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Queen of Tears Special korean drama review
Queen of Tears Special
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by yasmina
Mai 5, 2024
2 of 2 episódios vistos
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

The storytelling is disappointing. I was expecting more.

The first episode gathers the main cast that unfortunately couldn't be together due to conflicting schedules, and they answered questions like "What is your favourite epilogue?" "Which character would you have loved to play except from yours?". We saw glimpses of behind the scene, we saw bloopers and all of this was narrated by actress Kim Jungnan (playing Hong Beomja). The first episode is good, we got to know the actors' perspective and delved a bit deeper in their character.

The second episode is a big letdown. They showed the power of CGI, two seconds of Hyunwoo and Haein behind the scenes and the viewers' tearful reactions to the drama. However, literally 80% of the second episode was just a replay of the drama scenes, as if we weren't traumatized enough by them.

I'm a bit disappointed with the storytelling of these two special episodes. I would have loved to see more behind the scenes, more interesting questions being asked to the cast instead of making them read cheesy pickup-lines written by fans, maybe the screenwriter's thought process behind the writing of this traumatizingly good drama.

Are they trying to gatekeep the good content and will end up putting everything in the Blu-ray?

Overall, watching these two episodes won't change your life, you are better off watching another drama or sleeping.
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