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players slayed and master of games.
(please note that this is my first time writing a review so it might not be very good! but i hope this provides you with an intel on the show!)it was long awaited but worth it! you need to watch the first season for the opening, introductions of characters. the second season is a continuation of the first season.
the storyline is simple, you play a game and earn visas. without these visas, you will die and a high chance of you dying when you lose in a game. continuation of the first season, this season focuses on the jacks, queens and kings which are the highest or highest, that only means that the challenges are harder and harder.
the games might be simple, but there are a lot of thinking and thoughts needed to outplay the other players. let's be honest, despite knowing that the main characters will not die, i feel safe about it. however, the suspend, the intensity is still there. there are surprises here and there for you to unwrap as the show goes on. one thing i would love is where they would explore more of different games and have a longer duration! like come on, i want more than 8 episodes.
i know there are some people that don't like/prefer japanese's acting but i feel like it is rather realistic. after watching many japanese dramas, i often feel like it is an autumn acting. i don't know what's an autumn acting but it is something more of feeling the autumn vibes. just because it is not up to your preference, it does not mean that it is not good.
an example would be arisu (kento)'s acting in the first episode where he was running super fast. the facial expression might be foreign to some but it was realistic. as you're running in your fullest speed, you wouldn't be looking good or near perfect. if you're wondering on the mature scenes, other than the bloody deaths, niragi, and yamapi's butt cheeks, the rest are fine.
what do i like about the show?
- games
- how the players play the game
- interactions between the players
- their acting
what i dislike about the show?
- too short
- niragi (this asshole never changes)
all the games are amazing but one that blew my mind was the queen of hearts. yes, it is the hearts. the ending is good, but i would love to see the other characters get back the memory during the time here. i just wish for a 3rd season with longer duration or more episodes.
i hope that this review helps you guys or i will delete it LOL! anyways, have fun watching alice in borderland season 2!
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everyone has their own backstory.
i enjoyed this series! i happen so to randomly come over this series but oh man, i do not regret it. this show is severely underrated btw!this show has its comedy side, touching side and each main character has their own tragic backstory that will be revealed slowly. everyone might be slow, dumb yet goofy but their backstory really breaks my heart. the build up with the backstory is amazing, the way they have healed but the wound opened up again to get the actual closure needed. my top few eps are 14, 16, 18 and 22. if you watch the scene, you would understand why i really enjoyed these episodes.
they are fated that they all met at by jumping of the cliff and naming themselves by the wording 3, 4 and 5 inside in. it was so funny! they are "found family" as they found comfort within each other while facing their struggles, while understanding each other without saying much, while supporting each other and stay with each other no matter what.
i enjoy the friendship between all the characters and if you are wondering if there is any romance... it is like lowkey and not that obvious. you get to enjoy many different cp types of feels. if you are wondering how i am shipping, its 3+5 and 4+ji. i am waiting for the next season as the ending wrote, "the first season ended"
however, mango's subbing is bullshit because as a chinese, i saw the chinese wordings and the english subs, i am closed to vomit blood. it is so so badly subbed. so for those who does not understand, you might need to wait for better subs. like they subbed 你相信我吗? - it was supposed to be "do you believe me?" but they subbed to "do you miss me?" ...??!!
as for the acting, i think they did a good job! the main characters ranges from '97 to '02 and their acting is good! what i love is that their are a lot of dramatic and big expression type of scenes but they are able to not overact and overdo it. with the right amount that you won't think that it is too over the top and get annoyed about it.
it might seem boring at first but as it goes on, it will get better. trust me. anyways, please give this show a chance! thank you~
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Kahogona Wakadanna-sama no Amayakashi Kon
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a watch without much braincells.
this show was suggested to me via tiktok and the edits had made it to different platforms such as tiktok, xhs and more. enabling a lot more people knowing this show.this show is like arranged marriage with childhood friend and happened so mutual liking or the ml likes the fl but she doesn't know.
the rating does not do it justice but i really enjoyed the show. that's because it is light and fluffy. like i can understand why the female lead acts that way. generally because, they got married without dating so there was a barrier between them that she felt a line that cannot be crossed. but slowly yet surely, she has gotten more comfortable and realized that she should support how he supported her. and the male lead being 100% devoted to her, would take chances to kiss her, treat her well and support her no matter what.
you can say that the plot is thin but sometimes we need those shows that do not have deep plots. these kind of shows are rare these days because i felt like a lot of shows require brain power these days. if you are looking for shows that brain power are not needed but endless fluff, then this show is for you.
other than unless fluff, i liked that there was no love triangles and they would support each other no matter what. i feel like they had established that both of them are each other's support system since young without realizing it. and the shots are so pretty!
some of my favourite scenes are they sharing one bathtub and how yukito apply the cream for io's wound. i also like it when yukito wears his glasses and his watch HAHAHA (part of the reason why i watched it in the first place). + many hawt or fluffy scenes that i can get diabetes from!
this show is short yet simple. it is sad that it is short where it could be longer for more development and fluff! but happy because there is no time for complex and unwrappable conflicts.
anyways, i sincerely recommend to those who wants to have a short watch filled with fluff and love! <33
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watch poncheewan if you want hypertension.
all i can say is... just read the novel & 6/10 because of kao and pp's chemistry because it was sizzling!but, if you want a quick review on the drama, here i come!
i am always sour on how things played out because they had so so much potential to be a light and fun show because the angst part is gone. BUT NO, it was messier than a toddler's drawing
so the plot is just simply: saruj discovering his feelings for cheewan -> cheewan rejecting him or being in denial -> saruj always getting involved with his ex with no boundaries -> saruj: "oh lets travel together w ex bcs she is in trouble" -> cheewan realizing her feeling -> cheewan starts taking action -> ex being a bitch and tearing things -> last minute together with no proper explanation.
tbh, when i was watching the trailer, i knew it was a mess when suraj was hugging not just one but two women that was not cheewan. and i was right. but i still watched it weekly because i didn't trust myself and i was into dhevaprom.
the only thing worthy of watching is the cameos of juthathep and dhevaprom. other than that, maybe no-
the writer favor poncheewa yet not making her story any better and making her a male-hopper(?). what do you mean you got back with your baby's father and he died, then you immediately realized your feelings for childhood friend, i assume cause dhevaprom and juthathep were not linked then. (so badly done)
to me, i feel like you can watch up to ep 9, maybe the first 30 minutes of ep 15 and last 15 minutes of 16, if you want to smoother ride and reduce your blood pressure.
+ i was so mad when saruj had no line and going overseas with your ex with no explanation? and not even trying to reach out is a huge new level of red flag & after that, i rooted cheewan to be alone and not to be with that red flag (fyi, i read tweets mentioning that in the novel, saruj had a fine line that only cheewan could cross and he did not like physical touch!)
and the ending- what do you mean we could have a wedding of both of them + a photoshoot with all of the juthathep x dhevaprom couples like the ending of the gentleman juthathep series where we could have gotten more content of all 10 of them as a whole??? or like all of them looking at the next generation?
other than the goddamn plot, others was ok. kao and pp fits their character well, creamy and saint's chemistry is a little awkward but what makes them special! but i won't rewatch it.
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O Jogo do Amor em uma Fantasia Oriental
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i must love myself, before 100% loving someone
i just have to say, this is my favourite chinese drama for 2024. i wasn't expecting much but upon seeing the trailer on xiao hongsu, it caught my attention immediately. what do you mean, travelling into a book being an evil second lead and needing the evil second lead to fall in love with you 100%?!i would say that miaomiao is actually a gift to musheng, muyao and liu fuyi. she helped musheng to not be ashamed of his identity, allowed him to walk it out and turned him to a softer musheng. she is muyao's best friend where muyao finally found a girl-friend that she can talk to and adore. she informed liu fuyi about his loveline before hand.
i love how miaomiao and musheng's chemistry with each other, which we have the thank esther yu and ding yuxi! the musheng we had, is filled with youth/young energy that i love! the progression of -200% to 99% was such a rewarding process to see as you get to see the change in calling each other such as from "mu gongzi / ling xiaojie" to "ziqi/miao miao"
i love how they didn't downplay muyao's character and continued to give her the main character energy! i really love it when muyao found out about ziqi's identity. rather blaming on him or anyone, she blamed it on herself. blaming herself for not knowing about it. the fact that liu fuyi also tried his best to help was heart-warming to see. hence, the changes in the script was well-written.
the chemistry between the 4 master of bamboos are pleasing to me as well. i want to pack them together so they can be together forever. where-ever the 4 masters of bamboo go, they are so much fun to watch and the way they know what's going online and would just say it out! it is just so funny to me.
and yes, i am waiting for their next work together as 4 masters of bamboo or musheng x miaomiao or liu fuyi x muyao. i am ok with any- please just give it to me
there are so many things i love about this show. such as, ending credits in the first 10 minutes, getting electric shock with the bones and many more. iconic moments such as musheng's beautiful crying scenes, miaomiao's "thank you ah, musheng-er", our 4 bamboo masters. my favourite ep? ep 22, i love how they got together, had each other's back and showing the team spirit.
the outfits are pleasing to the eyes too! i really love each characters' outfit and you can see the design team really put in effort in designing and sourcing for the outfit and hairstyle. usually main characters would get flashier outfits, but over here, everyone is a main character in their own story and the outfit and dressing really prove that statement,
(spoiler!) the ending could be a little confusing but i believe that fuzhou ded -> ziqi went in to his body! + lowkey moonlight call back with the fireworks and bunny apples.
there are some complains about the ost but i personally really love it! to me, i just feel like it hits on the spot. in fact, i love all the tracks for this drama.
a little out of the box, this show really deserved its popularity because the production crew listens to the fans well. you want it, you can have it. i am so glad that that people are able to discover this show. for me, i think it is rather fresh. and i am excited to see their variety show!
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when you are happy, record it down and the moment will be happier.
when i fly towards you is a simple chinese youth drama.the story is simple. love at first sight and you get to see the process of it, being shy to falling in love.
the friendship build tugs your heart and makes you wish that you have these type of friends that stays with you and does not judge you no matter what.
but what made me love this show was:
- each character has their own level of depth, own flavour. which i appreciate a lot. the second leads have their own flavour and everyone has their own stories, being the main character of their own life.
to further expand what i meant by each character has its own flavor. let's take su zaizai. the female as an example, she is vocal and straightforward. she isn't one to suffer from injustice and held her head up because she knew that she has done nothing wrong.
another character will be guan fang. he might be easy-going, but his backstory was one of the best and the most heart warming one for me. from not having any friends to having friends that learnt his past and does not judge him.
each character has their own struggles and might see happy-go-lucky but will be serious when they face problem or to protect their other friends. + their friendship are super precious because they know each other well, stay by their side and provide the help that one need.
while watching the show, you will go ah, i understand why this friendship is formed or i really want this type of friendship.
another thing i enjoyed was that there isn't any miscommunication. even if there is, it is solved quickly. as su zaizai is very vocal, she communicate with rang rang well. + su zaizai knows how to handle with green tea girls!
i also love the second couple which was jiangjia and guran because they are the chaotic type that goes rawr rawr while zaizai and rang rang are more of the relaxing type!
i hope to see a show like this again soon! + please do not leave me!
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choi ung, standard of all men.
(this is my first time writing a review so i am sorry if this isn't the best! don't mind any mistakes or spelling errors!)our beloved summer is a show that not everyone can touch on. a show that is realistic that many people might find it boring. many watchers are actually looking for unrealistic love that touches on clichés such as high school first love and all. but our beloved summer touches on raw emotions from former lovers that happens to break with one-side knowing all the reasons and another side that basically know none. then, they meet again and their story are tangled with each other.
how did i came across our beloved summer?
- when i saw my instagram feed full of choi wooshik and kim dami, i was like ??? at that time, i didn't had good impression on kim dami just yet because i didn't enjoy itaewon class, the drama that starred kim dami. but i did know choi wooshik from parasite. by chance, i came across some clips and decided to watch, 'the witch' and fell for them lol. so, i became excited for obs since mid-nov.
about the characters. everyone in the show is relatable which makes our beloved summer something a viewer can relate to.
with no doubt, my favorite has to be choi ung. he seem perfect. a guy that has a loving family, supportive parents that allows him to do what he wants, a successful career and no worries. however, there is a depth into it. he was abandoned by his biological father and left him a scar. this perfectly sums up why he love and hated yeonsu for leaving him with no expectation. he is a huge boyfriend material and a walking green flag. well, they often say "don't settle down until you have found your choi ung" and i agree to the fullest.
kook yeonsu might seem like a girl that is cold and rude. but it was forced by the situation that she was placed in. to me, she makes her choices with no regrets and work to her dreams which is to live a peaceful life, able to pay for bills. there is another side of her where she is caring, heart-warming and making choi ung fall for her.
jiung... i felt that his character was somewhat wasted. but it is hard to say since hun's emotion are complex. we might be able to get over it easily, but for him, maybe not. i am glad that he had choi ung with him. however, i hope that he walked it out quicker, which he did eventually.
nj... honestly, she has to be one of the best second female lead that i have seen. she doesn't do any foul plays to make choi ung hers which i adore it. she was a friend that happen to seek comfort to choi ung's drawing. she is an idol where she received hate comments for literally breathing and that happens to the third and fourth generation idols where they get tons of hate comment.
i hated how some of the our beloved summer hated nj for some of her actions when she is more of a direct and straightforward person. actually in an episode's preview, they hated on nj too much that is honestly unbearable. but some worship jiung and pity him... isn't it double standard?
i love choi ung's parents and maybe that's because they resemble to my parents somehow. i love how supportive they are to choi ung, not wanting to be anything? fine. you just live your life to what you want. they never pressured choi ung to score well in school. which i hope everyone can have the parents that always support you to what you do.
the acting in this drama is pretty much top-tier. choi wooshik and kim dami has great chemistry and was able to bring the drama to the fullest with their acting. it could be a scene of watery eyes and turning away but these two actors does it so well. the rest of the cast where perfectly casted for their characters.
the ost are well made. most of them are ballet like or slow tempo. one ost was sang by v from bts!
my two favorite ost are 'why' and 'our beloved summer'!
overall, obs is a great journey with many emotion kicking it. rather than a romcom, it is more of a mix of melo-rom and romcom LOL! is it worth watching? without a doubt, yes it is. so what are you waiting for?
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if a problem come, we face it together, life has many ways of solving the problem.
i would rate this show an infinity out of 10. everything is so good in this show and the people that you are travelling really affects the progress.this show is everything. all of them are emotionally stable and does not push blames on people. in fact, when there is a problem, they would bring it up and communicate with each other, solve the problem together. each of them are not perfect, each of them have their own strengths and weakness. however, because of that, they work best as a team. they learn and grow from each other and one thing about them is that they truthy appreciate what has been done for them. they face everything together and find the best out of the worst.
each episode just get better and you can slowly unbox the "found family" trope from them. from strangers to friends, then friends to found family. they all had the feels where they felt more like a group of good friends or family hanging out with each other rather than some superstar or people that based on seniority. from exploring themselves to height-related adventures, to watching stars together after they had their heart to heart talk, kayaking together, having steamboat together, having fun together, eating together or even chasing the northlights together. it is something called "封神" - a term that is used when something sealed the deal.
but do note that it would contain chinese propaganda which in this case is to learn what has china build that impacted the country. all seven of them are unproblematic but the ones that are problematic are the viewers. this is the best chinese variety show that i have watched.
not just that, everyone is just like a chopstick where it can be paired up randomly. as a shipper myself, i felt into that hole and my favourite cp was hu xianxu and zhao zhaoyi... our extra couple! but all of them are so good together as they also give off relaxing vibes.
qin hailu is into those alpha ml kinda stories but praises to give to her because she has all the advices needed and experience that she settles a lot of things. qin lan's mindset needed to be studied as she gave so many good advices and had such a positive mindset such as saying the right things at the right time. xin zhilei is our cooker, driver and comedian in the group. she can be straightforward but can be funny as well. i had a new outlook on reba, someone introverted but plans well for the trip. she is willing to try out something new and pampers everyone. zhao zhaoyi, i am so so glad that i was able to discover her because she is just like a golden retriever! you would feel nothing but positive energy from her. you have no idea how much i adore and love her. wang anyu... my man grew up so much! from the first country to the third country, i saw a lot of improvements from him and how he looked crappier and crappier! out of nowhere, i suddenly get wang anyu's visual especially his teary eyes! + our photographer! without you, qin hailu would cry at other's photography skills and many beautiful photos from him! lastly, hu xianxu, he might be young but his thoughts deepens around people and the world. yes, he can be funny, but he can also give you worthy emotional advices and he did became a gentleman!
with that, i would want you guys to watch the show as its available on mangotv! it is worth a shot as it gets better and better. they are funny, emotionally stable and everything you would want travelling with friends.
please comeback for the next season and it can be called "divas hit the road: we are back" btw! this show is super hot in china rn! it even reached 35 million views and won awards too!
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if the living don't forget, then the dead will still be here.
i freaking love this show. it is tear-jerking, funny, heartwarming and healing all in one package. you get to laugh, you get to cry.but what i really love about the show? well, it is the personalized story with their personalized phrases. everyone has their own story, has their own obsession that they cannot leave out. and with these stories, you get to learn different things such as loneliness, workplace bully and more.
one thing i learnt, not from the ghost's story but from pu yi yong itself was that do not assume to think that your thoughts equals to other people's thoughts and everyone has a choice to know the truth or they get to decide to keep it in the dark.
my favourite character is pu yiyong because he is so relatable like he has lines such as "do i look like i'm a tourist spot?" or "am i suppose to collect them like dragon balls?" and in the first episode when he made everyone's jaw drop by drawing calligraphy perfectly withint 20 minutes!!!
i love this show that i want a season 2 NOW!
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the right teacher can change multiple students' lifes.
teacher hao used to be a teacher, then gangster until a second chance was given to him with him taking class 14, the school's worst class.however, later did he know that each student has their own struggles from oneself, their parents. their playfulness, silence could be a effect from their parents. (p.s: i feel like all the parents at the start are trash but ok) all these students just needed a push, someone reliable to talk to, someone reliable to help to speak up their thoughts to their parents and that someone is teacher hao.
what i like about this show is that the class was not bonded at first, but was able to get together because of their teacher, supporting him and ensure that he will not leave them. this is how much impact a teacher can make to one's life.
teacher hao does not lookdown on his students because they are the worst class but instead, he seek justice for them. from extra studying materials to having the same lunchtime with other classes. he is a great teacher.
one scene that was the most memorable to me was ep 29. wang fang called xiaoxiao for help and heard her crying. despite the big rain, he ran immediately to her and provided her with money that he lent from his dad. the fact that he always tried to be independent and does not like to ask his father to lend him money. and when she cried, he cried with her while slapping himself.
this precious relationship warms my heart. i know in this review, i keep saying that how teacher hao impacts class 14 but i believe that class 14 also impacted teacher hao one way or another. we learnt from each other, teacher to student and student to teacher.
the fact that when they heard that one of the classmates is getting bullied, some decided to report it to the teacher while some would run into the situation without knowing anything but he is getting bullied. this warms my heart <3 having classmates that are this protective of you and have your back just makes me happy~!
one thing i would like to bring out is that one failure does not mean anything. one failure means there is room for improvement, a space to grow, a setback, a fall but as long as you are able to get out of it, pull yourself out and allow yourself to stand up again. this mean that you are growing. never bow down to one failure.
+ hardwork will never betray you.
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the x zone
the zone is back with season 2 with the original casts, yoo jaesuk, lee kwangsoo and kwon yuri. this season to me, is rather repetitive, it's usually about horror, ghosts, something that is related to jaesuk's and kwangsoo's fear. which i feel like this season has a lot of these... as much as their reaction is fun, it gets annoying.however, there is something new too, like the moving bed, ddakji, playing detective and more. you can say it is up on a new skill. some parts were funny, some parts were okay.
overall, it is a good watch with family over the weekends!
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"it's not other people's views of you that make you. it's your own views that make you."
doctor romantic is back with season 3 after 3 years. before that, it is amazing how season 2 cast members can all be back without saying anything... just for season 3. not going to lie, this is the series that i am into the most and here are my reviews!it is a good watch as it highlights the struggles of being a doctor. medical malpractice that should not happen, doctors that are overworked that results in being distant with their family members. this season focuses a lot on the doctors which are different from from the previous seasons, focusing on the patients.
euntak's past was touched on and we get to see what exactly happened to euntak that made him came to doldam. we get to see more jung insoo.
however with the writing, the first few episodes were great, then it fall flat in the middle and got picked back up. i had some initial complaints such as cha jinman was not needed because there was kang dongju that preach about the same thing. with cha jinman (especially the actor), it was a hard watch and results in a loose end, him.
i was also disappointed on how they wrote cha eunjae. it would be nice to give her more meaningful scenes than crying and fitting into the stereotype of female are the emotional type. i think it would be nice if you have gotten a situation where everyone is worried of her instead of putting woojin into dangerous situation again and again. + i think they lacked exposure for cha eunjae. what does she feel after the collapse? did she talk to woojin about it?
another one was the dimple couple. they had only 1 minute screentime each episode and after the cold war, it was euntak staring at areum. like dude, stop staring, she isn't superwoman, she doesn't know what you're thinking. and they really dragged to the last episode to get back together (which i didn't mind hehe, as long as they are happy!)
overall, it was a comforting and stressful watch that i really enjoy it. you learn a lot from this drama! there are potential of season 4 which i am waiting for! doldam, please come back to me T-T
ost - 10/10
here are some of my fav tracks
track 2 - i will stay with you by gummy
track 4 - still you by seungkwan (svt)
track 7 - more than yesterday by seo dahyun (tripleS)
track 10 - thank you for the memories by doldam
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2 out of 5 for the dhevaprom series.
did i came across this drama because of tiktok? yes, i did and i am so glad that i was able to watch this drama.i feel like among all 5 of the dhevaprom series, this has a more interesting first meeting and setting of story. as chatklao, the male lead is an army doctor, something i do not really see in shows. and kwanruetai is someone that helps to snitch on drug dealers.
kwanruetai has a more lasting impression to me because of the unique first few interactions such as rumors being gay, kissing accidentally etc. the show was funny at first (if you log out after tai's mum scene) and slowly but surely became dark that im like ???
but what i really love is that chatklao and other juthathep only focuses on one person and give them reassurance <33 it felt like family drama which i can understand but i think tai's mum should tone it down a little.
overall, i really enjoyed this one among all the dhevaprom series as of now! and i am excited about their wedding!
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a process of growing, being an adult.
everything and nothing is a simple story between two 17 year old students that has their own secrets that they don't want people in their circle to know about. yes, it is simple but heartbreaking at the same time because on how fast they have to grow up. not everyone has a happy family and be worry free. it ended up with secrets being found between the two main characters. from barely knowing each other to knowing each other's little dirty secret and being each other's support.since the durable is only about 2 hours, it is packed and slightly more fast paced. personally, it would be fun to see more episodes where they explore more. how do the main characters develop from there? do they remain friends? or are they more advanced? it doesn't have to be an extra 12 episodes or anything, but maybe 3-4 more to develop.
the acting to me was great. the pair of main young aspiring actors are park sieun who is currently in stayc and yoon chanyoung who is gain more popularity from all of us are dead. (but i tend to find him very monotone in his acting somehow...) these two have great chemistry together due to past three shows that they have worked on. these shows are 'pluto squad', 'still 17 / 30 but 17' and 'six flying dragon'. i am waiting for another drama between them where they are main leads.
the rating gives little to no justice because on my take, i do really enjoy this little drama or movie. if you're curious, feel free to watch it! there are must twist and turns for you to unbox and watch!
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was it the memory i lost? or was it you?
i would rate this show an infinity out of 10. this show was a show that took kdrama land by storm. it came out of nowhere and took everyone by surprise.i watched this show because of hyeyoon as her acting in extraordinary you as eun danoh is one of my favourite. hyeyoon and wooseok brought sol and sunjae to live. im so glad that both of them were casted. but huge kudos to hyeyoon because sol is such a complex character and the fact that sol cries in every episode. i don't know how taxing it is for hyeyoon but she does really well. there is no sunjae if not for wooseok, but there is no lovely runner if not for hyeyoon. i just felt that she is neglected compared to wooseok.
this show is a masterpiece. the script, the story, the cinematographic and even to the ost are perfect. this show also highlighted that we only know each other's existence because we paid attention. if not, we would miss each other. which aligns perfectly with my thinking that all of us are linked one way or another, its just a matter of time for us to know each other.
right from the bat, the first episode tugged my heart because it reflects why one becomes a fan of an idol. the idol, saved us in someway without them knowing.
one thing i love about this show is how they have cliche scenes with their own twist. they took the rom-COM really seriously. you never expect what will happen, it can be scary, romantic and suddenly 360 changes with comedy. i think its one of the highlights for this show as well.
what make viewers love this show so much?
- i believe its the characters. we have ryu sunjae, a green flag and a loser in every timeline. we have im sol, someone that is positive and carries a lot of things behind her. we have kim taesung, our second male lead that is not irritating and helped our main lead. each character have good relationship with others as well. (and truck-nim finishing kys was classic as well)
and also, as the show goes on, you would realise details that you didn't in the first watch. on the later part, you would go like "oh? OH!" this is a factor i enjoyed as well. everything is so detailed that its beautiful.
what made the viewers stayed?
- well, well, let's welcome our iconic episode 2 ending. it was a well plot twist that is going into the books for years. something simple yet fulfilling. it was a wow factor because for the past 2 episodes are in sol's point of view and we get to see her drifting from sunjae as she thinks that sunjae founds her annoying. but in reality, sunjae fell long ago.
another scene that took me by storm was the ending of episode 4 where sunjae saved sol and she looked at him with teary eyes, wondering "was it the memory i lost? or was it you?" this got me bawling and was the it scene for me.
another thing about lovely runner is that the writer, is good at her ending. the episode always ends on a spot, craving the viewers to want more. therefore, many people looked forward to monday because lovely runner day they say, and im no different.
my favourite ost are:
- run run by eclipse
- like a dream by minnie
- spring snow by 10cm
- may i love you? by umji
despite the problems they faced such as changing of director, actors rejecting the script and more, it was a hit huge. if you are looking for a show to out of nowhere, this is it. it cured my drama slump and made me into them so so much.
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