Na Palma da Mão
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de nisha
Jul 26, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 3.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


(I’ll try to keep this to minimal spoilers, if not any.)

Unlocked starts off with a really creative introduction. It shows us how we practically use our phones for everything and anything. Life would be hard without our phones.. The whole movie shows us that we have to be careful with our phones, laptops and other devices. Just one click on a file, link or whatever, can literally ruin your life. The fact this woman was being watched, and she didn’t even realise, it’s just scary,

The storyline is really good, and I’ll be honest, I was a bit put off by the ratings but each to their own! I enjoyed this movie a lot but I wasn’t really hooked until 20-30 minutes in and I guess that would’ve been long enough to drop it and forget about it but I’m glad I didn’t! It’s creepy. Really creepy, you see how manipulative he is but he planned it all out so well. It’s not just a man simply stalking a woman through her phone, it’s so much more.

I was really scared for the dad though. he’s really sweet to his daughter. AND he knew smth was off abt that man.. honestly parents know best

The acting was phenomenal. I’m really impressed by Chun woohee, she’s a rlly talented actress. Seeing her in atypical family, 8 show and here, she’s perfect for each of her roles and wow, she’s diverse in playing characters. Yim siwan did great as well, honestly he managed to be so creepy in such a believable way.

The ending though, I really would NOT have expected that. most unexpected plot twist ever I swear. This sounds sarcastic but I’m being serious.


I do think that it was a bit rushed and random when she found out it was through the phone and that it was him. Like all that build up all just for her to look at her phone and connect everything in her head? I would’ve thought there’d be a bit more to how she would realise.

I think this is worth watching and giving a try. I’m giving it an 8.5 because it was great and I’d probably rewatch this with a friend. but a missing 1.5 because of certain flaws the movie had. If you like plot twists, watch this. and I mean chun woohee. Why would you not watch? But just as a reminder, this is all just my opinion. You may think this movie is trash and that’s fine! Because it’s totally up to you!

If you do watch this, I hope you enjoy it! :)

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País das Maravilhas
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 26, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 6.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

too much going on for it just to be a film

i'm going to keep it sweet and short and say that this film had a mini series potential. there were a lot of things that i wish we would've seen. i feel like we got a half-baked conclusion for all the main story lines. yes, wonderland helped all of them to move on, but i really need them to find their true happiness outside of AI bubble. even the main couple's (TY and JI) story feels incomplete.
overall the concept of portraying AI as an device to deal with grieving/ reconnecting was interesting. writers would've gone more in dept with the wonderland, if it was a series. they could only portray the positive side of AI in the film , but i was curious about the negative side. fake remains fake in the end.
here is the list of scenes i wish that we would've seen
- how did wonderland's developers come up with an idea?
- did TY and JI ended up together?
- how is BL's family dealing with her death?
- HM's funeral (this grandma was the most precious character in the whole film)
one thing that bothered me personally was the amount of cameos. it was hard to focus on the film since it's filled with a lot of well known actors

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Sem Arrependimentos
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 26, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


Overall the idea was good. The plot, though overused and repeated often, is still a good trope. The first hour and a half had a genuinely good story.

The last 20-30 minutes, though...

I'm beyond confused as to what they wanted to portray. The last scene honestly made the entire show go down the drain for me. (not in a bad way) I just found myself so distraught and caught off guard. They went through multiple incredibly traumatic events but Jae-Min's thought was to... grope him? Why did he grab the poor man's balls? why was that the end?

I genuinely had to do a double take and burst out laughing. Overall it was a good storyline, the end just..

maybe they intended it to be sentimental or tie back to how they met, but I've never been more caught off guard at the end of a movie.

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She's Dead
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Wasted Time: A Disappointing Watch

In all honesty, I found the movie to be incredibly boring and confusing. It felt like an endless slog with no clear direction, and I kept waiting for something – anything – to happen. Unfortunately, that moment never came. In my opinion, this is one of the worst films I have ever watched, and I genuinely felt that it was a complete waste of my time.
The reviews praising it are lyinggg; they're very misleading. Perhaps I missed something that others picked up on, but I can't help but feel that the overwhelming positive feedback doesn’t reflect the reality of the experience.

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Run for Money the Movie
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nina
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 4.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Good cast, bad story

I love JO1 and Fantastics but they were done so dirty with the writing. It’s so corny and their characters make such dumb decisions I can’t comprehend. They don’t act with enough urgency despite the situation they’re in. And you don’t really feel attached to the characters unless you know the idols I guess? Not to mention the ending feels like it should be a twist but it’s so cliche and basically how you’d expect it to go. I’d say the only value in watching this is if you were a fan of either group, that’s it.
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Prince of Tears
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

Capolavoro su dittatura del Terrore Bianco a Taiwan, isteria anticomunista sconosciuta in occidente

Film ambientato a Taiwan durante il “Terrore Bianco”, cioè un periodo dittatoriale di folle isteria anticomunista instaurato da Chang Kai Shek ed il suo Partito Nazionalista nel 2° dopoguerra, subito dopo aver perso la guerra contro il Partito Comunista Cinese di Mao Ze Dong.
In questo periodo ogni minimo sospetto di simpatia comunista poteva significare carcere se non condanna a morte.
Si poteva esser giustiziati senza processo, chiusi in un sacco e gettati nel mar della Cina anche solo per starsene sulle rive taiwanesi a scrutare la Cina oltremare, come mostrato in una delle scene iniziali del film.
Ma veniamo alla trama: due giovani sorelle in età scolare elementare tornano a casa da scuola in un piccolo villaggio per ufficiali militari. La casa, un tempo accogliente e serena, viene trovata dalle bambine totalmente a soqquadro e vuota. Alcuni ufficiali dell’esercito hanno arrestato i genitori sospettati di essere spie comuniste. Le due bambine vengono affidate ad un caro amico di famiglia, un misterioso e grigio burocrate dal volto sfregiato e dal passato misterioso. Il papà è un pilota dell’esercito di Taiwan, la sua bellissima moglie (Zhu Xuan) una modesta casalinga.
Dopo l’arresto il film srotola gli eventi a ritroso fino alla comprensione delle reali ragioni dell’arresto, fino a svelare sorprendenti segreti che inaspettati protagonisti tengono in serbo.
L’accusa che chiude in prigione i coniugi sembra causata da un volo non autorizzato in Cina del marito pilota per recuperare la sua primogenita.
Entra nel quartetto dei protagonisti anche la bellissima moglie di un anziano e importante ufficiale dell’esercito di Taiwan, fedelissimo di Chang Kai Shek. Donna bella quanto misteriosa. Nata da una famiglia dell’alta borghesia cinese, sposa inizialmente la causa della rivoluzione comunista, salvo poi finire in moglie ad un ufficiale reazionario per misteriose ragioni. Le vicende dei quattro personaggi si intrecciano dopo venti minuti di film ma vengono definitivamente disciolte solo nel finale a sorpresa.
Il film sorprende per l’eleganza con cui tratta un argomento difficile e tutt’altro che scontato (qui varrebbe la pena soffermarsi a riflettere sul perché un film del genere non sia stato tradotto in Italia) e per la maestria con cui il regista Taiwanese riesce a sciogliere eventi che inizialmente appaiono molto chiari ma si dimostrano fatalmente ingannevoli nel toccante finale a sorpresa.
Una dura critica al “Terrore bianco” sorta proprio dall’interno di Taiwan (il regista e parte della produzione sono taiwanesi) che giunge sconosciuta qui in occidente. Quale telegiornale, sito internet o documentario ha mai trattato l’argomento? Un motivo in più per vedere questa drammatica e commovente storia d’amore dal profondo significato sentimentale e storico.

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Kingdom 4
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

There better be a 5th movie!

I'm going to keep this short and snappy but this was AMAZING! And I only have three points to make:

1. Every year a Kingdom movie comes out, and every year I am reminded of how damn attractive and talented Yamazaki Kento is!

I watch these movies every single time in the cinema and it trully is the best way to consume these movies. Seeing the scenery and battles and everything on the big screen just makes the whole experience and the movies even better!

2. Also, they better announce movie 5 soon because the ENDING to this one!!!!! OMG I NEED MORE! We are definitely no where near finished with any arc, plot, or story. And this movie definitely raised stakes by A LOT for Shin and company.

3. Every single movie in the Kingdom series just gets better and better with each installment! 9/10!! GIMME MOVIE 5 NOW ALREADY!

I would happily watch another 3-5 movies (2 and a half hours each at this point) come out over the next ten years of this series. It's SO GOOD.

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Holy Punch
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de andjel
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Holy gangsters :)

It is said that spirituality should not be used for jokes, but sometimes that is justified. This film uses different religions and spiritualities in a very good way, for a joke, but also for inspiration. For a moment it may seem that the film makes fun of faith, but in fact it conveys the message that faith has its own strength and meaning, and the message that different faiths together give greater strength is also noble.

The Korean title of the film is 목스박 which stands for 목사 (pastor), 스님 (monk) and 박수무당 (shaman), according to the three main characters who suddenly take on the roles of these holy figures leading to various funny and absurd situations. Since this is a family friendly action comedy after all, I am a little disappointed with the excessive use of curse words. The characters are just as crazy as they should be, to combine the comedy and the action for a fun watching experience. In some absurd way, this is a good movie about religious dialogue and cooperation.

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From Beijing With Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10

Risate a crepapelle per una strepitosa parodia 007 Made in Hong Kong

Se il genere comico demenziale Made in Hong Kong vi piace, se vi ha fatto ridere Shaolin Soccer, se Kung Fusion vi ha commosso e piegato in due dalle risate allo stesso tempo e state cercando qualcosa del genere, allora non vi resta che scavare all’indietro nella prolifica carriera di Stephen Chow (protagonista dei due succitati film) fino ad arrivare ad uno dei capolavori assoluti del genere, vale a dire “From Beijing with love”, parodia esplicita della serie britannica James Bond.

Unica controindicazione per il pubblico italico: il film è una delle tantissime belle pellicole cinesi non tradotte in italiano. Tuttavia con una conoscenza basilare dell’inglese ci si può gustare il film seguendo i sottotitoli. Se non siete tipi da film sottotitolati potete comodamente uscire da questo sito e questa recensione, per voi ci sono quintali di commedie americane e chili di Vacanze di Natale ad aspettarvi.

Detto questo passiamo al sodo: Stephen Chow è un ex agente dei servizi segreti del Partito Comunista Cinese finito in disgrazia, ridotto a vendere carne di maiale al mercato. Tuttavia è in possesso di un coltello da carne dai poteri speciali, forgiato con un acciaio speciale.Stephen Chow: da macellaio ad agente segreto

Il corrotto direttore dei servizi segreti del Partito Comunista Cinese si impossessa indebitamente di parte di un preziosissimo reperto archeologico, la testa di un Tirannosaurus Rex. Per riuscire a rubare il prezioso reperto il funzionario si serve di una armatura invincibile frutto dei più avanzati studi tecnologici, un’armatura in stile Robocop.

Il funzionario, di comune accordo con la sua affascinante collaboratrice Anita Yuen Wing-yi (Miss Hong Kong 1990), costretto dall’iter burocratico a nominare un agente per le ricerche, richiama in servizio Stephen Chow, nella supposizione di trovare un facile avversario da eliminare.

Come accade in altri film del genere (vedi Kung Fusion), Stephen Chow da brocco diventa eroe e sfodera poteri sovrumani. La bond girl inizierà a subire il fascino dell’inaspettato eroe e sarà combattuta tra restare fedele al proprio capo oppure passare tra le braccia di Stephen Chow e venir considerata nemica della patria.

Nello scontro finale tra il funzionario versione "Robocop", Stephen Chow sfodererà il suo coltellaccio dall’acciaio miracoloso per uno scontro epico.

Il film punzecchia l’occidente, toglie quell’area di maestosità ad un certo filone narrativo. Allo stesso tempo prende in giro senza paura la corruzione degli apparati burocratici del Partito Comunista Cinese e di alcuni funzionari minori con la leggerezza e l'incisività di cui solo l’arte e l’ironia cinese possono essere capaci.

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9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Osaf
Jul 25, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 3.5
Voltar a ver 4.5
I finally watched it this evening, "Psychokinesis" is an electrifying cinematic experience that blends supernatural powers with human emotion.

The film's compelling storyline, well-developed characters, and seamless special effects create a captivating spectacle and a gentle touch that nuances every character so that you see that everyone is trapped in an intertwined set of dynamic forces, nobody is purely good or evil, just human. Director Yeon Sang-ho brilliantly explores the emotional journey of an ordinary man who gains extraordinary telekinetic abilities. The action sequences are exhilarating, and the humor adds a delightful dimension to the narrative.

Why I give it 5.5 Star?

1) There were lots of scenes that I think unnecessary and the story itself seems to be lacking.
2) There were some characters that were pretty useless. For example: What was the point of Director Hong? She brought nothing to the movie. They could have simply kept it vague.
3) There are so many plot holes that you stop caring about them entirely. Who cares if we switch between throwing bombs at our enemies to saving them from falling off a building?
4) If you're into superhero movies, yes watch it, and be entertained. Just don't look for realism, a message, or anything profound.
5) who the big bad guy/girl is? I mean Who is the Villain?
6) It causes disappointment because it was less exciting than was expected in the end, it felt a bit flat with an extremely anticlimactic ending.

Overall, I don't love the movie much but I don't hate it either. It's more of a so-so.

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Marcas da Maldição
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Vic
Jul 24, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 10


Esse é um dos filmes mais medonhos que eu já assisti em toda a minha vida, foi realmente uma experiência assistir ele.
O filme te deixa totalmente imerso pelas "interações" que acontecem durante ele e te prende do começo ao fim. Eu ficava nervosa, como se estivesse vendo um caso da vida real.
A sensação que dá ao terminar o filme é realmente de ter sido amaldiçoado, me senti até estranha KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.
Todo mundo que ama um bom filme de terror e found footage deveria assistir esse filme.
Esta resenha foi útil para você?
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 24, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Who is the monster?

This has to be hands down my favorite watch of the year so far. I'm probably not even coherent enough to talk about this but the storytelling in this was just brilliant and I could not stop watching but I was also feeling every ounce of dread, anxiety and sadness that the characters went through.
Long story short: The storytelling in this is simply brilliant. Long story long: the plot unravels each point of view and fleshes out the characters in such a masterful and thoughtful way. I don't want to reveal too much because I think one brilliant part of this film is to experience it as you go; just watch it with no context and let the narrative and the suspense take you over.
The acting in this was also probably some of the best acting I've watched. I wish Jdramas were like this, honestly. The raw performances from the adult actors was so moving and encompassing. I could put myself in the mother's shoes almost perfectly. Feeling every ounce of anger and anxiety that she felt. But even more amazing is the performance of the little ones. They were too good. Too precise. Too touching. They just grab your heart, sueeze it then fling it into the sun!
The production is also brilliant from the fire scene to the torrential rains to the details of the mundane and arranging the different perspective of the same scenes over and over again. Everthing was brilliant.
Negatives: None. But if you have a weak heart, maybe keeping some sweet drink near you for possible fainting spells that may catch you unawares as you freak out over the turn of events.
I highly, highly recommend this film. It's one of those movies you don't want to miss.

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Hoon Payon
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 24, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Never visit forests with lots of figurine statues!

I don't know why I started watching this at this hour, it's literally midnight and I'm scared to go to bathroom now!

When I started watching this I had very little faith in what I was about to watch. Cause the rating was relatively low for a mystery horror genre but I was being whimsical to watch "something new today" and Hoon Payon surprisingly turned out to be much better than I expected.

At the beginning things feel a bit all over the place. I was feeling distant with the plot cause they were introducing more characters and yet things were getting more obscure and complicated as I was losing interest. But, but after the second half things were started to improve and unfolding mysteries slowly. I just couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. Felt like if I blink I might miss something. And I was not disappointed at all! AND THE PLOT TWIST IS JUST AMAZING!

Hoon Pa Yong is meant as a spiritual bodyguard to guard your asset from theft, and to protect you from the harm of black magic and evil spirits. You basically know what you're about to watch and rest just people being selfish, secretive and scornful. So the film is all about curse, ghosted monks, and JUMP SCARES⁹⁹⁹⁹!!! I'm 3 mins in and I'm seeing a sharp object injected into eyes >_< and poking into skin until blood comes out...I can't explain you enough how much I hate these! JUST. NO. In those scenes I just covered my eyes and peeked through two fingers. Superstitions are made by human for human to scare the shit out of you.

Now coming to the characters, they were not perfect but they did their best. This is my first time watching Phuwin, he was so-so. But Up, ouuufff he just nailed it! I've watched all of his series and now this movie, I can say this is his best work!

Most importantly the cinematography was just awesome. The cinematographer skillfully selected each and every object to give you that eerie chilling vibe. At first glance it looks calm and tranquil but soon you start fearing the atmosphere. It's just aesthetically scary all over.

Overall if you're looking for something quick horror mystry pill to spike up your adrenaline then it's a good watch. But remember, watch this at night for best results ;>

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Talisman: The Luck Stealer
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de andjel
Jul 24, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

Is there luck for everyone?

What a strange movie! This is not a movie I'd want to watch twice, but I'm still glad I saw it. It is about a talisman that brings luck to his owner and about a man who tries to finally put an end to the failures he has experienced all his life. The actors should be complimented for being able to sustain the movie since it relies mostly on the performance and acting of the two main protagonists. The entire movie actually has only three scenes in which the entire action takes place. There is only the addition of a church in the background at one scene, which seemed to me to be a convenient insert to the story about superstition. I hope that the church is shown to turn the viewer away from superstition and towards the true faith. The question about happiness and whether there is enough happiness for everyone or whether we have to steal it from each other is also interesting.

My complaint is that the story is dragged out for an hour and twenty minutes, and I would shorten it by a whole hour. All the dialogue is repeated at least twice, especially the message about the lucky talisman, which the filmmakers decided to explain ten times how it works. I think the movie would work great as a short movie, but it is also watchable like this thanks to the energy and effort of the main actors.

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A Criada
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 24, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Definitely not for everyone but a fantastic movie

I just finished the handmaiden and to me it was a truly magnificent movie. It can get pretty graphic and leaves little to the imagination. Going into the movie i knew very little about it but I would say that you can go into this movie without knowing too much as long as you´re aware it is 100% for a mature audience.
The relationship between the two female leads is shown very well especially given the time period the movie is set in. The twists and turns the story takes throughout its 3 parts (it says which part the movie is at in the movie itself) was everything i could have hoped for. The acting is phenomenal in my opinion, the story very well written and the music ties it together perfectly.
I give this a highscore for everything else but i wouldn´t say it has a lot of re-watch value. It is very much a one of those experiences that is fantastic once but would just not hold the same magic the second time around.

It really isn´t for everyone and if there are certain topics that you are sensitive to I would suggest doing your research on the movie first.

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