
  • Última vez online: 2 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Holy City
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Aniversário: July 20
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: outubro 1, 2012
  • Awards Received: Flower Award5

Listas Recentes

Cursed Objects
12 titles 41 voters 25 loves 2
Haunted Building/Area
19 titles 66 voters 26 loves 2
Welcome to my profile page! :)

Profile name: ZhouYanRan (周嫣然)
Profile picture: my AI portrait
Last profile update: 02/02/2025
(currently under construction)
About me
Pronouns: she/her
Age: gen Y
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Personality type: INFP-T
Personality colour: blue
I've been watching dramas since August 2007, when I came across "Devil Beside You" on YouTube, and I've been hooked on Asian dramas ever since.
I'm on MDL since October 2012, but more active only since 2021. I'm usually lurking in feeds, forum or user's profiles.
My first...
TwDrama - 
Devil Beside You
KDrama - 
My Girl
JDorama - 
Lakorn - 
Oum Ruk
ChDrama - 
He Was Cool
PhDrama - 
You're Mine Only Mine
HKDrama - 
Ossan's Love
I like...
-> dark themes
-> rightful revenge
-> enemies to lovers
-> friends to lovers
-> fake relationship turned real
-> shorter dramas (20eps or less)
Odi et amo...
-> historical dramas
-> family k-dramas
-> horrors
-> more than 1 season format
I dislike...
-> romanticised abuse
-> misguided revenge
-> food & water waste
-> slap&kiss lakorns
-> longer episodes (over 60min)
-> longer dramas (over 50eps)
Favourite genre:
-> action
-> thriller
-> crime/investigation
-> comedy
-> tearjerker
-> romance
-> sports
My favourite...
It Started With a Kiss & They Kiss AgainDown With LoveMars
Orthros no InuGokusenKamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake
My favourite...
HealerFive EnoughFlower of Evil
Cross FireWord of HonorBoss and Me
My favourite...
Lakorn: Duang Jai Akkanee, Pin Anong
ThSeries: The Gifted, Project S: Spike
MDL clubs:
-> BL Drama Lovers Club
-> Japanese Dorama Club

-> GL Drama Lovers Club
Drama-related ailments:
-> NDD (never drop disease)
-> SSP (second season phobia)

-> Five Flavours Asian Film Festival
-> Warsaw Korean Film Festival
I've been working it out for a while, but I think I've finally got my rating systems ready. I'm rating subjectively, based on my feelings and enjoyment. I'm not trying to decide whether the drama was objectively good or bad. You may totally disagree with my rating and that's the beauty of it :)
My general rating system is based on the grading system I know from school.
My BL/GL rating system is a mess. I'm too demanding to give them 10, but at the same time I'm pretty lenient, so I wouldn't give them a low rating in any case.
Rating films seems harder than rating dramas, so I'm not doing that as yet.

[MDL 10]

The dramas I love! My absolute favourites, that I keep on rewatching unhealthy amount of times 😍
[MDL 9-8]

The dramas I like. Enjoyed a lot, rewatched at least once 😀
[MDL 7-6]

The dramas I neither like nor dislike. Okay dramas, pleasant to watch 🙂
[MDL 5-4]

The dramas I neither like nor dislike. Meh dramas, a little boring 🥱
[MDL 3-2]

The dramas I dislike. Managed to make me angry. Struggled to finish. Not worth my time 😠
[MDL 1]

The dramas I hate! Managed to make me furious. Could not finish without a few glasses of lemon balm tea. Regret watching them 🤬
>9.0Yet to come 😉
9.0BLs/GLs that really managed to impress me. My favourites 😍
8.5My standard for a well-made BL/GL. I enjoyed these a lot 😄
<7.0All the dramas that were boring, did not leave a lasting impression or I've already forgotten what they were about 🤫

MDL Watch Challenge

MDL Watch Challenge

The Spring Cleaning Chal

Alphabet Watch Challenge

Alphabet Watch Challenge

Drama Discovery Challenge

Thai Watch Challenge

Thai Watch Challenge

Miniseries Challenge

Back to the Past Challenge

Back to the Past Challenge

Watch Chal Actors Edition

Connect the Titles Challenge

Spooktober Watch Challenge
The Colour Challenge

Movie Watch Challenge

PTW Challenge
24 Asian Drama Rec Chal

Mandarin Drama Challenge
MDL Watch Challenge

MDL Watch Challenge

Legendary Tales China 

MDL Exploration Challenge

Spooktober Watch Challenge
Japanese Watch Challenge

Back to the Past Challenge

Filmography Survey Challenge

MDL Countries Challenge


Cooking & baking
I love cooking, even more so baking - I got it from my granny :) It's just so satisfying to see other people enjoy my food. Plus it helps me unwind. Whenever I learn a new language I like to experience its culture through its cuisine. One day, when I'm rich and retired, I'll open up my own confectionery.
Favourite cuisine:
Italian, Polish, Swedish, Korean (mild), Russian (cakes)
Favourite dishes:
东坡肉 (Dongpo pork), Pasta alla gricia, Flaczki (tripe soup), Janssons frestelse...
Favourite desserts:
медовик (honey cake), karpatka (Carpathian cake), Prinsesstårta, Donauwelle...
I'm an avid reader since early childhood thanks to my mum. I usually read books from the library, so I neglect the books I own (ever-growing bookshelf of shame). I always look out for the books read in dramas to find inspiration.
My drama-based reading list
Favourite genres:
fantasy, mythology, children's literature, historical romance
Favourite titles:
E. Brontë "Wuthering Heights", L. M. Montgomery "The Blue Castle",  A. de Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince", H. Sienkiewicz "The Trilogy", F. Molnár "The Paul Street Boys", J. M. de Vasconcelos "My Sweet Orange Tree" and many, many more
Video games
I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember - first on my cousin's Game Boy.
First PlayStation: 1998
First PC: 2003
First PSX game: Tomb Raider 2
First PC game: Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness
Favourite genres:
RPG, survival horror, adventure games
Favourite PSX game:
The Legend of Dragoon
Favourite PC games:
Soma, Undertale, Silent Hill 2, The Sims 2-3, The Witcher trilogy and many more
Manga & anime
I started watching anime, before I knew what it was, when I was just a little child. I came back to it as a teenager, thanks to my best friend. She is my M&A guru and manga library :D
My manga list
My anime list
I can't imagine my life without it. I love listening to music, singing and dancing, though I have zero talent for musical instruments. I listen to most musical genres: from pop and folk, through rock and metal, to blues and classical music. I have yet to acquire a taste for jazz.
Contrary to most I got into kpop after watching kdramas. My first kpop group was DBSK (Vacation). I listen mainly to 2nd and 3rd generation groups. I used to be in multiple fandoms, I just don't have the time for that anymore :(
My first kpop song
2nd generation
BB: Infinite, MBLAQ, Shinee, F.T.Island, DBSK, SuperJunior, ZE:A, Myname, SS501
GG: 2NE1, Sistar, f(x), 4minute, SNSD, KARA, Secret, Stellar
3rd generation
BB: (comingsoon)
GG: (comingsoon)
4th generation
BB: (comingsoon)
GG: (comingsoon)
I grew up watching telenovelas on TV. They were my first addiction, before I discovered Asian dramas.
My telenovelas list
My other interests include board games, puzzles, figure skating, and colouring for adults.

Thank you for visiting my profile. Feel free to send me a message or a friend request. Have a nice day (or night)!

[My PTW is frozen for the time being. My OH is my current PTW. My D is my OH.]

Flag Counter

(All pictures and gifs belong to their rightful owners. Challenge badges by Rien)



581d 19h 37m
16,435 episódios, 1,352 programas
63d 12h 59m
876 filmes

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