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Dez 7, 2016

Near death and smexy rain scenes. Dramaland wholesome goodness.

So Pi Ya Nou was a little silly immediately writing that letter for Zi Feng. First off all it was too soon. Secondly of course he was gonna notice the handwriting. We're in dramaland after all. I was a little bit annoyed that Pi Ya Nuo would just throw caution to the wind. Luckily Du Zi Feng is a kind thinking/hearted person.

I loved how nervous Du Zi Feng's sister got when she got caught in her comfort home wear! Noting strikes fear in a beautiful woman's heart like having the man she's after see her without makeup and casual wear. Ha-ha.

Yang Na Na and Wei Quing Yang's romance is so cute. Though plagued by unrealsitic shots. From walking down the middle of cement paths and fainting, in which she magically transported to cushiony grass. The plane scene was lovely, but I wanted to see them launching them all at once. Super powers were needed.

A MDL friend said that Bromance is indeed a check list of drama tropes. Well it's very true. I really laughed my butt off during the whole "freezing in the rain" scene. Though I did appriciate it in the end when Zi Feng was all wet. (Nothing makes up for cheesiness like hot wet guys. >_< Mmmmmmmm.)

Bromance is still tons of fun, even if the tropes kind of got away.

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Dez 6, 2016

Ha-ha. "Nigh of Men."

Ha-ha. I figured Night of Men was gonnna go down like that. The punishment for not bringing any men was fun, not lame. Though I feel super bad for Ji Won! She's a total catch. I know it's a region thing that Korean guys aren't into those "kind of girls". Hmph. If Ji Won's been dating like that and so out going she would have caught some guys eye by now.

Bravo to Yi Na for not taking crap from Ye Eun's boyfriend. The sad part is that he's being nice now because he doesn't know when he'll be mean later. But he's already being mean and he's after Yi Na. Oh, dear Ye Eun. Her truth is the reality of many woman. The heart wants what the heart wants, but the head and heart know when it's time to walk away. Be brave!

Ahhhhhh! Eun Jae was so cute. After her "transformation" I love how suddenly her crazy haired oppa was into her and she blew him off! See. Total crush. I love how naïve they both are at love. Eun Jae's senior is just as new as it as he doesn't know what he's dong either.

Jin Myeong's poor man. I feel so bad from him. Girl he's already getting a glimpse into your life. He didn't run when you muttered about wishing your brother had died. Or when debt collectors came calling. I feel bad for him. Of all the guys I like him the most.

Ah, so the creeper is out for revenge for his daughter. I can't believe he was dumb enough to take the bracelet. Not only that but I wonder if Yi Na is really in the wrong. What happened!

The ghost and forced foreshadowing of all the girls secrets kind of brought this down for me. So far it feels like Ji Won doesn't have one, but I'm sure she does. The writer didn't need to make all the commentary and forced foreshadowing. Things were revealing themselves quite nicely.

That said the Night of Men party was hilarious and I loved it for making Eun Jae's senior be brave and confess! So cute.

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Dez 6, 2016

Ha-ha! Instead of party balloon animals. It's party balloon penises.

Ha-ha! Instead of party balloon animals. It's party balloon penises. I can't believe they could show all those penis shaped things, but they blurred out those random papers hanging up in Ji Won and Ye Eun's bedroom!

Holly cow this episode made me laugh like crazy. All of the antics. Starting with Eun Jae pining over the guy with the long hair, ever weird pants, and cheesy lines! Ha-ha. It's crazy to me how someone can be so emotionally involved with only their imagination! Poor Senior. Don't worry. You'll get through Eun Jae's oblivious brain.

This was a great episode showcasing the different types of relationships and they're ending. Eun Jae's first real crush--I'm sorry I can't call it love. Poor Jin Myeong barely started love. Then of course Ye Eun's long and abusive relationship. It feels odd to say that as I thought Ye Eun's relationship would be a comedic thing. What I like is that even though it has taken this darker turn, it's relastic. It show's how despite the way he treats her that she loves him. That's one of the reasons she acknowledges that she has to break things off. However, from that ending I think he's gonna weasel and she's gonna cave in a blink.

That said I loved all the girls getting ready for the party. I feel bad for Jin Myeong, but you can't not do things because of other people. It was hilarious when Ji Won's dad showed up and they were scrambling to put all the part décor away. I love how gleeful Yi Na was about the party! Ha-ha! All because of the ghost in the shoe cupboard.

Well I'm really looking forward to the party. The creepy guy following Yi Na is revealed to have just gotten out of prison and looking to punish a girl. I wonder if he will go through with it? What did Yi Na do? Clearly she's been punishing herself over it. Or at least that's what I think. It must have something to do with the creeper's son or a relation of some kind? Right? The speculations keep me guessing! (Oh, and you just know that Yi Na is going to invite the creeper.)

Either way I'm really looking forward to this party! It's a promise for chaos and fun. Especially since getting ready for the party was so much fun. (Roof top party! Sorry couldn't resist.)

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Ha-ha!! Hey, sometimes I ge that excited over cake too!

Oh, man!!! It's so cruel when the 1586 timeline stops!! When Shim Chung cries out at the end of the drama cliffhanger is how I feel when the historical timeline stops! Ah, so intense. So lovely!

This episode continues to develop the characters, and I love how the extra at the end gives us a taste of what some of the other side characters were doing in the past. Though I'm still confused what they are to the present and such. A lot of those side characters need to develop. Such as why Shi Ah was getting paid by his one friend. He's helping her land him, but he has to pay her or . . . what? I'm a little bummed that Joon Jae is an heir like that. I really liked the idea of him being a poor guy in the present timeline. After all the situations have reversed for a lot of the characters.

It also feels so odd to see Sung Dong Il as the villain after watching him play a caring and grieving father in Moon Lovers. Boy is he bringing the villain though. He gave me goose bumps as he hunts Joon Jae down.

Shim Chung is a hoot here, and I really wonder what she's going to do now that she's met her competition? Oh, and I totally think Tae Oh is gonna get a crush on SHim Chung! I really want his character explored more.

Still lots of laughs and I'm so curious if Joon Jae will actually be able to get his memories back! That would be so awesome.

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She can't control the mind erasing kisses? Hmm.

She can't control the mind erasing kisses? Hmm. That's a bit odd, but I guess we need a odd hijink to complicate things. Though losing his memories everytime they kiss could lead to a tiring plotline. Could, but I'll keep my faith going.

I love how at the start of each episode that it starts off with the 1586 timeline. This time it was even longer and I'm totally in love with it! Oh, what a great build up. I know it was popular to introduce the past storyline in an info dump in the first few episodes. Then slow reveals throughout the series, but now I think it's going to become popular to do bits and pieces at the beginning. Just like You Who Came From the Stars really fired up the end of the episode "extras".

I think I loved this episode even more because our lovely mermaid got even more time. I loved watching her interact with the modern era. Especially her mugging and "kidnapping" that little girl. (That girl is so precious!!!) Jeon Ji Hyeon is truly stealing the show! She's so mischievous and wonderful.

Poor Lee Min Ho can't keep up, even though we're getting a setup for him and his family ties. I look forward to them interacting more in the next episode. Though I don't want to give up more alone time with the awesome mermaid. I mean it, this show would have me just watching her try to live in the modern era. Her character is so well written and Jeon Ji Hyeon's acting makes her so real.

Besides exploring land with our mermaid there's a lot of setup. The hypnotizing powers still feel really off and kind of stretching. The elevator scene really taking that to a slightly cheesy place for me. The setup for the third wheel of the love triangle hasn't captured my attention either, and I find that it could go bad. (I mean another devious female lead trying to capture the male lead's attention . . . )

Again I love the humor of this show and it keeps me smiling the whole time! Definitely a wonderful feel good drama. I also love all the little eastereggs and the tie ins with the Ma Dae Yeong / Mister Yang character. I feel like the payoff is going to be really good.

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Nov 29, 2016

Everybody let's hold hands and tell everyone the truth.

This is a really drawn out episode. Even my unending love for Park Soo Kyeong and Lee Ji Sang as a couple couldn't keep me from feeling bored. They dragged out that kiss so long that when things finally happened I was kind of over it.

I'm not even sure if I like Anna and Park Hoon's relationship. Suddenly she's treating him like a dog, and it doesn't feel so sweet anymore.

I did love how Oh Hae Yeong #1 was waiting for Do Kyeong and she watched all the antics of the other couples as they came in for the night.

I have to ask though why can't Park Soo Kyeong and Lee Ji Sang be friends who have a kid together? Who says they have to get married? Though I guess it's the fear of how the people around them will treat the child. Illegitimate kids are still a no-no in Korea.

Overall still solid. Oh Hae Yeong's fear of being 100% in love and Do Kyeong only being 89% or lower is real. When you realize that you love someone more or are committed more it can be scary. You're waiting for the other person to get there, or to decide they don't want to get there with you. It's one of the exciting and scary things about falling in love.

On that note I'm so afraid that Tae Jin is really going to try and kill Do Kyeong!! Dang it! I wish actor Lee Jae Yoon really got to be an awesome male lead one of these dramas. Don't worry your time will come.

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I loved her fighting noises!

Ha-ha!! I love that Jeon Ji Hyeon is the one with super powers thus far! I'm really happy that she can kick butt! Her fight noises and facial expressions--not to mention the reference--is too cool! Oh, my gosh I just love it. Not to mention that she is officially talking in the current timeline, I loved that whole scene.

I will admit I'm super curious about the historical timeline. The little snippets (AKA cruel teasing) at the beginning aren't enough! I hope they continue, and I wouldn't' complain if they evolved to take up more time. Oh, and yes the little end specials continue!!

This drama still looks awesome and I really love the look of the whole thing.

Lee Min Ho is doing a pretty great job and I will say it the chemistry is successful. That was the one thing I was really worried about. A lot of times super pair ups like this fail short.

I think what's really great about Legend of the Blue Sea is how much I was smiling. It's a feel good show and I love it! Sure there's not a lot plot, but what's here is paced well and the characters are developing. It's going to get even more exciting once they're back in Seoul and more characters are truly introduced.

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Nov 26, 2016

The emotions!!!!

I love that Song Yi returned the words from Young Mok to Min Joon, that she likes him more than the thinks. It's moving. In fact, this whole episode is moving. I love that their final week was boring and mundane, like life. Those are the moments you cherish. Not to mention Min Joon's words on goodbye to Young Mok. Their relationship is one of my favorite things about YWCftS. I don't want Min Joon to leave Song Yi, but I don't want him to leave Young Mok even more!

I loved pretty much everything about this episode. Normally I'd give such an episode a 9 because of the minor story flaws, but I just can't because the emotions and all of the actors here delivered. I feel the pain that either his death or leaving will cause. The moments of pure joy are wonderful and I love how I'm torn between crying and laughing.

The moments Min Joon gets to spend with Song Yi's family are so dear. They make you appreciate family. While there are some glaring plot holes and some rushed/awkward plot points made and moved, this episode will stick with me.

Well done. I love that we get to see what Song Yi recorded for Min Joon and that she finally got to hear the words she longs for. Though it will be painful if this ends with them getting married--good!--only for them to be separated. I hate plots like that (Rooftop Prince anyone?). It is a romantic gesture, but no matter how vicious I can be (I'm always screaming for character blood!) I love a happy ending.

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Vampire Pterodactyl cry of hunger! Queue that circus music! Cause nothing goes better with vampires.

Vampire Pterodactyl cry of hunger! (If you've watched Land Before Time you know that tacky dinosaur noise I mean.) Queue that circus music! Cause nothing goes better with vampires.

Wow! So this drama is going back and showing us what we missed. This doesn't bode well. Because if they just would have done it right first, it wouldn't have been so choppy in the first episode. Oh, and we're back to the the "find my chipmunk scene" scene whilst I grope you. I mean, I don't blame her. But really? Excuse me while I watch his fangs pop again. ^_- (See sexual innuendos.)

Holy, cow! They cut out Sung Yeol's fang poppin and freak'n. Maybe someone watched the first episode looked at the director and said, "Dude. That was crap." Because the story is actually flowing well. There are still a quite a few inconstancies, but it's better.

Gwi's scene on the palace roof. Dark Knight anyone? "Because he's the vampire the fans don't deserve, but he's the one they're gonna get." Or, err something like that. Love the roof top secret stalking/meeting/alluding though!! Oh, and I am onboard for Gwi monologuing his villainess plans--gosh that sexy voice--whilst making paper boats. A phrase I find odd to type and secretly enjoyed very much. Though the spell was kinda broken when he bathed in blood. Does he have a second tub? His after-I've-bathed-in-blood tub? I hope so.

Forbidden Request and Moonlight Rebellion! Did they really have pennames like this? It's a good joke on webtoon pennames!

Gisaengs getting that excited for books?! I can get behind that 100%! Teaching those kids to read in the village! 100%! Not to mentions props for having Sung Yeol find out that she's a girl so soon. Though that whole thing with him smirking and smiling kind of made him look like a creeper. (But a sexy creeper.)

This was a better episdoe and I'm already a victim of both Lee Joon Gi and Lee Soo Hyuk's stunning looks and sexy voices. (No really their voices are so distinct. Every time they speak BOOM! OVARIES!) Lee Joon Gi finally got to insert some of his great acting and sexy swagger into Sung Yeol and I approve. Oh and actor Shim Chang Min is killing it (AKA sexy as sin) playing Lee Yoon. Not to mention that I find Kim So Eun super sexy and I love her in this role. Even though I dropped Boys Over Flowers she was one of the few actors I enjoyed.

So yes, visually this is stunning! (AKA actor candy only!) The music started to move away from circus tune to over the top vampire stuff. So some improvement. The writing improved a whole bunch from the last episode, but it's still . . . bad. Come to find out that the writers are the originals behind the webtoon/manhwa, with one of the writers behind Coffee Prince to balance things out. The director actually did The Moon Embracing the Sun, which I have heard big things about. Everything about this drama should have been a wonderful idea, but the execution left a lot to be desired. With this improvement I am willing to give Scholar Who Walks the Night my normal 4 episode try.

Favorite quote: "Incredible. You have raised the bar when it comes to lewd drawings!"

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Nov 21, 2016

Slower, but really great for the character developement.

This episode is definitely slower paced and takes itself a bit more seriously. There's still some fun! However, it's rich with dialogue and characters developing.

I truly believe that Se Mi was angry and upset that the man she loved never looked at her. Just as the woman he loved never looked at him that way. Sadly the woman he loved totally new he loved her. Se Mi waited and at least got rejected right away. To be honest I think Se Mi and Hui Kyung should just start seeing each other. Especially now that I believe that Se Mi realizes how much Song Yi really cares about her after hearing that she said she'd quit certain gigs if they didn't hire her Se Mi.

Some of my favorite scenes are definitely between Se Mi and Song Yi. Though Song Yi and her father take the prize this time. The scenes where he talks to her are so moving, plus I love that feeling that her father knows something and the end "extended" scene shows us that he really does! Yeah!

After Min Joon decides to really go selfish on Song Yi he better shape up! Oh, and is he going to be sick again?

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Nov 20, 2016

Min Joon, may you be smarter moving forward.

So this was like an extended episode. Apparently things were cut out leading to Song Yi's accident. So now we're getting the full version. While normally annoying for me, because that means they're trying to stretch out the show, it was done pretty well here.

I like that the cops aren't buying Min Joon being such an easy scape goat. It's refreshing since normally the cops are always out to get the male lead.

I feel so guilty for lusting for Jae Kyung! Man his actor is so fine and channeling this dark vibe. I feel bummed that it's gonna go a predictable plotline with him. (Come on, who isn't guessing that he killed his older brother. Or was heavily involved in it?) Still dang he's channeling some hot mojo.

That said I feel so bad for Hui Kyung! His dad is telling his mom to chill out her worry for her son. Only Se Mi and his mom are truly worried. Then he's never mentioned again! Not even his brother is acting worried or seems to care that his evil schemes may have killed him. We don't know his condition besides he went in for surgery. Let's at least make an effort to care about the male lead!

It was very interesting seeing Song Yi's dad come rushing. Touching that he saved her, and then Song Yi's words/thoughts in her coma state.

Now let us hope that Min Joon starts acting like the world weary guy he keeps saying he is. Step up his game and take the bad guy out!

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What an episode! I feel black and blue from the wallop.

First off I'm gonna tread lightly for the sake of spoilers.

However, this episode really covered ground. While I do feel Like Moon Lovers tends to go fast on things that should be more developed every note was hit. What a moving episode.

I was beyond annoyed with how So judged Soo for who she loved before him. She didn't tell him who it was, but he new that she was in love with another. I guess that even then I hated Wook enough that he was blinded and didn't want to see it.

The most important thing is that characters "I had thrown away" redeemed themselves and you understood them. I love that even though some actions are--were--unforgivable I could understand it. There were moving episodes with everyone. Oh, and I feel really sad for Wook's sister. Even when she thought she was using her brother he really only did it for Soo. His sister is way evil.

The next episode has to be amazing, and I need 8th Prince to get some kind of Karma justice. I'm very curious to see the 14th prince and Soo together. Actually I'm kind of eager. I'm wondering if this time period their romance fails, but Soo will end up in the future again and find him? How cool would that be. (Statement, not question.)

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Nov 1, 2016

Honesty: It will save you from betraying everyone!

Darn it! Shi had the perfect opportunity to finally confess everything to Ka Suo. Yet, he totally wasted it. Though my belief is that if she would have immediately gone to Ka Suo or confronted the Ice King all of this stupidity could have been avoided.

Okay, I've wanted to say this in my last episode review, but not it's not a spoiler anymore. I can't believe the Mermaid Princess committed suicide. Shi saved her, but her soul is broken. She's as good as dead at this point.

Maybe the reality of this whole thing is that while the Ice King was good to not push Lotus into who the real father is, he never does fully treat Shi well. Only when he wanted him to protect and serve Ka Suo. The Ice King wants Shi to be bad.

Now that we know Lotus is horribly evil I kind of want her to die. Even though the actress is one of my faves. I'm very curious to see what Lotus's story with the last survivor of the Ice Flame Tribe is? Poor girl. First Flame seduces and uses her. Then the King of Ice only wants her Mermaid Tear as well. So what tragic events lead her to Ice Flame guy? AKA the black mist.

These episodes are such a rush. I love that the Princess of Fire has matured so much and seems to have become the more level headed and logical person here. I feel bad for the Mermaid Princess that her character went that way.

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Nov 1, 2016


Oh, my gosh no!!!!!!! The poor Mermaid Princess, my heart just broke for her. Talk about history repeating itself. This should really get Shi to quit scheming. Or at the very least he's gonna have to marry her to make it up to here. What's gonna happen to my girl.

I don't want her innocence and joy to be gone. That's what makes Mermaid Princess so amazing. That innocence and joy is also why I'm not going to bash her too hard. Firstly she knows Ka Suo is in love with someone else. If she truly loves him she should know he is not the type to push before hand. Blindfolded? Really. No suspicions. Ka Suo is not a man of blindfolds. He gets chained down instead. *winks*

This episode really moved ground. I think the scene between the Mermaid Princess and her "love" jumping back and forth between Ka Suo and Li Lou was really jumpy. Like talk about heavy handed transitions.

For the sake of spoiling I won't say much else. There's murder and crazy scheming. Finally Ka Suo call Li Lou out as a fool! Now they maybe can have a happy ending. Please!!!!!! Or at least they can be together and face the world as one. Bring it!

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Out 2, 2016

That's not how I expected it to go.

Um, so Peng Peng and the Emperor settled things. Right? Peng Peng is now officially embraced that he is a she. They are one!

However, despite admitting and acting upon her feelings, she's still loyal to 9th Prince. Even though the Emperor has said he will make sure she is safe even if he dies. Wow . . . just. Why?

By now they've talked their issues out and I had thought Peng Peng had finally laid her feelings to rest. This feels really off that despite it all she's chosen to be loyal to 9th Prince.

I'm really worried how this is all going to end.
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