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Love in Time hong kong drama review
Love in Time
33 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Jasmine
Ago 26, 2015
9 of 9 episódios vistos
Completados 5
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Cliche? Yup. Bad CGI? Definitely. But it somehow manages to pull through, maybe because I'm a huge Danson Tang fan, or I'm just a sucker for long reunited romance, which always happens in vampire stories. You're probably wondering if I'm a Twilight fan. Yes, guilty. So DO watch this drama if you liked Twilight, and if you're a Danson Tang fan (if you are then you MUST watch this drama as he is the hottest he has ever been, portraying a vampire). Watch the version with his original voice! Plot wise, like I said earlier it's pretty cliche. Nevertheless, the execution was still decent enough and entertaining. It has all the things a drama should, a funny comedic relief actor, some good friends, an annoying antagonist, and family. I have to say, the ending isn't that great but I guess it's happy *enough*, but still left me a bit hanging. Aside from that, the romantic development was pretty fast, since it's only 9 episodes, so there's little to no dragging (which is great!). The plot really is similar to Twilight, but much better chemistry between the leads, and no sparkling vampires. The antagonist is to be expected, and that plot line wasn't that irritating. It's also set on a university campus, so I really liked how it was a campus romance. Even though I easily fall in love with drama OST's, this drama's music was very 'ehh'. It seriously was not special, probably because I expected more, much more. Even now, I don't remember any of the songs which is rare ( if you look at my other reviews you'll see why). Re-watch value is not that high, mostly because the only version available I could find was pretty low quality, which isn't easy on the eyes. Disregarding that though, re-watch value based on purely the drama could be high, after all it's only 9 episodes and if you like a cute but cliche vampire love story. I recommend this drama a lot; it's so unfortunate how not many people know about this drama. (8.5/8.5)
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