the biggest WHAT IF
I'm editing this to add: if something is wrong it's better to fix it and show the right thing instead of burying it and everyone involved in criticism. make them be a lesson for the rest. past bullying? let them do community work or a movement against school bullying. "inaccurate" history? force them to show a documentary at the end explaining how things really were. you don't fight a problem by cancelling everyone.... the only thing people will learn from this? don't waste your money and time at making historicals..I'll just use this space to vent a little more. as a fan of JDY I've been waiting for this since last year. and as a historical fan who's bored of the repetitive palace politics, this was going to be one of the most unique stories. Kingdom explored zombies but this was bigger and had more characters. this combined vampires, zombies and demons. it sounds overboard but the combination was so fitting. they bit people in the neck and they were as brainless and lost as zombies, but they were evil spirits controlled by the biggest demon
this was going to be so much fun!
JDY was Sejong the Great ! I did not know that TT_TT no wonder why he was such a sweetie, honestly if they wanted great representation of the past they had the bestest boy to play their bestest beloved king TT_TT
the biggest mistake on this was the timing and the fact that historicals don't seem to check facts beforehand.. every historical right now is under some sort of fire but this got the biggest blow...
and even if they let the dramas air, they turn their pitchforks onto the actors.. the issue seems so easily avoidable, there needs to be a big historic association so people can check their facts
like we all knew this would be about king Taejong from the start, so like they (whoever they are) could've showed their stance before. if they didn't want a historical figure to be showed as a person who kills possessed people then they shouldn't have let them film it!
it'd have been easily avoided by naming them differently. and they didn't even let them change that. they just attacked this until the canceled 14eps worth of hard work. the actors got injured... we'll never know how they'd have dealt with the process, but the promise of the plot was unique and it will forever be the biggest WHAT IF TT__TT
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everything in this drama revolved around each other, everything was somewhat connected, one thing led to another and slowly they'd reveal the big picture inside the big picture.
Cha Young Jin is one of my favorite characters, not just as a female. she was the best detective I've ever seen. the past trauma didn't make her cold, reserved and jaded. she was a human. she cried, she smiled, she listened, she empathized, she admitted her mistakes and she asked for help when she had to.
most crime show detectives are the complete opposite that they just feel robotic, plus 99% of them blend into one giant cold lone wolf with anger issues ;)
she was kinda too skinny, but I think she had great technique during her fight scenes that made it believable (and so hot), I mean bones are sharp and strong enough to hurt right? xD
also, she has ruined every crime drama male lead out there, no one will be able to surpass her. *cue My Sassy Girl ost*
Lee Sun Woo, our "male lead" had the opposite role from our active detective. he was a teacher so of course he couldn't investigate, and in some ways he took the role that is usually thrown at women in crime dramas, he had to stand in the side lines waiting like everyone else.
but he was still a great guy. he learned from his mistakes and he genuinely cared for his students and he came out of this a better man.
Go Eun Ho was just SUNSHINE! and the glue that stuck this drama together, the "core" of this drama.
also the detective team were awesome, each member was unique, though I wish they gave them a little more screentime ;(
Baek Sang Ho... he was so intriguing... he was such a complex character. he "saved" people by exploiting/healing their biggest scar, and then he used them dry.. the ending of this drama and their team was so so sad and heartbreaking, and his laughs were chilling.
usually, without spoiling anything, I hate crime drama endings becasue everyone just dies and the rest simply move on. but this was such a satisfactory well rounded ending I couldn't help but cry for Baek Sang Ho's end..
the ost was beautiful and rather than rewatching I hope for a second season, but this was the 1st crime drama I enjoyed in almost 4 or 2 years that I might actually rewatch it again knowing what I know now
rewatching this I had forgotten about some details regarding the incidents, the biggest impactful details for me were the unexpected friendships vs the manipulative relationships
but during this rewatch I was more interested in the twisted relationships of the villains, it wasn't really a cult thing, but the greed, the psychopathness and the love of control was the driving force
as a story, usually mystery dramas had that thing, here as "where is the lost book", that seems to be the solution to everything, and once they reach it, it becomes a anticlimactic fast wrap up story
for this, they had a clear, search, found and a real after effect of what that book contained.
as a villain, it was actually really sad, especially when he thought "what if cha youngjin had found me" while also giving a sad ending of him not only being punished by going back to his worse nightmare but also the satisfaction of him not just dying and actually getting a punishment worthy of his evil deeds.
Seo Sang Won was a psychopath, his father was greedy for power and money that he didn't care for the havoc his son made but instead he used it and the kids Seo Sang Won had to increase his region of power.
his sister was fully just greedy for the money and Jang Gi Ho tho lost in his father's haze still had the least evil conception of their cult
usually the villain team becomes annoying but here the love and suffocating control Baek Sang Ho had on them not only made them want to rebel but it gave the trio their own bonding that outpowered their fear of Baek Sang Ho
Baek Sang Ho being twisted as a kid, using the murder of cha youngjin's friend as his stepping stone to outpower his dad and break away from his hold while also still becoming twisted enough to enjoy the chase and obsession left in cha youngjin's heart.
his final laugh was taunting tho I do wish it was longer to fully showcase the devastation in his downfall
overall I wish they gave a bit more screen time to the villains fears and darkness a bit more
one of the things I loved about cha youngjin wasn't just her kickass, independent, smart leading boss lady persona but also her strength in showing weakness, vulnerability and tears, not as an attempt to make her "feminine" but as a way to show her as a human, as apposed to a "traumatic" male lead
I also adored Lee Sun Woo's position as what would usually be the female lead, but in a way again as to not "threaten" his "masculinity" but in a way to make him a great caregiver and sweetness that was lacking in "what a man should be like"
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this had everything:
+ a slow natural "friends to lover" relationship.
+ no cliches, or better yet realistic twists to the cliches (like the girl "rivalry")
+ a normal 2nd ml that didn't secretly love the fl
+ a cute friendship
+ female power
+ dimples everywhere!
+ a male lead that apologized and didn't over step his boundaries, ie a real "nice" male lead
+ girls taking care of their own "problems"
+ and the best part, the nice healing plot development~
I kinda wish it was longer though ;(
the ost highlighted the strong female characters well, and I rarely rewatch things so it's either 1 or 10 ;p
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both main characters were so smart, levelheaded, understanding, sweet, vulnerable, and yet they were so confident and they never put the other's needs before themselves.. love is great, but self love is important? love doesn't mean "devote your whole existence to the other party"?
I'm worried I'll never watch another "similar" romcom again ;) this is not "original", but it's literally the only acceptable way to deal with cliches... a character driven story...
I'll just describe the characters a little more.... ryan... he's confident, maybe even arrogant and cold, but I love that he shows duk mi his "vulnerable" side.. and he doesn't "push her around".. he asks, he doesn't demand.. he apologizes when he's wrong, and he's not "above making a mistake"... and you can tell that he still wonders "am I asking too much", but she doesn't say no because he isn't asking for something grand, and she's just so precious and I LOVE a confident female lead... strong doesn't equal to mean or a bully, and sweet doesn't equal to a pushover who cries while apologizing for nothing...
also, his goofy playful side... I LOVE that side~ unlike dominic, he only wants "duk mi" to see that side ;)
ps, my rewatch value is just a 1 or a 10, so for this, I'll definitely rewatch it one day. just not the last 2 eps ;)
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drama of the year❣
what I love about this is how layered the characters are;Oh Hyun Jin was a total dream 21st century career boss lady, she was in control and composed but as she entered the the mysterious momhood everything changed for her, she wasn't as confident, she didn't know anything and she was scared which just proves, being "smart" doesn't make you a natural know it all
Jo Eun Jung was the opposite, she was a stay at home mom who took pride in her "natural" and vast knowledge of momhooness, but behind the curtains she was just as clueless and scared as the rest
Lee Roo Da seemed like an arrogant and immature person who didn't love her kid, but she was just someone who had a different approach on motherhood, and she didn't want to do things because "other's do it"
Choi Hye Sook is still a mystery but behind her controlling aura she just wants what's best for the moms. she was a dream boss and mentor, she was stern but compassionate, old fashioned but accepting
glue stick! my precious glue stick is an acting genius! (and the directors did a great job capturing him), his facial expressions were always a delight
Kim Do Yoon is the most precious husband and father! they were the most inspiring healthiest couple I've seen in dramaland. I wonder how big their age gap was xD they were also the best example of a noona romance ;D
the drama has a great sense of humor, I've not laughed like that for a long time, especially 1st ep made laugh until I cried xD
on the other hand they deal with alot of realistic postpartum worries and issues, new moms (and dads) deal with alot of new emotions and experiences, plus the surrounding people's expectations and "advice" can become really suffocating.
you can't produce enough milk? you're a bad mom
you want to work again? you're a bad mom
you gained weight? you're a bad woman
you're not magically happy? you're a bad human
you feel tired from feeding your kid every 3 hours? you're a disgrace...
on the other hand the husband kinda doesn't experience those 1st hand, so he's happy, not tired and tries to encourage his wife or tell her about his day while she can barely hold her own emotions together and he starts thinking he's a burden..
the drama stayed true to it's premier, it dealt with alot of worries and burdens surrounding a new mom while also keeping a well timed sense of humor that never failed to make me laugh until I cried. I'll miss this drama dearly! I really wish s2 happens soon and I wish they keep the same cast, they could all have triplets for all I care, I want them back! TT__TT
the ost was also beautiful and elegant, the setting, the writing, the acting, the directing, everything was perfect❤
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romcom fantasy done right
90% of the reason this worked out was Lee Dam, 9% of it was the mythical creature ML that was civil and sweet and 1% was for the age gap done rightLee Dam is my ideal type of FLs, she was realistic, she had low tolerance for bs, she thought on her own, she went after what she wanted, she trusted with her whole heart but she didn't let others take advantage and best of all she was HILARIOUS! and also fashionable❣ and so so cute ❤o❤
these things sound so simple yet romcom writers 99% of the time ruin their fls, but Lee Dam was the perfect representation of gen z, she was believable as a person and that helped this fantasy drama feel realistic as far as fantasy goes
on the other hand as a mythical creature oh so amazing out of everyone's reach ML, Woo Yeo was again done right. he smiled when he had to, he talked and interacted with people though he never cared for their presence, he was imperfect, sometimes rash disguised as wisdom in his eyes -ie he'd leave cuz it's the "best" choice- but he was also weak infront of his own decisions, he was emotionless but he changed with Lee Dam (she didn't "change" him, he just reacted to her presence), he was curios because of her, he was happy because of her and he opened up his heart to his lost dream of family and love because of her
another point I really loved was the friendships, the 2FL was not a jealous evil character that was desperately in love with the ML, they were friends, they were siblings and they were each other's home.
Hye Sun is confident, poised, elegant but kinda sloppy and though her relationship with Woo Yeo felt like tom and jerry she cared for him and she ended up becoming friends with lee dam as well~
Jae Jin is the soft naive uwu type of character, he again was like a brother to lee dam, he always protected her and sometimes he needed the protection and again it's great to not only see the FL have friends but to see normal male characters that love and respect the fl in a non romantic way is always welcome (special shoutout to sunbae Jung Suk who was also a great normal friend to lee dam)
Sun Woo was the cute type of typical jerk ml but he was kidna overboard by the end, but he was still cute, I hope to see more of the actor~
I did also love lee dam's friendship with Soo Kyung but I'm kinda sad they made her too comedic even more than lee dam.
another great part of this drama was the comedy, I've not laughed this much since Birthcare Center, it was exactly my type~ like the drama never tried to take itself seriously, it was a fantasy after all there was no need for life threatening "I love you but you'll keep getting chased by the truck of doom cuz of our love" randomness.
it did have the star cross lovers that started too soon and took too much time, but as a long term webtoon it did need more than one conflict so I forgive them
also, my FAVORITE part was the no past connection! I think this is the 1st romcom, and fantasy with no past 1st love fate bs. and that made their love so much more endearing.
they met, had a accidental tie down, lived together, saw each other's true selves and they fell in love, how normal and sweet is that?❤❤❤❤
in the webtoon they seemed to imply a lee dam's brother x sunwoo's sister and I think that'd be hilarious and sad for them to make the 2ml her brother in law xD
I didn't like some of the guys' reactions, their possessiveness, their tears, their clingyness, or the way jaejin x hyesun happened and also the way lee dam felt the need to apologize while Woo Yeo stayed quiet as if she needed to apologize, but overall the perfection of lee dam and the cuteness of Woo Yeo smiling when he didn't go through the writers "we can't be together" brooding mood, everything was perfect~
tbh I hated all of the breakups and near deaths, I wish it was more like 49 days (minus the ending) where they had to collect tears of love
so like they could've done more things to make him feel human. I was more touched at Hye Sun's tears over Woo Yeo's return than anything
though I was happy with the subtle change in his personality, like he got more carefree and dorky and my girl lee dam was always rational about it
I like the ost enough and I actually rewatched some scenes for my article so I'll say I'll rewatch lee dam's hilarious comedies and the cute dates ;p
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for one thing I think it's really easily relatable, Go Ha Neul was just like any one of us, she was a job seeker that was lost and kinda desperate for that stable job, so everything was new to her, and that could be scary, but she handled it all so admirably~
Bae Ssaem was one of my favorite characters, he was easy going, simple and friendly, he really made everyone feel at ease.
Park Sung Soon was the shield for her team and the kids, she always tried to protect them and do what's best for them. and with Do Yun Woo's cool persona, the team felt so diverse and beautiful~
even characters like Kim Yi Boon who seemed like the selfish mean character turned out into a supporting sweet person.
the music was perfect, it fit really well with the atmosphere~
my rewatch values are always a 1 or a 10, and I was really satisfied with the ending and overall message~
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Romcom done write
Before starting I just want to add no "childhood connection" and romance that is built on "conversation" is an automatic ++++ for meRomcoms don't mean they're "brainless". Sometimes I nag about the crazy jerk ML or the naive doormat FL and people say "it's just a romcom" but that's not an excuse and this drama shows that
The ML was crazy and rude enough that I'd totally punch a person like him but this drama not only gave him a solid backstory, a great slow growth but also kinda showed how to him he wasn't unreasonable
Being vulnerable was his weakness so he put a wall to hide his nativity and it became normal to him
But it only worked out because of the FL. She didn't fix him but he saw his wrongdoings and how he can fix it because of her.
Now the FL is also the complete opposite of romcom FLs. She had enough bs so she took action. Whenever she saw injustice or unreasonable behavior she pointed it out. At 1st she needed the strength of her life being too short to realize literally life is too short for bs
This drama moved in steps. Amnesia, cohabitation, fake relationship, evil past girlfriend, revenge, misunderstandings, ML trying to control the FL, FL having her own dreams, revelation and redemption with a final touch of sweetness♡
Another usual move romcoms do is gloss over things too fast, the past is revealed and they get married but this dissected both and gave enough ingredients for the revenge to be turned into redemption and conclusion and marriage wasn't the end but the beginning of their love and I found that sweet
Actually the best part of this was the ML apologizing and realizing all of his wrong doings. Protectiveness and wanting the best for the FL never means control.
And the FL once she realized her worth knew how to choose her own path.
That's something I always hate in romcoms. The ML says I don't want you to leave my side and the FL gives up her dream and follows his orders.. ML forces a kiss but it's ok cuz secretly the FL wanted it..
But not here, they even showed the depths of their "villains" without an easy whoops they're ok now
Another thing I hate about romcoms is the past connection. 99% of the time it's just an excuse for writers to not build a step by step relationship.
But sometimes a fake relationship also is used for that reason. To casually show the vulnerable side they couldn't see before, and this was used well here
Overall as a romcom it's one of the best
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when I watch a zombie story it's all the same, and I'll be honest, it's not scary.. it's like step 1-an experiment gone wrong. 2- one mutated/infected zombie bites everyone. 3- a group of people try to survive...
like why did no one try to remove a zombies teeth before? that was hilarious.. and it has such a 180 concept of how people changed that was another hilarious part.. overall the movie didn't take itself seriously, I think that's the best part, it's a silly lighthearted new twist to the zombie story that's been told a million times..
I never rewatch stuff, but this was silly enough that might make me rewatch it ;)
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character driven story
this drama was made for me❤ when I 1st started watching kdramas I kept searching for 1 theme and it's "female spy", and if having that with 2020 quality was not good enough they added "female centered plot" as the cherry on top~good casting is a "comedy" spy genre so the show never took itself seriously and honestly that made it even better, I love spy stuff but I hate the crime involved so even here I couldn't 100% focus on their big mission, but I loved everything else involved and I LOVED the characters the most.
Baek Chan Mi was strong, smart and she seemed cold and a "lone wolf" but she really cared for her team and she blamed herself for the incident that killed one of her members.
Hwang Mi Soon was my favorite, she looks like the weak link, she was a normal boring ahjumma/mom but the fact that she was a secret spy made her the most "ironic" spy xD they also mixed her normal life issues well.
Im Ye Eun was the inexperienced "unfortunate" smart maknae that just kept messing her cover. plus her little love line with Gang Woo Won added a little romance that lightened up the mood. though tbh I didn't "like" him, but I could tolerate his picky loud personality because this was a romance (and I kinda wanted to punch him a few times xD)
Yoon Suk Ho is the nicest sweetest male lead, no one else deserves to be called a nice ml. and I really liked his dynamic with Baek Chan Mi. whenever he was trying to pull a "Gang Woo Won/bossy jerk" she was able to stand her ground and he'd let it go, though I wished he found out earlier I was really happy by the smooth discovery, and I really need a 2nd season just to get more of their sweet "normal" romance uwu
Dong Gwan Soo was the boss they could ever have. even as a guy he never doubted or hated working with a team full of women and he never degraded them, on the contrary he hyped them up so much. also I really loved that he was Baek Chan Mi ex boyfriend, it really added depth to both as people.
from one side their past relationship made them better friends and better colleagues and though they had a rocky breakup they both really appreciated their time together and they never held a grudge, so it's nice to see a normal breakup in dramaworld.
Byun Woo Suk was my favorite, he was an unexpected treat. he was funny and silly and a really good friend to both Yoon Suk Ho and Baek Chan Mi❤
so basically this was a character driven story and again I'd love to see a 2nd season (with the same cast, directors and writers!). they made me laugh, cry and it really saved me from boredom in a time when I didn't have any ongoing drama beside it~
the songs were really nice too and they set the mood really well, also I liked the lighting and the aesthetics~
I never rewatch stuff but I want a 2nd season!
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in some ways it was like a dream work environment, Bok Dong didn't care for background or educational degree or age, and he gave everyone a fair shot, he gave worth to the employees, they work hard and the customers let the saying "the customer is the king/they are always right" get to their heads and they disrespect the people who are just trying to make a living. but here it was different.
usually korean dramas don't do this, but I liked the theme eps for Halloween, Christmas and the others.
the ost was like an anime's theme songs and overall it was a fun ride~
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they really did the best with the added side characters tbh, usually they focus so much on the main that it feels flat, but here they gave them each enough background to feel real and I was as invested with them as the mains.
even that random guy everyone sat on was beneficial (I laughed until I cried at that) xD
the movie had enough suspense that it never got boring, and even though it's only 1 hour 40min it still delivered a solid story that puts 2hour movies to shame.
my favorite part was of course the female lead, I love "strong" fls and that means a well written fl, she was smart, funny and amazing.
the ml was the cute kind, he was sloppy but still competent and the little girl was a chip of the old block xD
I never rewatch stuff but I'd love to rewatch this with family or friends, so overall this will join my favorite movies list ❤
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I want to compare it to Midnight Runners, both have leads that are not taken seriously by their colleagues, and they end up uncovering a big case.. and maybe a little to No Mercy, it's rare to have a female centered plot, especially a crime genre, but they were not the over the top "1 woman vr 100 men" like NM and they were able to keep a great balance...
the case itself is more "real" and current events than the usual human trafficking that most crime garners go for.. its really was heartbreaking...
there's nothing wrong with a light female power crime story, if anything we need more stories like this.. I also really liked the characters ;)
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Tbh I’d have liked this more as a 12/13eper 60mins instead, I mean half the eps would end in cliffhangers that just picked up later like two annoying continuations
What I liked, fl in the past, the red shirt dad and the poor tall dude
What I hated, the kids and the time wasted on them, the villain story was stupid like even one “special” person could’ve just said “no we’re not listening to your stupid rules”, the constant back and forth between different characters and different backstories
there were flashbacks in flashbacks and suddenly a new character comes and they get a flashback too
the romance was cheap, the things that dragged out the final was stupid and literally it was as if a switch turned on and poof the years of “not doing anything” ended and bang the end is perfectly wrapped with a bow
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but things get hilariously complicated when she sneaks out of the hospital and she ends up on this unplanned trip with her dad. on the other hand we get a lighter comedic family trip with Young Soo, his daughter and Saet Byeol's grandmother xD
the 1st half of this was simple, funny and silly, but when they start to explain the backstory it gets really heartbreaking I couldn't stop crying :)
overall this turned out into one beautiful heartwarming story that brings people together! even the gangsters were nice people ;(
I honestly love this kinds of stories, it's a sad happy movie I wouldn't mind rewatching~
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