A streetcar named...Hope.
In these chaotic, apocalyptic times we're living in, I've often asked myself "What's the purpose? What are we supposed to do?"...and this short yet splendid SP happens to contain some really good answers.
What can humanity do in its darkest hour, when everything seems lost?
We can find hope, it's as simple as that.
And hope can come from all sorts of apparently insignificant (but instead oh so meaningful!) things: a small gesture of generosity from a passer-by, a simple act of selflessness...but also the kindness and compassion we can have for each other, as well as each and every one of the plenty of things we take for granted all the time - but shouldn't! (watch this SP and I'm sure next time you'll see a peach, a 5-yen coin, a cucumber, a wire...and of course, a streetcar!....well, you'll look at them a little differently, and you'll feel thankful).
What more could we ask of a short SP than to teach us such a marvelous lesson?
And while doing so, provide us with the lovely message that, whatever happens, "...NOT EVERYTHING CAN BE DESTROYED".
Great script, wonderful cast, lovely music...in one word: perfect.
What can humanity do in its darkest hour, when everything seems lost?
We can find hope, it's as simple as that.
And hope can come from all sorts of apparently insignificant (but instead oh so meaningful!) things: a small gesture of generosity from a passer-by, a simple act of selflessness...but also the kindness and compassion we can have for each other, as well as each and every one of the plenty of things we take for granted all the time - but shouldn't! (watch this SP and I'm sure next time you'll see a peach, a 5-yen coin, a cucumber, a wire...and of course, a streetcar!....well, you'll look at them a little differently, and you'll feel thankful).
What more could we ask of a short SP than to teach us such a marvelous lesson?
And while doing so, provide us with the lovely message that, whatever happens, "...NOT EVERYTHING CAN BE DESTROYED".
Great script, wonderful cast, lovely music...in one word: perfect.
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