2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 24, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
Não tenho muito o que falar sobre Descendants of the Sun, é o estilo de obra que eu gosto bastante, ação, drama e romance, a trama é muito boa é bem diferente do abtual, o vilão e bem construído é carismático, personagens e atuações excelentes, fotografia e a coreografia das lutas foram muito boas também, infelizmente ou felizmente o casal secundário rouba a cena, não que o casal principal seja ruim, e mais pelo fato do casal secundário já terem uma história mais longa e momentos que o principal, só não dei 10 pelo simples fato da bobeira que fizeram na cena que eles supostamente haviam morrido, acho que poderia ter sido melhor trabalhado aquilo, achei bem forçado, tomaram um míssil na cara e depois aparecem vivos do nada, extremamente forçado pra uma obra desse nível, enfim!

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Nam So Bin
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

você quem escolhe se vai se emociar ou não...

Não tenho palavras para esse drama, porque se eu começar agora, não vou conseguir falar porque as lágrimas vão inundar meu rosto. Foi sem dúvida o melhor drama da minha vida. Conseguiu marcar porque foi meu primeiro drama de 16 episódios e porque a atuação dos atores me tocou muito. "Só querer viver um amor, mesmo que as circunstâncias levem o tempo que precisamos, é muito doloroso." Cada vez que a Dra. Kang chorava, parecia que meu coração estava próximo ao dela, pois chorei junto. Agradeço a todos os atores, produtores, diretores e todo o elenco de base, que fizeram desse drama meu lar. Tudo bem fotografia, AH GRECIA !! ... enfim, tudo foi muito bem feito. Não há como não dar 10 estrelas. E finalmente ost. algo que é tão esperado em um drama, na minha opinião foi 9,3. Quem não assistiu, eu recomendo e muito. Não desista ... e tire suas próprias conclusões

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Mar 9, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
Confesso que tinha visto o primeiro ep já a muito tempo, mas não tinha me interessado muito, mas resolvi dá uma chance quando ele começou a passar na tv aberta e cá está minha resenha desta obra:

Foi um dos melhores doramas que assistir. Ele é fácil de ver, te prende com suas histórias, com sua comédia bem dosada e com a química perfeita entre os casais.
O que me surpreende foi a forma como terminou, não foi como os outros doramas que sempre tem o final feliz e um jeito de dizer que tudo se tornou perfeito, nos Descendentes Do Sol, você tem fica com a ideia de que apesar do amor deles ter se "firmado", se tornado algo mais sólido, irá continuar tendo dificuldades... Continuará sendo difícil.
Adorei a amizade valorizada entre o Yoo Shi-Jin e Seo Dae-young, aquela amizade que você inveja, que admira e ama.
O casal secundário está de parabéns também, a química deles se igualava à do casal principal, apesar da personalidade deles sempre completamente diferente e eles serem até mais sérios, mesmo assim, conseguiam arrancar uns bons sorrisos bobos e sempre emocionavam com as dificuldades que tinham que enfrentar, além de terem uma bela história juntos.
Além desses, teve vários outros personagens que me marcaram enquanto assistia, como o Residente de cirurgia Lee, que mostrou seu crescimento profissional na carreira. Também o casal que não tinha como não amar a enfermeira Ha Ja-ae e o Doutor Song Sang-hyun, que eram uns fofos.
Enfim, ótimos personagens, ótima história, envolvente e apaixonante. Adorei cada minuto!

Aconselho muuuuitooo!<3

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Dez 17, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Quando penso em Descendants Of The Sun, penso no começo de tudo.

Foi o meu primeiro kdrama, assisti no fim de 2016. Já não tinha tanto conhecimento sobre esse mundo de ''novelas Coreanas'' como dizem, mas foi DOTS que me impulsionou pra esse mundo.
Citando os pontos positivos: Posso dizer que cada episódio era de pular o coração pra fora, o elenco impecável (só atorzão bicho), a ost perfeita pra cada couple, o casal secundário super carismático assim como o principal, quando tocava aquele ''I looove you'' eu já começava a pular. Confesso que quando acabou, fiquei muito abalada, meu primeiro kdrama de todos já tinha me deixado assim, com deprê-pós-dorama.
O único ponto negativo, na minha opinião, foi o fim. Esperava algo mais esclarecedor, no geral o enredo foi ótimo e surpreendente, não tinha aquele episódio filler que te deixava com sono, mas não me conformei com aquele final meio tosco. Porém, o andar da história foi perfeito ao meu ver.

Continua sendo um dos meus dramas favoritos all time. Song Joong Ki e Song Hye Kyo lendas que venerarei pra sempre.

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Mar 11, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
"Descendentes do Sol" esteve na minha lista de "Sem Interesse" praticamente desde o seu lançamento, mas quando ele estreou na Loading, eu resolvi dar uma chance pela graça de assistir um drama na TV aberta. E ainda bem que eu fiz isso.

Desde o primeiro episódio, eu fui fisgada pelo drama e sempre ficava empolgada para o próximo episódio, em nenhum momento a história se tornou enfadonha. Mas isso também não significa que ela é perfeita.

Eu não consigo encontrar uma palavra melhor pra definir DOTS do que brega, as piadas, cantadas e cenas são todas bregas, mas justamente por isso, ele se torna divertido. O embate de egos dos protagonistas foi um charme especial nesse drama, amei como em nenhum momento houve uma crise de algum dos lados por alguém se achar insuficiente ou não merecedor um do outro, eles eram incríveis, se achavam incríveis e achavam um ao outro incríveis também. E os charmes não acabam em Mo Yeon e Shi Jin, todo o elenco secundário brilha a sua própria maneira e, pessoalmente, eu até prefiro o segundo casal em muitos momentos. Agora onde eu penso que Descendentes do Sol falha? No desenvolvimento da história, das secundárias, sendo mais específica. Ao assistir, é muito fácil se perder nas histórias dos casais e não notar tanto as brechas no roteiro, mas elas existem aos montes. Praticamente todas as histórias dos acontecimentos em Uruk não tem uma conclusão, o problema surge, a mocinha é salva e morre aí, a história é completamente esquecida. Para onde aqueles personagens foram? O que aconteceu com as outras vítimas? E os "vilões" que restaram? Não há uma resposta e isso é um pouco frustrante.
[SPOILER EP 16] Na reviravolta final, eu também não encontrei muita justificativa para o tempo de 1 ano se a prisão só durou em torno de 150 dias, mas nessa questão, dou um desconto pra que a cena do aniversário pudesse existir. [FIM DO SPOILER]

Em conclusão, essa review pode estar quase 5 anos atrasada, mas eu altamente recomendo DOTS para quem, assim como eu, ainda não assistiu até hoje. É brega, é bobo, tem umas falhas de roteiro, mas vai definitivamente ser divertido.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 25, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 3.5


Completamente rendida por esses personagens. Eu amo tanto esses atores e ver eles juntos em um dorama tão bom como esse aqueceu muito o meu coração.
Amei a história;
Amei os personagens;
Chorei em algumas partes;
Fiquei super feliz em outras;
Gostei bastante do início, desenvolvimento e fim;
Mas a trilha sonora... perfeita demais.
Queria falar mais desse dorama, mas ele é bem simples. É um dorama bem normal e clichê, não há muito o que dizer, mas posso afirmar que ele é bom.
Não veria ele novamente, eu acho, mas gostei muito mesmo. Fica a recomendação pra quem quiser assistir algo rápido, com bons atores e que vá cumprir com o que prometeu.

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539 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 17, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 35
No geral 6.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
When I think of Descendants of the Sun, the first thing that comes to mind is cheese! This show is extra cheesy, and honestly I love cheese! Unfortunately, I am also kinda lactose intolerant, so after eating a certain amount of cheese I am left with regrets, and a stomach ache. That's exactly how I felt after watching the last episode. *Cue the rage of a thousand fans*

I think the biggest problem I had with this show is that it tried to mix in three genres without a coherent plot to bring it all together. It's part rom-com, part military drama, and part hospital sitcom. The love story is probably what makes most people excited about the show, the military scenes are a cool action bonus, and the hospital sitcom keeps things from getting too heavy and depressing. Unfortunately, because the script is so weak, I was too disconnected to keep caring about the show, and it started to become very boring. I kept watching for one reason only Song Joong Ki.

Song Joong Ki is oddly cast in a lot of ways. He has a super baby face, and boyish charm, but still managed to be a believable bad@ss soldier. I would easily rate his character/acting 10. Not only did I develop a 16 episode crush on him, but I really cared about his assignments. The show would have been a million times more enjoyable for me if they just let his story be the center, or rather, the bromance between Shi Jin, and Dae Yeong. Their relationship was my favorite part of the show. Their characters didn't have much depth individually, but their bromance was solid.

There is also great chemistry between Song Joong Ki, and Song Hye Kyo, but not much to their overall story. Every moment with them is exactly the same - they flirt, they separate, she gets mad, he's extra charming, they flirt again. Early on, I really started to dislike Dr. Kang Mo Yeon, which made it hard to sympathize with her anger at him. Eventually I started to like her a little more, but no matter how cute their flirty scenes, or how strangely amusing their brink of death dating was, their story is still repetitive, which gets old quick.

The 2nd leads also had a romance, that had a few more obstacles thrown their way (parents, distance, almost dying), but was just as repetitive - fight, confess, spontaneous affection, fight. It's like each story just filled in the same blanks for each episode. It was actually the older minor characters who had the most interesting love story. I thought Seo Jeong Yeon and Lee Seung Jun were really cute, and deserve an honorable mention.

The supporting cast was pretty good. Some were much better than others, and some were almost completely useless (the head of the hospital... that ditzy doctor... ugh). I had to bring the acting down to an 8 because of that, but the cast is really the only good thing this show has going for it.

What was the point of this drama? At first it seemed like a way to show how hard it can be to date a soldier, but because the show didn't take itself seriously, it was hard for me to take that too seriously, even with that emotionally manipulative 15th episode. The conflicts at the hospital were ridiculous, and mostly filler. The best episodes took place when the medical staff went overseas to Urk, but once that was over, the show seemed to have no clue what to do. Did they run out of travel budget, so they decided to just wing it for the last episodes? Even in Urk, the plot was super predictable, and totally unrealistic, but it was still very entertaining (yummy Cheese!!!). When they returned, my feelings about the show went downhill, and I was no longer excited about watching the next episode. Then suddenly things got very serious out of nowhere, only to end with the silliest (and worst) last episode I've ever seen in any drama (yes THE worst!). I wonder if episode 15 was the original ending, and then it was changed last minute to avoid a backlash. That's the only thing I can think of as an explanation for why it was so bad.

The music? meh. The scenery? epic. The english spoken? decent. The shirtless men running? Daebak.

Would I rewatch? Not unless someone makes an edited version of only scenes with Song Joong Ki.

Overall It's like they rolled a kdrama dice and just threw stuff in at random to get people hooked, then they just focused on all the ways they can successfully incorporate product placement. Maybe that was the real point, to see how many ads they could sneak into a drama.

Even though there were moments I really enjoyed, I can't recommend this drama, especially after sitting through that ending. I wish they cut it down to 10 episodes, removing all the unnecessary fluff, and sneaky ads (subway, hyundai, make up, coffee, snacks, hiking equipments, travel apps... umm... except for the self driving car, because that scene was actually cool ) then maybe it would be a drama worthy of all the hype.

Or maybe you can treat my review like lactaid. Now that you know what to expect, maybe you can better digest all the cheese this show has to offer.

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263 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 15, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Disclaimer: times have changed and so has my review now, but these were my initial thoughts after

Yes, I did rate this a 10, but let me explain. If you look at my other reviews, I'm not usually this generous so I do have my reasons for giving this one such high scores in every category.
The story itself actually had a nice, steady pace. From my drama watching experience (and I have watched quite a lot), the show usually gets draggy around episode 10 to 14. This was NOT the case. From the very beginning it was so action packed and fast paced I wondered how the writers were going to keep this interesting for another 15 episodes. They proved me wrong though, and every episode felt like 3. The story itself, granted they did have the advantage of a unique setting, does not use the same plot devices as other dramas. It was just a perfect mix of humor, suspense, romance, and action. Those are very different genres but they managed to do it really well. There didn't seem to be a central storyline, but instead it was quite episodic which would usually turn me off. The drama, however, had such a good flow that I didn't even notice, and although the conflicts are episodic the romance and relationships between the characters were developed consistently.

The cast did so wonderfully. Not only were the main actors amazing, every actor breathed life into the supporting characters. They were not just there to support the leads. Each one of them actually had their own distinct personalities and characters that added so much substance to the show. The chemistry between the leads and the second leads was one of the best I've seen. Because of the setting and the dire situations they're put in, you can clearly see the development of the characters. And as a side note, though some of Song Joong Ki's lines may come off as cheesy as hell, he pulled it off so well I almost didn't even notice how cheesy they really were. In fact, they just added to his character.

The music is just so so so good. Usually I only find one or maybe two good songs per OST, but right now I have the entire OST on replay on my phone. It's that good.

That said, I would definitely definitely rewatch it. Normally I would have a couple critiques on my reviews, but honestly I couldn't have asked for a better show. Sure, the show has become really mainstream and may come off as overhyped, but that doesn't mean it loses it's value. If you're hesitant about trying it, don't be. Of my 140+ dramas, it's climbed to number 3. You won't regret it!
Now I'm just going to go into my little corner of post show depression :')

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Alila Nguyen
53 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 22, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 5.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Like many, I jumped on the bandwagon as this was shoutout to be the best kdrama in history. However, I found myself frustrated and dropped it at ep6. Took me 2 weeks of having nothing worthy to watch to come back and finish it, and constantly telling myself it will get better, everyone said it’s the best! Finishing this series was a serious chore.

The cinematography is drop dead gorgeous! The music? Ok, no complain, I’m not in love with it, but I have no problem with it either. I love the second lead couple more than the first lead couple, could be their storyline, their acting, their chemistry, but something about the second lead couple keeps you engaged, making you love them. Their lovestory is like a mini kdrama fold in this big drama.

The first lead couple frustrated me, while I love Song Joong Ki, I just can’t root for them. While Song Joong Ki is every part charming, soulful, thoughtful and dreamy, Song Hye Kyo is every part boring, annoying and I can’t think of one good thing about that character apart from she’s pretty! And why I can’t root for them? Mainly due to the amount of nagging Song Hye Kyo’s Character does! I know Song Hye Kyo meant to be a very good actress, maybe she was too convincing at being super annoying, but by the second or third episode, I just want Song Joong Ki to kick her to the curb and find another doctor. And it felt that the reason why he stays with her at all is because she’s pretty >_> and as the story goes on, their love story is nothing but boring, even during those “love” moments with OST music adding to the mood, I didn’t feel it and still think he’s better off with someone else. Even by the end, I don’t think they made for each other, I just don’t feel she’s his anchor.

In term of storyline, all I remember is some deadly missions (that seem ridiculous but i’ll give it a pass because at least it’s more entertaining than the lead’s romance), gangster type villains for the sake of villains, there are doctors and medical procedures but I’ve seen so many hospital shows that this show does not impress me on any level for me to even remember it! Trying to touch on humanitarian works of these doctors in war fueled country, but they didn’t dare going that far! Other than that, a military man tried to court a difficult girl to date him >_> and all she did was nag lol! Really want to love Song Hye Kyo, but the last drama I watched of her was full house, and while it was funny, ultimately I dropped it because all she did was whines and cry >_> Last and not least, the support cast (the nurse couples) is funny, I like them and the few things I listed above but overall, I can totally miss this show.

Rewatch value: well I didn’t rewatch any part of this drama to this date, nor do I want to go find mv of them!

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50 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 16, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Summary: I feel like I was wayyyy too late to jump on this band wagon. I'm still struggling to understand everyone's fascination with this show. Ultimately, would I recommend this show? Honestly speaking, no. But, perhaps I just had such high expectations due to the hype. If you're looking for something with an overwhelming amount of cheesy English lines, somewhat heart racing missions carried out by South Korean "black ops", and terribly inaccurate medical happenings, look no further.

+/- Plot:
Overall, this drama's storyline was not terrible, I wouldn't say that it was every really dragging and I was never really bored. That being said I still have several complaints. The storyline of the lead couple was repetitive with them hashing and rehashing the same argument over and over; them going stead, him going away on a mission, her questioning if she can handle their relationship, something life threatening happening to her, he saving her, and her falling for him all over. They did at some moment have some cute scenes. However, I was actually finding myself more interested in the second lead couple's romance, even though it did follow some of the conventional Korean drama's storylines. All the adversities they faced while abroad were exciting, even if they were pretty unbelievable at times.
I couldn't believe how forgiving they were of the medical portions of this drama though. Everything was wrong on so many levels. I'm not asking that it has to be completely accurate, but for it to at least be somewhat believable. The scriptwriters were pretty shameless and flagrant about the minimal research they put into it.
Overall, it felt a little like they just tried to mash three different categories of dramas together (romantic comedy, action/suspense, and medical) and I really feel like they were just reaching at some points. And don't even get me started on the amount of advertisements they tried to weave in at every moment possible. I understand that this was an expensive production, but it was pretty unbelievable at the end. I could go on about my complaints, but if there's any DOTS fans reading this I will be burned at the stake as it is.

+/- Acting/Cast:
While there were moments when I was supposed to be saddened to tears in the last couple episodes, I wasn't. This just goes to say how unattached I was to all the characters, and speaks wonders about their acting. To be honest, I just found a majority of their acting a bit cheesy, overdone, and not convincing. I consider myself a fan of Song Joong Ki, but this drama was not effective for me. I was laughing at the "intense" moments and grimacing at a portion of the romantic scenes. Which leads me into Song Hye Kyo; she's cute and I'll leave it at that. I had problems with her character; indecisive and constantly nagging. I felt that Kim Ji Won and Jin Goo's romance was 10 fold better, which is probably why I was more interested in them.
McInnis David was fine to begin with, but let's just say I understand why he's not an A list American actor.
All the other side characters were decent, I would say that some unnecessary; but my favorite side characters were Dr. Song Sang Hyeon and nurse Ha Ja Ae. They played their innocent, sweet romance really well and it was cute to see them act together.

+/- Music:
There are several songs from well known artists, several of which have sung songs for other popular dramas. They were all pretty catchy for the most part, but I would say there was really only one or two songs that stood out too me.

Rewatch value: This drama wasn't so terrible that I couldn't rewatch it, however it would never be at the top of my list for dramas that I would watch again.

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Abandonados 16/16
69 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 24, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Abandonados 9
No geral 5.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
There's a certain phenomenon that happens to everyone that makes them want to buy or have a brand name product, only to find out that it's not all that cracked up to be and end up with buyer's remorse. The same can be applied to Korean dramas. Sometimes dramas are labeled as "the-best-drama-you-will-ever-see-in-your-lifetime" that people are blinded by how flawed the plot is because they can't look past the pretty-pretty faces of our lovely actors/actresses and don't notice the cheesiness of it all, when a ever-so-mushy kiss scene comes across.

People often think that because something is popular, means that it's good. Lots of people don't understand that something being popular doesn't necessarily correlate to the quality of it! Quality is what makes something popular, not the other way around. People are often get sucked into peer-pressure from talks and gossip and buy into the fact that something bad is actually good because people keep saying that it is.

Well, Descendant of the Suns is no exception here. One of the co-writers, Kim Eun-Sook, is revered as a popular screen writer who has written a slew of popular dramas in the past, but most of her dramas are not written very well (IMO). In the early 2000's, her writing style was a hitting trend in the drama business. Writing dramas with the happy-go-lucky damsel in distress with the misfortune of having to put up with a pompous rich and handsome chaebol who has a heart of ice that can only be melted by her cheerful attitude. But these days, the trend of dramas demands a little more realism and a deeper understanding and display of human emotions, instead of superficial dramatics scenes and fleeting emotions driven by the moment. Her characters lack depth, her plots are horrendous (and that's putting it nicely) and her pacing is erratic, if not, very inconsistent. I admit, I find two of her dramas, mildly entertaining, Lovers and Secret Garden. But Descendants of the Sun was just a complete and utter mess.

I don't know what this writer wanted to do with the army and soldier part of it all, because it just seemed like an excuse to somehow squeeze in some action into it, but the relationship development between the two leads were hard to watch. It was like a child pushing a naked Barbie and Ken doll together, and see if they'd make a baby. Kim Eun-sook literally did just this with our two leads, and created no real connection with the two aside from the super cliche bump into each other, hate each other, share a memory or two and (BAM!) fall in love. The feelings that Yoo Shi-jun had for Dr. Kang Mo Yeon felt like it just suddenly appeared out of nowhere when he met her. There was no real gradually (realistic) feelings of romance, it was just WAM, hes sees her across the hall and he thinks to himself "I love this woman!" deal.

I didn't know what this drama wanted to be! A rom-com, a melo-drama, an action movie?! It is possible to combine so many kinds of genres into a drama, but it needs good timing, wit and creativeness to pull it all off. This drama tried to do that, but it all felt very rushed as if it couldn't wait to get to the next drama-filled scene.

Cliches are sometimes a guilty pleasure for South Koreans, and we love a typical love triangle and angst (myself included), and that's fine, but it would be appreciated if you at least TRIED to develop your writing more to grow your talents and maybe realize, "Writing fun dramas is fine, but I think I can do better!". Most of Kim Eun-sook's dramas are very typical, and really boring! REALLY BORING! The Heirs was like nails on a chalkboard. If you're going to ask me, then why watch them? Because of the wonderful and talented actors that are involved. T-T It makes me wonder why they chose her dramas. Because they thought it was a good drama, or because they thought the press involvement would be good for their career. To be honest, I'm hoping it's the latter. After Descendants of the Sun, Kim Eun-Sook is a drama writer that any actor/actress wants to be involved with because lately, by being a part of her dramas has helped dramatically in furthering their exposure and acting career. It's a career move, and we can't blame an actor/actress for wanting to take advantage of that. After all, actors/actresses make a living off our consistent admiration and interest in them.

To be honest, I'm really scared of what she's going to do with Goblin, because it's got some of my favorite actors/actresses in it, and I'd hate to see their talents diminished by such horrible plot writing and lack of character development. I know this review has been mostly centralized around Kim Eun-Sook's writing, but it's been frustrating to see how her dramas, that involve great and amazing actors/actresses, fall so short and end up being a very long and boring 16 or 20 episode thing. I'm willing to give Goblin a chance because of the cast, but we'll see if maybe Kim Eun-sook can bring something new to her repertoire of boring-and-typical-drama, product line.

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25 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 17, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10
Thank god it's prohibited to write reviews before a drama has finished airing. I actually already wrote one after half of this drama was aired. If I had posted it, I would have had to edit it ten times by now.

So, yes. This drama was hyped alot and now that it's finished, opinion is deeply divided on this issue. I think the only problem is that the more you label something as perfect, the more you'll get disappointed when it doesn't reach your expectations in the end. You know the saying 'Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.' That perfectly describes what went wrong here. So yes, everyone said it was perfect in the beginning. As it went further, the excitement and hype expanded and many people said it was flawless, so it HAD to be flawless. Not letting in even one mistake.

Maybe it's overrated as some people say. But that doesn't mean it was a bad drama. It was still great and many people enjoyed the ride. Because there WERE great parts in it. Parts that filled us with excitement, with joy, with happiness and with sadness, frustration and anger.

So, what was so great here?

The bromance. Two totally different guys being the best buddies you've ever seen.

The romance. Refreshingly no love triangles, instead you can ship not only one but two couples wholeheartedly and not be afraid of some twists within their relationships as those we have already experienced in other dramas. You can enjoy the sincere feelings, the genuine caring and worrying and loving. There's chemistry between all of them and you can feel that the actors also felt proud to be part of something so special like this. The whole team is complementing each other.

The comedy. You have to admit, you laughed your butts off. Hilarious scenes all over the place.

The side characters (the good guys): It's not the first drama but there aren't THAT many dramas out there, where you actually sympathize with every character that appears in one show. Regarding that, it never gets boring.

The scenery: Not the usual korean areas around here but something new and refreshing. Beautiful landscapes and impressions.

As to where we took a hit: In my opinion it was the story. It wasn't bad. And until reaching a certain point it was quite entertaining. I would have liked it more if there had been one big story running like a golden thread through the whole drama. Not those many smaller stories following one after another - as interesting as they were in their own. But what really created some headaches (at least for me) where some issues that didn't add up to a logical process. And that was what made me kinda disappointed because those flaws were obvious. It seemed like all the effort they built in the beginning subsided towards the end and made some scenes seem ridiculous.

As for the bad guys... Well, that's an issue per se. They weren't that bad. They did a decent job and gave off thrilling moods, although sometimes it seemed a bit overdramatized. Maybe because most of them were foreign villains. And as we all know, foreigners in a korean drama just seem weird most times. Plus the foreign languages. Well, I wasn't really bothered by it. We are happy when they can actually pull that off better than what we'd expect. But we're also not disappointed because that's just the korean 'style'.

The OST was great because it created a unique feeling and beautiful atmosphere for the drama. Definitely on my mp3 list, soon.

So, nevertheless of all the critiques... Descendants of the Sun is by far not the most perfect drama out there. But it still manages to entertain us in many, many ways and often throws us in some big thrilling turmoil, what shouldn't be disregarded. And of course at some point it made us all hooked up.

Although I had some disappointed moments myself, I still enjoyed the drama. I will definitely rewatch this one as I want to re-feel all the emotions I run through during the first watch, but this time without having to wait until next week.

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