0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Monster aka you & me ?

"Monster" is a challenging film that tackles complex human emotions with a raw and realistic portrayal. It's not a straightforward narrative; instead, it unfolds in a way that makes you think and question things. While there might be aspects that some viewers find off-putting, I believe that's part of the film's strength – it pushes boundaries and avoids easy answers.

If you're looking for a film that delves into human psychology and isn't afraid to get uncomfortable, "Monster" is definitely worth checking out. Especially recommended for those who enjoy character studies or films that spark discussions long after the viewing.

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Olá Fantasma!
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de Zeljka
Jul 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Beautiful and heartwarming story!

I expected light romance with ghosts doing some mischief, and I ended up crying my heart out. I can't get out of my room yet, or I'll have to explain my puffy face.

Other than the fact it's not recommended to watch it on the 38 degrees hot Sunday afternoon, the movie was sweet and touching. The twist was very unexpected, in a good way.

I used to have very dark thoughts. I have learnt these were probably caused by my Hashimoto's that's currently under control. Still, I am none brighter person than I was. Still, I have learnt to live with my mood swings and try to think - Unhappiness today may bring something good tomorrow. Just keep fighting, praying and hoping for better.

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País das Maravilhas
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

آیا باید غم رو بپذیریم یا خودمونو گول بزنیم

به خاطر کامنتای منفی که خونده بودم هربار تماشای این فیلم رو به تعویق مینداختم اما بالاخره دلو زدم به دریا و خب اگه هم بد میبود فقط قرار بود ۲ساعت از وقتمو بگیره.
ولی نه تنها اصلااااا بد نبود بلکه خیلی خیلی زیاد از دیدنش لذت برم و روزها ذهنمو مشغول خودش کرد.
میدونید چیه، گاهی وقتا، خصوصا تو این ژانر، یه اثر پیچیده میبینیم و بیشتر از خودش، از تلاش مغزمون واسه فهمیدنش لذت میبریم. و در مقابل چنین فیلمی ریلیز میشه که به سادگی یه برش از زندگی در یک دنیای الترناتیو که شاید هم اینده‌ی نزدیک خودمون باشه رو نشون میده و انقدر ملموسه واسمون که میگیم عیح، هیچ چیز خاصی نبود. حوصلمون سررفت. بی معنی بود، عجیب بود، کم بود…

کاملا حق میدم به سلایق متفاوت. خود من اسلایس عاو لایف پسندم.
ولی چیزی که راجع به این فیلم میخوام بگم اینه که تو مدت زمان ۲ساعت ما رو با داستان چندتا ادم که درگیر این فناوری شدن اشنا کرد، گوشه‌ای از زندگیشونو نشونمون داد، با یسری مفاهیم اشنامون کرد، یه‌چیزایی رو بهمون گوشزد کرد و بقیه‌شو سپرد به خودمون.
دنبال منطق و چرایی و چگونگی تو فیلمای فانتزی سای-فای گشتن اشتباهه.
تو این ژانر شما باید پیام داستان رو بگیرید.

اگه علاقه به لقمه‌های حاضر و اماده و پایان‌های “نقطه سرخط” دارید نبینید.
اگه سیر تفکر و تخیلتون تازه از پایان فیلم و سریال شروع میشه، این فیلم برای شماست.

• راجع به جزئیات داستان و برداشتی که خودم داشتم هم اینا رو میگم.
کاملا اسپویله، اگه ندیدید نخونید:


تو رابطه‌ی ته‌جو و جونگ‌این توجه کنید که ته‌جو نمرده بود و شخصیت ساختگیش تصورات جونگ‌این ازش بود نه خود واقعیش.(چون نشون داد افراد خودشون قبل مرگ اقدام‌میکنن و با تصورات و خواسته‌های خودشون دنیای بعد از مرگشونو میسازن. ولی در رابطه با ته‌جو همش خواسته‌های جونگ‌این بود چون قطعا ته‌جو طی یه حادثه‌ی ناگهانی به کما رفته بود)
اینکه هربار جونگ‌این اصرار داشت ته‌جو عوض شده در واقع به خاطر این بود که خودش عوض شده بود. جونگ‌این به اون ته‌جو بی نقص ایده‌آل خودش عادت کرده بود و نمیتونست اشتباهات ادم معمولی زندگیشو بپذیره ولی در نهایت فهمید اشتباه میکنه. گیجی کاراکتر ته‌جو هم به خاطر کما بود که هنوز درحال بهبود بود.
کاراکتر گونگ یو(اسمش رو یادم نمیاد)، وقتی آیدیش رو داد به بای‌لی، نشون داد نوشته روانشناس. به نظر من (تو یه تئوری) بخشی از سیستم بود. چون به قطعیت به این موضوع اشاره شد که اگه کسی بفهمه که مُرده ارور میده دنیاش. اتفاقی که در ادامه برای بای‌لی افتاد.

در رابطه با بای‌لی، ناخودآگاهش همیشه دنبال پیدا کردن “درخت زندگی” بود. دقت کنید که اینجا عشق مادرانه و از خود گذشتگی مطلق و خواست درونیش برای پیدا کردن مفهوم زندگی باعث شد منطق سیستم رو پشت سر بزاره و در واقع به روحی تبدیل بشه که از مرزهای این سیستم عبور کنه. و فکر میکنم شاید شخصیت گونگ‌یو هم همچین سرگذشتی داشته (تئوری دوم) چون صاحب واندرلند گویا یبار دیگه تجربه‌ی بازکردن سیستمش رو داشت.

در نهایت شما با این سوال اساسی روبه‌رو میشید که آیا تصاویر فرد فوت‌شده تو دنیای ساختگیش واقعا روح و خودآگاه اون شخصه یا تصویری که اطافیانش ازش به یاد دارن؟ فیلم تصمیم‌گیری رو به عهده‌ی ما گذاشته
فقط یادتون بیاد وقتی سیستم ارور داده بود، هری به هیون‌سو گفت هروقت کاراکتری رو حذف و دوباره ساخته تو کسری از ثانیه جعلی‌بودنش مشخص شده.
چی‌میشه اگه تو این پروسه‌ی پاک کردنداده، مرگ روح رخ بده…؟!

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Dinosaur World
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
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It had a lot of potential, but the animation was pretty bad.

I liked the short (more than 1 hour, but still kind of short) story this was, about 20 people battling for 5 million in a Dinosaur survival game. I loved how the main character won, that was really a pretty good end to it.

It's pretty silly, but I wouldn't rewatch it (mainly due to the bad animation), but it was a good (and quick) watch: 6.5 out of 10!.
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Meu Nome é Loh Kiwan
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.5

Porta il tuo nome con orgoglio

Song joong ki qui si é veramente messo alla prova e ha dimostrato di essere un attore versatile e bravo; la sua recitazione é ció che piú fa amare questo film.
Altro punto a favore é il tema centrale della storia: la ricerca di un'identitá, indispensabile per poter essere liberi.
Loh kiwan é un disertore della corea del nord, e per non essere deportato deve nascondere la sua identitá quando arriva in Cina.
Quando fugge in Belgio e richiede asilo si trova ad affrontare indifferenza ma anche odio, razzismo ed emarginazione.
Trova aiuto lá dove non ce lo aspetteremmo, da altri uomini e donne che come lui sono in difficoltá e si adattano ad una vita di soppressione e sfruttamento pur di scappare alla repressione e alla paura.
Ad ostacolarlo maggiormente alla fine é la burocrazia dei nostri paesi che non danno garanzia di inclusione , nonostante si pongano come baluardo dei diritti civili.
Alla fine ció che vuole Loh Kiwan non é la cittadinanza belga, ma che questi diritti gli siano riconosciuti, nonostante sia un immigrato clandestino, nonostante sia un apolide, é prima di tutto un essere umano.
Richiede solamente il privilegio di poter vivere portando con orgoglio il proprio nome, simbolo della propria identitá e del legame con la propria famiglia.
Il tutto racchiuso nel titolo del film: "My name is Loh Kiwan".

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Mentalese Express
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Creepy or cute ?

I came upon this short series on YouTube.
I was very intrigued by the short clips they posted which seemed like a very cute and adorable storyline .The series is a blossoming love story between a Japanese worker who is transferred to china and a Chinese girl who works in the same building.Its a cliched love at first sight story. The thing that excited me the most was that leads are introverts who are too shy to approach each other .Their feelings are conveyed to the audience through their thoughts .This seemed like a very interesting plot to me .It's always sweet to see new love blossoming and that what I thought I was in for .
After watching the entire series I've changed my mind .The ML was low key creepy than sweet.To be fair the female isnt far better. They both try various methods to catch each other's attention instead of a standard "hello".
The acting by both the leads are good .But their characters were more shady than sweet in my opinion.But I guess people in Iove do act a bit crazy at times.I'm sure many people won't agree with my take on this .It depends on how people perceive things .Some people might find this type of behavior as cute .I don't know if this is because I'm from a different cultural background,that I feel this way abt it.
Overall the series is okay ,not the best in the opinion.It had great potential which they failed to achieve.
But for the small budget I feel like they did their best .Could have improved the script in my opinion.

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Rosa Indiano
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de andjel
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

Go to sleep and it will go away

I didn't know, before watching the movie, that I am watching a monodrama. That would change my expectations from the movie, but the ways I saw it, it was too long and exhausting. Just a minor spoiler: the movie starts with a 5-minute sequence of a man walking through dark rooms and nothing happens. That might set the tone of suspense for some viewers, but one minute would be just fine.

I couldn't really relate with the emotions of the main characters but i knew that his inner struggles would all go away if he just went to sleep. He would feel better in the morning. Finally, when the movie starts giving us another perspective, it all becomes more "entertaining" and somehow confusing. So at the end, I compliment the main actor for holding the entire movie on himself and offering us an interesting psychological study of the protagonist, but I can not recommend the movie to the general audience.

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Até que as Cores Acabem
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 1.0

the reason why I won’t watch it again is cause it is too beautiful and sad for me to bear

okay okay I’ll stop crying and write a proper review let’s start with the plot. The plot as you might have guess sad and beautiful. A love story between a girl who has 6months to live and a boy who has 1yr to live. A girl who looks forward to dying and a boy who is scared of dying. A girl who has no attachment to this world and a boy who gave her a reason. Their are movies similar to it but in those the boy is always in good health. so it was a unique take and I liked this more cause in this case I believe he will understand her better and feel her pain better.

The acting? absolutely fantastic. No I am not saying this cause I couldn’t stop crying… maybe I am but anyways the acting vibarated through the screen for me and as I don’t know anything about the actors I have no bias… perhaps their is one now but that’s a separate matter. It was deep and soulful the way they acted. When they were sick I could feel they were sick the way they spoke, the way their eyes showed deep love and sorrow… the actors have a bright future ahead. Not just the ML and FL but the supporting cast as well.

The songs? Beautiful of course. The painting? heart reanching and beautiful. My heart? Broken and dead.


P.S. After this if I ever see a Gemera I will freaking cry my eyes out. How am I supposed to live violen breaks my heart, now Gemera these directors must always put something particular… Okay Okay I am not crying anymore

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Romantic Comedy
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 10
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The main leads is cute they made me laugh so hard

I could say that this is a must-watch. (Baifern's acting never disappoints me tbh.

The Con-Heartist, starring the ever-talented Baifern Pimchanok, is a cinematic delight that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. The movie delivers everything you could ask for: humor, tears, anger, and shock, all wrapped up in a compelling narrative that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

Baifern Pimchanok, once again, proves why she is a beloved star in the film industry. Her portrayal of the lead character is nothing short of brilliant. Baifern’s performance never disappoints, and in The Con-Heartist, she truly outdoes herself. Her ability to switch seamlessly between comedic moments and heartfelt drama showcases her exceptional range and talent. Baifern brings a depth and authenticity to her character that makes you laugh with her, cry with her, and root for her throughout the entire film.

The chemistry between the leads is electric, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the movie. The supporting cast also deserves applause for their outstanding performances, which complement Baifern's acting beautifully. The interactions between the characters are genuine and engaging, making the story even more relatable and impactful.

What sets The Con-Heartist apart is its ability to evoke a wide array of emotions. One moment, you're laughing out loud at the clever humor and witty dialogues; the next, you're wiping away tears during the poignant scenes. The film also does a fantastic job of building tension and surprise, leaving you shocked and on the edge of your seat as the plot unfolds. The twists and turns are well-executed, keeping you guessing and engaged until the very end.

The production quality is top-notch, with stunning visuals and a captivating soundtrack that enhances the overall experience. The direction is superb, ensuring that each scene flows seamlessly into the next, maintaining a perfect balance between lightheartedness and intensity.

In conclusion, The Con-Heartist is a must-watch for anyone who loves a movie that can make you feel a wide spectrum of emotions. Baifern Pimchanok’s stellar performance is a highlight, reminding us once again why she is such a cherished actress. This film is a testament to her talent and the brilliant storytelling that makes Thai cinema so special. Prepare to laugh, cry, get angry, and be shocked – The Con-Heartist is an unforgettable cinematic experience.

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She's Dead
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Pretty much a standard thriller, no more, no less.

When I first heard about this film, I was eager to watch it, thinking that it would be a bit of an expose of the mental mess that is (anti)social media. Unfortunately, it barely addresses this or the misery the illusions of online "reality" cause, instead opting to present a tale we've all seen many times before... or, at least, it certainly feels like it!

The performers all do their roles well, the camera-work, sound, music is all fine... the problem is: nothing is even close to being exceptional.; from the bog standard script to the male lead's almost dopey face throughout, there's nothing about this film that makes it really stand out or say, "Watch me."

Ultimately, this was a very average film but I gave it a 6/10 just because it did touch upon how psychologically damaging (anti)social media is, and the female lead looking so gorgeous throughout is always nice from a straight man's point of view, regardless as to how superficial and/or sexist that may seem.
At least I'm honest.

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Untitled Shin Yeon Shik Film
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Working with a lot of aged care people I have met many people
who has dementia. It is a diagnosis that we need to understand
with a lot training. The use of different strategies and techniques
to help not only the patients but family members as well as the
carers who help look after them. We have to learn to be patient
and be thoughtful to their needs.
This movie even though it was fast pasted I thought the actors did a great job.
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Let's Go Karaoke!
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.0

Truly entertaining : a combo of a bit crazy plot, outlandish humor and feelings that worked for me.

This movie features a totally bonkers story: the encounter of a yakuza and a middle school choir boy through karaoke lessons. Does it seem a bit crazy ? For sure, but it was so right. I went through a lot of feelings following their journey: laugh and emotions. It is very simple tale with some very outlandish humor that worked very well for me. Maybe the background of the characters could have been more developed to reach a higher level of emotional investment from my side, but I was for sure truly entertained.

Ayano Go who plays the yakuza was top notch. Saito Jun was a suitable younger acting counterpart, maybe a bit green on some points but he succeeded at the most touching scenes. The relationship between them felt right : mentor-mentee vibe (in both way). While I think it could have looked strange or creepy, it never did and I think it is a testimony of their good performances that they were able to avoid what could be a serious pitfall to the scenario.

The OST was good, full of karaoke songs sang with more or less talent which was really the fun aspect of it. The filmmaking was colorful presenting the yakuza life in a vibrant way. It felt disconnected from the reality but that was the point of that crazy but touching story.

I would recommend this to people that enjoy music and/or coming-of-age movie. If you are an aficionado of karaoke, it will for sure bring you up some memories. In overall, it is a good comedy around an atypical mentor-mentee relationship.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.5

Weirdly good

A combination that honestly didn't ever thought of or think it will even exist, fantasy, aliens, time travelling and comedy all in one pot but still make it enjoyable so hands up All respects to whoever try to make new and unheard of combinations such as this and make it good.
The movie might be hard to follow but it's amazingly entertaining
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Seu Nome Gravado Em Mim
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Aria
Jul 20, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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A love that couldn't be.

I don't usually watch BL dramas and movies, because I feel like they don't represent the real difficulties that gay people face.

But this movie made me cry, I don't want to say much about my private life but there is a person very close and dear to me, who suffered the same thing for being homosexual. So I could feel the pain firsthand, the pain of both characters.

The two loved each other, but due to homophobia, the thought that they were sick, the beatings, neither wanted to admit what they felt freely about the other and they had to pretend before society to be accepted.

Time and circumstances separated them and although they loved each other, everything remained memories. But when you truly love, that person's name remains engraved in your heart.

The ending is sad but realistic. Many years had passed, each one made their own life and it was not realistic that they could be together, this time freely.

There is a phrase that will remain engraved in my heart and it is when he talks to his teacher: "help me go to hell, I prefer to be there now. Isn't that a place that homosexuals should be in? Maybe more people will understand me in hell."

Maybe God gave us that rule. If this type of love exists, it is because God wanted it that way. We were only human beings who set that rule to limit others from loving people of our own sex.

Love is love, no matter your sex. To say we have really advanced as a society to accept homosexual people. Even in my country where same-sex marriage is allowed, I have never seen two men holding hands. And if they do, there is the typical comment calling them "faggots."

There are many people who do not accept that their children are homosexual so they throw them out.

Sometimes I really wondered if we have moved forward or are we still the same as always, disguised as an inclusion, which clearly does not exist.

I hope there comes a day where people can love whoever they want, that they don't hide from society and people see them as ordinary people. Because in the end, no matter our sexual orientation, we are still common people but with different tastes and no one should judge another for loving another person of the same sex.

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She's Dead
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Junhya
Jul 19, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Not as great as expected

I was sooooo looking forward to this movie (because Shin Hae Sun stars in it). I only knew it was a thriller movie partially about social medias, nothing else more.

The story is well written but it is predictable. Even is there is twists, you see them coming and guess what ?! What you’re expecting/guessing is exactly what happens. Same with the end… Even if storyline is consistent there is no surprise.
So this is not a bad movie but not a good one either actually.

The casting is good, ML and inspector are great.
Shin Hae Sun is amazing, no matter what kind of characters she portrays, she is ALWAYS great and her acting skills are ALWAYS impressive (the way she plays the scene when she gets arrested is soooo good !!!) She’s definitely one of my 3 favorite actresses <3

To summary I’m a bit disappointed because I expected this movie to be better than it actually is but I enjoyed it (especially Shin Hae Sun acting skills !)

No rewatch value for me (I’d rather rewatch shows of main actors) and didn’t pay attention to OST

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