
Which world cup we do have in 2023??     :p


Here people are  crazy about it like FIFA

5.Uruguay became the first country in the world to provide every schoolchild with a free laptop and Wi-Fi access.

6. Uruguay (as many other countries) is facing the worst hydric crisis they can remember this year 2023.  The main water dam got down to 2.8% of its capacity. A dam below 30% is a crisis everywhere although Chaves, Kojiri and Yamashiki (2003) said that a lot of factors must be analysed.

7. Mate tea
Uruguay is the first global consumer of mate, with a consumption of 8.6 kilograms of yerba mate per capita a year (statistics from 2018).


6. Uruguay (as many other countries) is facing the worst hydric crisis they can remember this year 2023.  The main water dam got down to 2.8% of its capacity. A dam below 30% is a crisis everywhere although Chaves, Kojiri and Yamashiki (2003) say that a lot of factors must be analysed.

Oh!  :(

10. José Mújica - An exguerrillero who became the president of Uruguay. He claimed have been jailed because he did not shoot enough. All his life has been dedicated to give opportunities, not money, to people who lack of means to survive because the greed of the oligarchs. Here, in this meme, because he is famous by his memes where he always claimed the truth, he says:

"What some people claimed as an Earth's ecological crisis is a consequence of the overwhelming victory of human's greed"

1. Ciudad Perdida (Lost City)
This city is believed to have been built around 700AD, 650 years before Machu Picchu, by the indigenous people named Tayrona. Ciudad Perdida consists of a series of 169 terraces carved into the mountainside, a network of tiled roads, and several small circular plazas. The entrance can be accessed only by climbing up 1,200 stone steps through dense jungle.

2. Emeralds

Around the world’s 70 % to 90 % of Emerald’s are produced in Colombia

3. Gabriel García Márquez - 1982 Nobel Prize of Literature is one of the most quoted authors regarding romantic moments. He was born in Aracataca, Colombia and represents the Latinamerican magical realism current where it is reflected the beliefs of indigenous people. His two more acclaimed titles are One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in Times of Cholera. He is quoted in the Kdrama My roommate is a Gumiho among many other media works.

 Komentator isenk:

2. Emeralds

Around the world’s 70 % to 90 % of Emerald’s are produced in Colombia

Wow!!!!! Is it???

Colombia calling.....

4.Caño Cristales

Caño Cristales was found in 1969 by a group of cattle farmers. The river is commonly called the "River of Five Colors" or the "Liquid Rainbow," and is noted for its striking colors.

5. Cali
This city is known as the world capital of salsa. There are over 200 salsa dance schools and over 300 bars and nightclubs dedicated to salsa dancing as well as 3 salsa museums. There is Cali's own variation of salsa called la salsa caleña. The annual Feria de Cali is one of the most important salsa festivals, offering lots of attractions.