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"I Want to Make Goo-Goo Eyes with Mik"
Thank you to Muse for subbing this! Y'all are AWESOME!!
Wow! I had so much fun watching this lakorn! I mostly loved it. The main couple had cute chemistry and some pretty fun romantic scenes. I liked their playfulness and could feel the sparks. And whoever can turn down a shirtless Mik has lots of will power!
If you have watched Thai lakorns, you pretty much know how most stories will unfold and how certain things will happen. I don't really consider what I have listed below as spoiling anything, but just in case, you may not want to scroll down.
Things I liked:
1. A strong female lead who can defend herself and makes mostly smart choices.
2. A male lead who's a nice guy, but a bit naughty. And he looks good shirtless. Just saying. (Next time I think I'll make a shirtless scene count when I watch certain actors.... A girl has to have a hobby.)
3. The main couple actually talked and shared information and addressed problems together.
4. Cute second lead couple romance.
5. For me, the comedy was fun. It had me smiling, giggling and laughing.
6. Pretty solid plot lines without too many gaps in character actions.
7. Some close encounters of the human kind. (insert extra smiles here)
8. Mostly loved the mother and sister of the male lead.
9. The grandmother character could kick backside as well.
10. I really enjoyed the scenery and location shots.
11. Loved the ending!
Things I expect from most Thai lakorns that check the box:
1. Crazy obsessive girl who wants the male lead. Did I mention she's really craw-craw?
2. Jealousy with greed driven relatives who want to get what the other has.
3. Grandmother who hates and rejects female lead.
4. Minions who can't shoot worth a darn.
5. Everyone gets their karma in the end.
6. The almost kiss....
7. Scriptwriters looking for things to do in last couple of episodes.
Things I didn't really care for:
1. Female lead really beats up on the male lead too much IMO. But, I think that goes along with both of the characters, so I can live with it.
2. I don't think the scriptwriter really showed the second couple male lead character falling for the girl.
3. No one got the crazy girl help. She needed professional help.
4. I think it went a bit off track and repeated plot lines towards the end. But, you see that quite often in Thai lakorns.
I still love to watch them.
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Get Your Crazy Here
A Case Study in Being Delusional and Other People Ignoring It
Thank your Ninjakkn for subbing this!
Things I liked:
1. The most beautiful waterfall area I've seen so far in any Thai lakorn. Not sure where it was filmed, but would love to visit that spot.
2. Even though some of the characters were irritating because I would not personally react to the situations like they do, it still drew me in to see how it would all play out. What direction would the writers take next? And how would it compare to the 2006 version. (I think I liked the 2006 version just a bit more overall.)
3. With the mental health issues raised here, and not just for the main crazy girl, it gives one pause to see how similar lakorns can be to someone we may know.
4. Some of the ending moral messages.
5. I think the cast did a good job at expressing who their character was supposed to be even when I didn't really agree with or like that character. (I think the lead actress here did a better job than the one in 2006)
6. Interesting how Dr. Anon's character was quite different in this version.
7. Seeing the differences in the story line between the 2006 and 2019 versions.
8. The sweet looks (would have liked more) between the main couple.
Things I have come to expect from Thai lakorns that check the box:
1. Crazy evil witch sister
2. Crazy evil witch step mom
3. Passive doormat female lead
4. Male lead that lost his capacity to reason
5. Unnecessary misunderstandings
6. Karma
Things I didn't like:
1. A female lead that acts like a doormat 98% of the time.
2. A family that allows a child to grow up being a spoiled brat.
3. A family that doesn't admit there is a mental health issue and get that person help.
4. A family that allows another child in the family to be abused.
5. It made my frustration levels a bit too high. Well, that may be unfair as I generally like lakorns to make me feel a wide range of emotions. Depending on my mood at the time, lol.
6. The main thing I really didn't like is listed in the spoiler below.
Spoilers ahead:
The major thing I never really liked about either version is the fact that Pim slept with Kim (or Ae from 2006). Not only once, but twice. Then wants him to marry her sister, Khem. Ok, I can understand being human and wanting to express that because she's human as well. Pim has always had to control so much of how she feels. That she loves and wants him. That she's been trained/conditioned to give up everything to Khem. That she feels guilty for loving the guy her sister “loves”. But really, she doesn't want to hurt her sister by taking Kim away, but she slept with him? The ick factor on that is really high for me. Plus, neither version really sold me on how they ended up sleeping together. Especially this version where it just seemed too sudden. Yes, you're touching my face and kiss me a bit, so yeah, let's fall on the bed, lol!
Well, since I like to compare different versions, I am glad I finished this one.
Thai lakorns may drive me to drink, but I still love them.
Rewatch value: 1
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Get Your Beautiful Leading Couple Here (aka They Have Killer Smiles)
Things I liked:
Beautiful leading couple with decent chemistry.
FL was mostly bad-ass.
ML was so cute and had a killer smile. (and he is so much better looking than the profile pic on MDL)
Beautiful beach scenes.
A couple of story twists to keep me guessing.
The ending for both couples.
The female lead's action scenes where she kicked backside.
I would definitely watch this MC pairing again.
Things I didn't like:
Story really dragged at points.
A bit cheesy at times.
Not enough romance for me.
FL was out of character for being a bad-ass at times. But, I could also see where she could be vulnerable.
Creepy male mafia character who stalked FL (actually, the actor did a great job making me not like this character, lol)
I would have liked main couple to have had more together time at the end.
Things I have come to expect in a Thai lakorn:
You have to ignore any plot gaps or inconsistencies
Karma for the bad guys
Morale of the story: greed & drugs are bad; forgiveness is good
Story: 7 nothing too unexpected if you've watched a lot of lakorns.
Acting/Cast: 9 for acting and 10 for beautiful cast!
Music: 6 – mostly seemed ok
Re-watch value: I probably would spend my time watching something else.
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I Should Have Started My “Pong is Shirtless Again” Count. (And In Which Episodes.)
Things I liked:
1. Chemistry between the main couple, Phubobee and Ornicha, portrayed by Pong and Bee.
2. Cute kid.
3. Pong shirtless. Again. (I know, shameless, right?) (But hey, you probably would like it too.)
4. To borrow a phrase from Humbledaisy, Pong being “crazy pants” because he didn't know how to express his love/feelings.
5. A mostly strong and sassy female lead.
Things I've come to expect in a Thai lakorn to check the boxes:
1. Somebody is going to the hospital. Multiple times.
2. Kidnapping
3. Separating a couple in love because one of them is viewed as beneath the other by the family.
4. Side characters, usually a “2nd” lead, who lies to undermine the relationship between the main couple in order to become the main love interest.
5. Karma.
6. Forgiveness for pretty major hurts and cruelty.
Things I didn't like:
1. How easily forgiveness was given.
2. The “best” friend character, Gifgay. That old saying, “With friends like that, who needs enemies.” comes to mind.
Story: 7 – some parts better than others, still some of the character had behavior gaps/jumps
Cast/Acting: 8 – I think the actors mainly nailed their characters
Music: 6 – mostly seemed to fit. Opening credit song really laid foundation for what this lakorn was about.
Rewatch value: 3 (the digital quality was not the best, but still pretty watchable)
Spoilers Ahead:
It's somewhat hard to make the leap to believe Ornicha could really love Phubobee because he played such a role in the death of his brother and her sister. Not only their deaths, but the subsequent hardships Ornicha, her father and Toonkla experienced by being forced to live/hide in a different province. But, ultimately her guilt for having feeling for him was overcome by her love for him that was really planted when they first met. I think neither knew how to express that love in a healthy way and ended up hurting each other. Especially Phu. He's like the kindergarten boy who likes the girl so he hits her. He is, as he later says, “heartless” until he met her. It's a bit of pay back from his brother, Pawat, telling him if Phu loved someone he would understand how he felt about Oranee. I would have liked to have seen a bit more “happy” for the couple after all they experienced. I did like seeing the very end with the baby and the family reconciled and happy. However, I would have liked to have seen Phu suffer a bit more over his role in the death of his brother.
Oh well, it's a Thai lakorn and even when they drive me to drink, I still love them.
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Beautiful cast, good chemistry and a shirtless Om, Oh My...Thanks to JL Subbing Team for making this available!
Things I liked:
1. Loved the playfulness of the main couple characters and Om (Aroom) and Aum (Witsanee/Visanee) did a great job expressing their emotions throughout the lakorn.
2. Beautiful cast.
3. Loved the second lead couple of Chart and Noot and progression of their relationship.
4. Loved the chemistry between both couples.
5. Loved how Aroom mostly looks at Witsanee (Visanee) throughout the lakorn.
6. The female lead was basically a nice person even though she was sarcastic in replies to certain people due to her upbringing.
7. The male lead was a good person.
8. Kiss and slap, lol! (reverse of slap and kiss).
9. Beautiful costuming.
Things I expect from most Thai Lakorns to check the box:
1. lots of hospital visits by main couple and others
2. male lead who allows supposed girl “friend” to make problems
3. male lead who doesn't realize how girl “friend” feels about him
4. evil mother-of-someone who plots because of greed
5. evil people escape time and again to cause more problems
6. karma
Things I didn't like:
1. How Aroom wobbled between Non and Witsanee. But, that's the foundation of what happens later in the lakorn after the accident.
2. How Aroom continued to allow Su to come between him and Witsanee.
3. It became a bit draggy in last three episodes.
Spoilers below:
I find it somewhat hard to believe Aroom could overcome his guilt for loving Witsanee after she accidentally kills Non. By the way, the brakes were not cut. And, of course, this becomes a large part of how their relationship goes back and forth in later episodes. It's only remotely possible because he was already in love with Witsanee even though he still loved Non and had wanted to marry her. He was willing to deny his love for Witsanee to honor his older feelings and commitment to Non. And, I also think he was afraid to let go of Non and go to Witsanee because of his honor and beliefs. I was also curious on how Noot could forgive Witsanee. I think the monk telling Noot to let go of her anger and Witsanee to let go of her guilt are good life lessons. However, I'm not sure how well I could do either if I were in in their place.
I would have liked to have seen a longer happy ending with a really good kiss, but, oh well.
It's a Thai lakorn and even when they drive me to drink, I still love them.
Story: 8 nothing too unexpected if you've watched a lot of lakorns.
Acting/Cast: 9 for acting and 10 for beautiful cast!
Music: 6 – mostly seemed ok
Re-watch value: 5 for certain parts
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Get Your Younger Andrew Gregson Here!
If you like Andrew Gregson and are trying to watch as many of his lakorns as possible, you may want to see this one. However, you may want to skip some of the repetition when he's not around.
But first, “Thank You!” to whoever subbed and made this available. I appreciate all the people who spend their time and money to make lakorns/dramas available.
I'm laughing in my head right now, because I'm thinking this isn't the worst lakorn I've watched, but it's okay and that doesn't sound like a great way to entice anyone to read further! HOWEVER, a younger Andrew Gregson, even with poor digital quality, is still nice to look at and it's interesting to see him developing as an actor.
Things I liked:
1. Teetayu's (Andrew Gregson) sweet moments with Princess Sisira (Rita Sirita Jenson).
2. The chemistry between the leads was mostly pretty good, but I would have liked more. (However, it's Channel 3 2009).
3. Sisira finally getting a bit stronger towards the end, but she still needed to be more so.
4. Elephant polo and interactions with the elephants in the first half of the lakorn. (First time to see it.)
5. Beautiful gardens and flowers. It was some of the best I've seen even with poor pixels.
6. Karma caught up to Konjanat and Kanyapak.
Things I have come to expect from most lakorns:
1. Soldiers who can't make the shot when it really counts.
2. Miscommunication between the main couple to create misunderstandings.
3. Main characters, especially male leads, who allow the Evil Witch Second Lead Female to act horribly without being held accountable.
4. Out-of-character stupid actions screen writers use to make me crazy.
5. Girl slap fights.
6. Sure, treat me bad and hurt my heart! I'll still love only you.
7. The urge to make me want to slap someone myself.
Things I didn't like:
1. Evil Witch Second Lead Female character Kanyapak (Joy Rinlanee Sripen)– meaning the actress did a great job of making me hate her.
2. The number of times the “good” Palace people and the “evil” Konjanat's people were captured, imprisoned, then let go or escaped. Seriously, I lost count and expected someone to stop in the middle of a fight and ask “Wait, who's turn to be captured now?”
3. Inconsistencies in characters.
4. Teetayu allowed Kanyapak to come between him and Sisira especially when Kanya slept with him. While he does challenge her about the drugging when it's just the two of them, he should have done more and been much more clear about it with Sisira. Then, on the flip side, his character was made to protect Kanyapak after their childhood together. But, wrong is still wrong. And we have to drag out the adversities with the main couple.
5. Allowing typical miscommunications to drive the plot.
6. Allowing too many repetitious events to drive the plot and fill in time.
7. Not telling the boy king about the evilness of Konjanat because he was young. Isn't he supposed to be the ruling king someday? Don't you want him to be a strong leader? Shouldn't he know this guy killed his parents?
8. Sisira doesn't talk and basically hides from her responsibilities at a critical time. Then I try to understand the character and think that she's still a young and mostly naive girl thrust into this situation. Plus, as a woman, she has been cast into a specific gender role for this historical period. Follow up comment under spoilers.
9. Teetayu saying mean things to dishonour Sisira and hurt her. Some of this is jealousy and some of it was to distance himself from the daughter of the man who he believed to have killed his own father. And some was actually to protect her from Konjanat.
10. Evil witch seemed to have had more screen time than our naive princess female lead.
Spoilers Below:
1. I really hated Evil Witch staying in the princess's room and Teetayu and Manasing not kicking her out. Like, there's only ONE bedroom in the whole palace? This was such a violation of personal space and I really wanted the princess to stand up for herself.
2. The princess isn't scared mute. She chooses not to speak because she thinks since Teetayu won't listen to her words there is no reason for her to speak. So she basically abandons her brother to Konjanat during this time.
3. I really didn't care for the scenes related to the only time the main couple slept together as being in the brothel. I understand how they got there with Teetayu being shot and Sisira's concern for him, but really? The first time, well for her, and it's going to be on a brothel bed? And then, he follows up with very mean words and allows Evil Witch to say horrible things. But, then again, he's under pressure to make a baby with her to save her life. And, to make Konjanat and Kanyapak believe he doesn't care for Sisira.
4. The “happy ending” is okay, but could have been stronger for a better finish. Yes, the moral is power and greed aren't as great as being honest and good. Also, you should put your Motherland before said power and greed and protect it against dishonest people. I still want my peeps to have a longer happy ending after all the hour of problems.
Well, it's a typical Thai Lakorn and I still love them even when they drive me to drink.
Story -5 – could have been stronger and less repetitive. Main couple needed more screen time.
Acting/cast 8 – mains/seconds did a great job with their characters, lots of veterans here (even if they were younger then)
Music 4 – seemed to fit mostly, but not my cuppa
Rewatch - 1 for me because of poor digital quality and repetition, but I would skip just to see Andrew
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