BESIDE DRAMAS Cooking & baking I love cooking, even more so baking - I got it from my granny :) It's just so satisfying to see other people enjoy my food. Plus it helps me unwind. Whenever I learn a new language I like to experience its culture through its cuisine. One day, when I'm rich and retired, I'll open up my own confectionery. |  | Favourite cuisine: Italian, Polish, Swedish, Korean (mild), Russian (cakes) Favourite dishes: 东坡肉 (Dongpo pork), Pasta alla gricia, Flaczki (tripe soup), Janssons frestelse... Favourite desserts: медовик (honey cake), karpatka (Carpathian cake), Prinsesstårta, Donauwelle... |  |  |  | Books I'm an avid reader since early childhood thanks to my mum. I usually read books from the library, so I neglect the books I own (ever-growing bookshelf of shame). I always look out for the books read in dramas to find inspiration. My drama-based reading list |  | Favourite genres: fantasy, mythology, children's literature, historical romance Favourite titles: E. Brontë "Wuthering Heights", L. M. Montgomery "The Blue Castle", A. de Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince", H. Sienkiewicz "The Trilogy", F. Molnár "The Paul Street Boys", J. M. de Vasconcelos "My Sweet Orange Tree" and many, many more | Video games I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember - first on my cousin's Game Boy. First PlayStation: 1998 First PC: 2003 First PSX game: Tomb Raider 2 First PC game: Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness |  | Favourite genres: RPG, survival horror, adventure games Favourite PSX game: The Legend of Dragoon Favourite PC games: Soma, Undertale, Silent Hill 2, The Sims 2-3, The Witcher trilogy and many more |  | Manga & anime I started watching anime, before I knew what it was, when I was just a little child. I came back to it as a teenager, thanks to my best friend. She is my M&A guru and manga library :D My manga list My anime list |  | Music I can't imagine my life without it. I love listening to music, singing and dancing, though I have zero talent for musical instruments. I listen to most musical genres: from pop and folk, through rock and metal, to blues and classical music. I have yet to acquire a taste for jazz. |  | Kpop Contrary to most I got into kpop after watching kdramas. My first kpop group was DBSK (Vacation). I listen mainly to 2nd and 3rd generation groups. I used to be in multiple fandoms, I just don't have the time for that anymore :( My first kpop song | 2nd generation BB: Infinite, MBLAQ, Shinee, F.T.Island, DBSK, SuperJunior, ZE:A, Myname, SS501 GG: 2NE1, Sistar, f(x), 4minute, SNSD, KARA, Secret, Stellar | 3rd generation BB: (comingsoon) GG: (comingsoon) | 4th generation BB: (comingsoon) GG: (comingsoon) | Telenovelas I grew up watching telenovelas on TV. They were my first addiction, before I discovered Asian dramas. My telenovelas list |  | Other My other interests include board games, puzzles, figure skating, and colouring for adults. |