10. Ubuntu (nbedele) - Hunhu (shona) concept.

A Zimbabwean and in general African concept of sharing because all of us are one.


1. Joaquín Torres García

Joaquín Torres García (28 July 1874 – 8 August 1949) was a Uruguayan-Spanish artist, sculptor, muralist, novelist, writer, teacher, and theorist born in Montevideo, Uruguay 


The Uruguayans have won the football World Cup twice. They were the first hosts and winners of the tournament in 1930 and won it again in 1950.

10. Bonus for Zimbabwe

Sorry for the delay.

This is very short post. It won't take much of your time.

Although it is quite old news, but as it concerns the country we r discussing, i am posting under bonus. This country deserves this mention.

Zimbabwe Did not qualify for World cup 2023.
Zimbabwe suffered a stunning 31-run defeat at the hands of Scotland in the Super Six match at the Queens Sports Club, to be knocked out of contention for a spot in the 2023 ODI World Cup.

My heart goes for zimbabwe and west indies.   :((

@ minchen, 

I have quite lucid memory of Suárez of Uruguay from last world cup 2018, like the "presence of his teeth on the field", n memes .     


@ minchen, 

I have quite lucid memory of Suárez of Uruguay from last world cup 2018, like the "presence of his teeth on the field", n memes .     

Sorry i am not fan of games,I used to watch cricket and sometimes olympics 

 Komentator isenk:

1. Joaquín Torres García

Joaquín Torres García (28 July 1874 – 8 August 1949) was a Uruguayan-Spanish artist, sculptor, muralist, novelist, writer, teacher, and theorist born in Montevideo, Uruguay 

After reading his talents i only remember this 


Sorry i am not fan of games,I used to watch cricket and sometimes olympics 

It's ok. 

 Btw, That was in response to your 2nd point w.r.t. Uruguay 

3. Uruguayan gauchos
The gaucho tradition dates back to the 18th century and is still alive in Uruguay as it is an important part of the culture. During the 18th and 19th centuries there were many colorful gauchos who lived a nomadic existence in this South American country. The term gaucho was used when people referred to the men who worked with cattle in Uruguay and Argentina. Gauchos were very often men of mixed ancestry. Some of the gauchos were known as mestizos because they had both European and Indian ancestors. Others were called mulattos because they were descended from both black and white ancestors. The Uruguay gaucho has held an important and symbolic role in the hearts of the people of Uruguay. These range riding cowboys are perceived as having the freedom and courage to make their way through life by holding fast to their own ideals and beliefs. Uruguay honors these men with an annual gaucho festival which is a very popular event. Many people take part in the festivities and there are a number of contests involving cattle roping and horseback riding.


@ minchen, 

I have quite lucid memory of Suárez of Uruguay from last world cup 2018, like the "presence of his teeth on the field", n memes .     



10. Bonus for Zimbabwe

Sorry for the delay.

This is very short post. It won't take much of your time.

Although it is quite old news, but as it concerns the country we r discussing, i am posting under bonus. This country deserves this mention.

Zimbabwe Did not qualify for World cup 2023.
Zimbabwe suffered a stunning 31-run defeat at the hands of Scotland in the Super Six match at the Queens Sports Club, to be knocked out of contention for a spot in the 2023 ODI World Cup.

My heart goes for zimbabwe and west indies.   :((

World Cup of what?

Let's save it for the second round.

3.The Fingers of Punta del Este



Was it that long ago, felt like yesterday. 

Thx for the correcting though. 


World Cup of what?

Let's save it for the second round.

Which world cup we do have in 2023??     :p