Our Secret Diary
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Aohk
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0

A Refreshing Dive into Teen Romance

"Our Secret Diary" is an emotional rollercoaster that begins with a bit of a shaky start with too much music and an initial awkwardness in acting. However, once it hits its stride, it becomes a compelling journey. The characters feel remarkably genuine, breaking away from the cookie-cutter molds often seen in these films. The absence of prolonged tearful scenes and sudden villains is a welcome surprise, making the high school romance feel more authentic. The imperfect yet honest portrayal of the main character adds a layer of realism, and the evolution of the initially shy heroine is a standout aspect. Despite being rooted in the familiar, the film manages to keep viewers engaged for almost two hours, turning a basic romance into a captivating movie night experience.

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Between Complete and Incomplete
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
I really appreciate that Koreans tackled such a neglected topic, and in connection with the gay relationship. This makes the picture, at least for me, a refined little gem underlined by delicacy, sensitivity, respect and tenderness. Actually, the actors weren't that super top, but actually they were, because the creators managed to wrap up the whole "something" and present it as one complex package. Nice...

Hodně si cením, že se Korejci pustili do tak opomíjeného tématu, a navíc ještě ve spojitosti s gay vztahem. Tím se ze snímku stává alespoň pro mě malý vytříbený klenot podtržený jemností, citlivostí, respektem i něhou. Vlastně herci zase až tak supr top nebyli, ale vlastně byli, neboť tvůrcům se podařilo celé "to něco" uzavřít a podat to jako jeden komlexní balíček. Pěkné ...

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Spring Like Lover
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I always appreciate the fact that the Japanese go all out. This is also the case with this project, when the actors and the "meringues" play as they should be and are not fishy or stone-like, as we are often used to in Thailand, the Philippines, and sometimes in Korea. It's a real-life drama where the men cheat on each other, are cruel, lied to and then play the victim, the acting is excellent. I didn't find anything about the sound that would make me evaluate it as below average, I was bothered by the last long "frazzled" conclusion to the "disappointed" Shin, even though the creators probably wanted it that way. In the evaluation, many viewers deduct points for the fact that it is not a fairy tale or at least a semi-fairy tale, the characters are not handsome princes, and men who like men are depicted here in not very flattering colors. But even this is life itself for me. The film gave me "something" and I also thank you for the Slovak subtitles.

U Japonců si vždy cením toho, že jdou do všeho naplno. Tak je tomu i u tohoto projektu, kdy herci i ty "pusinky" zahrají tak, jak mají být a nejsou rybí či kamenné, jak jsme zvyklí mnohdy v Thajsku, Filipínách, někdy i v Koreji. Je to drama ze života, kdy se ti muži podvádí navzájem, jsou krutí, prolhaní a pak si hrají na ublížené oběti, herecké výkony výborné. U zvuku jsem nenašel nic, co by mě přimělo hodnotit jej jako podprůměrný, ve zpracování mi vadil poslední dlouhý "roztřepaný" závěr na "zklamaného" Shina, i když to zřejmě tak tvůrci chtěli. V hodnocení mnozí diváci strhnou body za to, že to není pohádka nebo alespoň polopohádka, postavy nejsou žádní krásní princové a muži, co mají rádi muže, jsou zde vykresleni v ne moc lichotivých barvách. Ale i toto je pro mě život sám. Film mi to "něco" dal a rovněž děkuji za slovenské titulky.

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Tenderly Crunch
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Something else entirely. Three young people figuratively representing three types of biscuits, all wrapped up in a short BL musical. I didn't even mind that the sound gradually started to move slightly with the picture and the subtitles. The idea was perfect, I liked the songs a lot, the boys looked a bit clumsy as actors, but anyone who likes musicals knows that singing is always prioritized at the expense of "body play", which is more figurative than real. The creators even messed with my taste. I probably wouldn't buy the watermelon cookie either, but I would not only buy the chocolate one, but "eat" it right away. And at the end, a little tear in the eye... Distracted and eternally dissatisfied people will not like this project.

Naprosto něco jiného. Tři mladíci představující obrazně tři druhy sušenek, a to celé zabalené do krátkého BL muzikálu. Ani mi nevadilo, že zvuk se postupně mírně rozjížděl s obrazem i s titulky. Nápad bezvadný, písně se mi moc líbily, kluci herecky vypadali trošku neohrabaně, ale kdo má rád muzikály, tak ví, že je vždy upřednostněn zpěv na úkor "hry těla", která je více obrazná, jak skutečná. Dokonce se tvůrci strefili i do mého vkusu. Melounovou sušenku bych si asi také nekoupil, ale tu čokoládovou bych nejen koupil, ale hned i "snědl". A na konci až malá slzička v oku ... Roztěkancům a věčným nespokojencům se tento projekt líbit nebude.

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A Naked Boy
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
For me, a very nice visceral Korean short film, which could certainly be translated, but English. the hardsubs were so thin and translucent that I had a problem in many passages, too bad. Maybe another viewer will condemn the piece for the fact that the story is slightly metaphorical to absurd, but are we even able to evaluate what thoughts, ideas, memories or wishes are hidden from the immeasurable depths of the human soul? The actors played it very nicely, I could feel the emotions coming "out" from the inside and the recent past, the slow shots were very tasteful and suited the overall concept. A powerful experience...

Pro mě moc hezký niterný korejský krátký film, kterému by jistě slušelo přeložení, nicméně angl. hardsuby byly tak titěrné a průsvitné, že jsem měl v mnohých pasážích problém, škoda. Možná jiný divák dílko zatratí za to, že příběh je mírně metaforický až absurdní, ale jsme vůbec schopni hodnotit, co za myšlenky, představy, vzpomínky či přání je ukryto z nezměrných hlubinách lidské duše? Herci to zahráli moc hezky, cítil jsem z toho ty emoce, co prostupují "ven" z nitra a nedávné minulosti, pomalé záběry moc vkusné a hodily se do celkového konceptu. Silný zážitek ...

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
By Philippine standards, a very good film, an interesting story set in an even more interesting environment, excellent processing and acting at a high level. Of course, besides the beautiful Abby, I was also interested in Jason (Paolo Gumabao, he also plays in another film here on GT, Lockdown) and Dennis (Vince Rillon, he plays the main role in the seventh story of the mixed puzzle shown here called Unlocked). There was no replay, convulsion, or any of the grinning trances that abound in almost every Pinoy project, and the story didn't detract from the main plot. Very nice, believable.

Na filipínské poměry velmi dobrý film, zajímavý příběh zasazený do ještě zajímavějšího prostředí, výborné zpracování a herecky na výši. Samozřejmě kromě krásné Abby mě zaujali i Jason (Paolo Gumabao, hraje i v dalším filmu zde na GT uvedeném Lockdown) a Dennis (Vince Rillon, hraje hlavní roli v sedmém příběhu mixové skládanky zde uvedené s názvem Unlocked). Nebylo tam přehrávání, křeč, ani žádné šklebící se transky, které se hemží téměř v každém pinoy projektu a příběh neodbíhal od hlavního děje. Moc hezké, uvěřitelné.

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One Last Order
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The short is mainly about Jongin, who is played by the very likeable Yoo Kyung Seon, and what I appreciate most about the Hanyang University story is that it doesn't differentiate between hetero relationships and same-sex relationships and puts them on the same level. What bothered me a little was the frayed camera in many shots, which at least made no sense to me. Overall, however, above average for the message that the film conveys.

Kraťas je především o Jonginovi, kterého hraje velmi sympatický Yoo Kyung Seon a na příběhu z Hanyang University si cením především toho, že nedělá rozdíly mezi hetero vztahy a vztahy se stejným pohlavím a řadí je na stejnou úroveň. Co mi trošku vadilo byla v mnohých záběrech roztřepaná kamera, což alepoň mě nedávalo žádný smysl. Celkově ale v součtu nadprůměr za to poselství, které snímek přináší.

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The Lover in Novitiate
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0


This very short movie is nothing to write home about but it's really cute and sweet. Both the FL and the ML are very charming and had great chemistry together. Its a simple story of mistaken identity and falling in love and then having it all blow up in your face.

What I really liked though, is that it was a straight forward movie with no pushback. I also loved the scene where the ML was dancing in the mirror at his house. It was a copy of the scene from the movie What a Girl Wants, staring Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth. The scene where Colin Firth's character does the same thing after spending time with his daughter.

It's a cute movie to watch once and it's only 66 minutes long.


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Our Secret Diary
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

Light, Easy watch, Reminisce

I like to watch this type of light Youth romance, brings you back to the days where all you think about are school, grades, extra-curricular activities and young love or crushes. This is a welcome break from heavy dramas out there. It’s a movie that you take at its face value, and not to over-analyze the characters and their psyche. These are high school kids, trying to understand themselves and the world around them. We were once in their shoes and at one point in time, we can identify ourselves to any one of them. Enjoy watching!
Esta resenha foi útil para você?
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A colorful epic.

Zhang Yimou not only creates a colorful epic, he owns the entire martial arts genre with this historic achievement. With film art's most beautiful color palette, he shows that style can sometimes both be and enhance the content.

There are films that are beautiful, films that are so dazzling in their imagery that it hurts and then there is Hero. As Zhang Yimou seriously ventures into the martial arts genre that was given new life by Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he continues on the same track as the Taiwanese, but adds something all his own, a color scheme that beats everything in theaters now and, probably forever.

Because when Hero after a rather black introduction explodes into its scales, there is no one with fully functioning color vision who cannot drop their chin. Like when Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung fight in green, or when Jet Li and Donnie Yen spar with sound and water in greyscale monochrome. Or the most beautiful of all: A passionate red fight among yellow leaves between Zhang Ziyi and Maggie Cheung. Right then and there, I am inclined to declare this the world's most beautiful experience.

But there is an action too. A rather unexciting one. It revolves around the unnamed hero played by Jet Li. In a long conversation with the King of Qin, an assassination attempt on him is played out from three different points of view. All in different colors and with different intentions. Once the truth is revealed, both the hero and the king reveal sides that have been hidden until now in an emotional climax that may not be entirely politically correct, but in the context makes perfect sense.

However, the journey there is colored by Yimou's imagery. And what imagery! There is not a single frame in Hero that any other director would kill to be behind. Sometimes it becomes almost distancing to see scene after scene surpass each other in terms of creativity with composition, sound and message. The problem with films like this is usually that it can all become a bit too much style instead of substance and there are times when Hero comes dangerously close to not being much more than a pretty tableau. That's where the actors come in.

The under-the-radar couple Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung have made about ten films together, which is evident in their undisguised chemistry. It absolutely sparkles around the duo, who instill warmth and believability behind their color-changing outfits. Even the wooden goat Jet Li copes excellently in a subdued role and Chen Daoming is as beautiful as any in the role of the King of Qin. The only one who sadly doesn't quite make it out when all the kicking, sword-slapping and betrayal is over is actually Zhang Ziyi, the exclamation mark from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but that's more because her role is a pale copy of the one in Lee's film. However, she is still beautiful as day.

It would be very easy to argue that Hero is not much more than a pretty surface that sometimes drags out a bit well with its long fight scenes. That statement is also true when rating the film, but what makes Yimou's film a modern classic is that the surface is what makes the film interesting from the start. A story where colors tell more than dialogue. A film that stretches gravity to achieve a new aesthetic. A masterpiece.

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Secretamente, Grandemente
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.5

My heeartttt

This movie was a unique experience that left me feeling a range of emotions. The movie began on a light note, with scenes that were playful, humorous, and full of life. The characters were full of energy and kept me entertained throughout. However, as the story unfolded, the tone shifted, and the scenes became more serious. The characters faced more problems and the direction of the movie became increasingly clear. The cute moments between the characters were heartwarming and showed how their relationships began to develop and grow as they spent time together. The heartbreaking scenes were so well executed that they left me feeling emotional and connected to the characters, but it was the ending that shattered my heart. It was a perfect blend of all the emotions that the movie had elicited in me. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves a film that is full of life, emotions, and great storytelling.

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30 Dias
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de andjel
Dez 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

Frog-like laugh

Your husband / wife should not only make you happy, but also make you angry. Going together through laughing and yelling, through romance and fighting make for the best partnership and this movie shows it. This romantic comedy is fully with unique characters that provide many unexpected funny moments and it made me laugh a lot. The actors all did a great job, but i especially liked the absurd frog-like laughing from the male actor Kang Ha Neul. As with others movies of the same genre, the comedy serves to highlight the message of love that survives all the challenges. here it is presented through a reset of relationship which was used well for both the comedy and romance.

Note that there are post-ending gags, and an credits scene and also a post-credit scene. Everything in the movie is made for the enjoyment and i did have a fun Sunday night with it. Hope you will too!

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Vidas Passadas
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de oppa_
Dez 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

IT was Greed of wanting more the what you have

what is story shows is a shameless woman wanting more and more
her greed toward what she can't have while Ignoring what she already have

Grass is always greener on other side
i don't get those who call this beautiful or love story
it appear like that on surface
they did not act according to there age, a grown ass woman 30+ acting like she is a toddler while having a affair in front of her husband without a thought
it not love its there self centered thinking that what they do is right thing
believing to be hero in story is delusion

every hero is a villain in someone else life

i wanted to give - rating.....

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Felizes Juntos
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Gay couple at the center of controversial drama.

Hong Kong-produced drama from 1997. Happy Together is about a Chinese gay couple who have sought love in Buenos Aires. The film is controversial for being Asian: The opening scene shows the two men intimately making love to each other. The plot revolves around Po-Wing and Yiu-Fai's relationship. They seek to find out whether they can live together with each other. Yiu-Fai is more determined and strong who often takes care of the other and wants to move on with the relationship while Po-Wing is the carefree and easy-going one, always ready for new adventures.

In order to get away from the city and find some peace and quiet for a while, they choose to go on a trip to the countryside over a weekend. It doesn't quite go as planned: Instead, they end up wrong and become spiritually further apart. Back in Buenos Aires, Yiu-Fai leaves his partner and takes a job as a doorman at a nightclub. However, he thinks about him and wants him back, until one night he sees him with other men.

This is a strong and well-made drama with convincing acting, which was also awarded for best director at the Cannes festival the year it was released. Buenos Aires nightlife and tango traditions are captured beautifully through the camera. It is a prime example of new film noir: Happy and decadent on the surface, heavy and sad in the depths and as the plot progresses. The feeling is also enhanced by the fact that the film is mostly filmed in black and white.

The closing scene is appropriately accompanied by the 60s band Turtles' smash hit Happy Together. Wong Kar-Wai, who is responsible for directing, is today considered one of Hong Kong's foremost directors.

Leslie Cheung, who plays the easy-going Po-Wing in the film, was one of Hong Kong's more popular and openly gay performers before he took his own life by jumping off a skyscraper.

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Kiss Kiss
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 17, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
"We're here and we'll be here forever"
I was afraid of the movie, but it's okay, Everything is done with exaggeration and completely different from what we expected. Comedic, nice, Korean. From a country I wouldn't have expected such a piece from... we've already moved to CZ, greetings jiri.twist from the Czech Republic

"Jsme tady a budeme tu navždy"
Filmu jsem se bál, ale není čeho, Vše je uděláno s nadsázkou a úplně jinak, než bychom očekávali. Komediální, pěkné, korejské. Ze země, ze které bych takovéto dílko nečekal ... už máme i přeoženo do CZ, zdraví vás jiri.twist z české republiky

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