
  • Última vez online: 5 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Philippines
  • Contribution Points: 1 LV1
  • Aniversário: April 27
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: novembro 11, 2020

I love Asian Dramas. I am a Kdrama fan and a Kpop fan (Inspirit, Goldenness) of Infinite and Golden Child (Infinite Company, Woollim Ent.). But I must say that I haven’t watched that many since I am student. I must know how to manage my time outside and inside the school. Although, I can’t help watching Asian Dramas. Every year, I must rewatch a kdrama that I love. Living as a Kdrama and a Kpop Stan is quite a handful. BTW, other than Kdramas, I also watch Cdramas/Mandarin Dramas, Thai Series, and Jdramas (in short, Asian Dramas). Of course, as a Filipino, I also watch Pinoy Movies. Not much of a fan of filipino series tho.

I rarely record what I watched, currently watching, and to watch lists. After 4 yrs of not being active here, now, I'm back. 

But I will be listing here what I've watched ever since the day I started watching kdramas and cdramas. Been in the Kdrama World for many yrs now, about the time when I discovered kpop as well but earlier. So I think, I've been here since 2012. And for cdramas, I started acknowledging them since 2018. If I can remember the dramas I've watched, Wǒ bǎozhèng, I will list them here. I might also include jdramas, thai dramas, and filipino movies (i may not include all pinoy movies i've watched, it's too many to remember but I'll try). So to my friends and future friends, you can take a look at my list, maybe we have the same interests.


141d 4h 12m
4,012 episódios, 210 programas
4d 14h 50m
61 filmes

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