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Well when I found about this pairing i really happy & quite surprise, never expected to watch Xing Fei & Hu Yi Tian in 1 drama together....I've never laugh so much when I watch Hu Yi Tian drama, because u know with his still face usually he get rather serious drama with no much funny scene that can make me laugh. But here, as Shen Qing Yuan, he is just so naive, flirtatious & have acute level of love sick.... Hahaha.... Let's elaborate more...
What I like:
+ No love rival. I really glad when they decided to make Shi Xiao Ci (XC) only as friend in the club, not another Girl that fall for the idol in the club.
+ They show us the dirty part of spormanship in the sport world. Yeah not all human is pure & can compete with pure heart. Here we can see the athlete still human & sometimes they did dirty stuff to make sure themselves is getting the spot in the competition and even also mean they do anything to make secure the winning spot for themselves.
+ They once more emphasize the importance of mental health in someone heart. Like in here Shen Qing Yuan (QY), Tang Xin (TX) & Chen Hai.
+ Really like the performance of Hu Yi Tian here. QY is a naive young boy at first, he listen to all his friend suggestion about love & relationship & then he like any other man, he quite flirtatious when he tease TX after they're in relationship, he is also one of the winner of jealousy king, yet he is still so kind when he's treating TX....
+ Everyone keep making the other party better. Like XC & Du Ling Feng or how QY making his teammate better overcome in the sport.
+ They show us one of marriage problem, like Dr. Ding Fang & Zhou Zu Guang, & I really like the way Zhou Zu Guang make in the end, yeah sometimes we have to step back so we can go forward.
+ Not too much skinship. Even though QY quite clingy but the skinship not as much as other drama. Sometimes Xing Fei drama a little bit too much skinship...
What I don't too like:
- Yeah the duration is a little bit too long. 40 ep for this kind of story is a little bit much. They kinda stretch it until almost we reach our boring button.
- Once again, why they have to choose 20s almost reach 30s actor & actress to play university student. Although I really like they performance sometimes quite wonder can't they choose actor/ess more appropriate for their age....
- the return memory of QY feel like anticlimactic for me. It just like it happen already...
if you are the fans of Hu Yi Tian this drama you should watch... I really like how he is getting better at choosing the drama where he can act not only one particular role. Overall I really like this drama, this drama make me laugh until my stomach hurt, but I don't think I will re-watch this...
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The difference
Ok as a fan of love 020 of course I need to watch this as a comparison. Thank God there was a kind hearted person who upload it with english sub.Ok. Let's do the comparison between this and love 020
What better:
1. The process of Onoda Asahi (OA) falling in love to Arisawa Ichika (AI) is better than Love 020. OA takes his time to know AI before deciding to be in a relationship with her. AI also more careful to OA, since of course he is stranger to her.
2. The friendships between AI and Ikemoto Umi (IU) is way better than the friendship between Bei Wei Wei & Er Xi in Love 020.
3. Sasahara Kengo (SK) is way better man than Cao Guang combine with Zhen Shao Xiang in Love 020. This year he is my second lead syndrome, he is way better for AI than OA.
4. At first i really afraid they make the story complicated by adding childhood friend for OA, but turn out Shibuya Satomi is really nice woman.
5. The story overall actually more make sense than Love 020, Love 020 sometimes quite too perfect, but however i'll always have prejudice about that drama.
Ok now the bad part or the one that really ruin the story for me:
! Warning spoiler alert!
1. They break AI and OA apart!!! :( This one the one that make lower my score. I really hate this kind of break up. Break up just because he wants to protect her...!!! In their case no need for break up, he needs to stay by her side instead. I really love how Xiao Nai & his gang clean up the messed in the internet, they just clean the site, hahaha... Just like Bei Wei Wei friend said, that's how them as computer student take care of the problems. In here OA just like SK said, he can't protect his girl.
2. OA himself not so much a charm as Xiao Nai. I can't sense his charisma, i don't get what makes him so special.
3. The CGI in the game really bad & quite hurt my eyes :(. We can see they really have quite low budget.
Overall i really happy i can watch this adaptation drama. :)
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not like I expected
When I found out there was special episode about this drama I already so happy because I really hope they continue their story or at least give explanation about what happen with Shi Yi after he went abroad. But turn out this like almost any other special episode where only listed clip from director cut. It's just like scene that consider not important in the drama & when put it there will gonna be like too long or not important. So they cut it from original drama but don't want to delete it too & they put it all here.The scene still funny but yeah not important & not explaining anything. But yeah this just short clip you can watch to remembering the drama again
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So happy to watch this drama... Fluffy rom-com with a lot of maturity...Story about a girl named Sang Zhi (SZ) that falling in love with her brother's friend, Duan Jia Xu (JX). First they know each other when SZ still in junior school. Capture by the handsome & kindness that JX give her, the feeling start growing in SZ heart. After SZ start her university day, their love story begin their journey.
What I like:
+ Zhao Lu Si & Chen Zhe Yuan chemistry quite good. Zhao Lu Si with her usual cute & funny character. & what I really like is how Zhao Lu Si can make we sense the growing/maturity in SZ.
+ How JX really respect SZ. A few times he ask for permission when he want their relationship step further. Like how he ask for holding hands, kissing or even when they finally sleeping together.
+ How mature SZ is. Like how she handle JX's dad problem with the past. Although she sometimes quite childish, she's like a little princess in her home, but she show some maturity in other aspect.
+ How they keep communicating & have openness in their relationship. Like JX just telling SZ about his family problem, even when they just start the relationship, nothing JX feel the need to hide from SZ. So there is no such thing silly misunderstanding.
+ And I kinda happy to see Zeng Li played as SZ's mom, that give her love. It's kinda redemption for how she treated Zhao Lu Si in Love Like Galaxy. Haha...
Overall this really one good rom-com that I think I'll gonna keep re-watching... ^^
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Fogos de Artifício do Meu Coração
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Just because of my Yang Yang
Ughhhh.... This is the 2nd time this year that I just feel so d*mn tired after watching drama. If not for my Yang Yang, I already drop this after a few ep in.... The 5⭐️ score really just grace because of my Yang Yang, if not I don't know how much I gonna give this drama score.This is also the 2nd time this year that I so d*mn tired with the characteristic of the FL. How much I wanna slap & shaking Xu Qin (XQ) for making such stupid decision. Yeah yeah I know that's how she raised by her evil mom her whole life. But I also wanna shake & punch Song Yan (SY) for let himself be degraded over and over by XQ mom. And SY did all that thing with the stupid reason, in the name of love.... OMG.... So tired with this kind of people sometimes.
The best thing that happen in this drama is SY's family. Oh one great family they are. But also a little bit too perfect actually. After all the thing that XQ's mom did to them, they just easily receive XQ with open heart & open arms to their family. The only one that kinda represent my feeling is Zhai Miao, especially after the incident with Meng Yan Chen.
Oh and also the ending... OMG they really want to make a pretty ending. With everything good, pretty & beautiful in the end... They like make every grudge just disappear in the end. & everyone on board with SY & XQ relationship & their wedding plan. UGH!!!! OMG write about this drama alone already make me so tired....
At the end very disappointed with the drama overall, even the chemistry between Yang Yang & Wang Chu Ran not so much too... My suggestion just watch other drama...
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Tik Tok Star
Quite surprise to find Jiang Shi Qi here in MDL. Haha... Used to watch her in my FB short video, usually with unfinished story, or just bit of the complete part. This time quite happy to find it in MDL & can watch complete story in YT.The story nothing new, acting also nothing new, song also take from many many other drama. But always pleasant to watch Jiang Shi Qi
This is a story of a girl that unknowingly fall in love with his boss & get the love in return. Both party unknowingly fall in love with each other, until as usual, they are forced to knowingly admit their feeling for each other. How? Usual stuff, with distance & jealousy. Because this short drama, not long after they admit their love for each other, they begin their relationship. And of course there are romance stuff & also trouble come. But finally when all the problem solved they eventually become the husband and wife. Haha...
Overall this story nothing new, but always we have room for this kind of cheesy romance. Haha...
For you who want to watch with eng sub: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSPECgfTqkwgS97XuXVmJD1tHJg3zpATR
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Watched this because of Rachel Mao. See her in Love 020 think she quite cute & adorable. This drama turns out quite good.In this drama we can see the world is so small. Turn out everybody connection is really closer than you can imagine. Yes some of it I already guess from the beginning, but some of it also a surprise for me. This drama also about love can make people do stupid things, one mistake from the past can't haunt you down in the future and a snake in the grass is the most dangerous ^_^
This drama is one complicated drama that i've ever watched. One problem after another, seems not gonna be done. So much pain for Yu Zhe (YZ) and Jia Ming (JM). But love the ending scene where YZ & JM get merried & everyone relationship are good with each other
YZ love for JM also one of the sweetest thing. If only anyone can fall in love so easily like YZ fall with JM. But i think at one point it's too much sacrifice from YZ side. Until at one point he became stupid man too. Like why he has to bear the responsible for YL accident...?
Seeing the relationship between JM papa and aunt Wu, Yu Xi and Yi Xuan are also so cute & adorable. Seeing old couple dating or trying to date is sometimes really funny & adorable.
I don't think ever hate more character than Yi Lan (YL). She's a selfish and egocentric woman. But she's like that also because she so pampered from childhood, everything she want she must get. She also supported by her crazy grandma & YZ ambitious dad. That's why she insist her love to YZ until it's not love anymore but more just obsession for owning what you can't get.
Sometimes seeing Zhao Han (ZH) is feeling a little bit pitiful. Unreturned feeling is so tiring. A little funny thing when Zh become a snake in the grass for YL, but actually he is really good for YL if only she want to stop being stupid girl faster.
Yan Su played as thai person accent is quite good. And you know what funny from the cast. Mike Angelo who play as Yu Zhe is thai nationality, but Yan Su who play as Kun Jin is Chinese nationality.... ^_^
Overall: A very good drama with problem you can relate with your life. But to re-watch i don't think so. I don't know why... It's a good drama but unfortunately still not intrigue my interest to re-watch
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Sometimes I wonder, if I myself got this illness what will I do...? Will I got frustrated like Lu Yao (LY) or I'll be chill and life my live normally like Lucy Whitmore in 50 first date. And if that happen to me will I find the love just like those 2...?
Love is really magical, it can make you remember little thing about the one you love, like LY always remember Xing Yue (XY) deep down his memories.
The only problem I have with this movie is why they have to continue the last 30 min of this movie. Why don't they stop when LY & XY together. Yeah that last 30 minute is the one make this movie more memorable, so I don't know is that bad or good thing about this movie. But overall I really happy I found this movie...
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Everyone in the feed keep talking about this drama, finally finished aired & watched this... Really happy to watch this, mature BL with mature scene, but also with mature character. Let's discuss drama...Story about Joe, the stunt man of famous actor Tong, happened to meet Ming. One thing led to another, they start deep relationship. Unfortunately, Joe didn't realize that Ming had always seen him as Tong's replacement. When the truth is revealed, Joe decided to take work on a foreign set where an accident takes his life.
When he wakes, Joe's in the body of a young man likewise named Joe who'd met with an accident on the same day. With coincidence, he's soon living the same life as he was before—with the same people—and he meets Ming once more. In this life, Ming wants Joe back at his side as before but Joe doesn't want that, he wants & try to change his fate with Ming. But the persistent Ming, who's kept all memories of the old Joe, tries to find the truth about Joe's continued life in order to return Joe to his side and give him the explanation he never had the chance to. So, how will they life become...?
That's the story about Joe & Ming. Now let's talk about what I like & don't like...
What I like:
+ The chemistry between Poom Phuripan Sapsangsawat and Up Poompat Iam-samang
+ Joe & Ming quite mature to handle their problems. Ming doesn't shy when he must apologize & Joe doesn't really hold grudges.
+ One understanding family. Joe or Ming have good family. Even at first we think Ming family is bad, but turn out they explained to us the reason behind their behaviour & it's a good one, all for the sake of Ming.
What I don't like:
- The crazy Tong. He is really one selfish brat that only think for himself. And Mek Jirakit Thawornwong played him beautifully...
- The swift faces between 1st joe & 2nd joe. This probably what I most hate from this drama.
- The manipulate Sol. I don't like how he sometimes manage to get to Joe's head & make things a little bit messy between Joe & Ming
Don't know to put this in the like or not. But they really show us how money can really do a lot of things & sometimes people not really ashamed to get the opportunity. Like how Joe's boss 'encourage' Joe to accept Ming's offer. That's really just our reality, money really speak for itself.
The biggest flop this drama had prob when Joe decided to take the illegal job. Why he need to take it? Just because he kick out of the industry?? Usually when situation like this, people gonna gl to depress first, then if they needed money they will take all the random job possible. But Joe instantly from hearing the news, go to take the random job just to stay in the industry... That's doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t desperately need money too... He take the job, so he can died. Haha...
Overall this really good drama...
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I have 3 big problem with this drama
Seven Tan & Jing Bo Ran... Of course here I come...I have 3 big problem with this drama. Haha....
1) The duration.... OMG this is one f*cking long drama, without so much problem to solved. Make me quite bored watching this. For me this drama don't need to be this f*cking long duration or ep, maybe around 20s ep is actually enough.
But yeah like ChineseDramaFan wrote: "This is a lovely series which can be boring for some for its slow, everyday life story, but lovely for many for its quiet romance, a romance many can relate to - no fanfare, just love and devotion (if such elements still exist)." If that's what you looking for, this drama actually quite good. Drama filled with a little flashback, every day boring life with a little interruption about SWAT team mission.
2) I really have hard time to differentiate between the past & present time.... There's no much diff in the appearance of Lu Chen (LC) & Gui Xiao (GX) past & present, no diff color to differentiate the timeline, nothing to make us easier to differentiate past & present time. Maybe just the dialogue they said or little background. But hell I'm still sometimes have hard time to differentiate the timeline. Gonna be better if they choose diff actor to play the past, at least then we know for sure it's the past time...
3) After I read shiro review it make think, about the children, aka Qin Xiao Nan (XN). Yeah how pitty he is. He just moving from 1 house to another acting like it's a usual thing for him. But my problem it's not that... Haha.... The biggest question is where the h*ll is his mom.... Qin Ming Yu & his wife divorce, and at the beginning they tell us XN's mom always want to care for him. But she's really missing from the picture, not even care that her son is transfer to Beijing & his living condition. She can go to court to get custody, even at first the court side with the dad doesn't mean the circumstance can't change. But yeah of course they're not the main couple, so I think they don't need to think too much of this situation.
What I like about this drama:
+ The chemistry between Seven Tan & Jing Bo Ran. I love it... I can feel the attraction between them.
+ The solidarity between the SWAT team & friends
+ The adorable Qin Ming Yu & how he tries to chase Duan Rou.
Overall this quite good drama that you could watch.
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I don't understand why people like this... Majority people really like this drama. For me this drama is really boring and has many plot holes. The more toward the ending the more messed up this drama is.I have to agree with most people that give the same score as me, like baeehand and Lisa Veavea. The beginning was so good, the conflict and story in the beginning was reliable. But the middle and ending it's so sucks. For me this drama began to sucks after they became a couple. The conflict wasn't reliable again. Maybe like Lisa Veavea wrote: "How even after the heartbreak and heartache, they act like kids afterwards, playing the push and pull game without confronting the issues that caused the breakup".
And the reason for break up is more proof they are so childish. It's only about their communication. The ending is just like they push the fwd button, everything happened so fast.
Plot holes / fast fwd scene:
- the wedding of Wei Hao & Xu Qian
- the love rival. They want to make Nie Xi become the crazy woman who is secretly in love with Su Nian Qin (NQ), but it just suddenly stops without even starting.
- Isn't the relationship between NQ and his dad already better when his dad was sick. Why at the end we can still see the relationship become sucked again...
- What actually the problem with NQ and his family has never really been explained.
Maybe there are more the plot holes but I think I'll stop here.
Overall: this is just one drama to spend your days. What I like best from this drama is actually the soundtrack. For me this drama maybe better if they have longer eps or maybe just erased unimportant stuff and add more make sense stuff...
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No Meio de Uma Tempestade de Neve de Amor
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unrealistic romance
Seeing so many (+) score/review for this drama, my review will be on the negative scale. For me this drama talked so much about unrealistic romance that I don’t really hope still on our screen in 2024... Let's discuss drama...As usual the (+) point first:
+ The cute chemistry between Leo Wu & Zhao Jin Mai. I like their chemistry, feel like long admirer finally meet & fall in love
+ The trust between Lin Yi Yang (LY) and Yin Guo (YG). They really trust each other. Although there's a little jealousy but it never effected their relationship.
+ The respect LY give YG. When they haven't told their relationship to YG's family, LY never announced the world about their relationship, even when the microphone literally already in front of his mouth. Haha....
+ No love rival or stupid unfair competitior
Overall this quite good drama, with unrealistic romance & a little boring in the middle of the drama. Now below the unrealistic romance that I mean with a little bit spoiler. Read with ur own risk...
The unrealistic romance in the drama:
- They just start the relationship, yet LY was already shared his financial with YG. I know this to make a point LY was decided already that YG will gonna be his wife & he trust her 100%. But that's not the reality of our life... And sometimes it's even dangerous in RL, put ur trust in someone that much.
- LY change his whole life just to be with YG. I'm happy he finally let go his ego & re-join the sport, reconnected with his teacher & mend his past. But when a man just make big decision like that just base on want to be closer with the girl it just unrealistic.... I know that's maybe also the time LY to return too...
- A little too much romance. Haha... I know we women love this kind of romance, like what LY gave YG, but that's put the bar of romance a little too high for the man in RL. And that's for me just giving the wrong impression about how woman should be treated (with all the romance stuff) from their man. I know this maybe just my prejudice. Furthermore LY also give us good examples how to treat woman too....
- Too easy to collected the money. Haha... It's just my prejudice against how money or job works in this world. But I still thinks it's a little bit too easy for LY to collected money at that short of time. He manage to rent a place in china for open billiard room, buy apartment in the city where he & YG met. That's a lot of money in short of time... Is it really that easy to get money from billiard competition & also that much...?
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Cozinhando com Amor: Episódio Especial
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one year after, interview & flashback
For you who lazy to scroll down to search for the answer.Just like IslandGirlIslandLife wrote in the comment section. She describe this special ep very precisely. And I quote it: 'The first 5 mins is them one year later married and pregnant, then her water breaks. You get to see where all the couples are at and apparently all of them are bffs now. The families are all friends now, including the dad. The rest of the special is just right after the proposal where they are doing an interview style of a recap of their lives and how they got together. So it's just flashbacks. Then it ends with a weird dance number and you remember that Kido was in fact a C-idol.'
Yeah I kinda feel the drama kinda lost something for closing the curtain. But this special ep kinda help close the curtain for me..... but unfortunately they so far has no eng sub for this on YT. Here the link for you who still want to watch it. https://youtu.be/ucLmESbVLxc
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Finally short drama that have proper ending
Sometimes a little bit frustrated with short drama or movie. Because it's short so they make the duration as short as possible, by give it open ending or cliffhanger. This drama for short drama has very good plot, short but not all over the place & still on the track of the plot.I really love how this as a short drama, because I think when this become normal drama the plot will gonna be all over the place & not focus with the track, which is making the wine & the decision Meng Yu Fan had to make.
What a little bit frustated, is how can Xie Xun in the end come to the modern world is never explained. Maybe if the normal drama they will elaborate this more.
The other thing that I love about this short drama, they never really has love rival & all the love find it own place. Although at first I think they plan to make Xiao Tang the love rival, but due to the duration that never really happen. & I really like they never body shaming Murong Shang.
Overall this is really one good short drama.
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many plot holes
Zhang Zhe Han of course the reason I've watch this drama. But many plot holes this drama has make me have to lower their star...the plot holes:
1. One thing almost every director never really consider when making drama. VISAAAAA. Luo Xi (LX) want to go to America, where one of the hardest country to get visa, only plan in 2 days period.... Hello is that easy to get that visa...? For Tao Lun (TL) maybe he is America citizen still makes sense to go there just in 2 days. But LX no way that easy. And Zhang Min (ZM) also... He wants to catch LX by suddenly buy ticket at the airport. Hey where is your passport....??? Can you buy abroad ticket without passport...? I don't think so...
2. No bodyguards that stupid. When Wen Na (WN) go to America she is protected by bodyguard, but that bodyguard that easily get distracted by Tao Lun. No actual professional bodyguards that stupid to be that easily get distracted.
3. The announcement at the fashion show. I don't know where the messed up. Maybe this is the work of really one bad cut-edit. I think when they shoot the scene supposed to be longer where they explain about the fact that ZM is Zhang Jing Zhong's (JZ) son. But the one come out just the recording of ZM's mom scream histerically about she is the ZM's mom & that JZ wants to harm them (mother & son) nothing about JZ being ZM's dad so how everyone in the end still know the fact that ZM is JZ's son....
The bad:
- The rush ending again I guess... The very last few episode is so weird & fast going. Like they want to wrap the drama and in the end make Wu Tian Wei (TW) so easy to regret what his wrong doing in the end.
- The way they put the role of TW feel like half baked. Like is he the bad guy...? Everything he did just feel half-hearted. He want to harm ZM but he is still the uncle. He want to do harm to TL but he is also afraid of him... Hah.... Don't know what to say... Maybe the writer just too focus on ZM-LX-TL story until they forget to build persona for TW as the bad guy.
- Wu Tian Hua never wake up... :(. Will gonna be much better if in the end the mom wake up from her comma & see TL.
What I like:
+ WN is very berry strong girl. She never really depressed or plan to revenge after every heart break. She always get back on her feet. Even I also kinda pitty her for falling again into the same pit but with diff man (ZM & TL). I really like how the writer not put her into one crazy love rival mode.
+ The acting of Tu Ling Aka Shen Xiu Zhi or ZM's mom is very good. We can really feel she is one troubled woman.
I don't know to put it in the good or bad:
The relationship between ZM & LX is mature but some aspect really weird. Like lack of romance maybe... There were some scene where if that another drama I think they'll gonna put kissing or hugging but this drama not. I don't too like too much show off love but the way they do make it feel empty in some sort of way... I don't know how to describe it. The chemistry between Zhang Zhe Han & Zhang Ruo Nan quite ok.
Overall this just another drama to spend ur time...
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