2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 7, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Simplesmente magnífico, uma das melhores séries que já assistir em questão de narrativa e história.

Todos os personagens são incríveis e tem uma ótima construção e motivos/base pro seus atos, sejam eles ruins ou bons. A grandeza dos dois personagens principais e simplesmente espetacular, a interação deles por mais que as vezes eu gostaria que eles fossem direto ao ponto ao invés de enrolar, foi sempre pra um momento maior da drama, o relacionamento da 0,5 com o detetive Lee Jae Han é muito intenso e tem algo pra falar com o espectador.

O que dizer dos vilões dessa série, todos fenomenais, principalmente o do caso Hongwon-dong e da mulher do caso do Kim Yoon-Jung, onde por mais que ela tenha feito tudo "escrachadamente" pra incriminar o Yoon-Jung, ela ainda conseguiu engana a polícia, os demais vilões da obra, também fora bons.

O drama passa a mensagem que o passado não pode ser alterado, porém nós podemos arrumar o futuro e nunca desisti.

Apesar de da 10 e ter achando o drama espetacular, tem algumas coisas que quero ressaltar, porém não alterar minha nota e visão sobre o drama:

1° Eles não explicam um motivo científico e e nem tentam da um motivo do por que conseguiam se comunicar do passado pro futuro e vice versa. Achei que eles poderiam ter usando algo científico ou mesmo relacionado aos astros/planetas, só usaram a hora morte dele é o fato dele nunca desistir.

2° Apesar do final ter sido aberto, o mesmo pode ser visto como interpretativo, resumindo, eu vi como eles se encontrando o Jae Han e conseguindo prender o último e maior (não melhor) vilão da obra.

3° Apesar de curtido o final interpretativo, achei que a partir do meio do episódio 14 o drama toma um rumo que eu não achei tão bacana, os personagens passam a agir mais no emocional do que de maneira racional, eu teria mudado, repito apesar de ter gostado como um todo.

Sobre cada "arco" do drama apesar de todos estarem ligado aos protagonistas, eles não estão ligados entre si.

2000 - Caso de Kim Yoon-Jung

Primeiro caso que o drama apresenta e na linha cronológica que o drama de passa, último caso do drama. Sobre uma mulher que usar e se passa por um homem que estava apaixonado por ela. A mesma depois de sequestrar e assassina uma menina e assassina próprio homem, depois do mesmo tê-la pego em flagrante e tentando fazer ela se entregar, a mesma o mata o drogando e fazendo parecer um suicídio, então corta seu dedo e usa suas impressões digitais para da a entender que ele foi o autor do crime e logo depois se suicidando.


1989 - Serial Killer de Gyeonggi do Sul

Esse foi o "arco" que achei mais fraco de toda série, por isso vou ser mais resumido, como o nome já diz, sobre um assassino em série, que andava no ônibus desde criança, pelo fato de não ter mãe e seu pai ser motorista, então o mesmo o levava para o trabalho, onde o assassino cresceu e ficou acompanhando a movimentação das vítimas e assassinou 9 mulheres, apesar do policial Lee Jae Han ter salvado uma e o número caindo pra 8, Lee Jae Han vai atrás do assassino, mas depois de uma perseguição, ele acaba caindo de um prédio e perde o movimento da parte de baixo do corpo, o caso é resolvido só no futuro pelo Park Hae Yeong.


1995 - Grande Roubo

Caso do futuro advogado, que assassina a mulher errada, depois de tê-la estuprada e seus amigos (país poderosos no governo) terem filmado, ele rouba a casa de todos eles atrás do vídeo e acaba colocando a culpa em outra pessoa, que por sinal é um ex ladrão, que por ter uma filha, voltou pra vida honesta, amigo do detetive, que cuidou da filha dele depois da última prisão.

Obs: esse caso seria ligado a outro de corrupção e suborno, porém uma policial na época apagou os dados.


1997 - Seria Killer depressivo de Hongwon-dong

Como o nome já diz tudo, um homem depressivo que depois de sofrer abusos da mãe e obviamente de ter tido uma infância sofrida e difícil, começa a mata várias mulheres com depressão, igual a ele, onde na visão dele, ele estaria trazendo a paz pra elas, o mesmo já deve um cachorrinho, porém sua mãe o matou. No total foram 11 assassinatos e mais uma tentativa, que foi a polícia novata Cha Soo Hyun, que querendo ajudar o policial Lee Jae Han, pegou as provas e foi até a região, lá a mesma foi foi sequestrada, porém conseguiu fugir e aconteceu outras coisas, mas depois da alteração no passado e acontecendo vários fatores que levaram ao Lee Jae Han prender o Serial Killer com a ajuda da Cha Soo Hyun do futuro (presente pro telespectador, futuro pro Jae Han) e do Park Hae Yeong, ficou só em 3 vítimas, 2 fatais e a outra não.


1999 - Estupro coletivo da aluna do Inju

Caso relacionado ao irmão do protagonista Park Hae Yeong. Em uma pena cidade da Coréia, os setes alunos do conselho de classe da escola estupram uma aluna, porém como os pais desses alunos mandam na cidade e com ajuda de um policial corrupto, algumas pessoas locais, da própria polícia forjando provas e pagando os demais para ficarem em silêncio (inclusive a menina estuprada) eles culpam o irmão do nosso protagonista, onde o mesmo leva toda culpa é vai pro reformatório, quando o mesmo sair, tenta prova sua inocência, porém é dopado e morto, fazendo parece que o mesmo cortou os pulsos.

"Provas fabricadas, testemunhas pagas para cometerem perjúrio, isso que acontece com você, se você não desisti, igual seu irmão."
Frase de Kim Beom Joo para o Park Hae Yeong, depois de ter fabricado e pagado testemunhas, para ele levar a culpa sobre o assassinato do chefe (Ahn Chi Soo) dele que estava ligado ao caso do irmão do Hae Yeong.

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Srta Jane
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 11, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Resenha- Signal

Comecei a assistir esse drama despretensiosamente, e não sou muito fã de histórias que envolvam viagem no tempo ou coisas assim, já que a maioria das vezes que vi alguma produção sobre essa temática, por algum motivo que desconheço, quando se aproximavam da reta final, sempre me decepcionava pela quebra do ritmo ou porque os roteiristas se perdiam no caminho e a história chegava a um ponto que considerava fantasiosa demais, o que me fazia perder o interesse.

Mas não foi isso o que aconteceu aqui, e por isso realmente me surpreendi com esse drama. Logo nos primeiros episódios, tive a sensação de que era um drama promissor e que ia gostar dele pela forma como o enredo foi contado.

A história é bem intrigante e muito interessante, e as transmissões entre os dois policiais através do Walkie-Talkie tornaram o enredo ainda mais divertido de se ver, isso conseguiu me manter naquela expectativa a cada novo episódio e não deixou o ritmo cair em momento algum. Não posso deixar de acrescentar que a reta final me deixou tão curiosa sobre o que viria a seguir que me fez criar altas teorias sobre o desfecho.

A forma como cada caso que eles resolvem está interligado aos outros como se fossem peças de um quebra- cabeças que vão se encaixando aos poucos foi sensacional. Além disso, a reação em cadeia que é gerada no momento em que um acontecimento do passado é modificado e consequentemente transforma as situações do futuro completamente, tanto para melhor quando para pior em alguns momentos. E ao mesmo tempo a luta incessante dos dois detetives para salvar vidas, e o cuidado que passaram a tomar para concertar certas coisas foi simplesmente magistral,.

Gostei da personalidade de ambos protagonistas e ausência de romance nessa história em particular, retirou aquele caráter clichê que é corriqueiro desse gênero, o que me relembrou aqueles tempos em que eu assistia uma serie policial americana maravilhosa chamada: Cold Case. Sim, eu senti a mesma vibe aqui, por toda a questão envolvendo os casos arquivados que vão sendo solucionados pelos detetives no decorrer da história.

E que vilões foram aqueles ? Os atores entraram de cabeça no papel e as artimanhas e maquinações desses personagens eram tão malvadas, que a soma de todos seus atos, me fizeram torcer para que tivessem um fim trágico que mereciam, e que quando caíssem do seu pedestal, ficassem totalmente desolados. Fazer o que? Eu realmente nunca torço para o lado bandido, e sempre quero que colham tudo aquilo que plantaram no final.

●❯L E V E •S P O I L E R ❮●

O que senti falta no final foi que explicassem o motivo das transmissões terem começado e porque ela se deu entre aqueles dois detetives em particular. Quem dera tivessem me dado só mais alguns minutos no ultimo episodio para ver aquele encontro épico entre os três protagonistas, já que esperei por este momento desde o primeiro episódio.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

Decepcionante mas entretém

Pelas notas e comentários que vi pela internet sobre esse drama, fui com grande expectativa mas me decepcionei. O drama entretem e as atuações são maravilhosas, porém, tem muitos furos na história, os personagens são extremamente burros ou incompetentes e a lógica dos espectadores é desafiada muitas vezes. Nem com a suspensão da descrença lá no alto consegui deixar passa alguns absurdos na trama e culpar tudo isso em "corrupção" é uma saída muito preguiçosa e fácil.

Já assisti vários dramas e esse não é um dos melhores, como vi muita gente dizendo por ai, passa longe disso. Mas sim, dá pra se divertir assistindo se quiser assistir algo descompromissado e sem usar muito sua cabeça, caso contrário, fica difícil não rir em alguns momentos.

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Jun 10, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 10
Ouvi falar muito sobre, lembro que em dois mil e dezesseis não o encontrei em nenhum lugar para ver, então desisti, porque este ano foi uma safra boa de dramas. Devo ter terminado o ano vendo mais ou menos uns vinte seis. No ano seguinte vi Tunnel, meu primeiro investigativo que envolvia a temática tempo.

Amei como as cenas do presente tem um tom frio azulado e as do passado quente amarelado, isso ajuda muito a diferenciação. Outra coisa que adorei foi como a líder é bem diferente no passado, desastrada, animada, inocente, para do presente séria, controlada e porque não dizer um pouco fria, foi um bom trabalho a criação dessa personagem. No começo me perguntava o que a fez mudar.

Se fosse para escolher o caso mais impactante escolheria o do episódio nove e dez, o ator que fez o assassino deu tudo de si, foi um show de atuação.

Sobre o walkie talkie, particularmente não ligo para uma explicação, é uma ficção científica sobrenatural, nem sempre se tem todas as respostas para todas as perguntas. Viver é uma eterna busca de conhecimento.

Não vi pontas soltas, mas sobre pontos negativos, às vezes não senti profundidade na atuação de Lee Je Hoon, mas como estou acompanhando ele em Taxi Driver, vejo que evoluiu muito. O final poderia ter sido mais completo, não precisava desse gancho para uma segunda temporada que nunca aconteceu. Vi em algum lugar que talvez aconteça, espero que sim, não consigo me conformar com este final.

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Jun 13, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Signal, roteiro, drama e atuação!

Signal é genial. Eu assistindo era: odeio pessoas, odeio policiais, odeio política.
Esse elenco maravilhoso, a química deles foi incrível, sintonia real!
Ele tem tantas reviravoltas que você não consegue parar de assistir e teorizar!
Esse último episódio eu senti, porque ele mandou aquela data? Eles conseguiram chegar a tempo? Eu queria eles juntos 🥺. O hae hyung nunca teve a oportunidade de realmente conhecer ele e a soo hyun fazia anos que ela não o via!
E o cara sendo preso, eu quero ver! Eu queria ver o sobrinho sendo preso pelo abuso da menina.
O mais triste pra mim foi o sun woo ter morrido 🥲
E preciso elogiar a equipe de maquiagem porque eles no passado novinhos um arraso! A soo hyun mesmo incrível, ficou com cara de novinha.
É um drama muito bom! Vale muito a pena.

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169 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 13, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
Signal was an amazing drama from start to finish. At first, I thought that this was simply going to be another crime-solving drama where the main character goes around solving mysteries. Boy was I wrong! This drama is so much more than that. Signal was a crime thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout most of the show. I kept checking back to see when the next episode was available because I wanted to see what was going to happen next! The time-traveling walkie-talkie definitely added some extra spice to the show. Does the walkie-talkie actually time travel? No it doesn't. Are you curious as to what I'm talking about? Well let's just say you'll just have to watch the show to find out! Trust me it's definitely worth it. Or else the drama wouldn't have a score of 9.2 at the time of me writing this review. Continue reading if you're unsure still unsure about whether you want to watch this show or not.

Story: [9.5/10] One thing that this drama does well is it takes very common story elements and turn it into something special. Have you ever seen a crime-solving drama? I have seen many myself. None has impressed me as much as this one. This show stands out from other crime-solving shows because it involves two people from different times attempting to work together to solve the same crime. There where a lot of flashbacks and events from the past that were used to help the characters in the present solve the different crimes. I must admit that initially I thought that this was not something that would have worked well with this type of show. However, in the end, the director and writers manage to mesh all of these elements together to create a great show such as Signal.

Although there were several things that kept me from giving the show a 10. One of the reasons that I didn't give the show a 10 has to do with the walkie-talkie. I wanted to know more about the walkie-talkie. I was a little disappointed by the end because I had some questions about the walkie-talkie that were never answered. I don't want to bring up the actual question because it may spoil a little of the show for you if you haven't already seen it. Just know that the walkie-talkie plays a very big part in the show and that I'm annoyed because they didn't answer my question haha.

Perhaps another weakness of the show is that it can be confusing at times. As I mentioned, there are a lot of flashbacks, and moments where we see events from the past. It often got confusing because the show would sometimes jump back and forth between past and present. On the flip side of all this, the show also had its' own strengths when jumping back and forth between the past and present. The writers of Signal did a very good job in setting up the different time jumps. As I would often find myself only confused for about 5-10 seconds before saying oh this is what is going on and I see why there was this flashback/time jump etc. In a way, I was never really confused at all because my confusion went away since the show itself answered most if not all of the questions I may have had about what was going on. This is a good thing because most shows don't do this. Other shows will often just leave you to wonder what the heck is going on the whole time.

Overall this show also kept a very good pace. It never felt like it went to fast or that it was dragging on.for too long. I applaud the director and writers for coming up with such a great story. They did a very great job in turning simple plot elements into a very sophisticated story. They didn't exactly invent a new genre or anything (or did they?). One thing is for sure though. They sure know how to tell a darn good story!

Acting: [10/10] All of the actors and actresses did a very commendable job during this whole drama. There were times where I was completely drawn in by the acting. In fact I cried at least two times during this whole drama. Let me just tell you now. I don't cry very often when watching shows. I rarely ever cry while watching sad dramas, let alone a crime thriller! This can mean one of several things. The first possible meaning is that the actors did a very good job acting. The second is that the story was very well told and that we were meant to cry at that part. I'm inclined to believe that it was a mixture of both. There where also several child actors and actresses in this show as well. Although they were all mostly pretty young, their acting only helped to improve this drama.

Music: [9/10] The music was very well made. If there was a suspenseful moment, suspenseful music that fit the scene came with at the right moment. All in all, the music helped enhance certain moments of the show depending on where it was needed. The OST to this show was nothing to scoff at either. Was it a ground-breaking OST that I will listen to for years to come? No, not really. However, it's definitely something that I will put into my playlist in the future.

Overall I definitely suggest you watch the show if you already haven't. You won't regret it! Objectively I can't give this show all 10s because it definitely wasn't completely perfect. However, subjectively it was one of the most well written Korean drama that I've ever seen.

Thank you for reading my first ever review on MDL! I hope you enjoyed it!

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191 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 13, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Just finished this AWESOME drama!! The feelings are still here. I can;t even count how much tears was produced due to this drama. This is definitely a must watch drama. Although some parts of the case may be pretty graphic (according to me) it was still good. This drama definitely wouldn't be how it is without those scenes.

Story: This is by the best story line I have ever seen. All the actors are perfect. I felt their pain, their happiness, their frustrations, everything. This drama made me smile, laugh, and cry. Nothing can explain the feelings I had while waiting every week for new episodes.
The writer did such a good job at keeping the suspense always there. The fact that the story has many questions left to answer and is kept for the audience to decipher on what they want to happen is so breathtakingly beautiful. Its just so amazing that the writer and director was able to mesh all that and bring this wonderful work. This drama is definitely by far one of the best detective dramas, or drama overall.

Actors: I love the actors. Every one of them meshed into their character so well, I couldn't even tell they were acting. The child actors just hit my heart so so bad, especially the famous omelet scene. Gotta give it to the boy, I cried so much watching that scene. After this drama, I am definitely having an ahjussi-crush on Jo Jin Woong. The mains of this drama was just the best ones the directors could have gotten. I can't even imagine any one else playing their characters. Kim Hye-soo was also superb. Her acting during the shock scene was words possible. Last but not least, Le Je Hoon was not just eye candy. The emotions he showed touched my heart soo much. I fell for him even more after this drama. Overall, the actors and actresses were TERRIFIC. I wished this drama never ends.

Music: Love the OST. Been jamming with it every day. It's definitely going to be on repeat to relinquish my withdrawals from this drama.

So many questions are left after I finished this drama... Despite that fact, this is still a must watch drama!

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32 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 15, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 6.5
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Don't put high expectations.

Alright so I had extremely high hopes for this one because the sypnosis sounded so cool. Seriously, two detectives try to solve cold cases with a detective from the past using walkie-talkies. And knowing it's not one case but mutliple cases, it sounded promising, it won'thet noring they won't drag the subplots we get to see different criminals the way Hanyeong would profile them and use his 'skills' the whole new way of solving the case but the way it was underwhelming. So disappointed. It's not a bad show, sure it's interesting you want to know what would happen but the way the main idea was used very badly as, more of something at the side rather than the whole point of the show. First off, they didn't solve any cases together. Whenever someone discovered something and they tell it to the other, the other already knows about it. One of the two detectives in the future doesn't even know about the walkietalkie-future-past-communication until the 14th episode which takes away from how well it could've been. The only time she used the walkie-talkie was basically her crying the whole convo and getting sentimental.
The way each time they were on a case they each detective solved it on their own, they could do without each other. The potential this plotline could've had and it just missed it. Another thing was the characters' writing they were written very badly. I'm a person who cares more about the characters than the plot, I would watch a show with an okay plot if it had great characters and would drop a show of a good plot with bad characters. This show didn't have well-written characters or a good plot as I've previously mentioned. The characters are very one dimesional, it seems like they have no life outside of the cases they solve, no other acquaintances, nothing. Which made them seem very dull and unlikable in my opinion I couldn't stand them and the way some lines sounded so forced. Like all three detectives are made up of one personality. Righteous, wants to know the truth,have no sense of humour, no quirks absolutely zero personality besides that. Each time I watched an episode I was not very hooked or interested with what was going on and then it ends at an intense part so I go for the next episode only to be underwhelmed with the events as they unfold. The ending of the show didn't feel satisfying at all??? I know they tried to pull an open ending but it just seemed like everything is starting all over again with the whole confusion and repetitiveness of the whole plot all over again. Was not a fan.
I'd give it a 6.5 stars because it could be enjoyable to a lot of people I just feel it could've been done way better.

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28 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 21, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
I was pondering whether to write a review to this wonderful drama or not. But in the end I don't think I could find closure if I don't write something about it.

There is this thing with a 10 point rating. Some give it very easily, some almost never give 10 points. As for me, it's like this: If a drama is successfully absorbing me into its universe and everything just seems to be perfect to me, then it reached a point where it's worth receiving my whole dedication. It doesn't matter if others say, there are flaws in it, whether it's true or not. I just don't see them anymore as I am part of that new world where there are no 'story-faults' and such things.

Signal was successful in every matter.

First episode and it just pushes you right in the middle of the event. You get immediately drawn to the characters, the suspense and the story. You don't have time to take a deep breath, instead you completely hold it. And when you think it's over and you can take some minutes to rest, the next incident is already starting and you just get sucked in again. If you're lucky, you get some minutes to reminisce about and take in what just happened. But as the story continues, the suspense intensifies and breaks loose in a shocking finale.

They like to play with your emotions. Ups and downs, but most of all excitement and anxiousness. Plenty of. The acting was on point, it captivates you. There is this female cop you're dealing with. And there's the present version and a past version of her. They are completely different as the older version has matured and became stronger. You just see the growth. And there's this guy. You see him and you want to help him. You see his conviction and his struggle. You just want to be by his side, so he won't be the lonely hunter in a forest full of wolves. And then there's this boy. He's so full of himself and full of hate for others and the world. But he gets a chance and a view from another angle. And he takes it. And don't forget this villian. You don't know about him right away but you soon grow to hate him like no other. Extremely. Wholeheartedly.

Every minute, every scene, every moment. It just fits. It just gives you this special feeling about the story and its meaning. And then there's this nostalgic feeling to it. You can't even discribe it. It just takes you back in time and like you're reminiscing about your own past, it carries this wistful desire to actually go back, live again and maybe change something.

To get to know that many cases are real-time cases makes the drama even heavier and impacting. Sometimes you think writers create scary non-realistic monsters. But truth be told, our world, our reality creates the most fearsome monsters you just wouldn't believe them to exist among us.

Whether there is one or not. Everyone has to decide that for themselves. But the drama depicts some really interesting and worth thinking about questions. Most of all: What would you do if you could change the past?

Deserved 10 points.

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25 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 13, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Just finished the last episode of this drama and I immediately had to make a blog post. This drama is ineffable. It is the pinnacle of everything I expect from a drama, and it blew my expectations to tell you the truth. The genres coalesce in this drama, and I went through a literal catharsis watching episode 15 in particular. Now, I'm going to dissect this drama...

Crime: The 3-4 cases this series is based on are REAL COLD CASES. These kidnappers, murderers, and rapists are on the loose to this day. It sickens me but I really like how they did those cases justice. There is so much commentary on current society about police and corruption. Our society, despite its progress, is still muddled with corruption and Lee Jae Han was definitely a shining beacon in this drama, demonstrating how our justice system should really be. Anyway, the writing for these cases was spot on.

Mystery: I find the cases well paced; they were timed with enough suspense but weren't stretched out. I initially thought this series would only focus on one case but I really appreciated that it was a mix of cases that in reality were all connected. This series was really unpredictable in how the cases would be solved & who would survive or die (as the past can change and those who died could still live and vice versa). I was on my toes dying to know what would happen til the very last minute of this drama.

Time-Travel: THIS WAS EXECUTED SO WELL. I love the complexity of the time-travel and how a subtle change in the past can amplify in the future; it was realistic for an unrealistic concept. The writers handled the shifts in the past and present so well & I couldn't even follow at points (which I think is a very good quality, if a drama can outsmart me haha). Definitely made this drama stand out! One thing I'd say is that if I was Hae Young on the walkie-talkie, I'd cram so much info in that minute they talked haha. The time-travel (if you can really call it that) was also perfect because you got a balance of present day and 80's dramas (which people desire like in Reply 1984. Reply 1988, etc.). You get very two very different vibes in the same drama which really caters to different interests.

Romance: This is so subtle. Don't go into this drama expecting a romance because you really won't get anything. It's just a little heartwarming seeing scenes where the main female lead pines over Jae Han. You get to see the care they have for each other. This definitely made the drama a little lighter from its heavy subject matter but I still respect how the romance was put on the side. This drama really needed to focus on the cases and the justice needed to be served which it did!

Characters/Acting: I honestly have nothing but praise for the actors. Cha Soo Hyun in particular. This character was stunning; the complexity of the character arc and the contrast of her past self and present self were acted perfectly by Kim Hye Soo. Her acting as a victim was great as well. The main lead, Park Hae Young, I also really enjoyed. He's relatable and real, and he can act! I really appreciate how this drama wasn't about having a flower boy lead; I could really focus on the character! And Lee Jae Han stole my heart really. He's such a strong spirit with bright morals; he definitely shone in the drama and had really great, passionate monologues. Awesome acting from the main leads! And Kim Bum Joo... what a despicable character. Well done, I guess. And there's another character, Ahn Chi Soo, who has a really complex character arc throughout the series... I just appreciate the depth each character has... amazing job writers!

Plot/Writing: As I've alluded to before, this series is well paced. I find everything unpredictable and nothing dragged. Nothing was too confusing and the series had an appropriate amount of flashbacks. This drama didn't have any typical kdrama plot devices and the writers definitely aren't scared to wring your heartstrings a little... I cried 6 times in an episode! Everything in the story is so intricately woven, I can't help but wonder if they planned all of this since episode 1. No episode was subpar compared to the rest; each episode got better and better which is truly rare. I just can't get enough.

OST: Very subtle OST that fits the theme of this drama. It's very heartwarming and like one of a "family" drama I guess. It sounds like home to me.

Overall, I am so in love with this drama. The ending definitely was open-ended so I am desperate for a season 2. My only fear is that it might not live up to season 1. Give this drama a go, I promise it won't disappoint!

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31 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 7, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Overall 5
Rewatch Value 1
But  I would re-watch this drama 100 times  only for  Jo Jin Woon  as detective Lee Jae Han.  He brought this character to life.

What ruined it for me (and I cannot tolerated it anymore)  is the fact that when they have proof that someone is a criminal (videos, photos, testimony etc)  it's all deemed as circumstantial evidence and on the "he said/she said" basis.  The criminals walk away happy. When they want to arrest the heroes  than they use the most idiotic formula ever, frustrating the audience to no end because that's what they do.  Then the "I said/he said" works in sfavour for the heroes. "becuase someone saw you so you are the criminal". Case close. Other the rules work the same for everyone  and the screenwriters stop writing as if the audience is stupid, or they don't work at all.  I remember "I hear your voice" had the same nonsense thrown into the drama at one point. It's not entertaining anymore when you question your intelligence at watching something that has become ridiculous.  Other things that are annoying. For example: a girl is raped by more than 10 boys, but the semen found is discarded as evidence.  A detective asks a cleaning lady when the rubbish bins have been emptied, but she looks at him very concerned and asks why. He then goes on explaining that he is a detective and he is looking for something...see my budge. The same detective is now looking erratically  for this item in  a rubbish plant.  Someone that works there tries to stop him because frankly the detective is making a mess within the mess. But the detective doesn't show  him his budge nor does he tells him  he is a detective looking for something  important. Like a child he keeps saying "one more minute one more minute." whilst trying to get away from the attendant.
The profiler is arrested. You would think a profiler would come up with something smart and witty to say about "I'm not the killer, why would I want to someone" etc. But no! Like a poor beaten peasant he keeps saying"I didn't do it. I didn't do it" over and over again. And the way he gets arrested is like witch-hunting material.
You know who the villains  are from the very beginning. And the main villain has not a real background story. Why did he decide from the very beginning that he had to act like a loyal dog for the people with power  it's never explained.
All police officers a part from the 3 main characters and their 2 sidekicks are either corrupted, stupid or immoral. Can that even be possible???? Everyone is shouting. Your boss will ask you to solve a case and then he will get angry at your for solving it.  They are all angry and unprofessional.

Please someone explain the end to me. The end is a mess. But you all got it???

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49 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 14, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 4.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Pros - Great acting, Past main character ( will butcher the names so ) was the best part of the show.

Cons - Main character is not that smart. He does not use the transmissions to it's full potential. Could have changed a lot things but he chooses not to and the show does not provide any good explanations on why he would not do anything worthwhile in the whole show ( don't wanna spoil). The cases were very predictable and the only reason criminals didn't get caught is because every other cop other than the main characters are either corrupt or incompetent. The criminals themselves do things that don't make sense. They are smart enough to avoid getting caught for many years but get caught in the end because of something very stupid that nobody would ever do. One thing that pulled me out of the show was that the criminals or victims in the cold cases don't look any different or their lives changed in any way. At the very least, characters who were 30 in the past should have some white hair or their careers or others part of their lives changed in 20 years. Everybody seems to have just been doing the same thing for over 15 years. Nobody moves on or do anything else(ex. photographer).

conclusion - I went in to the show expecting good storytelling, exciting cases and changes with time. I was expecting the characters to use the transmissions more effectively and do something that changes the time or character development. They used the transmission like around 6 times during the whole show. I am not seeing what everybody loves about this show. The only thing I got from this show is great acting, good cinematography, great scenes and bad plot.

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Sinal (2016) poster



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