mohu tento snímek doporučit.

Myslel jsem, že to bude takový solidní šedavý průměr a tak tomu zezačátkui bylo. Nakonec se z toho vyklubal příběh poutavý (někdo napíše klišé, stokrát ohrané téma) a já začal postavě Yo věřit a celé mě to do příběhu vtáhlo. Z uzavřeného a bázlivého kluka se najednou stal mladý muž uvědomělý, který si začíná sám sobe vážit. Příjemný zážitek podpořený velmi sympatickou postavou spolužáka Nobora. Myslím že těm, kteří mohou sledovat japonské filmy, mohu tento snímek doporučit.

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99.9 Criminal Lawyer the Movie
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Lala
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Sacrifice That Leads to A Bitter Result

The series are been so successful and became my favorite. But, this movie, definitely on my favorite list too. I really enjoyed the pace, the building character, and the acting that everyone gives on this movie. Give me some nostalgic feeling too when I see the female lead of 1st & 2nd season.

As always, the story is pretty well executed and leave me goosebump with the unexpected truth! I am always wondering while watched this movie, why Mamoru look like he has an important role on this story, and why does he easily cooperate with Miyama at their first encounter. I was also thinking that maybe Mamoru did saw the real culprit before, but the truth is more than that. Just... wow. It was a hard guess game for me LOL. The truth of the case are just cruel than I imagined, I really hate the fact that all the villagers who involved in the case are not gonna be prosecuted by the court because of the time limit of the case. But, at least they're gonna feel guilty forever for making a dumb decision like that.

And last but not least. I loved how the pun joke always makes me confused, but once I got what it means in literal, I will laugh my ass off HAHAHAHHAHA. For example, when Miyama joking about the barrel and the wine like "思い当たるか" to "重い、ああー たるか。" or the "Inari" thing one LOL it's so brilliant yet hilarious.

That's all my review, sorry for my broken grammar. You can give a shot for this movie, it's totally worth it!

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A Christmas Carol
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Park Jin Young is the real MVP!

'A Christmas Carol' is a story about a twin brother who goes to a juvenile detention center on his own to avenge the death of his twin brother. It's not Christmas-themed, more about an incident that happen during Christmas time. It's an intense movie filled with very VERY painful scenes, I felt a slow-burn suspense consistently. It looks very dark and gritty, a lot of beating and cursing so trigger warning. The flashbacks scenes are not confusing and it flows well with the plot. It's not just a movie about a crime investigation, it is also asking about whom and what do you take for granted in your life, how important revenge is and how far can you go.

By the climax, I got so angry and sad. It's a very unsettling reveal, so proceed with caution... it’s not a movie that leaves you feeling okay. For this reason, I won't recommend this to all, unless you want to see Jin Young's amazing acting nuance, at the same time ruining your inner child's fantasy on Santa Claus...

Though it’s great that I felt really emotional throughout, I had to suspend my disbelief for the real cause and execution of the main incident. It explains the meaning of foreshadowing scenes leading up to this climax, but I expect this particular scene could have been written better or more realistic. Nevertheless, I think this is a great movie because it manages to grabbed my heart and ruined it to pieces. I will need some time to heal and by re-watching Jin Young's other works. Hats off to you, Park Jin Young, I respect you very much!

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30 Dias
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Freaking hilarious

To describe in one word this was so chaotic and freaking hilarious....
From the name I thought there will be some time travel thing and they will fall in love again. But no this was way more chaotic...
I especially loved the sister's character, it was so unique..
The moment u thnk that "oh I know what will happen next" this proves you wrong..
Gave me very much needed laughter.....
Definitely recommend.......
I'll watch it again for sure when I need a good laugh. Very funny and refreshing
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Meu Casamento Feliz
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Tanam
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 9.5

Loved it ❤️

Everything was just perfect about this movie.
The cast ,the story, the characters.
Loved it totally. The way both of them grow their bond omg was too cute . They way they take care of eachother everytime was my favourite it's my favourite movie of all time .
I watched it and it was totally totally worth it ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kayoka was so handsome i mean he was just perfect for it and miyo is so so cute.
I felt so bad when her step mother tortured her.
I also liked the part when kayoka went to her house to save her it's my favourite part of the movie and at the end when he asked " will u marry me" awwwwwww that was tooooooo cute mannnn
They are just perfect for it

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Fuga da Meia-Noite
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

It was good

The movie, frankly, is very wonderful. I loved the heroine’s approach very much. The best thing is that there are no bad feelings. I recommend it. It is useful for teenagers from 14 years old and above. +I recommend it ✨

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The Karate Kid
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10

The film is wonderful

The film is full of memories for me, and it was truly a very wonderful film, in the literal sense. My childhood was on me, so I literally recommend it strongly. ?

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The Thundering Sword
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Cheng Pei Pei in a melodramatic sword romance

Cheng Pei Pei was an ethereal killing machine in The Thundering Sword. What started out as a standard martial arts movie in 1967 quickly evolved into a romantic melodrama only with the stereotypical roles reversed.

Chang Yi and Lo Lieh belong to a sect that believes martial arts are for healing, not killing. The Thundering Sword is a sword that can break all others and their leader Tien Feng sends them on a quest to find it so that the dangerous weapon can be destroyed. Chang Yi comes upon Cheng Pei Pei as she dispatches a handful of villains who had made the mistake of attacking her. Chang Yi reprimands her for killing them which she doesn’t take too seriously even as she is instantly smitten with the righteous fighter. Later that night she stumbles across Lo Lieh who had survived numerous deadly traps to recover the Thundering sword. She steals the sword when he’s not looking and throws three poisonous darts into his chest for his troubles. When she realizes he is a sword brother to Chang Yi she takes him to an escort service to have him carried home where he must be treated within three days. After receiving 5000 pieces of silver the escort service promises that they will deliver him or die. On the road to the temple, perma-smirk Chen Hung Lieh thinking the group must be protecting the sword, attacks the convoy with Cliff Lok at his side. He awakens Lo Lieh only to torture him and leave him for dead. When Pei Pei realizes the escort agency failed, she returns to collect their debt…to be paid with their lives. Around 30 bodies later she leaves just as Chang Yi arrives, quickly followed by Ku Feng who accuses him of the mass murder. Pei Pei and Chang Yi reunite and marry which antagonizes Chang’s jealous sect sister made worse when she discovers that Pei Pei was the reason Lo Lieh was poisoned and crippled. When Chang Yi is captured and tried for the escort deaths, Pei Pei tries to tell anyone who will listen that she was the perpetrator.

I recapped the story to bring up a point that I thought was interesting. In old martial arts movies, men fought for a hundred different reasons and dying at the point of a sword or by an iron fist was not unexpected. Somehow when a woman was defending herself and killed the bandits, it was harshly judged. In this movie, the sect at the Baiyun Temple where Chang Yi and Lo Lieh trained were taught not to kill. Pei Pei at the Centipede/Caterpillar sect, was not taught those same rigorous morals. Her first impulse tended to be to lash out, especially toward her poor loyal maid. The fights were largely the swipe and fly backwards style although there was the occasional imbedded sword in a body or dismemberment. At one point in a long scene Pei Pei went behind a curtain with a stuntman playing her coming out the other side in order to do some acrobatics. Ever fierce and graceful whether wielding a sword or a whip, Pei Pei was entertaining to watch. Chang Yi and Lo Lieh didn't have to learn much fight choreography because they scarcely lifted a sword.

Cheng Pei Pei gave a wonderfully complex performance as the ferocious fighter and also as the tender, concerned lover. Chang Yi in a rare hero role was unable to sell it, coming across rather stiff. I wish that Lo Lieh had been given that role instead as he had little to do in this film. He had great chemistry with Pei Pei in Golden Swallow and could have given a deeper performance than Chang Yi. Both Chang Yi and Lo Lieh would end up typecast as villains within a few years. Tien Feng played his share of bad guys as well. Despite their limited time and success, it was fun seeing these ‘heels’ playing ‘faces’. Also worth noting, the music and cinematography for this category of film was quite good.

If you’re looking for one of Cheng Pei Pei’s more traditional sword-fighting roles, best to skip this one as it devolved into a very melodramatic romance with little fighting in the second half. What was worth seeing for me was Pei Pei’s opportunity to shine in a more diverse emotional role.


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Boston 1947
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de andjel
Nov 30, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

What is Korea?

Can I use spoilers for a review of a true story? I will try not to because I saw the movie in complete ignorance and i was 100% engaged in the story thankful that i didn't know what will happen next. That made the viewing of the movie much better. After watching the movie i checked some facts and it turns out that the movie is very faithful to the true events.

This is a sports drama at its best. There are many inspirational stories but this is one of the best I saw. It shows a sporting spirit and also a Korean spirit, so in t he end, this is very patriotic movie. At the time when Korea was not even recognized in the world, a few individuals were fighting for Korean pride with sport. That shows that sport is not only a virtue in itself but it is also a means to connect people and a great ambassador in the world.
PS. I am also from a small country but every time i visited Korea people connected me with the famous athletes from my country. Well i should learn more about Korean athletes also. So thank you movie for teaching me a valuable lesson and showing me once again what is Korea.

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 30, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

An entertaining show abt smuggling..

I love Kim hye soo and I love everything she is in... She has capability of making a show worth watching.....
As you can predict from the star cast, the acting part was not lacking in any way...
The story may seem a bit lacking for the first 10- 20 minutes but but but don't quit.. keep watching....
Omg this was such a fun show... The ending was really satisfying..
I don't really wanna say anymore coz tht would be giving out spoiler.
Worth watching
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