Parabéns Para o Meu Ex!
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Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Just enjoy the movie, don't have any expectations

This movie is truly one-of-a-kind, and I found it quite enjoyable. The storyline follows the typical pattern of cheesy and light romantic comedies from the early 2000s, offering a delightful escape without delving into intense conflicts

While my understanding of Indian culture might not be extensive, I think the movie does a commendable job presenting it. The cultural elements portrayed in the film seem authentic enough to provide a glimpse into the richness of Indian traditions

If you're in the mood for a film that's easygoing and entertaining, this one is worth a watch. Moreover, the added bonus of witnessing Bright's dance sequences in the vibrant Indian setting adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall viewing experience

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Não Vá Partir Meu Coração
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Shiro
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

Bridget Jones + King Kong + Post-its and a Toad

This is probably what you get if you take Bridget Jones diary meets King Kong and add a toad + start her off by getting dumped in Hong Kong + a bunch of other stuff. As out female lead is fun bubbly, and seems to be attracted to playboys and men who believe that there are two types of men they type who cheat and the type who want to cheat. Making me feel bad for the men of the world as the expectations towards them seem to be so low, so low so low...

But then enters the third kind, the slightly obsessed type who will not only wait for the right person then may just may build a building in their honour... Even though they do not know their name.

But who will she choose the slightly obsessed man she has a crush on even though he seems to not be able to stop desiring other women or the other obsessed guy she put in the friend-zone but who only has eyes for her?

And what about the toad? the star of this movie who gets the toad? what will happen with this toad? and can you handle a movie where the star of the show is indeed a toad?

A fun watch, the quality may not be perfect, and some of the acting/screens are kind of meeh but the characters are interesting, the lines fun and the way they use post its is inspiring. So if you are in the mood for a Hong Kong drama.

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Companheiro de Quarto Secreto
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The way the character of the younger brother behaved, I found it less likeable at first, and as an older brother I would have slapped him. But I respect the story. Otherwise, everything else was ok, even slightly funny at the end.
The way the character of the younger brother behaved, I found it less likeable at first, and as an older brother I would have slapped him. But I respect the story. Otherwise, everything else was ok, even slightly funny at the end.

Jak se chovala postava mladšího bratra, tak to mi bylo zezačátku takové méně sympatické a jako starší brácha bych mu nafackoval. Ale respektuji příběh. Jinak vše ostatní bylo ok, na závěr i mírně vtipné

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
As soon as the first big covid wave started, thousands and thousands of Asian wage slaves were sent home from the Emirates to work mainly on construction sites. Among them is the main character of this film, 27-year-old Danilo Asunción (actor Paolo Gumabao, 23). At home, he discovers that his father is seriously ill and needs funds for treatment and hospital stay. The viewer learns everything else from the film. It was a drama like a whip, contemporary, very raw (poverty, nudity, sex), covid, it had a fallout, a lot of tension, just before the end a little rushed, but maybe it can be like that in the Philippines. Paolo managed it, he portrayed well the character of Danny, who longs to take care of his father and is forced by circumstances to do things that are against him. I didn't expect a low-budget film to interest me so much...

Jakmile začala první velká covidová vlna, byly poslány z Emirátů domů tisíce a tisíce asijských námezdních otroků, kteří tam pracovali především na stavbách. Mezi nimi i hlavní postava tohoto filmu, 27mi letý Danilo Asunción (herec Paolo Gumabao, 23). Doma zjišťuje, že otec je vážně nemocný a potřebuje finanční prostředky na léčbu a pobyt v nemocnici. Vše ostatní se divák dozví z filmu. Bylo to drama jako bič, současné, hodně syrové (chudoba, nahota, sex), covidové, mělo to spád, hodně napětí, těsně před koncem mírně ujeté, ale na Filipínách to tak snad i může být. Paolo to zvládl, vystihl dobře postavu Danny-ho, který touží se postarat o otce a donuceného okolnostmi dělat věci, které se mu příčí. Nečekal jsem, že by mě nízkorozpočtový snímek až tolik zaujal ...

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Ai no Kotodama
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
A film about two young men who decided two years ago to live and share a bed together and look like teenagers with their skinny figures. The story is simple, but I appreciate that without violence, condemnation, intrigue. Love, friendship, JEALOUSY, all pleasant and Japanese cute (except for those Tachibana teeth). It's just a shame about a low-quality copy when one doesn't have such an intense overall experience.

Film o dvou mladých mužích, kteří se rozhodli před dvěma lety bydlet a sdílet lože spolu a vypadající svými vyzáblými postavami jako náctiletí. Příběh jednoduchý, ale cením si toho, že bez násilí, odsouzení, intrik. Láska, přátelství, ŽÁRLIVOST, vše příjemné a japonsky roztomilé (až na ty Tachibanovy zuby). Škoda jen nekvalitní kopie, kdy človek nemá tak intenzivní celkový prožitek.

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Pornographer - Spring Life
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
Díval jsem se na tento krátký film ze zvědavosti, jestli mě upoutá natolik, abych se vrátil "v čase" a zhlédl i seriál Pornographer z r. 2018-9. Příběh je na oko jednoduchý, ale co mě nejvíce zaujalo bylo to, že herci, ač oba hetero a vypadající velmi mladistvě na to, kolik je už jim ve skutečnosti let (35+41), dokázali tak dokonale ztvárnit "obyčejný" polibek. Prostě nestydí se zahrát scénu tak, aby byla přesvědčivá, uvěřitelmá, pravdivá. Toto jsem zažil pouze u Japonců z celé Asie v některých jejich filmech, jež tady také máme. Jinak jsou to v Asii mezi "heteráky", kteří hrají BL projekty či gay vztahy vesměs jen rybí pusinky, chladné, bezcitné přitištění rtů. Ne, není to tím, že bych byl nějaký maniak, ale toto mě asi nejvíce zaujalo. Do seriálu se určitě pustím ...

Díval jsem se na tento krátký film ze zvědavosti, jestli mě upoutá natolik, abych se vrátil "v čase" a zhlédl i seriál Pornographer z r. 2018-9. Příběh je na oko jednoduchý, ale co mě nejvíce zaujalo bylo to, že herci, ač oba hetero a vypadající velmi mladistvě na to, kolik je už jim ve skutečnosti let (35+41), dokázali tak dokonale ztvárnit "obyčejný" polibek. Prostě nestydí se zahrát scénu tak, aby byla přesvědčivá, uvěřitelmá, pravdivá. Toto jsem zažil pouze u Japonců z celé Asie v některých jejich filmech, jež tady také máme. Jinak jsou to v Asii mezi "heteráky", kteří hrají BL projekty či gay vztahy vesměs jen rybí pusinky, chladné, bezcitné přitištění rtů. Ne, není to tím, že bych byl nějaký maniak, ale toto mě asi nejvíce zaujalo. Do seriálu se určitě pustím ...

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Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
"Love is the same regardless of gender". This is the main theme of this Chinese movie. Such a subject can never be denied for most of us. It all fit together just right.
"Love is the same regardless of gender". This is the main theme of this Chinese movie. Such a subject can never be denied for most of us. It all fit together just right.

"Láska je stejná bez ohledu na pohlaví". To je hlavní téma tohoto čínského filmu. Takový námět nemůže být pro většinu z nás ohraný nikdy. Všechno to do sebe zapadlo tak akorát.
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Noite no Paraíso
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Night in Paradise was a dark place

This one came highly recommended by my brother who hardly goes out of his way to watch Korean shows/films so I said why not? I have loved Tagoo since Inspiring Generation anyway and Cha Seungwon has always been a favorite. Glad I watched it, it didn't disappoint.

This movie was dark, graphic, and violent, yet artistic and a great watch. The action and dark humor were right up my alley and a great reflection of the movie's overall atmosphere. I presume everyone who's seen this film knew or had a clue that Yang was behind the accident that killed Taegoo's sister and niece; however, I didn't expect the main characters' deaths. It was a nice twist as it made it different and realistic. The ending was satisfying and one of those rare moments where the cycle of revenge has come to a complete stop as all parties involved are deceased.

I loved the cast and characters. They were all different and distinctive in their own ways. Taegoo seemed like a fun, considerate, and kind boss, only wished there was more of him and his gang. Jaeyeon is an intriguing and badass character. At first, I thought she was the cliche Korean heroine type who sees herself as an equal to men but in truth, she adapted quickly and realistically and simply didn't give a flip because she was dying. I mean, with her gun skills, I'm surprised she's not more arrogant. I only wish we knew what she was dying of. I like Taegoo and Jaeyeon together, I think they would have made great friends if not an understanding and passionate power couple. In the short amount of time that they've known each other, they cared and put their lives at risk for each other. Since Jaeyeon was destined to die shortly anyway, Taegoo could have saved himself and skipped town but he went to her anyway because she once told him she didn't want to be alone. And Jaeyeon brought all of Taegoo's villains to justice before ending her own life. She could have ended her life sooner but she endured her pain just a bit longer to fully avenge Taegoo.

The action was great and the angle they were shot in was perfect. I genuinely felt every knife wound Taegoo got. When he struggled to free himself out of the car, that was an intense and satisfying scene.

If you like mafia, gang, action, and crime films then this one is a must-watch.

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Ai no Kotodama 2: Sekai no Hate Made
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Love, devotion, jealousy. This film loosely follows Ai No Kotodama, but only in theme, it is not a sequel. In my opinion, it is even better than the first one. Anyone who can switch to the Japanese "style" will find a very cute piece supported by Hiromufi's extremely well-played (and Japanese-style) slightly eccentric character. In fact, what drives some individuals to insanity deserves admiration, as it was beautifully and stylishly shot. The second character wasn't bad either (Tamura Shinji) and the "eared" Sawako magically completed it. The music is excellent, especially towards the end. The beautiful experience was supported by subtitles from ZuzanQy.

Láska, oddanost, žárlivost. Tento film volně navazuje na Ai No Kotodama, ale jen námětem, nejedná se o druhý díl. Dle mého názoru je ještě povedenější, než první. Kdo se může přepnout na japonský "styl", vyloupne se na něj dílko velmi roztomilé, podpořené nesmírně dobře (a japonsky strojeně) zahranou mírně potrhlou postavou Hiromufi-ho. Vlastně to, co některé jedince vytáčí do nepříčetnosti, zaslouží obdiv, jak to bylo nádherně a stylově natočeno. I druhá postava nebyla špatná (Tamura Shinji) a kouzelně to dokreslila "ušatá" Sawako. Hudba výborná, především ke konci. Krásný zážitek podpořily sk titulky od ZuzanQy.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
A very funny Korean short about a condom and his "life" journey. The film caught my attention with its insight and light comedy, and in connection with the fact that the condoms and sex toys were given faces and talked to each other and with Korean voices so typically deep singing, the "whores" made a very cute impression on me, including the music and processing ...

Velice vtipný korejský kraťas o jednom kondomu a jeho "životní" cestě. Snímek mě zaujal svým nadhledem a lehkou komičností a ve spojení s tím, že kondomy a sex.hračky dostávaly tváře a mluvily mezi sebou a s korejskými hlasy tak typicky hlubokozpěvnými, tak ty "kurvičky" na mě zapůsobily hodně roztomile včetně hudby a zpracování ...

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Asako I e II
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de pykiwi
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I liked it, but I'm conflicted

What I enjoyed:
- cinematography
- all the actors did great, especially Baku/Shohei except Asako
- the editing, I was not sure if Baku's return at the apartment was fake or not. I finally decided it was fake but then he shows up at the restaurant which I also assumed it was fake. But then was devastated when I realized she really made that choice!!!
- about her choosing Baku at the restaurant: she did NOT handle it well, but I can not blame her for doing what she did. I am glad for the character and for the plot that she went with him. She went out with him as a young woman and his VANISHES. There was no closure there. Would you not be curious what on earth happened to your bf? Her destructiveness is very real.

What I did not enjoy:
- the actress who portrays Asako. I am sure the movie would have done better if she was a better actress. Even Jintan the cat had better shots than her.
- the ending i see as a way to be all like 'love solves everything, here is the power of love' and is a very MOVIE ending where loose ends are tied and mostly everyone is happy. But it's really not realistic. Or i wish there was more dialogue to hint what their future holds, i just cant believe they'll get married and continue on with the only difference being Shohei wont trust her as much.

The conflicting part:
To me Baku is a classic fuckboy. To me Shohei is the dream guy that girls need but dont realize it till it's too late. This is so classic and I dont want to believe thats all there is to the movie. If thats all there is to get out of it, was the cinematography and the drama the only things to reap? That's sad.

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One Foot Crane
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 4.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A knife in her sole or soul?

One Foot Crane was a watchable Taiwanese martial arts movie, but didn’t have anything to make it stand out. Lily Li’s One Foot Crane started out on a revenge rampage of her own, but as often happens in female led movies, before it was over she had to share the screen with male counterparts to take down the villain.

The child, Fong Lin I, was presumably the only Fong family member to survive a massacre by the Four Outlaws. Seemingly overnight she grew up and became a martial arts expert. She begins her revenge rampage with Outlaw #1 making an enemy of his son. After dispatching Outlaw #2 at an inn, she’s forced to fight the son where she barely escapes after being wounded. She’s rescued by a nice, but mostly useless woodsman. Fortunately, Capt. Chow was sent to help her and he has a magic elixir to heal her which he gives to her upon discovering her hiding place. Family secrets are revealed and ultimately Fong will have to join forces with Chow and her newly revealed brother in order to take down the baddest of the outlaws.

This was a by the book kung fu tale that has been done a dozen times. It helps to have charismatic actors and creative choreography to elevate the standard material. One Foot Crane was largely lacking in that department. Lily Li didn't have the skill and personality of actresses like Angela Mao and Cheng Pei Pei. She was undeniably beautiful but the fights slowed dramatically when she was involved or they were absurdly under cranked. Miao Tien and Lo Lieh were killed off early in the movie leaving the villains not only short-handed but also without a truly sinister leader. Barry Chan managed to insert some energy and swagger into his character. Szema Lung as the police captain was dreadfully dull. Tsai Hung as the Big Bad came across quite vague for a murderous rogue.

If the story and acting are lackluster, the fights need to be spectacular. Sadly, the movie underperformed in that department as well. Most of Lily Li’s fights were close to kung fu posing and not very fluid or graceful. Szema was slow as well. Barry Chan and Tsai Hung were the most entertaining when they were fighting each other as the moves flowed better and were quicker. Too many hits overall missed during the fights with stuntmen flying backwards on their own. There was some wire-fu, mostly in the trees. The fights would often go from being indoors to a desolate quarry or sandy plateau instantaneously. There was a lot made out of the good guys using Crane, Mantis, and Eagle styles, but they felt more like Sloth and Snail styles. At least they knew if they couldn’t be quick to hit the vulnerable parts---eyes, temple and throat. One Foot Crane also had a knife that she could release out of the middle of the sole of her shoe which was physically impossible, more so than a lot of kung fu gadgets.

Lily Li and Barry Chan were attractive and likeable enough making One Foot Crane watchable if not memorable. As usual, I grade these old niche films on a curve.

5 Dec 2023

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My Beautiful Man: The Movie
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

We Are Eternally Grateful For This Movie Continuation

I had zero clue where this film fell into the timeline of the series. I knew it was after season 1, but had zero clue it was after season 2 as well! Which I love, because seasons 1 and 2 were both great. This was even better, because of the added budget for the film. Some of the shots in this were incredible, super gorgeous seriously. The series has always had an aesthetic that I drooled over as a filmmaker, but this took the cake. That last shot of Hira and Kiyoi under the transparent sheet was literally like something out of BTS's "Blood, Sweat & Tears" which is one of my favorite music videos of all time. The film shows their relationship very well, how they've grown and how they will continue to grow now that they've confirmed their forever. The stuff intertwined within the story was good too, but lets all be honest. Were here for the coupleness that is Hira and Kiyoi! I know there's not really a "need" for another film/season in this series...but I want one. I really enjoy these two and want more artistic BL filmmaking like this, I Told Sunset About You, Colour Rush, Until We Meet Again, etc. Its just so much more meaningful than any cash grab could ever dream of being.

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Godzilla Minus One
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 10

Fantastic Watch Highly Recommend

I want to start this review by saying I went into this blind. Never saw the trailer, and only heard of Godzilla ? but I have never seen a film. 

Really enjoyed the following...
◇How it was set in Japan where the story was originally from. 
◇All in Japanese with subs How international films should be consumed in my personal opinion. 
◇The special effects 
◇The acting of the leads and extras.
◇The writing from the smallest details to the big moments. 
◇Wardrobe department I see you and I appreciate you!
◇The struggles of war and what Godzilla represents. (If you want to go that direction which I 100% did)
◇The character growth of the leads but also side charcters like his neighbor.
◇Times of war and hardship can tear people apart or bring them together. 
◇The ending ??????

There is so much more I know I can find when I rewatch it. 

My only con...
◇That one main character luck moment. You know what I'm taking about if you seen it. 

I have struggled for YEARS with Japanese live action media. (Shows, movies, shorts) At last I have come across one I enjoyed. Looking forward to finding more. 

In cnclusion this was a fantastic film and I'm glad I watched it in theaters.
Now ?‍♀️ to the internet to learn more about Godzilla the tale. 

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 6.0

Questionable stance but oh so beautiful

For all of Hero's striking use of colour and landscapes, the drama, characters and ideas are not sufficiently compelling enough to sustain the martial arts. It's easy on the eyes, but too segmented to gather much momentum and too art-directed to convey much urgency. However, I can't deny the result. Both thrilling and thoughtful, offering imaginative and meticulous set pieces as it considers questions of loyalty and the individual's role in history. It is not so much a historical epic as a kind of highly determined ballet: dreamy with bloodless violence, relying less on shades of character than on magnificence of gesture. For all my grievances, the performances of its leads are captivating, Dun Tan's score mesmerising, while Christopher Doyle's photography is overwhelmingly stimulating. Hero is a dazzlingly lensed, highly stylized meditation on heroism even if its ideology is confused.

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