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  • Aniversário: March 31
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013

Just a niggling suspiions

There's this niggling suspicion in the back of my mind that Se Mi would make an epic villain. In fact, if things really took a turn for her and she became a true villainess her and Jae Kyung could make quite the team. Of course she'd be in way over her head with him.

Somethings felt really off this episode. Namely Jae Kyung actually completely revealing to Min Joon that he would indeed kill people. Jae Kyung thinks risks through. Or maybe he knew that Min Joon knew. Also, I didn't care for that scene between Se Mi and Hui Kyung. That was not the look of annoyed friend, I think Hui Kyung has suppressed feelings for Se Mi. Which makes me think that Hui Kyung simply wants the girl that everyone else wants and she turns him down constantly so it's like adding kerosene to the fire! It's official I don't care for Hui Kyung at all.

Ugh, and now everyone knows that Min Joon is the guy that saved Song Yi. Early on I thought it would all come out into the open. Now I almost feel like Jae Kyung will know before Song Yi! (Well maybe not, she found the shard. But still.)

I still loved the heart rate parts and the side affects . . . how would a relationship ever work out? As his lecture stated skinship is important. (Yes, there could be an argument for how much skinship one really needs. My argument is that Min Joon kissed her, so I am thinking more than a little skinship is wanted.) I really enjoyed the look at Se Mi and the manager team! It's cute that they miss Song Yi, even if she treated them badly. Hey, sometimes people can tell when others are being fake. No one likes a faker.

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He-he! He crept closer.

I always have an issue with romances that start off with the guys hating the girls, usually they're jerks to the girl and they need to do some groveling before she takes him. Normally that never happens and the guy never earns her. I like this cute approach we're seeing! Especially the parallels between that random boy outside the book shop and Min Joon. It was perfect. Or when Min Joon's "dad" is pointing out that Min Joon and Song Yi are pretty much acting like a couple! All the cute minor things are perfect! Not to mention that little sneak peek back that was like an extended scene. "One meter! . . . . "One meter is closer than that." To see the pout and him creeping over to her. Too cute.

The opposite of cute is Shin Sung Rok playing the villainess Jae Kyung. Sung Rok has the perfect villain look here, he gives me chills! Though I'm wondering when he's going to be developed even more.

It's interesting how the writer is choosing to pull Min Joon and Song Yi's "fates" together. Not to mention showing how willing people are to throw Song Yi under the bus. That without proof and on gossip people are so willing to toss her aside. It makes me sad about Song Yi's friend. Though it's true how willing people are to bully others, whether they're a big star or not.

Well I want the romance to be good, and for Song Yi to have a big comeback/something to rub all these idiots noses in. (I also got a kick out of her turning around and rejecting everyone who was firing her.)

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Jul 6, 2016

Who hasn't fantasized about dancing in the rian to that song? Hmm?

Hands down one of the best/funnest drama rain scenes. Not to mention one of my top dancing in the rain scenes from now on. So cute and adorable. There is something about Rae Won, and boy is he bringing it with Ji Hong. I feel like I'd be putty in this man's hands, Hye Jung is a tougher woman than me!

That said I think Yoon Do is really cute, and I find his developing crush of Hye Jung to be absolutely ADORABLE! (Queue high pitched voice for the word "adorable"!) Oh, I feel for this character too.

Heck, I really like all of the characters! Even Seo Woo to a point, that's because the writer is really putting forth the effort to develop these characters.

My favorite side character is definitely Soon Hee! I adore her to pieces and hope she becomes a pivotal character.

Overall I really love that the characters are first, there's a good amount of actual patients and medicine, and the politics are there but not taking over. Doctors' strength definitely comes from the characters and I love it!

I don't know what this drama has done to me! I'm smitten. This is definitely my all time favorite role for Hye Jung. However, I'm still very disappointed! Soo Chul (hot motorcycle guy) is confirmed to be in the present storyline, but there's no mention or anything about him this episode! I have a speculation that if he isn't a love thrill/interest for Hye Jung that he and Soon Hee would be pretty awesome together! That's right I adore Soon Hee enough that I'd concede Soo Chul to her.

All I can do now is hope the writer keeps up it up because I have hit full on drama obsession with this! Now the wait. (Oh, and wasn't anyone else disappointed with the kiss? I wanted a bit more after the Pinocchio one! Especially with the chemistry the actors are working with here!)

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I'm addicted.

The show/writing is really starting to come into it's own. Yes, it's all very predictable drama stuff at his point, but it's starting to really utilize its other aspects. The humor and cleverness is really starting to hit the mark. The bad guy is wicked, and I'll wait for him to get developed.

What's more is that Song Yi is becoming more rounded. I do enjoy that she embraces who she is, and she doesn't believe she should apologize for it. After all we're all human, and everyone's said or done a stupid thing.

I really love the reveals of how Min Joon has lived the past 400 years. Especially the ending extra where we see him being hit on the Joseon era. Too funny!

I like the way everything is coming along and the side characters and stories that are being built. I'm very interested in Song Yi's brother, and I hope more of her bookstore owner friend will be in later.

This is classic drama elements, tossed together with mild sci-fi, and good campy fun. I really like how much energy Song Yi's character has. Overall this is very addicted and I'm curious enough to see how it all plays out. There's loads of promise here!

"You are my destiny!" That is so cheese, but so catchy. I've been singing it to my poor cat. ^_-

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Jul 3, 2016

Yeah, you'll need that box of tissues.

Well, I was spot on. Tissues are going to be needed, and a box of comforting dark chocolates. This episode was so human and real. That's been the magic of Dear My Freinds. When it hits those human moments on the head and we realize that this very thing could be happening.

Whehter it's getting a view point from the parent's or the child's perspective.

Park Wan is right. Our parents take care of us our entire life. When something bad happens to ones parent they do think selfish thoughts. The reality is though that everyone is going to think selfish thoughts. What makes parents and children family is what they do when those selfish thoughts have cleared.

Overall I cried. Yeah. Dear My Friends balance of sadness and happiness has deifnitely tipped. We're seeing the sadness of aging in its element now. With two episodes left I'm gonna keep that box of tissues on stand by.

(Park Wan can not give up her man. Yeong Ha will totally understand, if not that's not how I thought he was or their love.)

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Jul 2, 2016

Another fun blooper reel!

Yeah, for more fun blooper reels! I love them so much! (If you're wondering where they're in place of the previews for the next episode at the end of the episode.)

Joon Soo, I believe in you. He did the right thing in this episode! Despite me being on "team Dan Tae" and all Joon Soo was the lead I thought Gong Shim should end up with. He's so thoughtful and I love how he treats her. At this point I have a case of second lead syndrome, while still liking the first guy! Ha-ha. They're both keeping her in the dark and they are both at a crossroads. I believe that once Joon Soo is given sometime to process everything he will do the right thing. Heck, it would be crazy if he didn't protect his mother. This is the one good thing about the melodrama plot right now. Seeing Joon Soo's discovery and finding out how he's gong to handle it all.

Other than that I don't care for the melodrama taking over. The plot was obvious from the get go and I knew the who, what, and why before characters were even revealed. Honestly the plot is tired and old, and too predictable. That's why I thought the obligatory melodrama plot would be more of a back burner thing.

I think the writer has forgotten that the show is called Beautiful GONG SHIM!!!! There's hardly any of her and she's whom I'm watching it for. Dan Tae and Joon Soo are both great male leads, but the show is not named after them and I wouldn't watch it just for them. Gong Shim has been benched, she's like the bone between two dogs right now. Additional tension between Dan Tae and Joon Soo. Gong Shim is such an interesting female character for dramas and well developed, I don't like her being benched so two guys can fight it out.

(Oh, and Dan Tae was looking at her when she fell. What happened to his super powers? He caught her last time. I'm starting to see a pattern with this drama writer . . . . )

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Jun 30, 2016

Perfect balance.

What a perfect balance. Once case ends and the new one begins. The first case is solved and brings up many moral dilemmas. The man killed 11 girls, but it's true what Hae Yeong said, "Some people are born monsters and others become monsters because of other people." Despite that I felt and understood the killer. Which is where the true power of any good writing hits home. But it doesn't just bring up the morals of a killer, but when Hae Yeong had the chance to give the name of the killer over to Jae Han. The fear of exchanging the lives of those girls heavy on his mind.

I honestly appreciated the reflection. Things work out, as far as we know. So it makes Hae Yeong not hesitate about the In Joo case. Though considering his conviction about finding out the truth behind his brothers wrongful imprisonment and death there's no way he wouldn't want to do some rewriting of history. So I found his conviction to let the serial killer not be caught in the past interesting, and a bit of a double standard.

Again this episode beautiful blends the timeline. The present and the past are becoming scary. I really worry about Hae Yeong. He knows Jae Han was wrongfully accused and then went missing. Why would he not be a little more worried? Especially since it seems to have some kind of connection to the In Joo case? Which I'm pretty sure Hae Yeong noticed the date of when Jae Han went missing. With this ending I'm really nervous about how the bad guys are going to spin the story. Like framing Hae Yeong. Things are going to be super intense from here.

(Fun little note I loved how all of the guys in the squad, in the past, new about Soo Hyun's crush. When she left the room and they all quite pretending to be ignoring her so they can gossip about her and Jae Han! Too funny!)

Overall I'm eager to see detective Jae Han and Hae Yeong's brother saved. I remember the dramatic ending of Frequency, and boy do I want a spectacular repeat with Signal.

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Jun 27, 2016

Something really big must be coming!

Something really big must be coming for the writer to officially lay it all on the one that way and confirm our (my) suspicions about what happened to Jae Han and the parties responsible. I've always loved a good story about corrupt cops and the fight of the good cops to uphold the law. This though, oh my drama!

Overall I loved how Soo Hyun and Hae Yeong played Chi Soo and Bum Joo. Bravo! They basically threw down the gauntlet and called them out on their wicked ways. The look on all of their faces when the full extant of how they were played was realized. Perfection. I always say the good guys need to win a little to keep the fight interesting.

I loved that after the reveal Hae Yeong and Chi Soo are left in a face off. The walkie-talkie found and static noising a way! Holy cow! How are things going to go from now? I still believe that Hae Yeong's brother needs to be saved and clearly detective Jae Han. Maybe the case that officially kills him is somehow involved with that? Either way I love it!

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Jun 26, 2016

The burning emotions!! Wow.

Cheap pun I know, but the fire storm of emotions this episode made me have. I cried, I know they can probably save that person because they're a main character, but my goodness this episode was intense.

I know I complained about another story hitting so close to home with Jae Han, but at least the writer is doing everything in her power to make it A-mazing. Its hitting hard just how dangerous and unpredictable changing the past can be. The ramifications of not just killing people in the past (we don't' know if that little girl and her father would have died together on the bus or not, or if the girl would have lived), but killing people in the future.

For the sake of not spoiling anything I won't go into depth. Trust me though, you're going to want to be able to watch the next episode immediately! A life is on the line.

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Jun 26, 2016

So good, but . . .

The writing for this show is truly top knotch. However, I didn't like that the next case twisted around affecting people Jae Han knows again. It's just too sloppy that it happened AGAIN and that things fall the same way. I well say it hits home how careful Hae Yeong needs to be. Jae Han hasn't seen the truth of what happened in the future. Hae Yeong is cautious because of the people who died in 2015, but he doesn't truly understand how dangerous it all is.

I'm still very curious as to when we're gong to get the full story about Hae Yeong's bother. The build up is intense.

I love how well Signal is pulling together. We get flashbacks to when Jae Han is getting the transmissions, Soo Hyun's flashbacks about Jae Han, and Hae Yeong's teasing flashbacks. Right from the beginning Signal has been ambitious and the writing and stories have nailed it.

Though I would like to have not every case somehow be linked or involved to Jae Han on a personal level. Signal is very character driven, but it doesn't need to be lazy. Make them work for the cases more, and quit making me have to watch poor Jae Han cry because of the loved ones he's constantly losing!

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Jun 25, 2016

Holy cow! Each episode is just packing a punch as the end of the show comes closer!

Each episode since 9 has been packing such an emotional wallop! The depth of these peoples lives is beautiful. I loved the sleepover with all of the Aunts. It was so cute and heartwarming. I really hope that there are people like this that keep having childish fun. Ages is just a number. Not to mention keeping these friendships throughout such long lives.

Again this episode masterfully expands upon everyone's story. I can't be happier.

Hee Ja's fate has be worried. Not to mention the cliffhanger with Nan Hee and her mom at the hospital. I also love the message of ignorance being no excuse. That people change and they don't take the time to reflect on their actions. I don't know what is going to happen between Suk Kyoon and Jung Ah. But I'm rooting for them.

While I've been foolish enough to say Choong Nam needs a man in past reviews, I think she is already happy. She's chosen her life and it's great to see how much she cares for everyone.

This, for me, is definitely one of the top shows of 2016.

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Jun 19, 2016

Have to give it to the writer . . .

Have to give it to the writer, this show never lets up. Wow, events and twists. One after another. Boom, big bomb dropped. Only to have another one dropped.

Though I have to admit I hate how last episode Hyun Seo was all: Seo Ri can save herself and all of us! Now he's switched too the "one acting as the boundary can save her" AND "true love can only save her." *sighs* It was a lovely dream, but I guess I'm just left to see how it will all play out.

Mad props the director for keeping Mirror of the Witch looking so good! There was some serious magical affects going on and they looked great. Not to mention the costume design and look of each scene is always on point.

I am disappointed to where things went with Sol Gae, Poong Yeon's apprentice/helper. Don't get me wrong I had kind of figured it, but I was just so excited by her character that I wanted more! More I tell you!

Another great episode. I am so pleased to have more of Seo Ri and Heo Jun! They're developing into characters you can really get behind, and if they're going to introduce this whole true love thing I'm gonna have to by both Heo Jun and Poon Yeon's affection at some point.

Warning to viewers: This one has a crazy cliffhanger.

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Jun 15, 2016

Very cute.

What a cute episode! I love Bo and Yoa's interactions together. Not to mention Zi Yu's freiendly chat with Yoa. I love that he wants to help Bo out so much, but that he also is a friend of Yoa's.

This was a very cute episode and I love the character connections that are forming. Not to mention that it's out in the open that Yoa and Bo are courting each other.
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Jun 14, 2016

Dan Tae is an odd fellow and that's why we love him!

Dan Tae is an odd fellow and that's why we love him. Man Beautiful Gong Shim is tearing me apart with the love triangle and bromance. At first I didn't want Dan Tae to win the girl because Joon Soo was clearly the better guy. But now they've both developed and they're both worthy. >_< It's all so magical.

I'm a little disappointed that the secret of what happened to Joon Pyo is being dragged out this way. However, the writer is doing an excellent job masking it all behind Dan Tae finding out who hurt his dad and so on. The problem is WE already know what happened, so a lot of the suspense has been taken out.

Thankfully this was another emotionally driven episode. We get to see Dan Tae being savvy and smooth in his own odd way. Strangely enough I feel like Gong Shim took a bit of a back seat as this was more Dan Tae's episode. We see her feeling more clearly and I'm sure I'll be happy with the out comes. I really hope that Joon Soo and Dan Tae get more time together. Every time they were this episode I loved it.

Gong Mi has really fallen in the background these past two episodes. We see her lurking, but she's stalled out. It was interesting seeing her parents talking frankly about her greed and that maybe she should chill out. They starting to see both their children a bit more clearly.

Another fun episode! I hope Gong Shim can find another job soon though!

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Jun 12, 2016

Well I'm in!

After 4 episodes I'm definitely sticking this drama out. I really like the mesh of my favorite crime shows from the US with drama land additions and twists to the plot. It's this magical feeling!

I'm very curious as to whom the picture taker is. Either a serial killer that is obsessed with Bo, or a government agency. My guess would be whoever chained him up in the first episode flashbacks! I do love a good build up.

I loved the look on Jian Yao's face when she saw the father and sun reunite. In the end I know she'll choose to stay on as Bo's assistant, but I loved her take on events. So I look forward to watching the process as she finally decides to take the job.

Overall a great episode and I love the character interactions that the writers have created. Especially as the actors execute them. Love Me if You Dare is one of those rare treats that creates excellent chemistry with its cast and develops the characters. I suppose at this point it can be considered a slow drama, but it makes up for it in the build up of the world and characters.

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