
  • Última vez online: 6 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Aniversário: March 31
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013
Fev 12, 2017

More of the other characters.

This episode holds a lot more promise for the story as it actually develops into the side characters more. FINALLY! Honestly not much has been going on for Boss and Me. Not even for the leads. It's fun, but pondering.

Hopefully this episode is the birth of better pacing. Not to mention better wooing from Big Boss. Ha-ha. It is refreshing that Feng Teng is undecided about how to approach her, nervous, and afraid of how she might change if they did date. The last worry is probably the most realistic one. However, everyone changes.

This episode had a ton of great moments. Most importantly that I think Feng Teng's secretary is trying to play match maker! He-he.

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Fev 11, 2017

My face hurts from smiling!

My face hurts from smiling so much! Ha-ha. It is fun and ladder boy was not totally forgotten and I like where he is headed off. Thank you dear writer for letting him have a HEA instead up pining after Shan Shan now that the boss has set his sights to her.

Though I'm really wondering if Zheng Qi is interested in Shan Shan or not? Or if he just lost the game?

Some of the freeze frame was back, still don't care for it. At least they were better shots.

You know Feng Teng really hasn't been developed yet, and I think that's where a huge part of the disconnect is coming from. He's an idea to propel the fantasy of the romance. The cold boss who has stalked the lead and now wish's to woo her in a way she won't realize she is being wooed.

Ah. Satisfying, but I want more.

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Fev 11, 2017

Okay, the cynic in me rebels. BUT the hopeless romantic in me is squeeing!

Okay, the cynic in me rebels. BUT the hopeless romantic in me is squeeing! Sometimes it's just so refreshing to have such an upbeat lead. Sure there are others, but they're always pulling themselves out of some kind of funk. Shan Shan has spunk, and I can't help relate to someone who enjoys their lunchtime and dances when it snows. I feel like I've found my kindred spirit! Ha-ha. (Kidding. Kind of.)

While it's creepy he is technically spying on her, I like that he did fall in love with her. Over the simple joy she finds in life. As he said, the simple enjoyment of a lunchbox. It makes me wonder how he'll approach her eventually.

Though I do feel bad for ladder boy. I mean he's so nice and was a friend to her from the beginning. Poor boy.

So I admit it this isn't ground breaking, but it's warm and simple. Sometimes simple sweet romances are all you need.

On the plus side the freeze frames and cartoons have stopped.

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Fev 11, 2017

A little everywhere, but fun.

This drama goes a little bit everywhere trying to establish itself. It's not the worst setup, but not the best.

There's a few key things I don't like. Excessive use of sped up scenes to make the story go faster. I admire they want to keep the pacing going, but it's annoying after too much use. Freeze scenes for the "action" bits. I hope that doesn't stay. I don't find the use of cartoons to work. I actually really want to see the actors faces. I can see why they want to do it for day dream scenes, but I hope they don't use it too much.

Overall it's an okay setup. I think t's funny that Shan Shan loved the idea of the hiring department accidently falling a sleep and clicking her through. Yet the fact that she might have been picked for her "panda blood", AKA AB, she doesn't like it. Though being a blood bank would probably terrify me. In fact, I'd find a new job ASAP.

So far I like Shan Shan she's caring, up beat, and tries her best. She knows her flaws. She was also smart enough to realize that she was a blood bank. I'm very curious as to where the drama will go from here.

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Fev 6, 2017

Ah, a chronic liar.

I had a feeling Song Ji Won was a chronic liar. Among few other things. It's a shame how things turned out for Eun Jae finally trusting in someone. It feels like so much is being left out of certain things so that they can cram in before the final episode.

I mean! Wham! The beginning of this episode. Holy drama. I thought something bad would happen when Doo Yeong Felt slighted over Ye Eun getting over him. He had an inferiority complex and there was a hint of some physical abuse in the relationship before. In the end when they dragged him out in his prison jumper it was a well delivered message: don't date guys like me.

Deep stuff aside.

Eun Jae's story is definitely dark and her lack of feeling with the insurance guys investigating definitely brought her to a scary place. It scares me how it's going to play out for her. On the happy side I'm happy to see her boyfriend back. I feel like so much was left out between them! They're so cute together and I get why she's pulling away with her big secret haunting her. Like I said this is intense.

I also felt horrible for my SONG! Liar Song apparently. She's so lonely. Her actions of lying tend to keep people at arms length. So I feel for her when she wanted someone to come to her.

This episode again showcases how much these girls have grown together and care for one another. Personally I would have enlisted the delivery guy further. However, girl power wins! I loved that Ye Eun still tried to get in there and help her girls.

Wow, the end is near. I don't know how this is going to wrap up! Definitely a drama with such amazing writing that it deserved more length. Something I rarely get to say about dramas.

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Jan 26, 2017

The colors really are important.

There's been a lot of speculation about the color beige as it seems like the whole cast is where it. So far it's been beige and then the brighter scheme in Ra Bong Hee's present. However, in the cliff flashback we see So Hee in color. Also, they're showing the entire island cast in white towards the end. Clearly the color scheme is going to mean important things for the story.

Red. Red is going to mean something and seeing as So Hee suddenly has red on during what looked like her plummeting to her death, and then Ra Bong Hee when she sees everyone in white. So Hee is also in vivid tones then.

Speculations aside I love how ambitious this is going to be. It really could mess with your mind and keep you guessing. Not to mention that even though I'm pretty sure that was the death of a character, the writing still kept me smiling and laughing. (Even while laughing I felt guilty because I'm pretty sure that was the first official--that we know of--island death.)

Overall fantastic! What a great show to start of my drama new year! Clearly a lot of time and though has gone into this script. Someone may have been inspired by the USA Lost, but the writers are going to make it their own. Plus, I love all of the acting.

Side note: I'm baffled as to why the ratings in Korea are so low! It feels like they rarely reward shows that try to break the K-drama mold and deliver something better. Here's hoping word of mouth will get this show picked up in the ratings so that we can get more dramas like this.

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Jan 26, 2017

Very promising start.

Even though I'm a bit tired of the trope of having the "end" at the beginning and then flashback to events it does set the story up well. Creating a mystery of whether or not there is one survivor. Then flashback so that we can meet everyone else. Of course making us agonize as to whether or not any of them make it to the end.

I like the idea of this mystery between the idols and what went on on in the past before they made it big. Also, the idea of Jun Oh as disgraced idol who just keeps clinging on. The scene where he tried to mooch off of everyone else's fame is hilarious. Yet sad.

The first episode clearly promises smart cinematography. Tons of lovely shots to be found, especially the crash. It's a decent setup, but it bounces around just a little too much. Not to mention that I don't think a special task force "police" can tell the victim that they're an inconvenience and bully them like that. Pretty sure the girl would have someone else in the room on her side at the very least. Not to mention immedidatly putting her on another plain and then telling her that they "kind of looked, but stopped due to money which they'll unconventionally have to start the search up again."

Crazy. I"m curious to find out who will survive the crash and how the story will progress. Personally I want Bong Hee to come into her own and show them all what "real strength" is. (AKA please let this girl have survival skills! Please!!) Like she might not be the best stylist, but she knows how to deal with hardship.

Anywho, I have hopes for this drama and this is a pretty solid start.

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Dez 13, 2016

That was an intense episode and I'm not just talking about the womance!

That was an intense episode and I'm not just talking about the womance! Phew! That cliffhanger is scary, they better let us now what happened with Yi Na and the drowning. From the previews though it looks like they'll probably keep us, and Oh Jong Gyoo/creeper, in suspense.

I'm so proud of my girls for all going to fill in for Jin Myeong when she couldn't make her part time job. AND I'm proud of Jin Myeong! Now if she could really just tell that jerk boss/pervert off! Guys like him make it so hard for woman to go out and make it happen. Trying to keep them as nothing more then sex objects. +_+ I had a boss like that once . . . (he got what he deserved.)

This was a super fun episode and I love seeing Eun Jae's budding romance and Ye Eun's closing romance. Ye Eun better be dumping him! Don't blame the woman, blame the man. You're the one seeing him.

Overall the humor was great! Between getting ready to watch porn together and teaming up to help Jin Myeong the girls really were working the womance. I just wish that Jin Myeong could join in more, though it was all so terribly cute when they were walking home together!

Wonderful episode and I really do believe this is gonna be one of 2016's top dramas for me.

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Dez 12, 2016

The famous leather jacket enter my life!

Okay I remember seeing actor Chen Baron--though I didn't know who he was at the time--in this leather jacket! It blew up my MDL feeds for a bit and I have to say that even though I didn't have an interest in this drama I knew about it! I've been waiting for it to enter my drama life for a while now! So here it is, episode 11!

That said this was painful! Another stupid plot trope I'm not happy that Bromance is deciding to linger on. The father amnesia thing has found a place, grudgingly, and it's developing well. However, Bromance is killing me with all these close calls! Well shot but annoying!

Na Na! She saved this episode for me. You go girl, get whom you want! I love that she's fearlessly going after him and making her desire known. She's not over the top, which is good since I'm sure Wei Qing Yang couldn't stand that! My cutie! I really enjoy the two together and their developing relationship. I think there's a surprise about the house Na Na wants to buy. Oh, and I'm sorry there's no way he couldn't have ripped up his shirt like that. It looks like really well made cloth, still so manly.

Okay, so the pacing is off and it's a bit boring. This episode is still speckled with fun and entertaining things to keep it not so bad. Especially Feng's facial expressions as he shows off his shooting skills to Pi Ya Nuo. The motorcycle scene doesn't hurt either.

This is why I shouldn't watch the previews though, because they set me up! Either I'm gonna love it if Pi Ya Nuo actually tells him the whole truth. Or I'm gonna hate that they setup to seem like the confession was coming. It's a mind game!

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Dez 9, 2016

Wei Qing Yang's face during that kiss scene gave me such awesome feels.

Wei Qing Yang's face during that kiss scene gave me such awesome feels. Actually everyone's reactions did. I love that they all support and love them. Wanting Du Zi Feng and Pi Ya Nuo to find happiness together. Knowing the ones most important to them support them. Not to mention that his amnesia dad doesn't really care and is actually happy for them. >_< I think that means even with his memorie intact he'd support them.

That said I hate this framing plot with Chu Zhe Rui. Not to mention how quickly Pi Ya Nuo turns on him. If the man kept her biggest secret for how long, he would not have turned on her ever. Sheesh. In less it really turns out he did it I'm very ashamed of Pi Ya Nuo!

As I've said the coisin is so awesome! I'm so glad she showed up and I really want her to be friends with Na Na.

Speaking of Na Na. I loved Wei Qing Yang and Na Na's reactions. I really missed that as the focus has been more on her and her father. I love how she makes all the bold moves and Qing Yang is just all shocked, but loves it. That sly smile. I see it.

Overall better than the last one. while I didn't like that the kiss was "forced" it turned out pretty great.

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Dez 9, 2016

I have a feeling it's another near kiss.

Wow, this episode was so slow. It made great progess with Na Na and her dad. Even Zi Han and Liao Guang Chao had a great moment and some little interactions specled in to spice it up.

I hate amnesia plots. Can't someone vanish and something more interesting than a lost memory happen? Overall I found the whole plot more tiresome. Which makes me worry how future episodes are gonna go moving forward.

Pretending to be a sister of Pi Ya Nuo is lame, I liked it better if she could just come forward. Especially now that she knows Chu Zhe Rui knows her secret. Clearly a few people knowing for ages isn't going to hurt anything.

In the end I liked some of the smexy moments between Du Zi Feng and Pi Ya Nuo. It's just accompanied by the turn of lazier writing.

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Dez 7, 2016

Okay, Du Zi Feng has to know Pi Ya Nuo is a girl.

Okay, Du Zi Feng has to know Pi Ya Nuo is a girl. The tie scene where he was rubbing his face practically on hers, hand holding, wrist grabs that last FOREVER, and all the other stuff. I totally get that guys that are comfortable with eachother can be that close. I've had a few guy and girls I've been able to be physically close with because our friendship was so strong. However, there are lines. I wouldn't rub my face against theirs. After all that is more of a zone of space reserved for lovers.

Overall I like this show and considering I think this is one of the better gender benders I'm wondering how crazy my rating scale was back then. If this is just average for me, the other ones must of been kind of bad . . . he-he.

This episode could have been a bit of a let down because I am finding all the endless tropes a little dull because I don't think they're trying to make them unique. There just there.

Wei Qing Yang and Yang Na Na relationship actually interests me more. Especially since Na Na is sick. That adds new depths and questions to how their relationship will grow and evolve. This is the real saving point for this drama for me.

There's no doubt that Pi Ya Nuo knows that Chu Zhe Rui knows. I hate it when the girl plays dumb and then hurts the guy by not simply giving him a quick let down. Who knows maybe Pi Ya Nuo doesn't know how to handle feelings towards men.

The tent scene was cute and all, more wrist grabbing.

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Dez 7, 2016

Ah, the trope checklist continues.

Ah, the trope checklist continues. The hot springs one came faster than I thought. Sadly it was over so soon. It's always one of my favorite things in a gender bender and may not always be a guarantee to be written in.

So I really like the idea of Pi Ya Nuo pretending to be a gay man. At least that should help with the woman hitting on her.

The second lead is pretty charming, but I'm already firmly on TEAM Du Zi Feng. What I don't like is how careless Pi Ya Nuo became at the hot springs!!! 25 years no way would she ever make a mistake like that. I don't care for plots that compromise the female leads common sense so that she can be a damsel.

What a surprise that the writers decided to toss in the cross dressing already. (Where the girl actually gets to dress up as a girl, but the male lead doesn't know he's a she.)

I'm curious to know if Pi Ya Nuo will ever find out that Chu Zhe Rui knows her secret. Not to mention if he'll be the poor second lead who simple helps her out, but just pines in silence. (Make a move! Make a move!)

What I really like is that not all the male leads are head over heels for Pi Ya Nuo. I LOVE that Wie Qing Yang has his own love story, especially since the silent teddy bear types normally get neglected. Bii is such a great actor that his silence speaks volumes.

It's also nice to have a male lead who's as awesome as Du Zi Feng. He's kind, courageous, cares about others, and shows it all up front!

That said I love how Pi Ya Nuo's best friend was worried that he wasn't a man's cup of tea other! He's not any woman or man's type! Then what type is he?

This is a pass for me! This is a nice guilty pleasure of a gender bender and I love how lighthearted and easy it is. Sometimes you just need mindless fun.

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Dez 7, 2016

Near death and smexy rain scenes. Dramaland wholesome goodness.

So Pi Ya Nou was a little silly immediately writing that letter for Zi Feng. First off all it was too soon. Secondly of course he was gonna notice the handwriting. We're in dramaland after all. I was a little bit annoyed that Pi Ya Nuo would just throw caution to the wind. Luckily Du Zi Feng is a kind thinking/hearted person.

I loved how nervous Du Zi Feng's sister got when she got caught in her comfort home wear! Noting strikes fear in a beautiful woman's heart like having the man she's after see her without makeup and casual wear. Ha-ha.

Yang Na Na and Wei Quing Yang's romance is so cute. Though plagued by unrealsitic shots. From walking down the middle of cement paths and fainting, in which she magically transported to cushiony grass. The plane scene was lovely, but I wanted to see them launching them all at once. Super powers were needed.

A MDL friend said that Bromance is indeed a check list of drama tropes. Well it's very true. I really laughed my butt off during the whole &quot;freezing in the rain&quot; scene. Though I did appriciate it in the end when Zi Feng was all wet. (Nothing makes up for cheesiness like hot wet guys. &gt;_&lt; Mmmmmmmm.)

Bromance is still tons of fun, even if the tropes kind of got away.

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Dez 6, 2016

Ha-ha. "Nigh of Men."

Ha-ha. I figured Night of Men was gonnna go down like that. The punishment for not bringing any men was fun, not lame. Though I feel super bad for Ji Won! She's a total catch. I know it's a region thing that Korean guys aren't into those "kind of girls". Hmph. If Ji Won's been dating like that and so out going she would have caught some guys eye by now.

Bravo to Yi Na for not taking crap from Ye Eun's boyfriend. The sad part is that he's being nice now because he doesn't know when he'll be mean later. But he's already being mean and he's after Yi Na. Oh, dear Ye Eun. Her truth is the reality of many woman. The heart wants what the heart wants, but the head and heart know when it's time to walk away. Be brave!

Ahhhhhh! Eun Jae was so cute. After her "transformation" I love how suddenly her crazy haired oppa was into her and she blew him off! See. Total crush. I love how naïve they both are at love. Eun Jae's senior is just as new as it as he doesn't know what he's dong either.

Jin Myeong's poor man. I feel so bad from him. Girl he's already getting a glimpse into your life. He didn't run when you muttered about wishing your brother had died. Or when debt collectors came calling. I feel bad for him. Of all the guys I like him the most.

Ah, so the creeper is out for revenge for his daughter. I can't believe he was dumb enough to take the bracelet. Not only that but I wonder if Yi Na is really in the wrong. What happened!

The ghost and forced foreshadowing of all the girls secrets kind of brought this down for me. So far it feels like Ji Won doesn't have one, but I'm sure she does. The writer didn't need to make all the commentary and forced foreshadowing. Things were revealing themselves quite nicely.

That said the Night of Men party was hilarious and I loved it for making Eun Jae's senior be brave and confess! So cute.

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