
  • Última vez online: 6 segundos atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Asian Drama Time Distortion Field, USA
  • Contribution Points: 1,321 LV7
  • Papéis: VIP
  • Data de Admissão: agosto 23, 2019
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award3 Coin Gift Award4


Asian Drama Time Distortion Field, USA


Asian Drama Time Distortion Field, USA
public list
Chinese Filmed Vertically Web Short Series Completed

This is a list of Filmed Vertically Web Short Series, or, as I refer to them, SS (short series), that are basically all 2 minute episodes condensed…

219 titles 39 loves 11 comments
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Filmed Vertically Actors

Hello  Fellow MDL People!  Ever try to track down an actor (because,  let's face it, he's just too cute or handsome or such a good kisser…

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Vertically Filmed Actresses

Hello Fellow MDL People!   Ever try to track down an actress you saw on YT, but became frustrated looking through all the ones listed on MDL?…

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Filmed Verticals Looking for Links

This is a listing for Filmed Vertically short length series that, as of 1/20/2025, had no comment or viable viewing link. Only those with 20…

377 titles 19 loves
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Thai Remakes of Chinese Dramas

This list is being developed for use in the Thai Watch Challenge. Or just for your fun. Hope it helps. Please drop me a line is you find some…

5 titles 2 loves
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Thai Remakes of Taiwanese Dramas

UPDATED: 10/19/2023 This list is being developed for use in the Thai Watch Challenge for Thai remakes of Taiwanese Dramas as noted on the MDL…

5 titles 2 loves
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Thai Remakes/Adaptations of Older Thai Lakorns/Dramas

UPDATED:  10/19/2023. This list was developed as a guide for the Thai Watch Challenge for use in finding Thai remakes of lakorns/dramas. It…

203 titles 7 loves
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Thai Remakes of Japanese Dramas

This list is being developed for use with the Thai Watch Challenge or just for your fun. Please let me know if you find any more to add. Thanks!Yours…

1 title
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Thai Remakes of USA series

This list is being developed for use with the Thai Watch Challenge or just for your fun. I could only find one (1) drama so far. Please let…

1 title
public list
Thai Remakes/Adaptations of Korean Dramas

This list is being developed for use in the Thai Watch Challenge for Thai remakes/adaptations of K-Dramas that I have discovered so far. Hope…

19 titles 1 love