
  • Última vez online: 1 um dia atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Winden
  • Contribution Points: 731 LV5
  • Aniversário: May 07
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  • Data de Admissão: outubro 31, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award2

Listas Recentes

Did you fell asleep?
36 titles 84 voters 1 love 2
The Worst Posters!
22 titles 38 voters 2
Second chance dramas
17 titles 2 loves

Kindly note: I'm Not accepting friend requests If I don't know you and we haven't interacted.

Use the landscape mode for mobile or my profile will look whole mess lol :')


I'm Anushka, do I have to tell you that? it's already my display name.. but let it be. She/her, a student. I don't remember exactly when I started to watch dramas but if you see my stats I guess it's been a long time :') I mostly watch Korean and Chinese dramas but as I love to try everything so I'm trying dramas from Japan, Thailand, and Taiwan.

(You can find my art here.)

More about myself... Ignorable 

 I'm an extrovert, extremely talkative, I love traveling, exploring, I used to be obsessed with books before I discovered dramas... though I don't read as much as I used to do yeah I still love to read. I love mathematics.... and yeah it comes with all other subjects too! so I'm kinda studious. Photography is my hobby, yup these pictures are clicked by me. I love to dance but can't say I'm a master in it haha... it's just a hobby. Last but not least painting is my passion.

Me talking genres and ratings... If you are interested. 

So I don't have specific favorites, I believe there's only one 10 that can be on my list. I almost watch every genre depends on my mood... it's like, I want to watch some fluff today but another day Yess I'm gonna watch a horror movie. As I'm extremely moody so I don't have most or least favorite genre. I don't have any rating system it only depends on how much I enjoyed it, and how much I was invested in the story.. but I don't usually give high ratings, it's a really rare thing. 

How can I forgot this, I LOVE writing! compared to my other hobbies it's most recent. For it, the total credit goes to MDL as I started writing here. So here are my articles... 

Click on the cover page or title.. it'll take you to the article.

Life Lessons From Dramas: 

Part 1: First Article
Do dramas only entertain us or do we also learn something more than just being entertained?
Part 2: MDL'ers Favorite.
In this article, I'm sharing with you my fellow MDLer's favorite quotes from dramas... 
Part 3:
Let's find out which life lessons we learned in the journey of this wonderful dramaland. 


Fairytales of IOTNBO: Fairytales: Part 2Writing Journey:Love Scenery Recap: 
CW Articles: The Hogwarts Twins Article:
Run On:
Beyond Evil:
Dropping Disease:
If HP was C-drama:
Some of my memorable posts on feeds 
I love to spend time on feeds... it's been a long time since I'm using feeds, here are some of my special posts:

11th-grade results 
An essay I wrote as a newbie
Get to Know Me! 
My First Rant (Haha you can ignore this)  
A Poem for my Dad
#Milestone (I love numbers from here)
When I turned 17
The first challenge that I started
My personality type

That's it! Bye... Have a wonderful day :) 

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