Maybe It's Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 23, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
A Taiwanese short film about something strange, yet natural, about the relationship between two lovers. Played solidly, I was only a little disappointed by the ending, when we had to reduce our rating by one more point, but otherwise nice, human. Duncan Ku, Taiwan's top gay porn star, now past his prime, makes his first queer film appearance ...

Taiwanský kraťas o nečem zvláštním, ale přitom přirozeném, o vztahu dvou milenců. Zahráno solidně, trošku mě jen zklamal ten závěr, kdy jsme musel snížit ještě o bod své hodnocení, ale jinak pěkné, lidské. Duncan Ku, taiwanská špičková gay porno hvězda, nyní již za svým zenitem, poprvé vystupuje v queer filmu ...

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Contestant #4
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 23, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
A film about almost nothing and actually about everything. I liked him. Freed from Pinoy slurs and mannerisms of the type of affected and twisted aunts, whining and tragic scenes, it goes about its business and simply conveys what the creators had in mind... When I think back on the short, I think it's an excellent piece.

Film skoro o ničem a vlastně o všem. Líbil se mi. Oproštěn od pinoy nánosů a manýr typu afektovaných a vykroucených tetek, kňučení a tragédních scén, si jde za svým a jednoduše sděluje to, co měli tvůrci na mysli ... Když nad kraťasem přemýšlím zpětně, je to dle mě výborné dílko.

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Jan 23, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Too much Filipino movie. The story would work, although here too, more script could be used, the music is very good, as is often the case with Pinoys. The acting is average, I deduct five points, especially some of the characters, at the beginning Harry was making me laugh out loud. Otherwise, I found the two main symposia to be nice, but the creators were not well led. Sometimes even tragic and hysterical scenes and stretching. In a nutshell: a rather solid piece with great potential that was not fully utilized. Personally ... the sound-music is probably the best thing about this movie.

Film filipínský až moc. Příběh by šel, i když i tady by se dalo vytěžit více scénářem, hudba velmi dobrá, jak bývá u pinoy mnohy zvykem. Herectví průměrné, ubírám pět bodů, především některých postav, na začátku vytahoval Harry smích až z paty. Jinak ti dva hlavní mi přišli fajn sympoši, ale nebyli tvůrci dobře vedeni. Někdy až tragédní a hysterické scény a protahování. V kostce: spíše solidní dílko s velkým potenciálem, který nebyl plně využit. Osobně ... zvuk-hudba je v tomto filmu asi tím nejlepším, co ve něm je.

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My Father, Myself
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 23, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Controversial film based on reality, for the last scene of the film I significantly reduce the point rating for the story. Otherwise, I have to admit that this is also how relationships turn out, and it would be confusing to only make films with gay themes and fairy-tale endings, that's the world. Of the four main characters, my wife Amanda (Dimples Romana and rightly won in her category at MMFF 2022) and Mathew (Sean de Guzman) impressed me the most. Processing very solid.

Kontroverzní film dle skutečnosti, za poslední scénu filmu výrazně snižuji bodové hodnocení za příběh. Jinak ale musím přiznat, že i takto dopadají vztahy a bylo by matoucí točit jen filmy s gay tematrikou s pohádkovými konci, i takový je svět. Z těch čtyř hlavních postav mě herecky nejvíce zaujala manželka Amanda (Dimples Romana a právem zvítězila ve své kategorii na MMFF 2022) a Mathew (Sean de Guzman). Zpracování velmi solidní.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 23, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
What is interesting about this musical short is how it was made almost without dialogues, I was also interested in the simplicity of the "love at first sight" story and especially the musical component. Some Pinoy projects have some really beautiful music...and to that, the Drei Arias symposium, a trained actor, model and winner of several local Filipino male pageants.

Zajímavé na tomto hudebním kraťasu je, jak byl vyroben téměř bez dialogů, dále mě zaujala jednoduchost příběhu "lásky na první pohled" a především hudební složka. Některé pinoy projekty mají opravdu krásnou hudbu ... a k tomu sympoš Drei Arias, vystudovaný herec, model a vítěz několika lokálních filipínských mužských soutěží.

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Algo Inocente
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de healer
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 8.0


I didn't expect much from this movie, but it was decent, in my opinion. I digested this movie with the motto that this is fiction. The main teacher was problematic; cheating and taboo relationships will leave a bitter taste in your mouth, but the wife was so mature and pretty.
Still try it out if you want to see an age-gap relationship or teacher-student romance. Jo Bo Ah acted like a true lunatic, and her character will stay in my mind rent-free. Ending was surprising but still I think that's what happen if you f around.
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Eu Vi o Diabo
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

A Great One Time Watch

I went into this movie knowing little about it. But I was intrigued the whole way through. I think that the horror paired with the detailed plot is what makes this worth the watch.

I don’t know that I would watch it again because it is disturbing and all felt very real. But I would definitely recommend fans of this particular genre to try.

I’ve seen negative reviews based on the main character’s choices. My two cents: He was never meant to be the hero. It was clear from the beginning that the story would show his transition into becoming a monster himself. The title makes perfect sense, especially by the end of the movie.

Do I agree with the main character’s choices? Absolutely not. But that literally isn’t the purpose of the movie.

This story has a lasting impression partially because it is supposed to make you think, but also because it is incredibly artistic. I enjoyed the way it was shot and scored. And the acting was amazing from main to minor characters.

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Love The Way You Are
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Sugar
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

It falls short of being a standout in the genre.

"Love the Way You Are" takes you on a wild ride through the hilarious ups and downs of love and college life. This flick is like a mixed bag of emotions, and honestly, it's like your favorite comfort food - not perfect, but it hits the spot when you're in the mood.

Picture this: Zhou Lin Lin and Fang Yu Ke, the cutest couple-to-be, start off in a quaint village. The opening scenes are like a quirky jigsaw puzzle, trying to piece together their unconventional love story. It's a bit like trying to ride a bike with square wheels at first, but fear not, the fun is just around the corner!

Fast forward to college, where animal husbandry is the name of the game. It's like 'Babe' meets 'Love Actually,' but with a Chinese rom-com twist. The character glow-up is real, but why Fang Yu Ke transformed so dramatically is a bit of a head-scratcher. Someone must have overlooked filling us in on the details of that transformation.

Now, let's talk about the lovey-dovey stuff. Zhou Lin Lin and Fang Yu Ke are like a bag of Skittles - sweet, colorful, and totally addictive. Their chemistry is like a perfectly mixed cocktail – a bit shaky at first, but once it settles, it's all sunshine and rainbows. However, the supporting characters add a dash of drama that's as predictable as your grandma's secret cookie recipe.

Cue the soundtrack! It's like a catchy playlist that got mixed up in someone's laundry. The songs are fun, but they don't always match the mood. It's like trying to salsa to a country beat – entertaining but a bit off-kilter.

As for the plot, it spills the beans in the first 10 minutes, making you wonder if you accidentally skipped to the end. The movie's pace is like a sprinting sloth – steady but not breaking any records. It's short and sweet, like a rom-com snack pack, but the trade-off is missing out on some tasty details.

The ending is like a surprise party - it ties up loose ends, but you can't shake the feeling that there could've been more balloons and confetti. The resolution is cute, but you might find yourself thinking, "That's it?" It's like finishing a puzzle and realizing a piece is missing.

The performances are like a box of assorted chocolates. The male lead is like the dependable milk chocolate – not too flashy but reliable. However, the female lead's dubbing is like biting into a truffle and finding it's filled with toothpaste. It's a letdown, but you persevere, pushing past the disappointment, just to savor the remaining sweetness of the treat.

"Love the Way You Are" is an okay watch. It's like a rom-com that's been reheated in the microwave – not as fresh as the first time, but it still hits the spot. So, grab some popcorn, brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions, and enjoy the ride! ??

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Sweet Curse
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Well Done Short Film. Very enjoyable.

I don't understand the many low rated reviews for this film. I'd like to know what happened in the final scene when there were five men in the bar instead of six. Who was missing? Was it Jun because his ghost had returned to him?

The length of the film was just right. The story was cute. After twice being scared by the ghost, it was humorous when Jun opened the closet, saw the ghost inside and tossed his jacket onto the ghost in a bored manner.

For people wanting to know why Minwoo wanted to curse is well spelled out. Everyone likes Jun, compliments his appearance and abilities and Minwoo, who is also handsome, is jealous. He wants to be noticed and praised.

Would it be nice to know more about the ghost's background? Sure. Why/how is he under Minwoo's control? Is it necessary to know his background to enjoy the film? No.

Overall, this is a well done short film and I recommend it.

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Konya, Sekai Kara Kono Koi ga Kietemo
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Overall.. 10/10

this movie left me grinning from ear to ear, eyes swelling with tears, some moments at the same time. Totally captivated by the acting, visuals, settings, music, and the PLOT. Portrayed so well. Really felt the true understanding and heart of ML.
So touching and honestly really sad what the Second FL goes through during this whole whirlwind. her tears brought upon my tears.
ugh why so sad though.
Definitely realistic and stuck to the plot. No drama, just a heartbreaking romance with a true illness.
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Adeus, Verão
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de lariii
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5


Me pareció muy buena, si bien habla de un primer amor y todo eso, va mas allá de cualquier romance escolar típico.
Sinceramente me dan bronca las actitudes de dos de los personajes, es decir, el como se alejan del protagonista y varios tratos que le dan. Las actuaciones son buenísimas.
Me encanta la historia, el como el protagonista intenta vivir con normalidad (aunque sabe que es imposible) y como se lo toman los demás.
Me encantó, la re recomiendo, es una película bastante corta y va bastante al punto
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Our Secret Diary
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


Jan. 21 ,2024

Our Secret Diary is an amazing movie filled with fluff and sweet moments. It might be considered a typical highschool romance movie but this movie is just done well. The execution, the movement of the plot, the pacing, the change of the perspective from the female lead to the male lead. The way the misunderstanding were dragged a bit but it was just amazing when it all came to the conclusion.

This movie has made me put more appreciation and love for Asian movies. As such, this year after finishing Monster, and now this, Our Secret Diary, I feel like I am on a roll with Jmovies.

I have nothing but praise to the directors, the casts, and the other staffs. I did wish we got more scenes after they became official but you know what I will think that the post-credit scene has given the justice that it needs to deliver.

Our Secret Diary has definitely jumped spot as one of my favourite Asian movies of all time. I can assure you that.

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My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


Once again story about re-write the past. What will u do if u given the chance to change someone fate, especially life & death situation...? Will u exchange it with ur own life?

What we can learn from this drama only 1. Nothing is free. There's something we have to pay for the things that we want....

That's what happen with Gu Yu Xuan (XY) & Han Shu Yan (SY) . One day SY got into accident & died. It happen the day they have a big fight. And by coincidence Gu Yu Xuan find out he can restart the day & try to prevent SY's death. But he can only do it for 2 times. The first day he tried to prevent it but fail & 1 old man advice him to just cherish the time/chance he still have with her instead try to prevent the death itself. But of course XY can't accept that fact & think everything possible to prevent it. And finally he succeeded, but he has to pay it with his own life.

After learn the fact about XY's death, now it's SY that can't accept it. She doesn't want XY to exchange his life with her own. So she also visit that old man, just to find out the old man already change into old woman & once again also try her it's useless to try change the fate that's already happen. But of course SY can't accept it & when she finally able to change it, she had to pay it with high price. Which I'm not gonna spoiled u even more, I spoiled much enough... Haha....

Overall this one good movie

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Over Night
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Tommy
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Dysfunctional brother is more like it.

I can't understand for the life of me why Yuji played by Satoh Takeru was so harsh on his mother. Granted she killed the kids father. But i would like to think anyone would snap after seeing there kids getting beaten. Especially, as harshly as he did to them on a daily basis. A mother is either left with two choices sit back and allow it. Or she will come out like a mother bear protecting her cubs. And that's EXACTLY what this mother did. I don't condone violence of any kind or the fact that she killed another human being. But under there circumstances it was quite literally essential before there father killed one of them. It's no different than what the Menendez brothers did killing both of there parents. After YEARS of sexual and verbal abuse by there father. In that case, the mother knew what was going on but did absolutely nothing. So she was guilty by association as far as i'm concerned. It seems the hang up here lies with Yuji and he's the one who needed the counseling in order to move on. He was constantly using the word "we're or us" when the reality is it was his own personal feelings that couldn't move past what she had done to protect her children. It's a really great story about a family dynamics and the relationships we have with our parents and siblings. Especially, after something so tragic like this happens. The mother served her time, promised to return to her kids which she did. But still got blamed harshly by one of her kids for what she did. I don't know about everyone else out there. But i'd be welcoming my mother back with open arms upon her return from prison. And try my best to make up for all the lost time. By starting a new life with her without that monster of a father in the picture.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

beautiful beautiful beautiful

This movie is really really beautiful, the emotions were portrayed so well and everything was played out amazingly and beautifully. Even small details like the lightning or even some glances here and there matched the storyline and the characteristics of each character.

At first, I thought this movie would be too confusing, since we never really got a hold of what was actually happening, but as time went by I learned how to just be happy with what I knew, instead of worrying about how that would change. My perception of what was happening was constantly changing, but itfelt like an exercise of patience and a way to keep me focused to know the real situation that was going on.

Every actor/actress did an AMAZING job, but I'd like to give a big shoutout to the two little main leads. At their young age, they managed to create a masterpiece and portray emotions with a lot of maturity and didn't hesitate to show the vulnerabilities and feelings of the characters they were playing as if they were their own.

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