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  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Aniversário: March 31
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 25, 2013
Abr 10, 2015


"I'll Be There."

Who knew that a K-drama would take on of my most favorite Jackson Five song, and give me goose bumps. What a way to end this episode!!! Holy cow!

It's official Hye Sung is one of the most well developed female leads I've had the pleasure to "discover" in a dramas. She might be prideful, stubborn, and number of other bad qualities. But deep down she's a bleeding heart. Hye Sung has been bitter about what the past has dealt with her. Between what she is saying of "justice karma" and her mother she'll do all right now. Well and with Soo Ha's help.

The court battle for the mean girl's innocent was such a rush! It was fun seeing Soo Ha battle it out with Do Yeon. Especially as Soo Ha sees that Do Yeon hasn't changed one bit. And that by not admitting when she's wrong she's become a bad person. I'd like to think this is what will help set the fire under Soo Ha's butt to make her the public defender the people need. (Yes, so melodramatic of me.)

That being said the supporting characters here are amazing! Everyone is so well developed and I love the way they interact with each other. Especially Soo Ha's mom. Her mom is soooooo adorable. Plus, she never doubts her daughter. She might be the one to give her tough love, but only because she knows her daughter can give more.

This episode was one heck of a rush! It proves to be smart with it's cases, delivering a great law drama. At this point from the writing I'd take a shot in the dark and say that the romance isn't going to derail what is going to be a wonderful law drama. What I want even more is to see Soo Ha and Do Yeon battling out to the bitter end. Until Soo Ha finally gets her justice.

Now I'm off to the next episode to adore Soo Ha some more. He's shaping up to be one of my favorite drama men.

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Abr 5, 2015

The cliffhanger I've been waiting for!

The cliffhanger I've been waiting for! The "chase" might be over. Which means, at least to me, that finally the writers should treat us viewers to some concrete information on these virus plagued vampires. Because I haven't really added anything to my "Mythos" list, other than the red blood cell thing and making some confirmed edits. So please, more vampire info.

Another slower episode for the series, but I can't look away. Ji Sang is still playing around with us, and Jae Wook, as to whether or not he's going to drink human blood! So clearly Ji Sang has never drank blood other than that deer when he was a kid. So what is sustainging him? How is he still so strong. Clearly more information on vampries, especially Ji Sang, needs to be given! I've seen him drink things . . . or making it look like he's drinking things?

Ri Ta has wormed her way into my heart, and might start to warm her why in there as well. Is it me or did that one scene with Ga Yeon and Ji Sang have more pow than the slow buildup between Ri Ta and Ji Sang? Because I'm a slow buildup kind of gal. Character finally having friendship and then more, is always something I go for. But Ga Yeon and Ji Sang have something there, hopefully Ri Ta and Ji Sang have some more development coming up. Because I really like the idea of these two, and this slow buildup. Especially after Ri Ta tells Ji Sang the story of how she was rescued. ^_-

Overall I'm still eagerly awaiting each new episode. While this on and the last have been slower, it's still developing nicely. Ignoring some key characters (which makes me wonder if they're waiting to pull a betrayal out or certain side characters are just to be there for stereotypes.

On the vamp mytho here's what we know:

- Red blood cells make them go crazy, but they don't need them.

- Vampire can't get too hot, makes them feel like they have flu/painful.

- UV lights still hurt their eyes, even with Ji Sang's special pills.

- They run cold, and it's painful to have a normal temperature.

- Other vampires can sense each other by hearing dolphin like sonar waves. (Or scent?)

- Can they control animals? Or just dogs.

- Vampirism is caused by a virus.

- Super strength and speed.

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Mar 31, 2015

"Bad boys, bad boys!"

"Bad boys, bad boys! What'cha gonna do when they come for you!?"

Seriously the "bad boys" music for the vampire Bad Boys Gang is too funny. Every time it hits it's so over the top. In fact a lot of the music is. There's this campy vampire tune, an over dramatic one that really gets the blood pumping. It's both atrocious and wonderful. What's more is that in the middle of all that campy music is BANG BANG : Jessie J ft Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj! Crazy placement, but at least it was a bar scene.

The whole gang of bad boys intrugues me, while making my eyes roll. The cliffhanger were the Bad Boy Gang (it's official now) is testing Ji Sang out is an adrenaline rush! While one of the Bad Boys Gang (with super bad hair and a ugly bad boy jacket) makes these crazy evil smile faces at Ji Sang. I was more focused on him and what his next facial expression would be than Ji Sang getting shot at.

That said Ri Ta isn't getting any better. The whole idea is that she is still upset over Ji Sang being right about her being a bad doctor that she can't see past that. She can't see that her Uncle simply wants her to become smarter so that he doesn't have to save her. There's a moment when her mother (a nun) is being admitted that's very tender, but then she treats her patients like nothing. Never thinking that she could learn some things from her peers.

On the vamp mytho here's what we know:

- UV lights still hurt their eyes, even with Ji Sang's special pills.

- They run cold. (But why sleep on an ice bed and take ice baths?)

- Other vampires can sense each other by hearing dolphin like sonar waves.

- Vampirism is caused by a virus.

- Super strength and speed.

So far I like the slow reveal of information on vampires. I'll probably be keeping a running list at the bottom of my episode reviews. (Because I'm nerdy like that.) It's nice that the writers are trying to create some mythology around there vampires, and give them limitations that will hopefully be consistent throughout the show.

The rest of the cast is getting a nice development time as more players are introduced and stakes are being set. I like this slow tease where viewers can get to know the characters and not get an info dump. Or they're simply not given anything. It's probably what's going to save Ri Ta for me, as we get hints of her past and her current relationship with her Uncle. While the develop of the villians is really campy (yeah I'm mainly thinking the Bad Boys Gang) the new female villain seems promising. Though I feel like she might just be tossed in as a love complication later on down the line.

Also, I'm bothered by the timeline. As some stated Ji Sang was in his 30s and the last stated date was in the 90s. So I'm wondering if this is current time? Future? It could be the subtitles didn't pop up right to tell me the current date. So I'll just assume it's present day.

Overall I'm digging Blood. I love all the medical mumbo jumbo, Ri Ta and Ji Sang butting heads, the other doctors seem interesting, the villain is good eye candy, there's plenty of mysteries, and other interesting characters to explore. Even the robot doesn't annoy me as much. (Though I think Luuvy is still going to far.) At this point I think I'm in it for the long haul. Despite others I've seen worst acting, scripts, and dramas then this. Blood is hitting all of the sweet spots for me right now.

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Mar 27, 2015

Truly found itself.

You're All Surrounded as truly found itself and it feels great to say that I'm glad I forced myself to stick around. It's been fun. Sometimes it's a risk to keep grudgingly holding on, and sometimes it pays off. (Which makes me happy, but creates bad expectations for shows that never turn things around.)

Everything good happens here. Well, I mean bad things happen, but what I'm talking about is plot wise. You're All Surrounded will not be dragging it's feet anymore. Dae Gu's secret is out and the whole team knows! Which means the story is just getting better and better. Poor Seok just can't catch a break, but this episode just makes me love him more. And Dae Gu becomes a cooler character. Maybe because the writers finally realized that Dae Gu was not interesting or likable? (Because I have serious doubts it was because the weight of his secret was finally removed and he became happier.) Either way both the male leads are great.

This episode is really building up the School Nurse murder. I mean a killer coming to kill the killer. The supposed high up official pulling the strings, may have an even higher up person to turn to? A-mazing!

And thank you, thank you, for the amazing scenes where Tae Il and Ji Kook take care of Dae Gu. It was such an "ahhhhhh" moment, in between giggling.

Again what a well balanced episode. All of the characters are developed and included. The cases as well as the Nurse Murder are balanced. The humor, everything felt on spot.

Except for the fight scene between Dae Gu and the Boot right at the beginning. It was horrible. That, what I'm assuming, was glass reflecting n front of the fight was cheap and distracting. Once Seok came in to save the day it was clear the scene was as sloppy as it looked. Because Seok takes what I think was a potted plant to the eye. And it looked like it hurt. After looking it up Cha's eye was actually injured. Hopefully the future fight scenes will be better, and safer for the actors.

It always amazes me how dedicated actors can be in there rolls. Bravo.

Now not to end on the beginning of the episode. This is one heck of a cliffhanger, and I love how things come back full circle between Dae Gu and Boot. With a karma twist.

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Ago 26, 2014

The squeals continue!

"Seul Bi. Come over to my side."

Wow! Who knew those words could be so endearing and sexy at the same time! Oh, love triangle! (Let's be honest the male angel doesn't have a shot.) This one is shredding me because it's been so long since I've adored the male lead this much! Then the pain of loving the secondary male lead, who is usually always the guy I bat for.

Episode 5 does well with mixing up the relationship of the students and how they interact. Definitely learning who likes who and how all the love ties are crossing over. The drama of Woo Hyun's mother is boiling up. Especially with the looks of Woo Hyun's grandmother being ill. This drama is soooooo happy and cute, I'm not sure how it's going to balance all the potential drama sadness that's coming its way.

Also, actress Kim Sae Ron--AKA Seul Bi--is amazing! She's 14, or 13 in US. I'm tired about hearing about her pouty puff look. That was only in the first maybe 5 minutes of episode one. This girl has range and is fast becoming a favorite actress.

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Ago 24, 2014

Cutesy goodness.

Just like the MV I saw for one of the OST of this show, the first episode is adorable! The opening sequence and the cut out to "present day" was a little wierd. After that things flow well and I like the world. So far things are simple, Lee Seul Bi is an Angel. She just goes about saving those who shouldn't die yet, and taking those who do. Suddenly she's running into Hwang Sung Yeol. Events land her into a mortal body. Comence cuteness.

If you don't like the sweet taste of this episode I'm pretty sure you won't like the rest. In general I don't like overly cute dramas. However, this one seems to be just the right amount. And I like that Seul Bi is a spit fire of a girl! It's nice to see another strong female lead in a drama, especially one so young.

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Jun 1, 2014

The tears.

Most touching ghost story yet. What can I say, if there's a cute animal in it I'll probably cry. But really it's another well written ghost story. Oh, and with Nobody tossed on top, how could I not love it.

What's more is that the character development and plot is stepping up. (Maybe not the plot and answers, but it's clearly building.) Joong Won was A-mazing in this episode. While I may have deluded myself with who will win Gong Sil over, it's still so nice swooning between the to male "candy" (oh, I went there!).

Speaking of that build up all of those unanswered questions of what is the uncle really up to, Kang Woo what are you doing?, what really happened with Joong Won's kidnapping and so on. I love how all of these plot lines are building up, but I don't feel like anything is being dragged out. Bravo for great storytelling!

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Jun 1, 2014

The feels!

This episode does such a great job with making my feelings work overtime. Sure it started off with a kooky marrying-the-dead plot! But it turned out to be a sweet, and of course sad, ghost romance. It was also cool to see another "ghost seeing" person. It's a shame she didn't give more solid advice and guidance, instead of cryptic warnings that are clearly foreshadowing some scary stuff coming up.

Gong Sil is definitely getting some romance. And the development between her and Kang Woo is very fun to watch. It's nice to see the "second man" get some development time. We still don't know exactly what he's up to. But it's clear that it isn't good and he is working for the "enemy".

Joong Won is in that cute stage. Where his cold disposition is slowly cracking for Gong Sil. Guys the feels!!

At this point I love swooning over Gong Sil and Joong Won. And then swooning over Gong Sil and Kang Woo. Both have reasons for them and against them to win Gong Sil. That's what I've always loved about the Hong sisters. They can write good triangle. This is one of the few times where I feel like it could go either way instead of the "main/first man" obviously getting the girl. At this point I'd be happy either way!

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Mai 31, 2014

Another solid episode.

First up seeing Gong Sil possessed by all those different people, and then an animal, was epic! What a wonderful scene. Gong Sil isn't the only one possessed however! Tae Yi Ryung gets possessed/stalked by some kind of freaky fashion ghost. The best part is how Yi Ryung loses the ghost, and how no one seems to care when the next victim gets possessed!

Great ghost stories aside, this is wonderful character development time for Joo Joong Won. To me what I picked up was not only that his dyslexia is a side effect from his past, but that the mask of greed and aloof front are a form of protection. Betrayal is a hard thing to get over, especially if it's by someone you believed loved you. Not only does it show that those past hurts are why he is the way he is, but it shows a bit more of a tender side to him. One that, despite his desires, he still cares. And can't always ignore things.

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Mai 29, 2014

This *bleep* just got real!

Oh, this was a great episode. Good enough that I choose to ignore the silliness of all the ghostly happenings connected to Kingdom. Joo Jong stood up for Gong Sil and I loved it. Despite his pig headedness. What's better is that this betrayel ghost story got a good revenge ending. (Though personally I would have liked to see the wife embrace her husband as he "joined" her. *evil smile*) The chemistry between Joo Jong and Gong Sil is building nicely.

What's more is the build up of what happened with Joo Jong and the dark and mysterious Hee Joo is tickling my mind! I need to know the whole thing now!

Even three episodes in The Master's Sun is going strong, has plenty of plot to work with. The best part is that it manages to be dark and funny equally both aspects out nicely.

Kang Woo is still manly man candy at this point. Man candy with shadiness unfolding him in mystery, but still man candy none the less. I hope the show takes time to explore and develop his character. As I've found myself very fond of the actor and want to see him be given a chance to show is stuff. (And I don't just mean a shirtless scene. Though I wouldn't object . . . )

Now just make sure you have time to immediately head into the next episode. Because "this *bleep* just got real" cliffhanger. Was. Amazing.

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Mai 28, 2014

It's been forever since a drama got me on episode one . . .

OK, maybe not forever. But to be truthful most dramas take any where from 2 to 4 episodes to show their true colors. Which always annoys me. Instant gratification. We all want it, and I hate waiting to know whether something is worth investing.

The Master's Sun Episode 1 swept me off my feet, and then continued to deliver. I'm a fan of Korean ghost stories especially if they feel like this. It feels like Spellbound (AKA Chilling Romance). A perfect blend of horror--not too over the top mind you--and rom-com. But I can tell this is not going to be in-you-face romance. Which is what I like.

Unlike Spellbound, the lead girl does not know how to with ghosts. It isn't revealed yet, but she had an accident at some time and now is only able to see ghosts. It will be interesting to see her overcome her fears and realize that they just want help. Plus, the emotions of helping the ghosts out is beautiful. Whether feeling frustrated from the mistakes the living go right on making. Or how even in death true love endures.

Overall, I'm impressed and in it for the long haul.

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Dez 4, 2013

Stabilizing . . .

The first episode was one hot mess, and the second is trying to get viewers on some steady ground. Everyone is there from the first episode and it's done well enough that I don't feel too dizzy. There's a lot of new kids in Kim Han Joon's family now and you're going to need to take notes--there's six now! (Or at least I am.)

There are some new kids in Kang Jung Shim's household as well and I'm a little iffy on how they're connected . . . there seems to be some details left out, but that's probably to come.

This episode was great in showing what this series is trying to present and I'm really excited. It's ambitious.

There's a lot of children crying here, so be warned. If you have a hard time remembering names now is the time to start taking notes. Because I have a feeling things might "grow up" again and knowing faces might not be enough.

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5.0/10 Average.

"For professional players, e-sports is their . . .faith." Up front. I was judging Tong Yao pretty hard. It was just a silly loss. Boo-hoo! Now. I feel terrible cause I was assuming it was all about the losing. Much like Jian Yang when he rolled up on Tong Yao who was trying to let off her steam, and accidentally drank too much. Yeah, I feel the guilt. It was interesting to see that foolish Ai Jia understood her feelings better. Even though the fool tipped Jian Yang off to where she'd be, and ruining his chances to cozy up to Chen Jin Yang. But he's not foolish enough to not pick up that Tong Yao and Jian Yang are clearly over. For real. And that there's something there with Cheng. Cheng got it more. Though he wasn't quite on the mark just yet. It was interesting that once he realized where her thoughts where going it clicked. He got that her faith was shook, but I don't think he realized it was letting her team mates down that hit her pretty hard. Also . . . Wait, why is K saying esports is unrelated to gender? Of course it is. Female players have to deal with sexism. They deal with stuff that male players don't even have to worry about. The harshness of the pointed comments where very sexist. And the reality is that female fans can be the most brutal. As women are prepared for the dumb things men will say, but it's always shocking what our fellow women can come up with. For me this episode felt slower. Because: enter a brother for Cheng to threaten Tong Yao, and then of course she gets adorably drunk. But by accident. Not to mention it took just a weeeeeee bit to long to realize why Tong Yao was upset. Honestly I wanted more of Chen Jin Yang pumping up her girlfriend! It was interesting seeing how Chen Jin Yang felt about the defeat, thinking it should piss you off and make you fired up for revenge. Sharing how Ai Jia handled it. But let's be real, since I don't game I don't get that feeling. But for something else I could see the intense emotions. One of the fans posting in favor of Smiley was clearly a competitor in another field of sports and understood that it didn't matter. This was training. So I did like the different takes and stuff. It also sets up a huge mountain for Tong Yao to climb up over and over come. Defeat TAT. Preferably while he's playing her character and she crushes him with whatever other one. I hope the next episode brings back our girl's fighting spirit.

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Mixed feelings.

So I give Soo and So's developing story 10 out of 10!!! Totally loved it and how she finally accepted her feelings for him. Bravo!

Sadly because of yet another time jump things feel. Off. To be honest the whole time frame of this drama has always been a bit off. I don't think the passage of time has been that great. I mean, the last episode was pretty much a time jump. Here we go again! 2 years, yes. It just feels sloppy.

Another part of my disappointment is that because of the time jump we catch up to where the characters are and don't get much else. The story is fast. Not to mention that the big plot twist is no surprise. It was foretold and of course the previews.

I adored every moment of Soo and So, just everything else was rushed. Dang I liked Moo. For Pete's sake why did no one take . . . common sense pills? Soo is like the harbinger of poisons. In this case she should have seen the signs.

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Jun 22, 2016

Still a great soundtrack!

Really a great soundtrack! I love how important music is to the show as well as to Hye Jung and Ji Hong. Though I will say that now that their relationship has definitely progressed past friendship and I don't care for Hye Jung and Ji Hong's developing romantic feelings for each other.

Ji Hong respects Hye Jung now and I can see the admiration. This early on I feel like he should just be a mentor. It doesn't help that I have a very firm standing on student/teacher relationships. But I feel like it would mean more later on down the line if Ji Hong and Hye Jung's innocent mentor/friendship relationship had the chance to bloom into something when they're both adults.

That said I can't deny that Ji Hong and Hye Jung have some serious chemistry. However, in the short time that Ji Soo has been on screen as Soo Chul (AKA the hot motorcycle dude of my dreams) he's lit a fire in my heart! Hye Jung and Soo Chull have some heat!

I really liked the girl friends aspect that this episode introduced, and as such was very disappointed when it fell apart. It was done in a way that I can understand. Pulling into light what makes real friends, and those who only care for you when you're not succeeding. "Accessory" friends indeed.

It's still in the "13 years ago" story, but I'm still loving it. Clearly the next episode will be part of the flashback, but I'm OK with that the writer is doing an excellent job. I am fully invested in these characters and I'm eager to see what happens next, and what the present story will hold. (Even though I know it's probably not going to have much of Soo Chul in it, or none. Be still my heart.) Yeah, I think this will be my favorite role for Park Shin Hye to date.

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