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Divas Hit the Road Season 5 chinese drama review
Divas Hit the Road Season 5
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by yue eun
Jan 24, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
No geral 10
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 10.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

if a problem come, we face it together, life has many ways of solving the problem.

i would rate this show an infinity out of 10. everything is so good in this show and the people that you are travelling really affects the progress.

this show is everything. all of them are emotionally stable and does not push blames on people. in fact, when there is a problem, they would bring it up and communicate with each other, solve the problem together. each of them are not perfect, each of them have their own strengths and weakness. however, because of that, they work best as a team. they learn and grow from each other and one thing about them is that they truthy appreciate what has been done for them. they face everything together and find the best out of the worst.

each episode just get better and you can slowly unbox the "found family" trope from them. from strangers to friends, then friends to found family. they all had the feels where they felt more like a group of good friends or family hanging out with each other rather than some superstar or people that based on seniority. from exploring themselves to height-related adventures, to watching stars together after they had their heart to heart talk, kayaking together, having steamboat together, having fun together, eating together or even chasing the northlights together. it is something called "封神" - a term that is used when something sealed the deal.

but do note that it would contain chinese propaganda which in this case is to learn what has china build that impacted the country. all seven of them are unproblematic but the ones that are problematic are the viewers. this is the best chinese variety show that i have watched.

not just that, everyone is just like a chopstick where it can be paired up randomly. as a shipper myself, i felt into that hole and my favourite cp was hu xianxu and zhao zhaoyi... our extra couple! but all of them are so good together as they also give off relaxing vibes.

qin hailu is into those alpha ml kinda stories but praises to give to her because she has all the advices needed and experience that she settles a lot of things. qin lan's mindset needed to be studied as she gave so many good advices and had such a positive mindset such as saying the right things at the right time. xin zhilei is our cooker, driver and comedian in the group. she can be straightforward but can be funny as well. i had a new outlook on reba, someone introverted but plans well for the trip. she is willing to try out something new and pampers everyone. zhao zhaoyi, i am so so glad that i was able to discover her because she is just like a golden retriever! you would feel nothing but positive energy from her. you have no idea how much i adore and love her. wang anyu... my man grew up so much! from the first country to the third country, i saw a lot of improvements from him and how he looked crappier and crappier! out of nowhere, i suddenly get wang anyu's visual especially his teary eyes! + our photographer! without you, qin hailu would cry at other's photography skills and many beautiful photos from him! lastly, hu xianxu, he might be young but his thoughts deepens around people and the world. yes, he can be funny, but he can also give you worthy emotional advices and he did became a gentleman!

with that, i would want you guys to watch the show as its available on mangotv! it is worth a shot as it gets better and better. they are funny, emotionally stable and everything you would want travelling with friends.

please comeback for the next season and it can be called "divas hit the road: we are back" btw! this show is super hot in china rn! it even reached 35 million views and won awards too!
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