Ouvi todo mundo falar muito bem desse dorama e minhas expectativas foram lá no alto. Dessa vez, felizmente, eu não fiquei nada decepcionada e é um dos melhores J-dramas que eu já assisti!Mesmo o enredo não tendo nada de comum além dos jogos, esse dorama me lembrou muito Liar Game (outro dos meus J-drama favoritos), assim que eu vi o trailer. Foi a primeira coisa que me incentivou a assistir.
O drama começa quando, de repente, todas as pessoas de tokyo desaparecem e o principal (Arisu), um garoto que largou a faculdade e passa a maior parte do seu tempo em casa jogando, e seus dois amigos são transportados para uma nova realidade. Onde pra sobreviver você têm que participar de jogos de vida ou morte.
É muito interessante como cada naipe de cartas mostra um tipo de jogo e como cada um deles eram muito bem bolados. Era difícil desgrudar os olhos da televisão mesmo com as cenas pesadas, eu fiquei meio que vidrada tentando descobrir o que ia acontecer, quais seriam as reviravoltas.
As atuações foram ótimas, a história de todos os personagens é muito bem desenvolvida pra oito episódios e as cenas de ação são espetaculares. Foi incrível.
Apesar de eu ter gostado muito, se você for uma pessoa mais sensível ou com estômago fraco, esse dorama pode não ser pra você. Tem cenas de sexo, muito sangue, várias mortes (bastante explícitas) e uma cena de tentativa de abuso sexual, então não assista se não tiver estômago pra isso.
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achei q não ia gostar e acabei amando!
Assisti tudo em praticamente um dia, eu adorei! A atuação dos atores, o trama, o suspense que transmite, a ansiedade de querer saber quem tá por trás do jogo, vc fica supondo (pelo menos eu) mil e uma possibilidades de ser pessoa x ou a pessoa y kkkkkkkkk enfim, sinceramente tudooo!P.S: Eu não costumo gostar de ver séries asiáticas dubladas pq me incomoda um pouco (frescura), mas essa série eu assisti toda em português, simplesmente um show de dublagem, eu amei :) Demorei muito pra começar a assistir, mas quando comecei não parei mais. Enfim, vem 2° temporada!
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No fim, os humanos é que são verdadeiros monstros
Eu resolvi assistir essa série porque o tema me lembrava do anime Sword Art Online que eu adoro e também porque tem muitos atores que eu gosto. Porém, havia lido uma resenha falando que o conteúdo era muito indigesto então fiquei postergando...Já vou começar dizendo que as cenas não são tão pesadas assim. Tem MUITA MORTE, muita mesmo! Mas não dá nem para comparar com produções Ocidentais onde o nível de crueldade, detalhes e sadismo é incomparavelmente maior e faz o seu estômago revirar. Eu não consigo assistir mais as produções ocidentais pois as cenas são muitos fortes. Em Alice tem MUITO SANGUE, muitos tiros e tem crueldade sim, mas da forma como foi produzido o conteúdo você consegue assistir e dormir a noite sem ter pesadelos.
A série demora um pouco para engrenar, os primeiros episódios são de muita ação e tensão, mas o espectador fica um pouco perdido. Vale ter paciência porque quando ela começa a desenrolar fica muito boa! É interessante observar que a série trás referências a Alice no país das Maravilhas e outros ícones da cultura pop, quando você assiste fica especulando e tentando juntar todas as referências. É uma série que te faz pensar.
Algumas coisas que eu não gostei: trilha sonora e história dos personagens superficiais. A série praticamente não tem trilha sonora e para mim isso deixa o ritmo mais lento (mesmo com as cenas de ação), eu entendo que a trilha foi omitida para causar um certo tipo de reação, mas quase dormi no começo. Outro ponto que acho que poderia ser mais bem trabalhado é que a visão que você tem dos personagens é bem rasa, por isso, o espectador não cria tanta empatia por eles e assim não se sente comovido quando algum ruim acontece.
Por fim, a série realmente precisa da segunda temporada pois fica com muita coisa a ser explicada, mas também já resolve alguns enigmas. Eu também acho que você precisa ser um pouquinho sádico para assistir essa série porque é assassinato em massa, em um jogo que não tem outra explicação a não ser ganhar para viver. Não é uma série para qualquer um.
SweetHome X Alice in Borderland
É inevitável fazer um comparativo entre Sweet Home e Alice in Borderland, então eu resumiria assim: em Sweet Home você vê como monstros ainda possuem humanidade e em Alice você conhece humanos que são monstros. Ambas são muito boas e com temáticas parecidas, escolha a que faz mais o seu estilo ou assista as duas.
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uma série que te impacta e te deixa ansioso por mais
assisti assim que lançou, lembro que me prendeu e fique extremamente ansiosa para a próxima temporada que saiu a pouco tempo atrás (dezembro de 2022).toda a história e a forma que o desenvolvimento dela afeta a relação entre ps personagens é muito intrigante, você nunca ta preparado para o que vem a seguir nesse cenário tão "livre" mas claustrofóbico ao mesmo tempo. a série não te prende aos sentimentos clichês de torcer por um personagem, mas ainda ainda assim você absorve suas vidas e lutas, sente elas e vê a importância que viver é para eles.
também há tantas e tantas críticas ao mundo atual e como vivemos que te faz refletir e rever como você vive o agora.
recomendo, mas também é importante ter em mente as cenas "explícitas" com violência que (talvez) possa gerar algum tipo de desconforto!
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...................................,............................................................................................,....,...............................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................,....,...............................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................,....,...............................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................,....,............................................................................................................Esta resenha foi útil para você?
nunca vou superar o ep. 3
não me arrependo de ter assistido, pelo contrário! é fantástico, cheio de mistério, drama, aventura, ação, super equilibrado e ainda trás uma tensão muito gostosa!sou fã desse tipo de gênero e posso dizer que foi muito bem executado, os jogos, roteiros, personagens, atuações, nossa... nota 1000!
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devo assistir?
sim!! é um dorama que vale sim muito a pena assistir.se vc é sensível a sangue e gore NÃO assista, vc com certeza irá passar mal
fora isso você nunca espera o que vai acontecer, essa série é cheia de surpresas
minha série favorita da vida
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Should you watch this drama?
This drama is not for everyone. It contains blood, gore, death, sex, and a psychotic survival game with the intention of psychologically traumatising every player and causing death. DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU CANNOT STOMACH ANY OF THAT.The initial plot had me hooked within the first episode. I didn't feel the need to skip any scenes and instead was so focused on what was going on in the world around the characters and whether or not they would survive. Arisu left me deeply impressed. Here you have a homebody gamer, who in the beginning did not seem like he would do anything that great with his life at that moment in time, to being thrown into an insane death trap of a world. He showcased his intelligence and his knack for surviving and proved why he is the main character, and why he needs to survive. I found myself rooting for him every step of the way.
Then you have Usagi, a mountain climber. A woman, who at first, gave off the vibe that she did not care for other players and instead valued her own survival. We only saw a glimpse of her, when she had her first game with Arisu, but a few episodes later, they become a duo. Her development with Arisu was impressive. She genuinely cared for him, and he genuinely cared for her. They both fought for survival together and mainly put each other first. This was only a glimpse at what type of character development is to come for the two of them and I am interested in seeing how their bond will grow and develop.
I have never actually read the manga before this so I had no idea of what I was getting into when I first started this drama, but I don't regret it one bit. The acting from everyone (the main and even the side characters) was superb. They all gave their A-game and did not disappoint me at all. They provided the right amount of anger, fear, fun, and psychotic traits through the way they spoke and behaved, and genuinely made the entire 'post-apocalyptic world' seem realistic to an extent. Another thing I would like to point out is that although the entire world of 'Alice in Borderland' is fiction, I can't help but notice some realistic characteristics from the scenarios of suspense, the fights of survival, the divisions amongst people, the fight for leadership and even the betrayals. Yes, there are many 'fictional' aspects of the entire plot, however, the psychological aspects of the game aren't completely fictional and it's honestly horrifying to think that there are people in the world, that are willing to make such games a reality. Thus, for me, it is interesting to see the blurring of lines between reality and fiction to create such an intense, yet interesting manga and drama.
The soundtrack of the drama, I never actually paid attention to the first time I watched it. I was so involved with what was going on in the drama, the music was always in the background. However, the second time I watched it, I noticed that the soundtrack perfectly fit the drama. Aside from like one scene in episode one and three, there wasn't really any feel-good 'instrumental' that lasted for more than two minutes, it was mostly suspenseful music, that was put there to invoke anxiety in the audience and to highlight suspense, fear, and survival in the accompanying scenes. The music didn't overpower or take away anything from the scene, instead, it perfectly blended in and slightly amplified the scenes.
Would I rewatch this again? Absolutely.
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A+++! ( ˘ ³˘)♥
This seris is so sick omg! I STILL LOVE IT AWWWeee!! !!!!ATTENTION !!!! If YOU NOT can't stand THE BLOODy And Murder scenes, than DO NOT watching this serious. If you even do it, told you sis/bro! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ The cast and the scenes and THE characters are so genious, The music was totallllyy impressive and the music can make the situation more touching and moore sentimental and SUCH A GREAT ART! UWUHE CHARACTERS AND THE STORY LINE WAS GREAT! but here is a thing for everyone who loved this series,and I know you will agree with it uwu! DEAR DIRECTORS, WE NEED SEASON 2!! UwU ( ˘ ³˘)♥Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Hunger Games vibe
I rarely watch Japanese drama, the last japanese drama that i watch is Hitazura Na Kiss, yeah its completely different genre from this drama, I usually enjoy korean and chinese drama and they rarely have this kind genre of drama, so if you like drama that similar to Hunger Games then this is recommended for you !There’s somehow a lot of expected and unexpected moment from this drama, this drama is good but i just think that there’s some irrelevant scenes that make me bored.
Overall i’m enjoying this drama, hope the season 2 will be release soon.
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I've been waiting for this as a manga reader and it did not disappoint
This drama is a live action adaptation of the manga imawa no kuni no Alice . I read it some years ago and it's been one of my favorites ever since , so I was very excited when I saw it was going to have an adaptation and I'm so happy it's finally here . I knew Sato Shinsuke delivered some well claimed works before and this one did not disappoint either . The story is about 3 high school friends Chota, Karube, and Ryouhei hanging out late one night when they see fireworks. After one blindingly bright explosion, they find themselves waking up in a different world , called the "Borderlands" , there , people are forced to participate in potentially deadly games . Each game is different so you never know what might happen and never get bored , each type of game focuses on different strengths , there are some that test your physical strength , others that drain you psychologically , games that force you to use your mind or even ones where you have to rely and collaborates with others in order to win . There were a few differences from the manga but it stays a pretty faithful adaptation , and personally I liked the new games presented in it or the different approach to them , it was refreshing and felt like a totally new experience for someone like me who've reread the manga many times . I binge watched the series in a day and I already can't wait for the next season , which was hinted for in the last episode .Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Interesting but Unmemorable
Let me start with some disclaimers because, as you'll find out, my rating for this mini-series is much lower than the majority of other reviewers/raters. Suffice it to say I have always struggled with Japanese Dramas.I think their stories are interesting -- especially those that delve into the dark psychological aspects of human nature. However, almost all, without exception, have failed to elicit any emotion from me. For whatever reason, I often find that characters in J-Dramas fall flat. Alice in Borderland, unfortunately, is no exception.
Another important thing of note is that this review pertains only to this drama. I'm aware the story is based on a manga that I have not read, and the truth is told, I don't plan to check out. So keep in mind that I jumped into this series without knowing anything about it.
PLOT: Interesting, albeit left mostly unexplored
The world (aka country/reality) in which this drama takes place is hands down the most interesting aspect of this series. So much so, that wanting to know more about the world and explore it through the "escape rooms" game-dynamic kept me engaged enough to finish this one in three days.
Sadly, the series had to juggle too many characters, so the world itself was left vastly unexplored. Of course, this is only the beginning and I've heard rumors of a second season, so they may simply want to keep some mysteries to resolve in the sequel. If so, I'll probably watch it in hopes of getting some answers to my numerous questions, though I won't really be holding my breath for it.
CHARACTERS: Flat and forgettable
Rather than talk about each of the main characters, I'll talk about them as a whole, since they all share the same problem and that is... none of them are really fleshed out.
You could blame the length of the drama, certainly. But that would be a cheap excuse. These characters lack complexity and it was that alone that made me feel nothing for them. They could've all died by the end and I wouldn't have shed a single tear.
Now, there was an attempt at building emotion. But it felt superficial, rushed, and "formulaic". I knew when a character was going to be axed because we got to hear their sob story through a quick dialogue with another character.
To be frank, if you like being engaged by the characters this Drama may fall short for you. But if you don't mind simple characters we don't really "get to know", so long as the world they inhabit is interesting, then this will make a decent watch.
I want to take a moment to express a problem I have with Japanese Dramas. Mind you, I haven't tried that many... but my avoidance of them has to do precisely with the reasons I'm about to briefly delve into.
This Drama is male-centric. Meaning, male characters tend to be given more depth than female characters. As such, the drama gave almost every male character some kind of motivation which explained why they made each of their decisions.
Unfortunately, female characters were left unexplored and at times, downright untouched. Even Usagi (the FL) was stripped from giving her depth by focusing her flashbacks on her father, rather than on her own life/aspirations. There's only one female character (a transgender gal) who was given a brief but beautiful story. Her aside, though, female characters were depicted as disposable, selfish, useless, and/or simple eye-candy.
Unlike female characters, male characters were usually portrayed in a nobler way. Even minor male characters were shown willing to sacrifice themselves for other men/friends. While female characters were killed off for reasons verging on the absurd (like showing the audience the dangers of a room, for example). I don't want to add spoilers here, but if you're interested to know more, add a comment and I'll explain using the spoiler tags.
FRAMING: toxic male gaze
The above points lead me to talk about how the Drama was directed because it's one of the most problematic areas and maybe the aspect that spoiled my enjoyment the most.
Many of the decisions here were taken with the idea that "sex sales" and, of course, most times that means female bodies will be exploited. So as the series crossed into the last quarter (when they reach the beach), a rule was set that everyone should walk around in a bathing suit to ensure "no one can hide any weapons".
The result was having most female characters walk around in small bikinis while male characters got to wear baggy trunks and shirts. The fact that they didn't march around shirtless nullified the supposed "purpose/logic" of the rule. To the point where we even see a few of these male characters taking out weapons from the back of their swimming trunks...
But perhaps more intolerable than this was a scene that involved what would've been a gang-rape had the scene not been interrupted. Luckily, the director decided not to undress the character who gets kidnapped and almost assaulted (which I believe is supposed to be an underage girl).
Yet, the entire scene still felt crass because the camera hovered over the assailant's shoulder, making the audience complicit by showing the scene from his POV instead of the victim's. The result is that sexual assault ends up portrayed as something quasi-erotic, rather than as something horrific that is happening to the victim. This didn't settle well with me, as this has been a technique I thought we'd move past with the rise of the #metoo movement...
OVERALL: On the fence
To be honest, this one is a tough one to recommend without putting on the table all the additional notes/flaws I've pointed out in this review. I think the world is interesting enough to make this drama watchable --binge-watchable even!-- and the "escape room" games were hands-down the best part.
However, the characters are not memorable or even original. They felt cartoonish to me and ultimately unengaging. I also hated the directing and the constant "butt framing". The disparity in how the genders were handled was especially jarring, so I wouldn't recommend this one if you care about that at all.
I also think this show calls for some trigger warnings because we see: attempted gang rape, executions, and a number of shootouts that may hit close to home to someone living in the USA; as it is reminiscent of many real schools shootouts in the way they were portrayed. So keep all that in mind if you decide to watch. If any of these things trigger you, I'll recommend staying away from this one.
If, on the other hand, you don't care about these things and like watching psychological mysteries (which are constructed like anime), then you'll probably really enjoy this one.
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