I mostly hang out on the Feeds, where I tend to spam pretty screenshots and write very long, generally nitpick-y, sometimes ramble-y, occasionally rant-y, posts about whatever dramas or movies I'm watching. As for what I watch ... mostly dramas, and mostly things from Korea, Japan, or China, but occasionally from Taiwan. I'm open to pretty much any genre, except horror. I'm a scary-cat, you see. Actually, I'm trying to work up the courage to watch Kingdom (I love sageuks), but those zombies don't look nice. I've learned that I'm not much a fan of xianxia. That's the only genre from which I've never liked anything I've watched. I do love historical, though, and fantasy. Defender of clichés, after all, they're cliché for a reason. Still, sometimes I'll get annoyed if I feel they're being poorly used. Cheesy, trope-y classics are my comfort food. I do watch a lot of romantic comedies, though my favorite things tend to be more serious dramas that either make me think or cry or both. Summer-y dramas aren't the best, that's a proven fact. Rain and snow make everything better. I guess it does rain during the summer in Korea ... but you get my point. Monks ... dramas should have more monks. Anachronisms are definitely not on my list of favorite things, so beware fluffy historicals, I may not be a friend to you. |     |