Bungee Jumping of their Own
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The mystical film, which will be twenty years old, caught my attention and words like love, first love, love at first sight are not just words. Moreover, the soul is genderless and there is always only one sexual orientation. That's the motto of this story.
In my opinion, the teacher-student relationship did not get more space for rendering, which is a shame. The character Tae Hee seems to be cursed with her role and the actress Lee Eun Joo lost her life for 4 years for filming at the age of 25.

The director did not make anything clear, as my pre-evaluator believes. The producers decided on this story and it was written by someone completely different and they hired a director to direct it, he can't break the story completely differently because he might get fired.
To tell you the truth, I liked the 2019 Thai remake of this story a little better, the movie Dew, which we also have here, in which the story is turned upside down and with a "different", more pleasant ending. And South Korea doesn't have to contend for the title of gay cultured country (see review below me). The Czech Republic is several levels ahead of the Czech Republic in terms of the production and quality of films and series with a gay theme. Overall, I rate this movie above average.

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Felizes Juntos
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
The film is very unconventional, and that is its strength. Yes, it can have a low or a high rating, I definitely agree that the film is a small original gem not only of the story, direction, processing, but also what some people forget in the rating - the acting.
Two amazing Hong Kong stars gave a super performance, convincing, human and I'm sorry Leslie Cheung ended his life just a few years after this movie premiered. Phew...

Film se hodně vymyká běžnosti, a v tom je jeho síla. Ano, může mít hodnocení nízké i vysoké, já se jednoznačně přikládním k tomu, že film je malým originálním klenotem nejen příběhu, režie, zpracování, ale na co též někteří v hodnocení pozapomínají - i herectvím.
Dvě úžasné hongkongské hvězdy podaly super výkon, přesvědčivý, člověčí a je mi líto, že Leslie Cheung ukončil svůj život jen pár let po premíéře tohoto filmu. Ufff ...

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Boring Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
"Everyone has the right to love, but not everyone can have it."

This is the motto of this half-forgotten film, which I respect very much, even if it does not have a high rating on world servers. But the movie gave me what I expected, and that's important to me. I downloaded it here back in 2016 and only now got to it. The copy is of bad quality, even the sound drops out for a few seconds in four places, it seems to be the same on YT, I put the link in the Comments.
In addition to what the film conveys, I was impressed by all three actors in the main roles. The two super simpos of the characters Oiy and Ped were very good to watch and finally the Thai Kai was very charming.

"Každý má právo na lásku, ale ne každý ji může mít."

Toto je motto tohoto polozapomenutého filmu, kterého já si moc vážím, i když vysoké ohodnocení na světových serverech nemá. Ale mě ten film dal to, co jsem čekal, a to je pro mě důležité. Stáhl jsem si ho tady již v r. 2016 a teprve teď jsem se k němu dostal. Kopie je nevalné kvality, dokonce na čtyřech místech na pár vteřin vypadne i zvuk, zdá se, že je to stejné i na YT, odkaz jsem dal do Komentářů.
Kromě toho, co snímek sděluje, mě zaujali všichni tři herci hlavních rolí. Na oba supersympoše postav Oiy a Peda se velmi dobře dívalo a nakonec i Thajka Kai byla hodně půvabná.

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Entre Estações
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
The slow story about the fates of three people can seem a little confusing at first, because it does not unfold in one timeline, but constantly skips a little in time. The gay relationship between the son and his friend is apparently not the main thing in this film and is portrayed very subtly. The film is primarily about waiting, about hope and about the love between a mother and a son and between two young men. About how to sacrifice yourself for a loved one and take care of him during a difficult time in a coma and not knowing how it will end. The conclusion is more or less obscured, indeterminate, and each viewer takes and guesses his own, when the son lies down on the carpet after one lost year of his life between two beings exhausted after a year of caring for him and says to himself... "I still have them both here next to me two" ...

Pomalý příběh o osudech tří lidí může ze začátku vypadat trochu matoucí, neboť se neodvíjí v jedné časové ose, ale neustále se malinko v čase přeskakuje. Gay vztah mezi synem a jeho přítelem zřejmě není tím hlavním v tomto filmu a je vykreslen velmi decentně. Snímek je především o čekání, o naději a o lásce mezi matkou a synem a mezi dvěma mladými muži. O tom, jak se pro milovaného člověka obětovat a starat se o něj v těžké době komatu a nevědět, jaký to bude mít konec. Závěr je takový víceméně zastřený, neurčitý a každý divák si vezme a domyslí to své, kdy syn uléhá na koberec po jednom ztraceném roce svého života mezi dvě po roce péče o něj vyčerpané bytosti a říká si .. "mám je tady vedle sebe stále obě dvě" ...

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Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
This movie is the first of Takumi-kun's five series of yaoi (yaoi) based on the manga, I liked it and didn't offend anything. In simplified terms for a non-Japanese audience, this first volume and the second are rather shonen-ai. The fact that I don't have a quality copy and the sound doesn't change the marks I'm giving. The picture may seem naive, loving, like a fairy tale, but in fact it is shot according to the immutable rules of Japan, and some reviewers may not accept this here. A slightly above-average shonen-ai love movie for me.

Tento film je první v pořadí z pěti série Takumi-kun o jaoi (yaoi) na motivy mangy, líbil se mi a ničím neurazil. Ohledně zjednodušených termínů pro nejaponské publikum spíše tento první díl a i druhý je šónen-ai. To, že nemám kvalitní kopii a zvuk nic nemění na známkách, které dávám. Snímek může působit naivně, láskyplně, jako pohádka, ale ve skutečnosti je to natočeno podle japonských neměnných pravidel a někteří hodnotitelé zde toto nemusí pobrat. Za mě mírně nadprůměrný film o šónen-ai lásce.

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Takumi-kun Series 2: Rainbow Colored Glass
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Beautifully shot, one might say exactly according to the Japanese rules and standards of shonen-ai manga. A film about love, boyish love, jealousy, discipline and ... death.
Those who do not understand this genre of pictures of the Land of the Rising Sun can only wonder and remain "surprised", see previous reviews.
A sensitive and gentle picture, where Gii is seme and Takumi uke from the very beginning. There was also a change of both actors in the main roles, why, I can't judge, because for example I liked Gii in the first series. I think "two" is one of the best of the whole series.

Krásně natočeno, dalo by se říci přesně podle japonských pravidel a norem šónen-ai mangy. Film o lásce, chlapecké lásce, žárlivosti, ukázněnosti a ... smrti.
Ten, kdo nechápe tento žánr snímků Země vycházejícího slunce se může akorát divit a zůstávat "překvapený", viz předchozí recenze.
Citlivý a jemný snímek, kdy od prvopočátku je Gii seme a Takumi uke. Došlo i ke změně obou herců v hlavních rolích, proč, nedokážu posoudit, neboť např. Gii se mi v první sérii také líbil. Myslím, že "dvojka" je jedna z nejlepších celé série.

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Make a Bow and Kiss
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 8.0

just so beautiful s every way posssible

ok, I definitely wasn’t expecting this. I usually don’t watch romance dramas, because the FLs are always immature, but this drama is definitely what dreams are made of.
I loved that it not only focuses on the main couple, but also their drive and commitment to Kyudo, and how it brings them closer. I thought that both leads were mature, as well as very passionate. I loved watching this. this drama is definitely a hidden Gem with subtle cute moments that give me hope in real love. definitely underrated, though maybe it’s for the best if Goblin is the standard, when it really shouldn’t be. Make a Bow and Kiss should 100% be the standard. I would rewatch this, and majority of the dramas I’ve seen, I would never rewatch.
This drama is sublime?

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My Precious
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Felipe
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A great surprise

Sometimes movies and tv shows are a case of the “whole is not greater than the sum of its parts”. A great cast with a not so great story and bland characters won’t shine. My Precious is thankfully not like that. I came into the movie thinking it would be a lighthearted first love story with a cast of young actors I already knew and liked. I started it aware that Tong and Lin would not end up together, so I was not hoping for the happily ever after. That might have contributed to the fact that, for me, My Precious was such a positive surprise. The story might not be groundbreaking, but I enjoyed the full 2 hours and the cast was fantastic.

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Meus Dias Chuvosos
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de sosopi
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Prepare yourself to cry

I came across this movie almost 10 years ago, when I was finishing high school and was feeling gloomy about my future. I decided to watch it because of one specific scene I saw on Tumblr, instantly I knew this would make me cry my eyes out and that was exactly what I needed at that point, but it also made me cheer up. The movie starts quite cheerful and it feels just like another high school love story, until all the characters personal issues starts to unfold, and it shows that everyone is living ther rainy days. However, by the end of it we realize that, despite of our decisions and actions in the past, no matter how bad they were, there's always a chance to become a better person and overcome those reiny days.
By the way, Nozomi Sasaki's acting in this movie is just amazing, she swings perfectly from cute to dramatic without overdoing it.

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Flaming Cloud
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 4, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Not Your Typical Fairytale

From the synopis, one would think that the movie would follow the 'Sleeping Beauty' trope. That couldn't be farther from the truth!

I like how the stage is set for the characters in the beginning. Once the ball was rolling, all the characters did an amazing job in giving justice to the plot. The character development is well paced throughout the story. My ratings are short of 10 just because I don't like sad endings.

The music was excelent. It gives the movie its fairytale vibes and is a nice touch to have it as part of the narration.

Rewatch value gets a 5 since I rarely rewatch movies, even if they were amazing?. It will depend on you.

All in all, a good watch especially if you're in a lull between dramas

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Where Would You Like to Go?
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 3, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Frederic Chopin's heart and the journey in the grief

The film is beautifully shot, and the cinematography is natural and serene. The director is very impressive with her film experience. The scenes are not arranged chronologically, as they are like a journey through the feelings and desires of a human being regardless of age.
An unquestionable value of the film is Warsaw and the Warsaw Uprising, which became the setting for the heroine's inner and spiritual journey. Frederic Chopin's heart, praying for the dead and giving someone’s life for his homeland become a motif that transforms her internally. The most important question of the story is whether it is possible to live after death. Is death the total devastation of everything we have?
We observe two stories, linked by the same theme of self-sacrifice. One story is about the grief of a wife, the other is about the grief of a boy after the death of his closest friend.
Not many words are said here, but the intensity of feelings engages the viewer every minute.
The music is beautiful.
I recommend it to anyone who loves deep stories in a minimalist style.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 3, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

Larger-than-life tragedy about... work health and safety?

Yuu, when we first meet him, is in a state of misery. He works at his village's mega waste facility as a garbage sorter by day and illegal waste dumper by night, coerced into the work due to his mother's gambling addiction. His life takes a turn for the better when his childhood friend, Misaki, moves back to the town. The two share a love of Noh: an important tradition in the village.

From the start, the stakes are clear: environmental destruction, worker exposure to deadly hazards, and deep corruption among local authorities. In many respects, this film could have been a documentary. The tale it tells is one currently happening around the world.

But to avoid banality and hitting too close to home, the film's creators have opted for a larger-than-life tragedy approach to the story. The result is a high quality production with beautiful cinematography, especially the shots focussing on the Noh tradition of the village. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost to narrative cohesion, character development, and pacing.

The split focus of The Village means it ultimately fails to pack a punch. While it does have a strong tragedy element that explores the morally ambiguous nature of coerced labour, the supporting characters are just a little too underdeveloped to make it work. Maybe give this reel a sharp edit and try again.

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The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 3, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
This award -winning Japanese film, made in part by manga, is a good mystery into the immense depths of the human soul, human fates and the complete intricacy of relationships and sexual orientation. I haven't seen such a valuable picture to portray these features with gay themes. Yes, for example, some less susceptible viewers or those who cannot assemble the story and realize the context, like me as much as I do, but I think those who are empathing in the story despite their own life experience will sit like an ass on a pot .

Dark, rough, real film 18+ I got inside and despite all the evaluation criteria for me 10 I liked the most acting two characters. In the opening photo it looks like they are playing teenagers, but it's a story about adults. At the time of filming 34 -year -old singer and actor Okura Tadayoshi and 26 -year -old model and actor Narita Ryo, who totally got me by portraying the character Imagas, which I initially perceived rather antagonne (find myself, have the courage to accept who I really am .

Tento oceněný japonský film, natočený zčásti dle mangy, je pořádný záhul do nezměrných hlubin lidské duše, lidských osudů a naprosté spletitosti vztahů a sexuální orientace. Tak hodnotný snímek pro vykreslení těchto vlastností s gay tematikou jsem ještě neviděl. Ano, nemusí se třeba některým méně vnímavým divákům nebo těm, co si nedokážou příběh poskládat a uvědomit si souvislosti, líbit natolik jako mě, ale myslím, že těm, kteří se vcítí do příběhu přes své vlastní životní zkušenosti, bude sedět jak prdel na hrnec.

Temný, drsný, reálný film 18+ se mi vryl do nitra a přes veškerá kritéria hodnocení pro mě 10 se mi nejvíce líbily herecky hlavní dvě postavy. Na úvodní fotce to vypadá, jako že hrají náctiletí, ale je to příběh o dospělcích. V době natáčení 34 letý zpěvák a herec Okura Tadayoshi a 26 letý model a herec Narita Ryo, který mě naprosto dostal tím, jak ztvárnil postavu Imagase, kterou jsem zezačátku vnímal spíše antagonně (najít sebe sama, mít odvahu přijmout to, kým ve skutečnosti jsem, bojovat předem prohraný boj o lásku svého života a případně přijmout prohru ...), ale kdoví ... více neprozradím.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 3, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Very engaging story, humanity breathed on me. Nice acting performances including girl. An disgusting mother (in terms of story). All tuned and processed intimate, very nice jacket. I watched a lot of Rinko. Tôma Ikuta Transzen played with all humility, I searched and recently married. Satisfaction. Certainly I recommend especially those who like Japanese films and can understand them. The film won in various categories at film festivals in Udine, Helsinki, New York, Madrid, Tel Aviv, Lisbon, Berlin, Quezon City and Cologne.

Moc poutavý příběh, dýchla na mě LIDSKOST. Hezké herecké výkony včetně dívky. Protivná matka (z hlediska příběhu). Celé laděno a zpracováno komorně, moc pěkný žážitek. Hodně jsem sledoval postavu Rinko. Tôma Ikuta transženu zahrál se vší pokorou, pátral jsem a nedávno se oženil. Spokojenost. Určitě doporučuji především těm, co mají rádi japonské filmy a dokáží je pochopit. Film zvítězil v různých kategoriích na filmových festivalech v Udine, Helsinkách, New Yorku, Madridu, Tel Avivu, Lisabonu, Berlíně, Quezon City a v Kolíně nad Rýnem.

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Homem Urso
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 2, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.0

Just a nice movie

Directed by comedian Park Sung-kwang, this is played for laughs, but as such all ideas feel half-baked, with no one really putting in the effort. It feels a throwback to 90s US comedies, where all characters are caricatures, rather than rounded individuals. As such, you struggle to really feel much for any of them. The plot is rushed and glosses over details, and you spend the whole film knowing which way this will go.

There isn't much here that hasn't been done before, with the main focus being on how its lead is a bit slow. Park is suitably gormless as Woong-nam, but doesn't offer a huge amount as Yung-hak, with the supporting cast hamming it up a little too much in parts. Woong-nam's mannerisms feel straight out of the Stephen Chow school of “Kung-fu Hustle”, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but is unoriginal a couple of decades along; as is the “Drunken Master” parody.

And this is “Bear Man's” problem. The comedy, story and special effects largely belong back in the 90s, and feel very outdated in this day and age. They do produce some laughs, but they're hidden in some very simplistic comedy; and Yung-hak's take down does have some good fight choreography, while also providing some of the film's stronger comedy moments.
If there is anything new on offer here, it is the comment of how Mal-bong's social media is a greater news source than mainstream media, with the police reliant on it. But this fails to place itself as a central theme, and so is perhaps incidental rather than social commentary.

You can grow into this as it progresses, and it's entertaining enough, but is very limited by its own lack of effort. It puts in little, so asks little of you in return. Popcorn fodder? Yes. But you can find much better options out there.

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