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O que dizer sobre esse drama? Tenho tanta coisa a dizer que resolvi dividir o conteúdo em partes.Primeiras impressões:
Tenho que admitir que esse drama tem justamente aquele tipo de história que já te pega no primeiro episódio, é realmente difícil dizer que vai abandonar The World of the Married no meio do caminho, porque o ritmo é daqueles viciantes que te fazem querer ir pro próximo episódio o com urgência. E apesar de ter episódios longos de 1h20min você nem percebe o tempo passar e quando se da conta já assistiu tudo num piscar de olhos.
Mas nem só de ritmo vive um drama não é mesmo? Claro que o ritmo e a vontade de querer maratonar aumenta sua empolgação e te faz gostar bastante de assistir algum drama. Não é bem mais fácil começar assistir um drama que te prende do inicio ao fim do que assistir um que não te dá preguiça de continuar ou que os episódios parecem durar uma eternidade?
Mas quando no final das contas você percebe que a história em si não valeu a pena qual desses dois pontos vão pesar mais na balança quando você vai finalmente avaliar para decidir se indica ou não? Poder ser que para você o ritmo pese mais, mas para mim a história em si acabou me decepcionando tanto que o resultado foi a adição desse drama na minha listinha negra. Mas vou explicar isso melhor nesse blog.
Vou confessar entre os milhares de dramas que li a sinopse para decidir se assistiria ou não essa não me chamou nenhum pouco a atenção, mas por algum motivo depois de ter lançado uma quantidade significativa de episódios, desconsiderei a sinopse e fui levada a assistir por causa dos pôsteres muito chamativos.
Levando em conta o contexto imaginei que seria algo na vibe de V.I.P, um drama que assisti recentemente e achei excelente.
Pra quem não entende o que quero dizer com vibe vou explicar: quando digo que um drama tem a vibe de outro não quero dizer que espero ver uma versão 2.0 de algo que assisti, ou algo tão semelhante que pareça mais do mesmo.
Muito pelo contrário, o que quero realmente dizer com isso é que: algo no pôster, no teaser ou na sinopse me levou a sentir que me causaria a mesma sensação. Sim, até mesmo histórias diferentes podem me fazer ter o mesmo tipo de percepção por causa de algum ponto de similaridade e era isso que eu esperava, mas no fim das contas não chegou nem perto do nível daquele drama.
Muitas vezes decido assistir algum drama justamente levando em conta essas pequenas coisas, além é claro da minha disposição para certos gêneros dependendo do meu humor no momento.
Portanto, vou fechar esse tópico dizendo que houve uma diferença gritante entre o que eu esperei ver nesse drama e o que efetivamente aconteceu, muitas vezes me peguei pensando: "sério que você fez isso? Porque raios você tomou essa atitude? Até que nível você vai baixar para se sentir satisfeita? Precisa mesmo de tudo isso? Não estou gastando do rumo que a história está tomando tenho até medo de como vai terminar".
Sim isso mesmo que você leu esse tópico é pra dizer que o enredo desse drama leva ao pé da letra o conceito daquele programa "casos de família". Não é exagero dizer que os ditados: "vou te pagar com a mesma moeda" e "a vingança é um prato que se come frio" se encaixem perfeitamente nesse contexto, porque a traição do protagonista no inicio da história resulta em uma verdadeira confusão generalizada de acontecimentos onde nada era relevado ou deixado de lado e quando você pensava que algum dos dois tinha saído vitorioso nessa rodada, lá vinha outra reviravolta para virar o jogo.
Tudo ocorre muito rápido nesse drama, da traição ao divorcio, outro casamento, uma nova traição outro divorcio, em certo ponto é como se algo sempre estivesse prestes a acontecer, e a história só era concluída até certo ponto, para dar lugar há uma nova etapa que começaria todo esse embate entre os protagonistas novamente.
É evidente que ninguém gostaria de passar pelo que a protagonista passou nesse drama. Ser traída pelo homem que ela tanto amou e ver seu mundo desmoronar ao perceber que todos a sua volta sabiam disso e até mesmo faziam questão ajudar seu marido a esconder tudo, deve causar tanto sofrimento como se retirassem o seu chão.
E quando a confiança já não podia mais ser restaurada levando em conta o rumo dos acontecimentos a melhor saída era mesmo o divorcio, no entanto, não acho que a fim de fazê-lo sofrer pelo que fez ela deveria ter feito o que fez: trai-lo com o seu melhor amigo e fingir ter matado seu próprio filho para despertar sua ira ao ponto de ser agredida foi muito extremo.
Gostaria de ter visto ela agir como uma mulher madura nessa situação, mas quando ela se rebaixou ao nível dele e de suas armações e mentiras para conseguir o que queria me desagradou muito.
E não para por aí, quando eu pensava que ela já tinha chegado ao fundo do poço e não tinha mais como baixar o nível, mais uma vez era surpreendida no mal sentido.
Francamente, não consigo entender porque ela se tornou o álibi dele quando estava sendo investigado pela policia por uma morte suspeita. Além disso, depois de tanto sofrimento causado pelo seu ex marido ela se deixa levar e tem um novo envolvimento romântico com ele no episodio 13 que depois ficamos sabendo que seu próprio filho presenciou essa cena absurda. Estive tentando me segurar por um bom tempo mas devo dizer que isso foi a gota d'água pra mim
Uma coisa era certa, a traição a enlouqueceu completamente, e ela ficou tão obcecada com isso que acabou perdendo seu próprio filho no final.
Para mim nenhum dos dois protagonistas demostraram ser bons pais no decorrer desse drama. Achei completamente absurda a forma como ambos usavam seu filho como pretexto para mais uma queda de braço entre eles. Era visível como ficaram imersos na disputa para ver quem pode mais e esqueciam completamente que precisavam ser bons exemplos para seu filho.
Claro que isso não justifica o desvio de conduta do garoto, mas não se pode negar que todas aquelas situações que ele passou contribuíram para que ele agisse daquela forma.
Eu tenho que confessar que me irritava muito ver como ele desprezava a mãe e se deixava levar pelas mentiras que a madrasta lhe contava, mesmo sabendo das coisas absurdas que seu próprio pai fazia.
E como se eu já não tivesse reclamação suficiente sobre o rumo dos acontecimentos nessa história, nem mesmo o final conseguiu remendar tudo isso, depois que começamos a descer ladeira abaixo era como se ela nunca tivesse fim.
Torcia para que o desfecho me deixasse com a sensação de que pelo menos no fim tudo deu certo mas nada disso aconteceu.
Não importava quantas oportunidades ela teve de pegar sua mala e levar o filho para bem longe dali e recomeçar, ela sempre dava alguma desculpa para adiar isso. E no fim tudo foi desperdiçado na cena final quando ela corre ao encontro do ex marido depois que ele tenta se suicidar.
Mas uma vez ela tomou a decisão errada, e o preço foi muito alto dessa vez já que nem mesmo o filho aguentou mais esse tormento e fugiu de casa.
Veja bem, eu poderia ter relevado vários pontos aqui e ali que foram me desagradando ao longo da trama se isso tivesse sido corrigido no final, a sensação que tive quando terminei esse drama foi de completa revolta, queria poder voltar no tempo e nunca dar o play no primeiro episódio porque esse não é o tipo de mensagem que quero levar comigo quando finalizo algum drama.
Portanto, pelos milhares de motivos que apresentei ao longo desse imenso desappreciation a conclusão que chego é que não vale a pena assistir The Word of a Married, coloquei na minha listinha negra e jamais indicarei a ninguém.
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Recomendo, mas...
História (8/10): Após ter finalmente conseguido assistir esse dorama, eu posso dizer que não foi à toa que foi recorde de audiência na Coréia do Sul, afinal toda a trama me deixou super ansiosa e curiosa pra saber como tudo vai acabar. E quando você acha que tudo acabou, é aí que você se engana! As últimas cenas me deixaram super inquieta e ainda estou, porque foi finalizada de um jeito que não dá pra ter certeza do que aconteceu com alguns personagens, além de não mostrar muitas mudanças na vida da personagem principal, e é por isso que dei nota 8.Elenco/Atuação (10/10): O elenco foi perfeito e a atuação também! Não vou mentir, comecei a assistir a essa obra por causa do ator Lee Hak Joo (tenho assistido muitos doramas em que ele participa), e já me admirou ele ser o (um dos) 'bad guy' da trama. Mas não só ele, todos fizeram um trabalho impecável e é por isso que dei nota 10.
Música (10/10): A trilha sonora é de tirar o fôlego! Ela te influencia muito kkkkk Você fica ansiosa com todos os elementos, incluindo a música. Foi muito bem pensada e muito bem colocada, não teve momentos em que a trilha sonora atrapalhou ou foi incoerente. Nota 10.
Rewatch Value: (6/10): Sim, só elogiei até agora, mas sendo sincera, eu não assistiria de novo por um bom tempo. É um tipo de obra que você só assiste uma vez, não tem jeito. A graça dela, é que você não espera o que vem pela frente, se você assistir de novo acredito que não vá ser a mesma experiência. Por isso, eu não acho que valha a pena assistir mais de uma vez num curto período de tempo. Mas, quando bater a vontade de passar raiva e de ver o circo pegando fogo, aí eu recomendo voltar nessa obra!
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Eu ainda não terminei esse título mas com a indignação que estou sentindo tinha que vir aqui escrever meu desabafo, essa série estava muito boa , boa mesmo até o episódio 8 ou 10 a partir dai pronto desandou tudo você começa a sentir raiva da protagonista não sei se pela burrice dela ( porque ingenuidade com toda a certeza não é) pelo amor doentio que ela e o ex dizem sentir ( até por que em um mundo normal isso se chama doença obsessiva ) você só sabe que tá torcendo para o ex marido morrer e a prota se dá mal e dizendo bem feito por tudo o que ela passou e o que tá passando na mão dos falsos amigos ( que mesmo ela sabendo de tudo o que fizeram continua amiga deles e falando tudo e quando eu digo tudo é tudo mesmo para eles ). Agora depois de 12 episódios dessa enrolação toda ela ainda vai e dorme com o ex só por que ele falou que ainda a ama e ainda salva ele da polícia com a desculpa de que é pelo filho quando claramente nenhum dos dois realmente liga para esse adolescente chato sem noção e revoltado que só faz merda que mesmo com 16 anos não tem uma opinião e só vive dizendo que tá sofrendo, olha tô quase droppando esse drama te tão nada a vê com com a proposta inicial que estava tão boa mas resolveram estragar.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
As músicas combinavam bastante com as situações, tirando algumas vezes que sua utilização era meio desnecessária, ainda assim sendo muito boas e casando com os cenários e fotografia.
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No matter how beautiful a woman is. No matter how successful she is in her work life. No matter, how good she handles her house and children. No matter how smart, considerate, kind she is. Cheating men will cheat.
And then most of the time that woman has to deal with friends and family who will tell her to forgive the man, innocently selfish children who will ask her to compromise, outsiders who will gossip and an unapologetic man who will think it is his right to cheat. She'll be left with a destroyed family, broken pride and a stamp of a woman who couldn't handle her marriage.
This drama tells the story of what happens when you mess with the wrong woman.
Sun Woo is ruthless and takes no prisoners when it comes to revenge. Giving a new meaning to "Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned", she is obsessive, borderline psychotic, scarily intelligent, calculating and even selfish but at the same time she is incredibly strong, bearing and someone who's been hurt in the most profound manner.
Kim Hee Ae's acting is beyond phenomenal, not unexpected from a four time Daesang winner. She hits every emotion on the spectrum to the point you are fully attuned with her character. She will make you love her fiercely, frustrate you to no end, question her motives, pity her and even hate her.
The shock value in this drama is no joke. Things that you haven't imagined in your wildest dreams happen in the most iconic fashion and you're just left with your mouth hanging.
There's no passive watching this drama, for it wrenches feelings out of you. You'd be screaming at the screen, tearing at your hair and will probably think of throwing your phone at the wall once or twice.
Every aspect is exceptionally executed. Where there is emotion, you'll be crying your heart out. Where there is thrill, you'll be biting your nails to stubs. Where there is suspense, you would be sitting at the edge of your seat. Where there are makeout scenes, the entire room will feel hot.
None of the characters in this show are truly likable. The moment you start warming up to someone, they'll do something to screw you over. These people are extremely complex, selfish, vindictive, weak- human nature at its worst and that's the beauty of the show.
The music is amazing and added in just at the right moments. The writing plus dialogues are crisp (pretty loyal to the original series) but the direction and delivery by the actors takes the cake.
It's impossible to stop, once you start watching it and it maintains the tension from beginning to end with never a draggy moment.
A true masterpiece, that explores the dark waters of marriage, relationships and being human, it is not reccomended for people who can only root for righteous and wholly good characters. For this drama, leave your moral compass behind or it will explode.
Lastly, the drama beautifully succeeds in delivering its point:
Cheating is NOT ok and you don't have to forgive it. No matter how weak you get, no matter how hard it is (and it will be) no matter what the world says, no matter how much history you have, you don't have to compromise. No excuse should be enough.
The world of married is a place where there are no winners, you just have to do what's right by you. Because, before being a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a working woman: you are your own person.
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I've never ever seen something like this. I mean, The World of the Married is now the highest-rated cable drama, so this should definitely tell you that this show is very special.
Why is it so special though? Because it's totally insane! From beginning to end, the show never lost its intensity. When you think that it's finally over, there's something even more shocking and twisted that will surprise the hell out of you. You honeslty can't predict anything in this drama, the characters took such actions that noone could've guessed!
Speaking of characters, they are definitely the strongest part of the drama. Ji Sun Woo -- a powerful, strong lady who was ready to destroy everyone who's trying to hurt her. And while she was a character that was easy to root for, some of her actions were very questionable. But well, that's what made the drama even more impactful.
And here comes my favourite character -- yes, the most hated character for 2020 - the horrible, disgusting, insolent Lee Tae Oh. You know, everyone can admit that he was a terrible person and even more terrible husband, but gosh, he was so interesting to watch.
While I saw that there are some people who felt symphatetic towards Da Kyung, I did not. Not even a bit. Sure, humans can't control their feelings. It's not impossible to fall for someone else's husband (especially when he's as hot as Park Hae Joon), but the moment you try to seduce him and ruin his family, that's when you became a horrendous person. I mean, she's not the only one to blame for the disaster that happened to Sun Woo's family since her husband was shit and has always been shit, but still, Da Kyung is not just an innocent princess.
All the actors delivered spectacular performances. Just wow, they left me speechless. Someone give an award to Kim Hee Ae and Park Hae Joon. I can't believe Hae Joon was hesitating whether he'd do a good job at portraying his character. Dude, you have my respect. It's been a while since I last saw such brilliant performance.
I would strongly recommend this if you're looking for a mature, complex drama with hella intense, gripping storyline and one of a kind characters. The World of the Married will make your blood boil but it's worth it.
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I'm actually really conflicted on the rating.... I give my 10s easily, but I have this feeling that something was missing..I feel like this drama just tried to push the limits, and at a certain point they got caught up in their own plan of "how can we make this even more shocking". I kinda started to lose interest by ep12 ish, and I think that's when they tried too hard to add more conflict so the story doesn't end, but they didn't want a rushed ending so they made ep15 seem like a pre conclusion, but then they kept adding conflict after the resolution becasue they had 2 more hours to go.
like the "I'm sorry", "I'll kill you", "let's forget this", "I'll kill you" dance...
for one thing, I'm glad of how they handled Ye Rim and Je Hyuk, but just like the rest of the story I feel like they gave us too much buildup/middle ground and not enough cleanup/closure?
like they never talked about Hyun Seo or In Gyu again. so what? was it suicide? was it not? why did they play us to think it might be Yoon Gi?
and the son running away? then they didn't show his face at the end? why because he looked older or they couldn't film that scene with the real actor? becasue it was a last minute thought?
when Tae Oh tried to kill himself I got the desperation, but it was a slow street, even if the bus/truck hit him he'd have only broke a bone or two. it was not going that fast, but I was emotional when they revealed that he wasn't dead. otherwise I'd have given it a 1 ;)
also all of those scenes making it seem like they were going to kill the son? come on that was a cheap move..
which makes me wonder if the son running away was the writers "punishment" for Sun Woo, because at the end of the day she was not blameless in that mess
but I do admire them for breaking away from the revenge mold, usually it takes them 10eps to uncover the secret and 5eps of omg I can't believe, with 1 wrap up party..
the ost was great and I never rewatch stuff
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I ll start by saying this is a unique storyline to me and i found it captivating so i sat through the 16 episodes straight in one day. so its really a slice of life interesting drama.....with that being said i'll dive into an emotional rant of all the characters..... yes all of them in this drama were scum to varying degrees..... the lowest degree of scumness was dr kim and the highest degree of scumness was Lee tae oh...... as a matter of fact there is low, lower, Lee Tae Oh..... you get the point lol.1) Sun Woo- so in the first few episodes i could feel her pain, she had a perfect life and all of a sudden she realised her husband was cheating on her and stealing from her and her 'Friends' were in on it too........ i was pissed along with her raining curses of Lee Tae Oh. i was also proud of her strategy to divorce him without him knowing.... i was proud of her ability to stand up for herself every time.... then in much later episodes i began to doubt her aim of doing all she was doing, she literally lost it in my opinion because so many of her actions were so questionable to me. using her son as a bait too was low of her (although it was smart) but the boy didn't deserve to think his father was abusive to the mother just like that. The boy also deserved to see the father so that whole act in their welcome party was another low! and her betraying the bartender girl in order to protect herself and her love hate relationship was low! also its important to not that she was too stuck up on her work, too overconfident in thinking she knew her soon and had everything in control.... phewww she could have avoided a lot of things by moving out and starting afresh but i feel she was stuck up on proving points and never really got over her ex husband.
2)Tae oh---- deserves a whole rant epistle but in short he was just an entitled cheat who felt he should be forgiven for keeping a mistress ( who got pregnant) for two years while he had a wife and son.....whats worse.... he was stealing from his sons policy funds to take care of the mistress like really...! After the whole divorce he married his mistress and comes back rich and successful (or kinda not) and starts stalking and threatening his ex wife and trying to get her fired, trying to buy his son back.... girls this is the kind of man you really dont want to marry PERIODT!
7)sun woo's son----- while i feel bad for his situation which isnt his fault, he was a whole mess.... a spoilt brat literally! i mean his classmate's mum was also divorced but she still lived right. why he decided to use his dysfunctional parents as a reason to do clownery i will never understand. also i felt he was more forgiving of his father than his mother.... he was way to mean to her!
3)All the family friends---- how do you go on a vacation with you friends and one of you comes with a lady who isnt his wife..... and you do not tell the wife, as a matter of fact you help him deceive the wife (like what.... off with their heads lol) and let me not get started on seol myung the double spy..... i was happy Hyo jung got redemption at some point because she was the only one in their circle who had a bit of sense even though her husband holds the 3rd position on the scum list. i mean he was married but the whole time he was sleeping around and trying to woo his own friend's wife chile....
4)Mistress----- this clown was just so naive and stupid, a man leaves his family for you and somehow you think you acting right and being a supportive wife will make you better than his old wife and stop him from cheating on you like he did to his old wife ......... i mean people change but once a cheat, always a cheat i guess! the fact she was trying to buy everybody's love and loyalty in the city and make sun woo look like a bad person was low!
5)mistress father---- typical rich powerful man in kdramas that has power to do many things mostly bad things. him and his wife were too stuck up on themselves to correct their child for taking someones husband. they instead ran a campaign to get her support from the community with their money....
6) community peeps----- this ppl will just kiss a** of any influential person and gossip for a living...... i cant.....
the only somewhat decent people in this drama were min hyun (bartender girl), chairman choi's wife (woman association leader) , and dr kim..... every other person can be thrown away thanks!
Anyways watch the drama its emotionally investing but its captivating and interesting. And i hope they scoop a lot of awards because the acting was 100%
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This show was going to be great if it ended at episode 6... but it didn't.First thing to clarify, I hate the kid in this show, his character was the most annoying and was waiting someone to beat the crap of him for good or push him in front of a car so that there is less screen time for him and I didn't have to listen to him anymore. Maybe it's too much but each time I saw him I had the urge to drop the show right there.
Now that we clarified the hate relationship with that character lets continue...
The first 6 episodes was interesting and I was enjoying the show but afterwards everything was going downhill.
The show was trying too much to make each episode some kind of a turning point... I hate him, no I love him, then I hate him again and I love him once again... this game is played till the rest of the show and it was annoying as hell.
I never had a show that had me switch the character I hate the most after each episode (except the kid, he was number one in my hate list).
Pretty much the shows was trying the push the agenda that all men are cheating pigs and women are stupid enough to keep loving/forgiving them nonetheless... maybe it's overgeneralization, but that's the logic that the show was trying to sell us.
And that ending... oh my god... saying that it was stupid will be a compliment to the movie industry. I had to watch a 15min repeat of a whole scene from the previous episode just to finish it... and when I did there was one generic and totally stupid ending, where the previous episode ending (without the last stupid part) would have been a better ending point.
The saving grace was maybe the acting which was really good but no acting can save a bad screen writer.
So how did I score it:
1-6 epsiodes - 9/10
7-10 epsiodes - 7.5/10
11-15 epsiodes - 7/10
16 episode - 6/10
So the final verdict is 6/10 and I wouldn't recommend it to watch it.
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The story was phenomenal it had the perfect amount of grittiness, I liked how the female lead was also shown in lights were she morally did multiple things wrong too not just her husband, it showed the mentality of someone after a divorce (especially when you had a husband like Tae Oh, yikess)
With side couples and their marital problems, this drama doesn't stray away from toxic relationships, also by showing abusive boyfriends and lying husbands.
The acting was also amazing there was one scene in episode 14 with Sun Woo that gave me goosebumps! Kim Hee Ae is an amazing actress and she really pulled it off with this drama, the raw emotions really cut deep, it was almost as if she was made to be in makjangs cause this drama was really her strong suit.
If you're thinking of starting this drama, think no more this drama will hook you from episode 1, it's an addictive drama that has you craving for the next episode, for me it has been one of the best Korean dramas I have watched in 2020!
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Zero Character Development
I must say that I felt hooked because I was waiting for the main character to finally win and get her revenge--but I wrong for rooting for her because she is stupid. She keeps getting entangled with her husband who was not worthy at all. How I would breakdown the plot:Episodes 1-4 = pretty much Tae-Ho gaslighting Sun Woo that he is not cheating
Episodes 5-14 = revenge going back and forth, no winner but everyone is a loser; both parents emotionally abusing the kid / Jun Yeong
Episode 15-16 = pure trash; Sun Woo trying to be a saint saving his trash ex
That's pretty much it. A trash I would not recommend because there is no character development. Sun Woo could have been a better character if she was not stupid. She keeps on telling that she wants everything for Jun Yeong but keeps exposing the kid to the wrong environment because she is selfish and have other motives.
Best ending goes to Ye Rim. Girl freed herself from stupidity.
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