2019 Dramas
Dramas watched 2019 in order of start date.
1. Você é Meu Pet
Japanese Drama - 2003, 10 episodes
Compared to the newer version I watched last year, this one was missing a few details that I liked, which were included in the first one. But overall I liked this one just as much as I like the newer version. + Matsujun is in this one
2. Koe Koi
Japanese Drama - 2016, 12 episodes
The drama was cute. :)
3. O Sorriso Deixou Seus Olhos
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
Really good!
4. Black Pean
Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes
I never usually watch medical dramas but I still enjoyed it. Also as a person who isn't a fan of hospitals, it was still completely fine for me to watch this drama.
5. Os Superdotados
Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes
Really good! A series that tackles a lot of real issues but presents itself in a supernatural concept.
6. Meninos Antes de Flores
Japanese Drama - 2005, 9 episodes
I really liked this version with MatsuJun in the male lead role. Compared to the Korean and the Chinese version, this one was equally good as the Chinese version (refering to Meteor Garden) which I liked more than the Korean version.
7. Meninos Antes de Flores 2
Japanese Drama - 2007, 11 episodes
Really enjoyable!
8. O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
9. SKY Castle
Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes
10. Me Encontre Depois da Escola
Japanese Drama - 2018, 11 episodes
This drama was very well made! I understand why it's gotten so high scores. Personally I'm not a fan of the student teacher thing. But it was really entertaining!
11. Aishite tatte, Himitsu wa Aru
Japanese Drama - 2017, 10 episodes
I'm blown away! I never suspected the end result! It was my type of story. I liked seeing the familiar face of Fukushi Sota.
12. Aishite tatte Himitsu wa Aru Special
Japanese Special - 2017, 1 episode
Drama Special. I liked seeing Saku.
13. Beijo da Morte
Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes
One of the best dramas I've seen so far! I'm so sad it's over...
14. dele
Japanese Drama - 2018, 8 episodes
It was really well made and probably deserves a higher score, it just wasn't my type of story. Masaki Suda was great as always.
15. Viciado
Chinese Drama - 2016, 15 episodes
16. 3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu
Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
It makes me really happy to see dramas that tackles tough topics. This drama really grabbed my heart. It's also very entertaining. To see some of my favourite actors in this drama was also a bonus.
Japanese Drama - 2014, 9 episodes
The first episodes were really good! I lost a bit of interest towards the end since all of the episodes were pretty similar, only with different cases. But the last episode was amazing! I didn't expect that and it was horrible but I kind of like it.
18. Eu Não Vou Fazer O Que Kurosaki-kun Diz
Japanese Special - 2015, 2 episodes
Drama Special. Very over-the-top exagerated but it was still enjoyable!
19. Produzindo Nobuta
Japanese Drama - 2005, 10 episodes
It was really good! I'm happy I watched this on my birthday!
20. Flores para Algernon
Japanese Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
I really liked the first half of the drama (10/10) it got a bit draggy in the middle but it was still a good drama.
21. Kaitou Yamaneko
Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
It was really good and really funny. I'd like to give it a score of 8.7/10 but it's not possible on this site. I had a lot of fun when watching, very entertaining.
22. Meu Chefe, Meu Herói
Japanese Drama - 2006, 10 episodes
It was really funny and really entertaining. I found myself finishing it within 24 hours.
23. VIDA
Japanese Drama - 2007, 11 episodes
Even though it fit the theme of the drama, the music was really annoying to listen to. It’s quite short and it keeps you wanting to keep watching even though you don’t enjoy it 100%. But I liked it a little.
24. Sorriso
Japanese Drama - 2009, 11 episodes
Currently watching.
25. A Evolução da Garota Perfeita
Japanese Drama - 2010, 10 episodes
It was like seeing a manga on screen. I liked it. I didn't like that there were characters that were only in one or two episodes and then never re-appeared again, I thought that was a shame since I love character development and seeing them involved in the whole story. But all the actors were brilliant. (Btw, Kame looks best with long hair in my opinion ^^) I guess it was a little too "simple" for my drama taste, but I still enjoyed it very much.
26. Uma Garota e Seus Três Amores
Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
It was really cute. They said some awful things to each other sometimes tho. The music fit really well. Yamazaki Kento is a great actor and did not disappoint in this drama as well.
27. Os Garotos da Minha Casa
Japanese Drama - 2009, 11 episodes
It was very silly but also very touching. I especially liked the 3rd and 8th episode.
28. Apenas o Único Amor
Japanese Drama - 2006, 10 episodes
One of the best romance stories I've seen so far. They were really cute as a couple and the story was very moving.
29. Paixão Imprevista
Chinese Drama - 2018, 30 episodes
Really cute! It reminded me a lot of 'A Love So Beautiful', 'Meteor Garden' and 'Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo', all of which I like very much.
30. Amor O2O
Chinese Drama - 2016, 30 episodes
On-hold. I find the beginning a bit slow, they didn't even interact in real life until the end of episode 5. I didn’t take much interest in it until episode 8. Put on-hold on this drama on episode 13 because lack of interest. After watching 13 episodes I'd give this drama 7.5/10 (max).
31. Testimony of N
Japanese Drama - 2014, 10 episodes
32. Ele é Psicométrico
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
33. Stranger
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
It's different from my usual picks, so I've been reluctant to watch this until now. But even though it's a bit too complicated for me, it's very entertaining. You keep wanting to find out more and wanting to know how it all ends. It also fits very well with the current state of Korea.
34. The Queen's Classroom
Japanese Drama - 2005, 11 episodes
35. Estudante Colegial aos 35
Japanese Drama - 2013, 11 episodes
The 4th episode was so painful to watch. aND, don't get me stARted on Yamaken's character! KENTO!! Akatsu! Amazing..!
36. Watashi wo Hanasanaide
Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
37. Uma História Para Ler Quando se Apaixonar
Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
I've always disliked student-teacher relationships and that's why I kept myself away from this drama until now. But it's high rating made me give it a shot. This is the first and maybe the only time I don't mind the student-teacher thing. It was a really good drama!
38. O Discurso da Garota
Japanese Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
This drama was so good! This is one of those shows that deserve a higher rating!
39. O Jogo do Mentiroso
Japanese Drama - 2007, 11 episodes
It was entertaining. This is kind of an old classic, one that even I tried to watch once a few years ago. Giving it a second chance I managed to complete it. I guess I wasn't a big fan, but I by no means disliked the story. It was enjoyable.
40. Sachiiro no One Room
Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes
It felt like I was watching an anime almost. It was dark but it was also cute. I enjoyed watching this anyway, I think it deserves a higher score than what it currently has.
41. Senhor Delinquente e a Senhorita Óculos
Japanese Drama - 2010, 10 episodes
I liked it. It was really entertaining.
42. Ossan's Love
Japanese Drama - 2018, 7 episodes
The boss in this show is so kind compared to the character he played in To Each His Own where he was so mean. It's so funny and so cute, but you still remember the seriousness in it as well. It was a very good drama, it'd be nice if it was a bit longer tho.
43. Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!
Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes
It was good! It doesn't really have my type of humor but I was still able to enjoy the show and I still found certain scenes funny. (And I was waiting for Yamaken to show up in ep. 10 and he was on for less than 1 minute in the last scene, haha, worth it tho)
44. A Vida Privada Dela
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
45. Guardian
Chinese Drama - 2018, 40 episodes
46. Esposa em Tempo Integral
Japanese Drama - 2016, 11 episodes
I really liked this show and would probably have given it a higher rating if it wasn't for the fact that I felt satisfied after watching only 9 episodes and stopped watching the show for a month before skimming through the last two episodes. Anyway, it's cute and has a lot of comedy.
47. O Garoto da Porta ao Lado
Korean Drama - 2017, 15 episodes
Since the episodes were so short it felt like watching a movie. It was filled with comedy. I liked this short web series.
48. O Vigarista Negro
Japanese Drama - 2006, 11 episodes
It was really good! It's a lot better than what I had originally thought. It's a light watch even though it's about darker and more serious stuff. I feel relaxed while whatching (?) idk why tho. It's also funny.
49. Atenção, Amor!
Taiwanese Drama - 2017, 15 episodes
It's so cute! It's really stupid too tho, but I still like it. Yu Bin and Angelina are my favourite characters. It's really cool that Chiu, the guy who plays the main guy, made the OST for this drama. Li Zheng's high school hairstyle is the superior one. This drama is a really good way to escape reality, it made me feel very happy during these depressing days.
50. Mare
Japanese Drama - 2015, 156 episodes
Currently watching.
51. Ombro Amigo
Chinese Drama - 2019, 24 episodes
It was really cute. It was very good quality cute romance. <3
52. 99.9 Criminal Lawyer
Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
Did not dissapoint! It was good! :D
53. Amor Por Acaso
Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes
I haven’t watched that many BL dramas, let alone finished many at all, but this one was worth completing. I thought that the interactions between the two main couples were very sweet, that’s what kept me. (But I’m shy, so there were scenes that I couldn’t watch^^;)
Japanese Drama - 2010, 11 episodes
I didn't expect to see Masaki Suda in this show. It was good, I'd give it a 7.8, like the score it has here on MDL. I thought that the 2nd half of this drama was better than the 1st.
55. Círculo
Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
It’s one of a kind, really good. I still have a few questions left unanswered, therefore it doesn’t get a perfect 10 score.
56. Olá, Monstro
Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
I don't know if it's because I have high expectations for kdramas, but I didn't find myself being a big fan of this one. The acting was great and DO's scenes were really good, but the story was too obvious for my taste. I figured out almost the whole plot in the first couple of episodes and found myself just waiting for them to arrest him. Maybe that's what they were going for, but I didn't like it. On top of that, the ending wasn't satisfying me. But regardless of all of this, it wasn't a bad drama.
57. Q10
Japanese Drama - 2010, 9 episodes
It was good. I got really emotional towrds the end lol.
58. Good Doctor
Japanese Drama - 2018, 10 episodes
I don't tend to like watching medical shows because I have a fear of being sick (also known as Hypochondriasis) and a fear of hospitals. I was therefore very reluctant to watching this, even though my favourite actor, Yamazaki Kento, is playing the lead roll. But for some reason I just couldn't get the thought of wanting to watch this out of my head, so I decided to finally watch it. I do not regret it at all! During the time I watched this show I also had some struggles in real life, this drama was like a comforting blanket. Conclusion: it was a really good drama and I cried during every episode.
59. Tamiou
Japanese Drama - 2015, 8 episodes
60. Meu Sr. Tritão
Chinese Drama - 2017, 36 episodes
It was a really funny show that made me laugh a lot. The show was very cute and mostly very happy. I enjoyed watching this.
61. Life on Mars
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
It was really good. My heart is broken tho haha.. Oh and BTS's Fake Love appeared in ep. 8 (I recognized JK's voice, & RM's) which was a pleasant surprise.
62. 99,9% Advogado Criminal — 2ª Temporada
Japanese Drama - 2018, 9 episodes
Just as funny as the first season. It was too short tho, or maybe time just passed too quickly...
63. Ice World
Japanese Drama - 1999, 11 episodes
64. Máquina de Escrever Chicago
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
This drama wasn't even on my plan to watch list, but I'm so glad that I decided to give it a shot. The story is so beautiful, the OST is great and the characters are amazing. In my opinion, this is a drama you should really savor and watch at a slower pace, for me it took a week to complete. My heart is broken now that it's over, I'll miss this drama.
65. A Última Missão do Anjo: Amor
Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
This drama was amazing. I knew that this was gonna become one of my favourite dramas as soon as I finished the first episodes. As soon as I knew of this dramas existence, I've been wanting to watch it, and now when it have finished airing, I've completed it. It was great.
66. Estudantes Transferidos em Chamas
Japanese Drama - 2017, 8 episodes
67. Teoria do Amor
Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
I really loved this drama. It’s rare for me to like BL dramas but this one was so cute.
68. O Convidado
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
69. Minha Identidade é Beleza de Gangnam
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
I liked this drama more than I thought that I would. It was good!
70. Redescobrindo o Amor
Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
I originally only started watching this because it was based on a manhwa, because I've never seen a drama like that before, this drama wasn't even on my plan to watch list, but I loved it! It touched my heart in so many ways. It made me cry in like every episode too, haha.
71. Ele Está Vindo Para Mim
Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes
72. A História de Yamada Tarou
Japanese Drama - 2007, 10 episodes
This drama was really beautiful. I was missing seeing Arashi in dramas so this drama was perfect. It gave me similar vibes as Nobuta wo Produce, even though the storys are different.
73. Vai, Cara de Lula!
Chinese Drama - 2019, 41 episodes
74. Sua Vez de Matar
Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
This is a really good drama to marathon. It was a good ride, even though the ending... Well, it also resembled Switch a bit, in my opinion, the overall feeling of the show.
75. Bem-vindos a Waikiki
Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes
Currently watching.
76. Project S The Series: SPIKE
Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes
It was really good! I'm not usually going for sport related dramas, but since almost all of the 'Project S' series have such high ratings I decided to start with this first one (it is the first one, right?). I did enjoy Haikyuu back in the day and altough the feelings I got from this show was different compared to Haikyuu it was still the same hype when they were playing the games. Volleyball is a cool sport.
77. Project S The Series: Side by Side
Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes
I started watching this drama because I really liked the SPIKE drama that I watched previously, but now I like this one more. It was really good! It was so touching I had to pause multiple times so that I wouldn’t cry in front of my parents.
78. Project S The Series: Skate Our Souls
Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes
The reason why I started watching all of the 'Project S The Series' dramas was beacuse I wanted to watch this one. This show brought many tears to my eyes and was sadly relatable. All of the characters were really likeable and the show was very good.
79. O Indomável
Chinese Drama - 2019, 50 episodes
80. Beautiful Life
Japanese Drama - 2000, 11 episodes
81. Laços de Estrelas Cadentes
Japanese Drama - 2008, 10 episodes
I really liked this drama, just like I like all of the Arashi dramas that I’ve seen. This show was really funny and exciting. I was very entertained whilst watching. (I’d give this a 8.2/10 to be precise)
82. O Memorando de Kyoko Okitegami
Japanese Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
83. Drama Special Series Season 1: White Christmas
Korean Special - 2011, 8 episodes
84. O Patinho Feio: A Combinação Perfeita
Thai Drama - 2015, 9 episodes
I liked the first five episodes, they were really cute. I felt like the show did a 180 towards the end because the last few episodes were all over the place. It was entertaining.
85. Yakou Kanransha
Japanese Drama - 2013, 10 episodes
It was really good! It reminded me a lot of Kazoku Game and maybe Aishite tatte, Himitsu wa Aru.
86. Academia de Ótimos Homens
Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes
87. Amanhã, Mamãe Não estará Aqui
Japanese Drama - 2014, 9 episodes
88. Gosto Pessoal
Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes
89. Quando Éramos Jovens
Chinese Drama - 2018, 24 episodes
90. Um Mundo Maravilhoso
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
91. Estranhos do Inferno
Korean Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
This show was amazing! Words doesn't do it justice.
92. Túnel
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
Currently watching together with mom.
93. Reino
Korean Drama - 2019, 6 episodes
It was good! :)
94. Karamazov no Kyodai
Japanese Drama - 2013, 11 episodes
95. Filhos de Ninguém
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
It was a good drama. I especially liked Lee Yi Kyung's acting and character in this drama.
96. Tudo Bem, Isso é Amor
Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
97. Você é Humano Também?
Korean Drama - 2018, 36 episodes
One of the best dramas I've seen so far. My Pisces soul can't handle all of these emotions. ㅠㅠ
98. Vida Incompleta
Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
99. Extraordinária Você
Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
This drama was really good. I became interested in watching this because it had such a high score while it was airing and I also recognized the singer Roowon starring as one of the main characters, Haru. My heart felt a lot of emotions whilst watching this aaa I'm in pain ㅠㅠ
100. Trinta, Mas Dezessete
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
This drama was very sweet! I felt a lot of warm feelings while watching.