
  • Última vez online: 9 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Turns out, there's really no place like home
  • Contribution Points: 84 LV2
  • Aniversário: August 14
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: agosto 19, 2011
  • Awards Received: Flower Award3 Coin Gift Award1


Turns out, there's really no place like home


Turns out, there's really no place like home
Baragaki: Unbroken Samurai japanese drama review
Baragaki: Unbroken Samurai
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by BrightestStar
Mar 13, 2023
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Shinsengumi history summarized

This movie centers around the historical figure Hijikata Toshizo. He can be seen as famous or infamous, depending on which side you're looking. Written and directed by Harada Masato, who also was behind the sengoku period movie Sekigahara, you should expect a lot of information thrown at you throughout the movie, like having a history lesson. Watching it required a lot of concentration but the story and its portrayal was very engaging. The pace of this movie was much better handled, without being incomprehensibly fast, nor extra scenes to skip. I loved the way the narration helped in understanding situation, while giving us a breather after intense scenes. It moved the story smoothly.

Unline Sekigahara, Baragaki engaged me more by focusing on the relationships and interactions of the characters, all of whom are based on actual historical figures. Well almost all, I'm not sure if Oyuki existed. Her relationship with Hijikata isn't central to the plot and her characters does seem to represent many women during that era so it didn't bother me. It didn't aggravate me like the love interest in Sekigahara.

No matter how you view him, Hijikata Toshizo had a hand in affecting history, and changed the lives of most who have known him, be it by his words or swords, therefor a very interesting point to look through. Like many historical settings, this movie did try to emphasize the heroic of its leading character, however this time it was well balanced with other elements of the setting, including the characters representing the most important people in Hijikata's life.

I think the best part of this movie is the casting. I cannot complain with any of the casting, and some of them were so spot on. I never viewed Okada Junichi as a "Hijikata" type of character but he sure convinced me here, especially with his interactions with Suzuki Ryohei. Now they wouldn't have been able to find anyone more suiting than him to play Kondo Isami, in all his strengths and fragility, in the way he lets himself be manipulated or when he wants to follow his beliefs. The rest of the cast did great as well, fitting perfectly in character and setting. On a personal note, I find it funny when Saito Hajime keeps being played by one of my crushes. This time it's by my newest crush Matsushita Kouhei.

Another thing I loved about the movie, where Sekigahara was also successful, is action scenes. In this movie, the choreography for both dance and fighting was enchanting to watch, with a dose of realism.

My review might be all over the place, I wasn't ready for it. I just felt the need to write one since there is no reviews for this movie. I would definitely recommend it to any history lover. Though this movie was made for an audience that have studied the history, I think it can be enjoyed even without history knowledge. I highly recommend this movie to at least be given a chance.

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