Grand Guignol
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 26, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0


I am not an avid fan of gore films and series but I already prepared myself of the possible things that I may see in the movie given the title since I already have an idea of what the title means. I will give my review in relation to the ratings that I have given above.

The story is quite interesting. An idea of an exclusive conservatory and somehow juvenile students and the thing they do. What's lacking on that part was the WHY of every character. Why they were sent or why they went there? Answering that question will help us understand the personality of the characters but in some way not answering that question added to the suspense value of the story since we don't know the backgrounds of each character and the things that they can. Another thing to be applauded with the story is the illusion it portrays. Since they are an acting club we can't deduct nor tell at first glance if what partakes in the story are all an act or reality.

To begin with, hahaha seems like I have a thing with Komiya, the one who played as Itsuki. After watching his series entitled ETERNAL YESTERDAY, I was so stars truck with him. From his looks to his acting skills but I'll try to be objective in this review. Acting with such topic or scenes is difficult. You should convinced the audience that you are terrified or afraid for them to believe you and that cast did a great job in that part. I so love the several touch of BL being a BL lover those scenes are like a breath of fresh air hehehe.

Without a doubt the music has added to the suspense or thrill of the movie. That part should be understandable and agreeable.

Will watch part of it especially the BL scenes but not the gore ones. I am not that person who easily lost his/her appetite while watching gore films, in fact I can eat while watching those gut slicing with exposures of intestines. I don't really mind but it's not my thing.

As BL, a bit but not with the standards. I gave it a 10 because of the story quality, acting and cinematography. If you are someone who is not into gore films. You won't really like. For some who can tolerate but don't really love gore scenes you may come to appreciate it like me and for some who are into gore file this might be for you. In short, people will surely have different perspective with this films bit in order to like it you must prepare yourself for what you may see but don't set a particular standard in your mind before watching do. That way, you may get to enjoy the film.

In the end, this film made me love Komiya Rio better!!!

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The Emperor and His Brother
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Pass the Tylenol...

The Emperor and His Brother starring Ti Lung had an over-stuffed story and cast making the plot almost impossible to follow. It's been a long time since a kung fu movie gave me a headache trying to make sense of a convoluted plot. Even a strong cast could not save this movie from sinking.

I'm acquainted with how historical movies and dramas begin with a brief history recap. For those of us not as familiar with Chinese history, I actually appreciate them. This film took the summary to new extremes. For over three minutes characters raced through the film's backstory at a rapid-fire pace. I actually paused the film to see if this was a sequel to another movie. No, Chor Yuen and writer Ni Kuang just crammed as much as they could into a small amount of time. I didn't even try to keep up.

Wen Tai Lai was wanted by the Emperor because he knew the Emperor's secret. He was a Han and not a Ching! Ku Feng took Wen in but the fugitives were betrayed by a child offered a telescope by the Emperor's man Chang Chao Chung. Ti Lung appeared as the new clan chief and began working to devise a plan to help Wen escape. Eventually, Ti discovered that he was the Emperor's brother! With this bloated cast there were numerous breakout attempts leading up to a battle royale in the Imperial Garden.

The film had an unnecessarily convoluted plot that had me rolling my eyes when it wandered away from the main story. Side stories were started and then dropped, including ill-fated romances! For that matter, the movie ended without tying up the main story in a satisfactory manner. Guess they ran out of film.

What the film did do well was evidenced in the final fight. The baddies led by Lo Lieh's Chang used Tiger, Eagle's Claw, and Iron Fist styles to combat the good guys. For once, the good guys were a stronger match than their opponents. Usually by the end of these films, most of the good guys are dead with three or four survivors ganging up on the Big Bad to take him down. Ti Lung's Blossom Fist and Peacock maneuver were invincible. The final escape by the good guys was ludicrously bad though. Aside from Ti Lung and Lo Lieh, the film had numerous recognizable fighters and stunt men. Scorpion Venom Sun Chien was the strategist for the good guys. Kent Cheng had a small comic relief role as well. Ku Feng came through in the most emotional segment of the film as a father who had to make the ultimate sacrifice for honor and his clan.

The Emperor and His Brother with its bloated cast and story had too much going on to focus on the story. Every time it launched into another long complicated way to overstate the plot, I lost interest and started looking for the Tylenol. If they'd cut the cast and streamlined the story it might have been far more enjoyable. Strictly for hard core fans and Shaw Brother completionists.


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Um Romance do Além
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 10
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Get your tissues ready!!!!

Just finished watching and all I can say is AMAZING!!! What an amazing movie! The wait was worth it! I was so ready for this movie. The trailer was great, and it definitely did not disappoint! I laughed so hard and cried my eyes out all at the same time. UGHHHHH so good! We will miss you MaoMao ♥ I didn't mind that it wasn't a true BL but if it was omggg! The love and respect Ming Han showed MaoMao proves that Ming started to care about him. Bromances are just as good as BL. The chemistry was DEFINITELY there! I loved every moment of this movie. I would've never guessed Zi Qing, and her backstory gave Kill Bill vibes lol. So, thinking of it that way made sense to me. Also, it wasn't even shown whether she got caught or not, which I am guessing she probably didn't? Which tbh in my opinion wasn't the center of the movie. Seeing how much Ming Han had changed after MaoMao ascended was beautiful! I mean peek the tumblr guys! I thought it was MaoMao's cup and maybe it was when he was alive but to see Ming Han with it just warmed my heart. The fact that he is still living in the apartment as well and showing his respects to MaoMao just made me smile and cry all over again!

What an amazing job producer! Hands down a 10/10 for me!

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 2.5
História 3.5
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 1.5
Voltar a ver 1.0

Wow, so toothless!

It appears the director Kim Joo Hwan has a thing for animals. "Koala", "Lion", "Hunting Dogs", now this. A surprisingly toothless movie about a big load of abandoned puppies.

?️It would seem impossible to film a wholesome fluffy Golden Retriever in a neutral manner and make it appear soulless, although they managed to achieve it here. I'm so sick of long rambling descriptions of the characters unhappy lives, I couldn't care less. There soon will be more dogs than kids in Korea, so they thought the movie would sell well. It didn't. It lost a bunch of money in box office. As for me, I'd rather watch some lunatic shit and enjoy it than the blandest tear-jerker marketed for the broadest audience.

And no, I'm not a heartless monster. I had a red cat that I loved the most, then he died, and the story was over. Yes, I miss him sometimes.

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100 Coisas para Fazer Antes de Virar Zumbi
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
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Ho iniziato questo film pensando avesse la solita trama da zombie film con un pizzico di commedia ma cazzo non mi aspettavo fosse così bello e pazzo.
Adesso che l’ho visto, i film a tema zombie che pensavo fossero fantastici non li vedo più con gli stessi occhi.
Di per sé l'evoluzione di questo film si può descrivere in quattro fasi:
-la fase iniziale: in cui vediamo come un ambiente negativo possa influenzare quello che siamo. Tendo è una persona luminosa, ottimista e buona ma quel posto di lavoro assurdo l’ha reso diversissimo, un Tendo differente, in stato di sopravvivenza e con una mente pessimista. Questo mi ha fatto ragionare molto perchè anch’io mi trovo in questo tipo di situazione.
-la fase del “facciamo quello che vogliamo": in cui hanno fatto tutte quelle attività col camper. Penso sia stata una fase molto molto bella perchè hanno deciso di non farsi sopraffare da tutta la situazione ma godersi il presente al meglio. Mi ha trasmesso un senso di libertà e felicità.
-la fase dell’acquario: loro pensavano che lì sarebbero stati bene se solo non fosse che quel posto era stato preso dal capo di Tendo, ciò lo ha riportato alla fase iniziale per questo ho amatissimo la ragazza per avergli fatto aprire gli occhi.
Qui poi è tutto uscito pazzo perché da un film che racconta le avventure di tre ragazzi che sopravvivono alla pandemia zombie, si è passati a un film di supereroi. Tendo si è letteralmente unito ai Power Rangers e ha salvato tutti. Da qui si è visto in primis tutto l’altruismo di Tendo che ha deciso di salvare quel coglione del suo ex capo (io l'avrei lasciato lì ad essere divorato da quel coso), e si è visto anche tutto il suo coraggio.
Per non parlare di quanto ho riso quando sono usciti i piedi delle persone da quello squalo, è letteralmente la cosa più pazza che abbia mai visto; che poi ho riso un botto anche per la dinamica di tutta la situazione, in particolar modo quando Tendo ha generato la scossa elettrica mi è sembrato un totale Power Ranger, assolutamente assurdo.
-infine, la fase finale: in cui finalmente quel coglione dell’ex capo viene lasciato a marcire da solo (così si rende conto che non può usare le persone) e i tre sono partiti per le loro avventure.

In generale, ho amato come durante tutto il film hanno descritto i personaggi nelle loro caratteristiche e ho amato come Tendo sia sempre stato altruista e coraggioso.
Ho amato anche l’idea del diario sulle “100 cose da fare prima di diventare zombie", ho pensato fosse veramente una bella idea.
Sono sincera poi se dico che mi piacerebbe tanto avere un continuo delle loro avventure.
Questo film, rispetto agli altri incentrati sugli zombie, era sicuramente meno serio riguardo al questione zombie perché non abbiamo visto tutta la situazione delle autorità che aiutano eccetera; diciamo che questo film è più incentrato sull’intrattenimento attraverso la comicità e anche solo il fatto di come stessero camminando per la città piena di zombie fregandosene di loro ahahah (per questo mi hanno fatto morire, vorrei questo menefreghismo) ed è anche incentrato sul significato, sulle lezioni che si apprendono guardandolo.
Per tutto questo e per molto altro lo trovo assolutamente fantastico e quindi lo consiglio con tutta me stessa.

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Someday or One Day: The Movie
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Giuca
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

What would you do for love?

"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!"

I have a huge headache!

I should stop trying to find logic in time travel movies! It is impossible to find seeing how complex the very notion is.

I saw the series a couple of years ago, I have no memory of it only a vague feeling of total incomprehension and loss: all that travelling back and forth was headache inducing. The movie is just the same only shorter. So the headache arrives really quickly!

I think that the movie is loosely connected with the series. Again, it is a story of lovers who travel back in time, using a walkman, in order to save the loved one from dying! Eventually I realized that there were four different persons trying to change the past. Unsuccessfully!

Only when they learn the lesson quoted above (and at the end of the movie) can they sort everything out!

It is a sci fi movie so let's just leave it in the realm of fantasy and enjoy it for what it is , a fun ride! So I have no intention to nitpick and overanalyze the plot point and the travel plans.

I liked it better than the drama: it is shorter. The actors are back but did Greg Hsu sign a contract demanding to be the only good looking person in the movie? Alice was made to wear frumpy clothes and horrible wigs and Patrick a moustache!

The music was nice though if I never hear Last Dance by Wu Bei again it will be too soon! The rest was better since we heard it less!

Anyway, the movie is fun. And now let me go and get a paracetamol! My head is killing me!

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10

Han Hyo Joo Forever...

Hi all !
One of my favorite movie ever...
Living in France, I only saw it for the first time, by chance, in 2015, on a bad DVD with poor English subtitles. Since then, I have watched it 33 times...
I advise you to watch it once, you will never forget it again.
The story may seem distressingly banal, a variation already a thousand times glimpsed of a love that at first sight seems impossible.
But the difference here is the actors, So Ji-sub of course, but more specifically Han Hyo Joo.
I'll be frank, I'm not very objective when I talk about her. To say I fell in love with her forever is an understatement.
The first time I saw her, I was struck by lightning, struck by the purity and innocence of her eyes.
The great French poet Victor Hugo wrote much better than me that in front of so much charisma, beauty, innocence, words are useless, contemplation is enough.
I don't know if Always will be considered as time goes by as a great movie, but for me it is quite simply unforgettable.
I could write about her for hours, I've seen all her movies and dramas, i even learned Korean so I could listen and understand her in her native language, but I've already been too long, and probably boring.
One last word. Humbly, Han Hyo Joo, 사랑해.

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No More Bets
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Sweet
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.5
Voltar a ver 1.0

Wrong information

Wrong info and wrong facts about Burma(Myanmar).

This is kind of Chinese propaganda movie.

Director did not check true facts OR he just directed wrongly even though wrong information.

These evil organisations in this movie really exist not only in Myanmar but also in other countries (especially in Southeast Asia). Clearly, the director doesn't check about these cases and crimes. He puts a frame on Myanmar as a bad country. In reality, all the people who ruled these organisations are CHINESE. Even Myanmar people are victims of these organisations. This movie spreads misleading informations just to make money.

Plus, the actress in this movie also made fun of Myanmar people dying (because of complex political situations in Myanmar) on douyin once.

Those gangs and their businesses are wholly managed by Chinese people, not myanmar people. Even myanmar citizens are victims there.

I'm sure production team has more than enough time to check but they chose to make look good for Chinese people as heroes and look bad on myanmar people as terrible and scary.

karma will come to all of you.

Credit all

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My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.5

Emotional time travel story about selfless love

I'm a huge fan of time travel movies and when I saw it has romance with two main leads that I really like, I was instantly sold to watch it.

The story is about ML who is working really hard but struggling to pay his father's debt and FL who is striving to open a bakery shop despite her parent's disapproval.

Without spoiling much I can only say that the movie is more angsty than romantic. It has a great lesson about love and a happy ending. But 90% of the vibes are gloomy and emotional so don't expect a rom-com vibe to it.

My main issue with this movie is that it felt too short for me. There was so much about the time travel aspect that we didn't learn about. We were shown a particular thing about time travel and yet it was never explained! This lack of explanation lessened the emotional impact on me as it didn't feel particularly real. It was just too convenient and odd at the same time. It just all felt very ambiguous to me.

There is a side couple story that felt a bit unnecessary. I would have liked if the focus of the story was kept on the main leads only. ML's character, backstory and motivations were explored well but I feel FL should have had more screen time to deepen her character. She has a very important role towards the end of the movie and yet I felt the set up for her character wasn't particularly good to make the scene really impactful.

Overall, if you can look past the lack of logic and explanation about time travel, it's a nice and entertaining movie about the importance of selfless love.

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One and Only
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10

So much more than a dance movie

One and Only is packed with inspirational people and moments. It is explosive dance battles, aesthetic scenes, and beautiful cinematography. It is people living their lives the best they can, and then some. It is pushing boundaries, making hard decisions, grabbing opportunities for better or for worse.

Let’s start with Chen Shuo who is kind, filial, hard-working, lovable, unintentionally funny, the list goes on. He loves and protects his family fiercely, always lending a helping hand, stretches his precious moments thin, finding time to dedicate to his love of dance.

Wang Yibo is made for dancing, he inspires such joy and pleasure when he dances.

Even Ding Lei’s life can provide teachable moments of human conditions and circumstances. The E-Mark dance crew is loyal to a fault, great to see familiar faces if you have watched a season or two of Street Dance of China.

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O Monstro da Bomba H
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

The Blob moved quicker than this slow paced movie

H-Man, in this case H-Men, was another film cautioning against the use of atomic weapons. Similar to The Blob, slow moving ooey-gooey creatures that can also glow green dissolve anyone in their path.

The film begins with a drug heist gone wrong when the chief gangster disappears leaving his clothes behind. Enter an earnest young scientist who tries to convince the police that the gangster didn't run away---he was dissolved. The police refuse to believe him and concentrate on tailing the gangster's lover who is a singer in a club. After the dissolved bodies start puddling all over town, they realize they are dealing with the consequences of radioactive experiments.

The sci-fi part of the movie was well done for a story about giant molasses-moving blobs of radioactive goo that dissolve people but not their clothes. The tedious gangster part of the film about finding a block of missing heroin slowed the movie down making the blobs seem quick in comparison. As with some Godzilla movies, the monstrous blobs had most of their screen time in the last segment of the movie leaving the rest to the boring humans.

I enjoy a good creature feature, but the movie needs to feature the creature and not women in skimpy outfits singing in a club or cardboard characters wandering around aimlessly looking for gangsters or puddles of goo. Green Glowing Blobby-7.5/10 Bland Gangster Noir-4/10


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Killing Romance
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
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A sad story camouflaged with vibrant colours and humour.

The first 20 minutes of the movie may seem comedic or light-hearted but it takes a drastic turn from the next 20 minutes. The movie highlights degrees of abuse in marriage and more.

Key Themes in the Movie:

Your happiness is dependent on yourself and what you like. - The movie highlights on how happiness comes from ourselves and not others even if the other person could be our husband or family. Yeo-rae and Bumsoo were both chasing happiness that came from others expectations, had they trusted themselves and found what they wanted to do they would of been more dependent on themselves in terms for their happiness.

Narcissistic husband on another level. - The mustache, the long hair and the shirt without collars. To top it up the portraits that resemble ancient Greek gods. Just a narcissist that has a god-complex, its not that he is competitive its just that he views himself so higher than others that he would rather die than lose. Yeo-rae being emotionally and physically in different ways by her narcissistic husband Jonathan. How he is controlling of everything she does to the extent that he knows what she says to herself on her own, when most likely no one could have heard her e.g. with the ostrich and how he then got her bags made out of ostrich leather.

Gas lighting and Control - A huge part of the movie, the Susans and Bob, just every part of Yeo-rae's life was controlled. If you think about it so was Bumsoo's with his families obsession and control to get into Seoul University,

Loneliness in materialism - Even the most rich are lonely and unhappy. Maybe Jonathan obsessed over Yeo-rae over the feeling of being lonely than betrayal? Yeo-rae being lonely even around all of the materialistic things that people would want but she was still alone and sad. It proves that even if you have everything under your feet, if you don't receive love you will be unhappy.

No matter the background everyone has their struggle - Look at Yeo-rae she was married rich but she was lonely and look at Bumsoo he came from a family that all got into Seoul University but him.

Indecisiveness and regret. - JUST MAKE A DECISION AND DON'T LINGER ON IT! Lingering is worse than regret, with regret you learn but with lingering onto something you don't learn or improve you just remain fixated.

Billionnaires and destroying nature - Nature will get its revenge lmao anyways it just another part of real life that is highlighted, illegally destroying nature for capital.

False representation of reality - Yeo-rae being happily married to a billionaire or the Jonathan world that was scene in the last scene compared to the reality.

Jonathan's Magic? - Even the most powerful and rich can disappear in the most absurd way, like Jonathan and the ostrich, that is just how life is. This could even be seen in real life events like recently with the millionaires stuck in the submarine that passed away.

Overall the movie highlighting real problems in the world in a vibrant and musical way, its very representative of the world. We all know that people are out there struggling, destroying the world and each other but just like the movie we ignore it and cover it with music and vibrancy to paint the total opposite of the reality. I personally thought this was an good movie, but I don't think I would watch it again the story-line is a bit too deep and dark if you think about it. Also with such a great cast I was expecting it would be something else like a light-hearted comedy similar to Extreme Job given that Lee Hanee and Gong Myoung are in it but I wasn't disappointed. Also Lee Sungkyun and Lee Hanne need to do more musicals if they aren't already!! Oh and just to add I liked the inclusion of old kpop songs, wonder if Rain really sang Yeo-raeism? XD.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 24, 2023
Completados 4
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 5.5
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"This yacht will never sink, it cost a lot of money" Wanna bet?

The 1960's were a fun time for monster movies, case in point this film---Attack of the Mushroom People AKA Matango. The film boasted alums from Godzilla and Kurosawa movies, not a bad way to build a cast for a dark movie about survival on a nightmarish jungle island.

For an older generation or ones who've spent time watching TVLand, see if this sounds familiar---The movie begins with a jaunty tune as seven people frolic on a yacht. A millionaire, the skipper, first mate, television star, professor, and naïve young woman become stranded on a remote island after their yacht is blown off course during a terrible storm. Gilligan didn't have a writer on his island but this island does and this first mate was far more deadly and lecherous than the Skipper's little buddy. Too bad the professor's field was psychology or maybe he could have made a phone out of mushrooms as there were no coconuts to be found.*

The survivors found another ship run aground near the island with a captain's log stating to not eat the mushrooms. Given that the mysterious ship had been studying the effects of radiation on plants and animals, it left the door open that the mushrooms on the island (mushroom cloud?) might have been a scientific disaster either theirs or someone else's. Strange, colorful fungi covered the surfaces in the rooms of the wreck. Human nature began to rear its ugly head as fear and the lack of food chafed on everyone. The class divides fractured causing friction from the top down. Money was of little use when a person was starving.

"The weak constraints of society disintegrate in the face of the will to survive in harsh circumstances."

As polite society broke down and despair prevailed, the survivors slowly succumbed to eating the mushrooms, leading to a terrible fate. We know that the professor survived for he was shown in the opening shot, confined to a psych ward. After the grim transformations of his friends and acquaintances, he was left wandering if he should have stayed on the island as Tokyo could be even more cruel.

Matango built the story slowly, focusing on the different characters and showing their strengths and slow decline as hope withered away. It was fun seeing Koizumi Hiroshi have a nice meaty role after all the Godzilla films he worked in. This film included actors from both Godzilla and Kurosawa films, as director Honda worked in both. The acting was hit or miss with the cast, but the writing for them was stronger than most Kaiju or other monster fare from the era. The story grew darker as civility slipped away with hunger and desire taking hold. The mushroom creatures were typical 1960's people in rubber suits, but disturbing enough. The music and fog set the stage for a creepy tale to unfold.

Unlike the castaways on Gilligan's island Matango's castaways were jealous, lustful and murderous, mortal sins only heightened by the psychedelic fungi. The need to drift away into hallucinations instead of fighting to survive slowly dragged most of the castaways down, transforming them into the fungal creatures. Hunger can drive a person mad but so can monstrous psychedelic mushrooms. Attack of the Mushroom People was a mind-bending study of how people behave when societal norms collapse and when they lose the will to fight or even live.


*My comparison to Gilligan's Island was for fun, keeping in mind that Gilligan premiered in 1963 a year after this film.

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I Wish I Had a Wife
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Giuca
Ago 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 5.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

That music....

Well, I know why this movies has relatively low rating. It is definitely not for everyone and the problem is not only the content but the pacing as well.

The story follows two lonely people yearning for companionship and family. He is a bank teller and she is a teacher in the cram academy across the road from the bank. They keep bumping into each other and though she is well aware of his existence, he seems not to notice her. When she invites him out for a meal, he rejects her coldly mostly because he has a crush on an former schoolmate and a current artist. One day he is left heartbroken when the artist ran away from debts and from him. His favourite pastime after work is watching old surveillance tapes and one evening he sees the teacher on it and realized the mistake he had made. He goes up to see her immediately and slowly they build a relationship.

This is a slice of life slow burn movie and therefore its pace is really slow. The characters are not very likable: he's on the rude side and she is a kind of a busy body. The actors were made ugly with with glasses, bad hair, ill fitting suits and frumpy clothing. The costumes do change towards the last quarter of the movie when they start seeing each other. The actors, portrayed these characters as barely living, monotonal voices and stiff attitudes.
The plot, as I mentioned earlier, is centered on two people looking to get married in order not to be alone anymore and to be happy would be an added bonus. This tells a lot about the korean society and the acceptability within it. The main characters are boring characters, everyday Joe and Jane, there is nothing special about them, they are just ordinary people trying to get through life without too much pain and suffering. Most of the people in the world are like that and though the movie is well made, do I want to watch the movie about my life? No, not really!

The movie is over 20yrs old and the video I watched was not the best of quality so it is a bit hard to judge cinematography. One thing though was nice to watch: rain and shots of umbrellas from above. The rest was nothing special.

What WAS special was the music: JAZZ in a korean romance drama? Umbrellas and the jazzy score at the beginning made me think of all those great american movies. That score was so unexpected and frankly made the movie that much more worth the watch.

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Eternal Summer
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de May01
Ago 24, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

pointless movie

I try to make this short. when you watch a movie or anything at all you ask yourself - ok so what was the point in this plot? what they try to achieve by making this movie this way? what emotions they want from us?
This is the biggest problem with this movie - I didn't felt like it try to do anything! it have no directions at all! events can happen and another event and another and you just feel nothing cause there isn't any emotions behind those scenes and events or any connection like A connect to B, B to C atc. here you have no connection to anything.

there is some people that will love this movie and that's fine. me on the other hand belong to the group that didn't like it at all. Especially the end of the movie, that can't even be called an ending. they just stand there and look at each other for no reason and you feel how pointless it all was.

the most annoying thing in all the characters in this movie - they can't use words or speak to each other so they have sex. that how it felt like. will it kill them to sit together and really talk about what they feel/want in an open discussion? and I don't only mean the two main guys, of course they can't talk openly cause they need a conflict, but at least they can be open with the girl and the girl can be open about her damn feelings for real with those two guys!!! it felt so force and annoying how they all act, yeas all the main characters are just running away all the damn movie and will never talk about things! even in the end it was so irritating I wanted to punch all of them in the face. I didn't even mind if the two guys didn't end up together but at least try to make this believable, even for a little bit.

I really try to like one of the main characters, but all of them just annoyed me.

and the camera angles, god the camera angles drive me crazy! can't they hold a fucking camera steadily without me getting dizzy?! it was suck. I'm sorry but it really was bad.

the music wasn't too bad though. so I give them that.

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