Adorável Corredora Episode 10

I Figured It All Out

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Avaliações: 9.3/10 from 219 users
Resenhas: 20 users
Season: 1

Sun Jae tells Sol he will leave for the US for the rehabilitation training. Sol is relieved to hear the news as he’ll be safe in the US, but she feels sad at the same time. In Hyuk asks Sun Jae to join his band and go to the audition together. Tae Seong finds out about Sol’s kidnapping case, and he comes to see her. Meanwhile, Sun Jae goes to the airport to leave for the US. (Source: Viu)
  • Exibido: May 07, 2024

Adorável Corredora Episode 10 Reações

Carrie-Ann Fernandes
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Ago 17, 2024

I wanna scream at Im Sol

Omg! Can't she realize that the reason he does is not because of her loving him back, but because of her NOT doing so???If she told him her feelings, he would not be sad and depressed. I don't know..maybe I'm wrong.
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Jun 1, 2024

갑작스러운 소나기가 내 머릿속에서 조용히 놀고 있어 <3 <3 <3

선재려고 하지만 가장 인기 있는 스트리밍 앱에는 없고 평점도 가장 높지 않을 수 있지만 그 인기와 나 같은 팬들이 얼마나 호평을 받고 있는지 확실히 알 수 있습니다. 만일 그들이 콘서트를 열기로 결정했다면 티켓이 매진될 것이라고 장담합니다. 노래와 영상미가 일품이다. 이 드라마는 전혀 과대평가되지 않았고, 만점 이상의 평가를 받을 만하다. 나는 아직 이것을 놓아줄 준비가 되지 않았습니다.
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Mai 28, 2024

ep 10

This time slip element adds a unique twist to the story, making it more engaging for viewers.The performances by the lead actors, Byeon Woo-seok and Kim Hye-yoon, have been praised.Overall, the drama seems to effectively balance romance, fantasy, and time-travel elements, making it a compelling watch.Based on these reviews and ratings, "Lovely Runner" appears to be a good drama that has been well-received by viewers.
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Mai 28, 2024

just a simp for this drama

don't mind me guys i'm just here to show my support and love for lovely runner. #totalsimpforsunjaeloser
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Mai 28, 2024

i have all my love for this

this drama provide me an escape into a world where love conquers and i am overjoyed with their witty banters, slapstick humor, and memorable picturesque moments.
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Mai 28, 2024

sonagi is playing quietly in my head

overall this drama is so good that there's no boring episode it will make you binge watch this the whole day. This is one of the best romcom drama I've ever seen there's no corny jokes at all. This will give you all the feels heartbreak, nostalgia, frustrations, excitement, euphoric happiness and etc. The romantic scenes are not cringy at all it's so natural chemistry is chef's kiss they're like a match made in heaven. Even the OSTs are perfect you can listen to them nonstop. Their choice for the member of Eclipse band is perfect too. Their visuals and talent as a band is really giving. Byeon Woo Seok as Ryu Sun Jae is the probably the best choice the producers made. The production for this drama was delayed for three years due to actors declining the male lead role but I can say that it's for the best. They found the perfect embodiment of Ryun Sun Jae in Byeon Woo Seok. It's been a really long since the last time I got emotionally invested in a Kdrama. Lovely Runner will always have a soft spot in my heart.

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Mai 28, 2024

💛 💚 💙 🩵

lot's of love for the cast, production team and everyone behind the scenes who made this drama a masterpiece 💖 thank you all for your hardwork.
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Mai 28, 2024

an exception

i really never wrote reviews for a drama before but Lovely Runner is an exception. this drama was an escape for me.
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Mai 28, 2024

<3 <3 <3

i love the writer's idea of im sol singing sunjae's sonagi despite of the fact that she wasn't suppose to know that song. it was way to prove to sunjae that she actually came from the future. that was a very lovely scene. if the myth is true then i suppose this drama is gonna have a happy ending.
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Mai 24, 2024

Five Stars

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Army thv
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Mai 22, 2024


I don't have to explain this drama . To be honest I'm obsessed with this drama . Production 100 %Cast 100.%Acting100%Story line100%Everything is 100%
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Mai 12, 2024

Boys can be so hard to handle for their parent sometimes

Sunjae I know you're deadly in love with Im Sol but you can't just change your mind suddenly, this boy really wasting his dad money for love :') but anyways love the kiss, I'm so glad that Sunjae can understand and accept the fact that the future Sol is trying to save him, maybe Bae Inhyuk will always blame Sol and wanting Sunjae to stop loving her, but they really meant for each other bro.
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Mai 10, 2024

Best Episode Yet

this episode had all the feels and ML finally knows he dies in the future and it's related to the FL
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Mai 9, 2024

okay, but the ENDING!!!

Sun Jae is officially my favorite Kdrama hero and Im Sol is officially my favorite heroine. Wow. What a story. I'm on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see what happens in episode 11 / aka their dating era. :-)
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Mai 9, 2024

best episode yet

**spoilers ahead**"in all the times that you've lived, have you ever liked me? Not even for a moment?" ASDFGHJKL; i'm crying, screaming, sobbing--
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Mai 8, 2024

I Will Gladly Die For You!

If that heart-fluttering scene when Sun-jae says he is willing to die for Im Sol and proceeds to kiss her didn’t make you want to start singing, “If this isn’t love, then tell me what is, “you need to go back and rewatch it. Out of all Sun-jae’s confessions, this has to be the best. As exciting as the kiss was, we have to worry about the future. Based on the last scene, we can only assume that Sun-jae didn’t become a singer. We can’t help but feel anxious about his future. Is he alive? What has he been up to?We have six chapters left and so far, Lovely Runner has continued to deliver in every aspect. The script is refreshing, and the new twists engage the viewers as they dissect the theories and try to guess what happens next. Byeon Woo-seok and Kim Hye-yoon have done an exemplary job bringing their characters to life, which is largely why this show is a hit.They have managed to hold their own as this is a challenging project. In each timeline, the characters drastically revolve, and it can’t be easy switching from a teenage to an adult role back and forth.However, the two have made it easy for viewers to understand and relate to the characters in each timeline. We also have to talk about the supporting cast, such as Seo Hye-won, who shines in her role as Hyun-joo. We will have to tune in next week to see what happens, but in the meantime, what are your theories?

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Mai 7, 2024

A perfect 10/10 episode!

I can finally sleep in peace today after the cliffhanger trauma last week! Can't wait to see Seoljae eraaaaaaa next weeekkkkkk!!!
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Mai 7, 2024


The flow of the story is very good, especially for the actors who performed this drama, it gave me a break from work, it's good that even though I'm old, these dramas are still not boring, also the actors and actresses who performed like ImSol and Sunjae found out.
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Mai 7, 2024


Hoping for a happy ending, super worth to watch this drama, especially with the actors and actresses who are acting like Byeon and Hye yoon, I hope the drama gets even better, I can always wait for the up coming upload
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Mai 7, 2024


Once again episode ends on a shocking note, "2023: Eclipse releases their 5th album, Destiny" with only 3 members appearing onscreen. Does this mean Sunjae never became an idol after this third time travel or did he die long before 2023?? Its hard to predict anything.

Besides this episode was quite eventful with comedy, romance and angst. I particularly enjoyed Teasung and Sunjae's funny scenes, they both need to become besties now. Even Inhyuk's head shaving scene was also hilarious. He deserves more screen time, he is so good.
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